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Older Guys (40+)

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-10-2013 05:44 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

You're right in saying that many girls like older guys just because of a simple attraction. But, other girls like older guys because they have never felt love and affection from a man. They crave an older masculine presence.
Quote: (05-10-2013 04:48 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

So if a girl has had a good relationship with her dad she will no longer crave love and affection from a man?
Quote: (05-10-2013 02:09 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I never said that.
Quote: (05-10-2013 04:48 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

If they got their needs met at a young age, then they are met once and for all and finally for ever after?
Quote: (05-10-2013 02:09 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I never said that either.

You are putting words in my mouth.

Maybe I made a logical mis-step? When you said "But, some girls like older guys because they have never felt love and affection from a man" I look to find meaning in the statement, and unless the converse is a negative then there is no meaning. Unless if the girls having had love and affection from their father when young would negatively affect their seeking of love and affection from older men when old, or at least affect it so that there is a relative difference, then it doesn't mean anything to say that not having love and affection when young will make you seek it out more (from older men) when older.

And where are you getting this correlation from anyway? Just making it up, out of intuitition? Because it sounds right? Because you've heard that idea bandied about? "Everybody" "knows" that?

It doesn't sound right to me and I don't share your intuition and my experiences lead me to different conclusions. My experiences show me that women get aroused for paternal figures. Full stop. I see no correlation nor can I imagine why there would be one with if the girl lacked affection from her father or not. In fact the data shows that women who were neglected tend to have less interest in intimacy, not more; they are well known to tend to get intimacy avoidance issues. And the erotic-paternal connection is extremely intimate. Extremely intimate.

People who were neglected when young do not seek out that connection when older. That's not what the very extensive data shows. It shows exactly the opposite. Neglect leads to a generalized avoidance of intimacy and an unwillingness to open in trust and affection.

Now, they may have issues and deficits arising from neglect, but attraction and sexual attraction to a father figure is not one of them, as far as all my experience and understanding tells me. And I have extensive experience with playing Daddy for a large number of all manner of women.

The orphan that I live with now was at the extreme tail end of the curve of being the LEAST interested in playing daughter. Exactly opposite of your premise. And girls who have described and displayed close and warm relations to their fathers have been way into playing daughter. Extremely into it.

The only daddy issue that I know of is the issue of guys who don't grok what the daddy dynamic is. That is a big issue, because it means that they are dissowning a hugely powerful portion of their male sexuality.

Older Guys (40+)

There's a reason Little Orphan Annie had Daddy Warbucks.
[Image: smile.gif]

Older Guys (40+)

We have been brainwashed by this whole bullshit feminine imperative that men are not supposed to be in positions of authority. So brainwashed that as a culture we are ashamed of our of own healthy loving paternal instincts. Paternal love is enormously powerful. Mix it with strong powerful eroticism and you have an atomic bomb of intimacy.

Love your girl like your daughter, treat her like your daughter, and train her to treat you like her respected Daddy. The healthier her relationship with her real father, the MORE she will be open and willing and able to again have a healthy Daddy/Daughter relationship with you.

I'll say it again; Daddy issues are held not by neglected women, but by brainwashed men.

There is this thought floating around that whispers "young attractive women who are specifically attracted to older men have Daddy issues. Their pathology stems from neglect from the father at a young age."

This meme is nothing but the young man's cock-blocking attempt. Or if it's more then it is a denial and projection of the man's true sexual paternal nature, out of shame of who he really is; an erotic paternal masculine figure.

Older Guys (40+)

And men are attracted to neoteny. The more neotenous the women, the more feminine. Neoteny is the retaining in adulthood of child like traits. Men are sexually aroused by signs that the woman is not a full adult - that she is actuality perpetually a child-dult. Neoteny pushes our male sexual/paternal buttons. Sexual/paternal. Think about that. Those are not two separate circuits. They mesh. Men prefer neotenous females sexually, and men feel paternal towards our neotenous sexual charges.

How did us men ever get to the point that we must project out onto women a pathology for our own true natures? Are we so ashamed of being men? Women who naturally treat men as paternal erotic figures have "issues"? No. The issues are with us men who were brainwashed to be ashamed of natural power differentials. The whole tragedy of "equality" of the sexes.

Older Guys (40+)

xsplat's theory that all of us probably have great-times-x-grandmothers that were literally daddy-fuckers is one of the most radical ideas I've heard here. I think any idea that perverse (according to modern gender constriction theory) is just great.

However, I do advocate everyone follow all laws and societal norms.

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-10-2013 06:15 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

Maybe I made a logical mis-step?

Yes, I think thats an accurate way to describe it.

Very interesting to read your theories on this stuff. For the most part, I agree.

Quote: (05-10-2013 06:15 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

And where are you getting this correlation from anyway?

All my theories are based on my 30 years of experience in dealing with women.

Once I get a girl in my bed, I like to get inside her head. I like to figure out what attracted her to me. I usually date girls 15 years younger then me. I have dated young girls with a good father and I have dated girls with a bad father. I have noticed differences.

Quote: (05-10-2013 06:15 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

It doesn't sound right to me and I don't share your intuition and my experiences lead me to different conclusions.

We can disagree sometimes.

Basically, you are saying that there is no such thing as "daddy issues".

I think we are all affected by the actions of our parents.

Even a man can have "daddy issues" if his father abandoned him or abused him.

Many people have "mommy issues" from being overly sheltered by their mom or by being abused by their mom.

What happens to us in childhood affects us in adulthood. That's really my only point.

Also, I'd like to say that young girls like older guys for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, its just natural-biological, like you explained. Other times, its a need to connect with an older man, like I describe. Maybe we are both right?

Thanks for the detailed and informative response.

Older Guys (40+)

So how are you able to tease out which girls like older guys because they lacked older man love when young, and which girls just like older guys? I'm really not getting how the data gets organized in your system.

And what do you make of the fact that neglect is said to lead to intimacy avoidance? That is in direct opposition to your theory, that neglect leads instead to seeking out what was missing.

Also I still don't think I made a logical mis-step. If you are saying that neglect by a father figure when young leads the girl to seek out the missing love when older, then you must also be saying that relatively speaking getting appropriate paternal love when young leads the girl to seek out paternal love less when she is older. But I don't think that's what psychological research has been showing us. Instead we find that those with strong bonds when young are those that seek out strong bonds when older.

Your thinking is not in line with the psychological research data, and I question how you make these categorizations to begin with. Some girls who had loving parents like older guys, and some girls who didn't also like older guys, therefore the ones who didn't like them because they had a bad relationship to their dad? How do you connect up the causation and why is it not just correlation?

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

So how are you able to tease out which girls like older guys because they lacked older man love when young, and which girls just like older guys?

I ask them. I talk to them about it.

And, I can sense it.

I use my players intuition, instinct, and experience.

The way they carry themselves, the way they look at me. If they look at me as a superior and speak to me in a little girl voice and are eager for direction and guidance. They usually have a need to connect and be lead by an older man. They have this look on their face that says -- "will you be my daddy?" I have seen this look many times.

If they view me as an equal and just want to have fun with me without wanting me to be a leader in their life, its usually not a daddy issue situation. They already have strong, male leadership in their life. They don't need me to fill that need.

I identify their needs and adjust my game accordingly.

More info here:

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

I'm really not getting how the data gets organized in your system.

I don't try to organize the data.

My instinct is my system.

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

And what do you make of the fact that neglect is said to lead to intimacy avoidance?

I agree that neglect can lead to intimacy avoidance.

However, she can't avoid it forever. She has a psychological need for it.

She might be avoiding intimacy but deep down she craves it.

Almost all humans need intimacy. They can run from it, but, eventually they will feel a need for it. Eventually, the issue will come up and need to be adressed. I bring it up and address it.

People who avoid intimacy just need the right person to come along and open up those dead emotions and feelings. Thats what I do. I give them intimacy. I give them a safe place to explore their intimacy issues. I give them what they need. I help them repair the damage that was done in childhood.

People who avoid intimacy are usually doing it to protect themsleves. It's a self defense mechanism that they learned as children. They were not loved so they learned to not give love. If I come along and show them some love, they can open up and start to experience some intimacy. It can be a little scary but it usually feels awesome to them because they have been avoiding it for their whole life.

They often thank me and say -- "thank you for teaching me what intimcay is"

Of course, I have them say -- "thank you for teaching me what intimacy is daddy"

She might have been avoiding it her whole life, but, she has never met a guy like me who is open to exploring her intimacy issues with her.

Avoiding it doesn't mean you don't need it. Avoiding it means that you are afraid of it. I make intimacy less scary. I nuture and support their need of intimacy.

To me, avoiding it means they need it.

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

Also I still don't think I made a logical mis-step. If you are saying that neglect by a father figure when young leads the girl to seek out the missing love when older, then you must also be saying that relatively speaking getting appropriate paternal love when young leads the girl to seek out paternal love less when she is older.

I did say that a neglected girl will often seek out that missing love as she get older.

However, I never said the opposite.

Maybe, logic says that the opposite has to be true but I am not saying that.

Just because something is true doesn't always mean the logical opposite is true. Logic and I are in disagreement on this one.

I don't trust logic. I think life is often illogical.

In this case, I think logic is wrong.

"Logic is in the eye of the logician"

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

Your thinking is not in line with the psychological research data

I don't always trust the mainstream research. Often, the conventional thinking is wrong or in need of an update.

I am doing my own research and coming to my own conclusions, but, I would love to read the research of other people.

Please point me to some studies that research this topic.

Maybe my findings are not in agreement with the findings of others..?

I will continue my research to get a larger collection of data.

Quote: (05-12-2013 04:17 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

How do you connect up the causation and why is it not just correlation?

Honestly, I don't know what these words mean?

I operate less from logic and more from intuition.

Good debate. I'm learning alot and reconsidering my thinking.

Maybe you are right. Maybe all girls have daddy issues..?

I like it.

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (07-16-2012 07:35 AM)Magic Bullets Wrote:  

I just had my 42nd birthday today and glad I found this thread, very inspiring. It is all really an attitude.

Yup. It's all in the attitude.

They have been idolizing strong men their whole life.

Superman, Batman, movie stars, rock stars, rap stars, etc.

They are raised to love and admire us.

Present and carry yourself accordingly, like a star!

Quote: (07-16-2012 07:35 AM)Magic Bullets Wrote:  

Would love to see Roosh right a book on the older male seducer.

I'm going to write this book. Seriously.

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:28 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I'm going to write this book. Seriously.

Great idea, try to codify a system if you can, although anecdotes are interesting. One problem could be if you say you're flying by instinct is it's
not teachable-- all you can say is "put in the work and develop it yourself" which isn't much of a book.

Don't know if you've seen it, but R. Don Steele's "How to Date Young Women Under 35" is a great book on olderM-youngerW.

One thing he advocates which I've never had the patience to do is to
"go down the age ladder." He says everyone tries to go down the ladder too fast at first.

He means get a 35 YO GF, then when a 30 year old sees you , the competition makes her want you. You have to go down the ladder slow, it's hard for an 18 year old to go with a 50 YO unless she sees a bunch of 25 years olds after you first. Their sheeplike quality is hard to overestimate. It goes along with the lack of real insight in women, they just "feel" something, and can't see any chain of events that leads to those feelings unless it happens again and again for years. Could be why HS girls go after the most cliche moron bad-boys who leave them with babies and nothing else.

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (07-16-2012 07:35 AM)Magic Bullets Wrote:  

I just had my 42nd birthday today and glad I found this thread, very inspiring. It is all really an attitude.

Hate to be a killjoy, but my impression as someone in mid-50's is that it's NOT all an attitude for me now. That's why I tell guys in their 40's to get a move on, time is running out for you for really young ones.

American optimism is great, but there's to some degree genetic programming that kicks in when your expected additional life span gets nearer to the developmental period of child-rearing.
For instance, I might die at 62, only about 7 years away. It's not rare. That would reduce the viability of any children I have now.

It's objectively noticeable in how many younger women simply seem to not notice you exist. Invisibility.

Not ALL--there's still some attention and sometimes they are very attracted, but I look younger than my age.

But take an extreme example to illustrate-- when you're stooped over and 77, 19 year olds are NOT going to see you as a source of fertility and sending their genes into the future, unless you
are a known billionaire, and even most girls will be proud to comment then that they won't go out with you just cause you're rich.

The bottom line is learn how to recognize cues more accurately, always jump if they happen, and move on quickly if she's auto-screened you-- you don't have time to waste.
*EDIT- And make sure to directly face and reduce age specific cues: Lard, grey hair, pessimism hahaha

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-10-2013 02:12 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2013 11:26 AM)Sugar Wrote:  

There is sort of a school of thought around here that being TOO well dressed sets too much of a provider frame.

This is only said by guys that dress like sh*t.

Sort of like how out of shape guys say that being muscular is not attractive to women.

Or how broke guys say that money doesn't help you get girls.

I thought we would all know this by now.

The world is not that binary. For example, I know guys who wear expensive tailored suits under some conditions, and jeans and tight t-shirts under others. It's not like you leave the house every day dressed in the same way, and that is your identity. At least not for anyone I know.

Also, what you're neglecting to consider is the element of attraction to a DGAF (don't give a f*ck) attitude. For example, I know a "10" who will only talk to guys at the club if they're dressed down. She considers guys wearing nice shoes to be too try-hard. Surely she's an exception and not the rule, but it's a notable exception.

I agree that being muscular and having money is far more attractive than being out of shape and broke, though. This is not debatable.

Older Guys (40+)

[quote] (05-14-2013 04:28 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

[quote='Magic Bullets' pid='237512' dateline='1342442126']
I just had my 42nd birthday today and glad I found this thread, very inspiring. It is all really an attitude.[/quote]

Hate to tell you, but my impression as someone in mid-50's it's NOT all an attitude for me now. THat's why I tell guys in their 40's to get a move on, time is running out for really young ones.

American optimism is great, but there's to some degree genetic programming that kicks in when your expected additional life span gets nearer to the developmental period of child-rearing.

It's objectively noticeable in how many younger women simply seem to not notice you exist. Invisibility.

Not ALL--there's still some attention and sometimes they are very attracted, but I look younger than my age.

But take an extreme example to illustrate-- when you're stooped over and 77, 19 year olds are NOT going to see you as a source of fertility and sending their genes into the future

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (08-14-2008 01:07 PM)broken Wrote:  

I peg him @ mid 50's.

Volunteer at anything that will give him social prestige and social circle from it.

Little League Coach. Town parade. Marathon or bicycle route station.

And avoid having a sad or depressing neutral face. Young guys with a permanent sad expression can sometimes look serious and profound for a few years. But after age 30, it only makes them look beaten down by life and worn out.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:28 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I'm going to write this book. Seriously.
Great idea, try to codify a system if you can,

Codify a system?!?

Wow! I have never really thought about it like that. I just approach as many young cuties as I can until I find one that likes me. I think I need to upgrade my system..?

Developing some sort of actual "system" would be very interesting. I would start with the college major that I was most interested in. Find the college girls with this major. Then, I would identify the demographic of younger women that tend to like me the most. I would focus my attack on these girls. Dress and speak in a way that invites them. Go to the college and seek them out. Maybe set up a study group or other related event. Cater to the type of young girl that you are most likely to connect with.

I don't know? This is my first attempt to "codify a system" for banging younger girls.

I'm going to play around with this concept. It's fascinating.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Don't know if you've seen it, but R. Don Steele's "How to Date Young Women Under 35"

I will check it out.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

One thing he advocates which I've never had the patience to do is to
"go down the age ladder."

I don't have the patience for it either.

But, I get what he's saying.

I have a more aggressive approach. I say do both.

Date the youngest girls you can. This might mean dating girls in their 30's. Constantly be working on our game and moving to younger and younger girls -- 36, 33, 31, 30, 29, 28, etc.

But, also, approach 18-22 year olds. This is the only way to get experience dealing with them. This is the only way to identify your strengths, weaknesses, commonalities, sticking points, etc.

Use both ends of the "ladder" to fulfill your needs and get better.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

it's hard for an 18 year old to go with a 50 YO unless she sees a bunch of 25 years olds after you first.

Its hard but its not totally uncommon. But, you are right, its 10000000% better to have pre-established social proof.

However, don't let this discourage you from taking action and creating opportunities.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Their sheeplike quality is hard to overestimate. It goes along with the lack of real insight in women, they just "feel" something, and can't see any chain of events that leads to those feelings unless it happens again and again for years. Could be why HS girls go after the most cliche moron bad-boys who leave them with babies and nothing else.

Excellent summary!

Quote: (05-14-2013 05:07 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Hate to be a killjoy, but my impression as someone in mid-50's is that it's NOT all an attitude for me now.

Of course, attitude alone is most often -- not enough.

Our attractiveness needs to be thorough and consistent.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

It's objectively noticeable in how many younger women simply seem to not notice you exist. Invisibility.


Life is too short!

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

The bottom line is learn how to recognize cues more accurately, always jump if they happen, and move on quickly if she's auto-screened you-- you don't have time to waste.

Yes. And, put yourself in situations where you will be surrounded by young girls. This increases the possibility of conversation by 100000%

Like for cues, but, also, create opportunities that invite cues.

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:54 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

*EDIT- And make sure to directly face and reduce age specific cues: Lard, grey hair, pessimism hahaha

pessimism! [Image: lol.gif]

Quote: (05-15-2013 12:46 AM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

And avoid having a sad or depressing neutral face.

Yup. Changing my facial language did wonders for my game.

Older Guys (40+)

"Codifying a system" for dating younger women.

I have been thinking alot about this..

Currently, my "system" is -- 1) Go to colleges and universities. 2) Talk to girls. 3) Push the interaction as far as I can. 4) Get contact info. 5) Set up dates 6) Repeat.

You guys have inspired me to take this to a another level.

I have been thinking about genetics, bone structure, DNA, demographics, culture, programming, etc.

I'm trying to identify patterns. Which types of young girls like me the most? Who do I most attract? Why? Which girls just seem to be instinctively drawn to me? Like they are being controlled by their DNA?

How can I specifically target these girls?

I am working on a "system".

I'm thinking about "genetic matching", cultural matching", "demographic matching", stuff like that.

Young Latinas like me, I look like a guy from Spanish novelas. They are attracted to my genetics.

Certain white girls are drawn to me, because I am a little different then them.

Black chicks like me, they are curious about my world.

Asians are starting to like me.

I target girls 18-21. I'm late 30s

This is a fun project! I want to be the worlds leading expert on older men dating younger women!

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

Older Guys (40+)

Answer your PM Gio!

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-18-2013 01:40 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

"Codifying a system" for dating younger women.

I have been thinking alot about this..

Currently, my "system" is -- 1) Go to colleges and universities. 2) Talk to girls. 3) Push the interaction as far as I can. 4) Get contact info. 5) Set up dates 6) Repeat.

You guys have inspired me to take this to a another level.

I have been thinking about genetics, bone structure, DNA, demographics, culture, programming, etc.

I'm trying to identify patterns. Which types of young girls like me the most? Who do I most attract? Why? Which girls just seem to be instinctively drawn to me? Like they are being controlled by their DNA?

How can I specifically target these girls?

I am working on a "system".

I'm thinking about "genetic matching", cultural matching", "demographic matching", stuff like that.

Young Latinas like me, I look like a guy from Spanish novelas. They are attracted to my genetics.

Certain white girls are drawn to me, because I am a little different then them.

Black chicks like me, they are curious about my world.

Asians are starting to like me.

I target girls 18-21. I'm late 30s

This is a fun project! I want to be the worlds leading expert on older men dating younger women!

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

My system:

Get fired from bigtime NYC job.

Say "f*ck the US I'm outta here this place sucks even NYC"

Move to Russia.

Work out a lot, get healthier, start looking younger.

Hit on girls girls 10-15-20 years younger all day, all night 24-7. (it sure ain't hard).

I know I'm gettin older but I still look 10+ years younger than my age I think and I'm still hitting on girls 20+ years younger than me on average, and it's no problem whatsoever. Like never...I'm suprised when girls mention it.

Anyway, Giovanny's system is awesome for the US. My system is fine for Russia...most guys are dead at 50 anyway here I guess so the women don't even understand what it means to be an 'older guy' and just look at you as a potential mate/sponsor's like it should be globally but Western culture has destroyed it over the past 40-5 years.

Good night!!!

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-18-2013 04:00 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (05-18-2013 01:40 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

"Codifying a system" for dating younger women.

I have been thinking alot about this..

Currently, my "system" is -- 1) Go to colleges and universities. 2) Talk to girls. 3) Push the interaction as far as I can. 4) Get contact info. 5) Set up dates 6) Repeat.

You guys have inspired me to take this to a another level.

I have been thinking about genetics, bone structure, DNA, demographics, culture, programming, etc.

I'm trying to identify patterns. Which types of young girls like me the most? Who do I most attract? Why? Which girls just seem to be instinctively drawn to me? Like they are being controlled by their DNA?

How can I specifically target these girls?

I am working on a "system".

I'm thinking about "genetic matching", cultural matching", "demographic matching", stuff like that.

Young Latinas like me, I look like a guy from Spanish novelas. They are attracted to my genetics.

Certain white girls are drawn to me, because I am a little different then them.

Black chicks like me, they are curious about my world.

Asians are starting to like me.

I target girls 18-21. I'm late 30s

This is a fun project! I want to be the worlds leading expert on older men dating younger women!

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

My system:

Get fired from bigtime NYC job.

Say "f*ck the US I'm outta here this place sucks even NYC (sorry G!! [Image: smile.gif])"

Move to Russia.

Work out a lot, get healthier, start looking younger.

Hit on girls girls 10-15-20 years younger all day, all night 24-7. (it sure ain't hard).

Build a pipeline. Hang with local girls who end up being pretty cool and fun usually. Kiss close, get laid....wash, rinse, repeat.

I know I'm gettin older but I still look 10+ years younger than my age I think and I'm still hitting on girls 20+ years younger than me on average, and it's no problem whatsoever. Like never...I'm suprised when girls mention it. Long live Russia.

Anyway, Giovanny's system is awesome for the US. My system is fine for Russia I ain't that complicated....most guys are dead at 50 anyway here so I guess so the women don't even understand what it means to be an 'older guy' and just look at you as a potential mate/sponsor's like it should be globally but Western culture has destroyed it over the past 40-50 years. Take back the night!!!

Good night!!!

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Older Guys (40+)

As an older guy myself (40+), if I had to pick one single thing that has made the most difference it would be this:

Don't make age an issue. Just dismiss it. Don't make her age an issue. Don't make your age an issue. I just don't
bring it up or focus on age at all. I treat all women the same, doesn't matter if they are 20 or 40. If it's not an issue
for you it will be less an issue for her. If you make it an issue, even if it's just in your mind, it will translate into your
interaction. I use to feel self-conscious about being with young girls (18-21) here in the US, now doesn't bother me
at all. I had to work on it though. Now I just never bring up age at all. I always remember what Hugh Hefner told
this girl. She said to him I've never dated someone older than 24. And he goes, well, neither have I [Image: smile.gif]

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (05-18-2013 04:33 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

As an older guy myself (40+), if I had to pick one single thing that has made the most difference it would be this:

Don't make age an issue. Just dismiss it. Don't make her age an issue. Don't make your age an issue. I just don't
bring it up or focus on age at all. I treat all women the same, doesn't matter if they are 20 or 40. If it's not an issue
for you it will be less an issue for her. If you make it an issue, even if it's just in your mind, it will translate into your
interaction. I use to feel self-conscious about being with young girls (18-21) here in the US, now doesn't bother me
at all. I had to work on it though. Now I just never bring up age at all. I always remember what Hugh Hefner told
this girl. She said to him I've never dated someone older than 24. And he goes, well, neither have I [Image: smile.gif]

+1 good thoughts. Just don't think about it.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Older Guys (40+)

As far as codifying a system I did find that being seen with a 25 year old hottie by any targets is a major plus. I once had a meeting with sales lady at a Starbucks (which I picked because I know the younger women who work the sun tanning place next door frequently go there). The younger girls saw me with this hottie but could not hear what we were talking about (which was purely business).

Next day at the same Starbucks one of the girls from the tanning salon opened on me and it was date night from there!

I think this social proof thing makes things go much easier and they are likely to be more open to your approach --- the thing I am trying to figure out is how to get hotties to consistently go with me for a coffee or to events where there are young hotties.[Image: undecided.gif]

Older Guys (40+)

This is something that applies in general. The same goes for culture, race, anything. Now, I don't care what race, age, nationality, or religion a girl is. I just ignore all of that stuff. You basically don't want to touch upon anything that will divide you instead of bringing you closer together. I just go all the way back to man - woman. Before we are anything else we are male and female.

Older Guys (40+)

Quote: (08-14-2008 06:06 PM)Steve Lurkel Wrote:  


I'd hand him a post-it note that reads, "" and then never speak of it again.

Funny. I am 49. Remind me to come steal your girl when you aren't looking. [Image: smile.gif]

"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact."

"Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!"

"It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day, than to say bright things from time to time."

Balzac, Physiology of Marriage

Older Guys (40+)

I got an e-mail invite from a female cougar friend to go out a dance club tonight. It's a bunch of 40 - 50 year old MILFs along with some beta dudes ---- actually I wouldn't say they are sexy enough to pass anybody's boner test but it is still better than having a male wing I guess. I wonder if I could get a few of the grandmas dancing with me if it would be "social proof"....unfortunately at this point in my life I don't have any young hotties to take to the bar.

I know she has this one friend that looks like a young high status blond from the back but when you look at her from the front you realize she's really old. She asked me to dance one time last month and I didn't know if this was going to help or hurt the young women's impression of me. The only thing I could think of to do was to dance in such a way that her back is to the majority of the bar so nobody can get a look at her face. [Image: undecided.gif]

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