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Quote: (09-26-2013 08:02 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

Do you guys think at some point the men will start to ignore "creepy" and just plow through anyway? Or do you think the feminists will win with this word? I say, let them eat cake!

Depends if the betas wake up to the game being played on their account and with their time and money.


Perhaps we are pursuing the wrong strategy. By "banning" or otherwise getting really upset by the word "creepy" we are giving the word more power. We are playing right into the hands of girls who use the word.

Perhaps a better strategy is to take the power away from the words so its akin to the insult "no you are."

Rather than get butthurt by the word, laugh at it. A horse laugh is worth 1000 syllogisms. Agree and amplify. At most, do some light mocking about how unoriginal she is.

If they see the word has no impact on you, they will be made to feel completely powerless.

Take care of those titties for me.


Now creepy is fine to use in mainstream news articles.

"Montana teacher Stacey Rambold had sex with 14-year-old Cherice Moralez in 2007, but the creepy educator will be free to return to Billings after a month behind bars. Judge G. Todd Baugh claimed at sentencing the teen was 'older than her chronological age.' The girl committed suicide in 2010."

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV


1 - The guy is a perv, way beyond creepy

2 - Creepy has no place in journalism.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.


Maybe we need a T-shirt "This is what creepy looks like". Somehow, I doubt that we'd ever reach the critical mass of wearers needed to depotentiate the word.

EDIT: maybe "This is what creepy looks like to an immature, socially awkward feminist" would be better?


Quote: (09-26-2013 02:46 PM)Acute Angle Wrote:  

Maybe we need a T-shirt "This is what creepy looks like". Somehow, I doubt that we'd ever reach the critical mass of wearers needed to depotentiate the word.

EDIT: maybe "This is what creepy looks like to an immature, socially awkward feminist" would be better?

LOL, that would be great.


Quote: (09-24-2013 08:21 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Two things, first I started calling girls creepy and they don't like it.

I've been doing it too. Even if I don't mean it the entertainment factor is pure gold. Pure hamster nuker.


Calling girls "creepy" and otherwise co-opting the word can be enjoyable and I don't doubt they hate it. But overall, we can't do enough damage in this way. They own the word and we can't take that away. The way to go is to challenge and delegitimize it.

Here's the key: it's not about what to do when you get called "creepy". There are things you can do depending on the situation but when it's about you, nothing you say in general will matter. This is about what to do when the word gets used in reference to someone else, whether in a conversation or online, and whether it's about someone you know or not.

When that happens, you can't let it go unchallenged. If there is any way at all for you to step in, you have to make clear that the use of that word is outrageous and disgusting, that it's an illegitimate shaming word used in any and all situations to slander men as such. Challenge the speaker or writer and shame and castigate them for using it. Especially: never ever let a bitch you're fucking get away with using that word on someone else.

That goes all the more for all you guys who have proudly graduated to the level of "assholes" so that the "creepy" shadow can no longer pass across your faces. Great -- you should then be in the best position of anyone to check your bitch or check a mangina when they use this evil little word to put down a fellow man. Remember that Roosh entitled his post about this "the new N word". Think of yourself as an escaped slave who made it big in the high society up North -- you're trotting along the Main Street in your big-time carriage and out of the corner of your eye you see a poor downtrodden black man being abused as a "n****r" by your former slavedriver. What are you going to do?

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...


OK, not trying to pull an apocalypse move and resurrect the dead, but figured I'd chime in on this thread, and I didn't even read past the first post, so i might be duping a loaf already pinched.

Basically, a buddy of mine calls me creepy all the time, and always hints that a girl finds me creepy.

At first, this bothered the shit out of me. Why? -because I always associated it with some sort of pedophiliac aura. And then I started hearing girls refer to everything they don't like as it.
Can't square dance with a chunky chick? Then you're a creepy guy.
You don't dress how they like? You're a creep.
You don't make their vage tingle? You're creepy.

But do I let this bother me? No. Oddly enough, I got conditioned to it. Creepy this, creepy that, you know what? Fuck those dumbies. My buddy dropped it so much, that I didn't care anymore. Now, he's just an asshole, but I'm still gonna hang out with him when he gets back from Ft Benning (he's a DS). All the asshole shit he does, I take it as fortifying my own character, that and he's a solid friend, he'll just rag the shit out of you if you let him.

TLDR; anything a girl says, is bullshit. Don't get fazed, you fuckin' creep.


Quote: (01-25-2014 05:46 AM)commiejoe Wrote:  

Basically, a buddy of mine calls me creepy all the time, and always hints that a girl finds me creepy.

If he has demonstrated a higher level of sexual success with better quality women than you usually get, then definitely listen to his wisdom.

If it's the other way around, then he's threatened and jealous of your success with women, and is trying to convince you to be a 'nice' guy and run compliment and cuddle game because he won't mentally allow himself to be an aggressive arsehole. If he's banging sixes, then fuck him. Find better mates.

That being said, you're right, 'creepy' is just a word women use to flatter themselves that they have better options that what is repeatedly-presenting itself to them. It works well as a neg. "Why is it about you exactly that makes you attract so many creepy guys?"


Haven't hung out with him in a few years, but I'm sure I was giving that vibe, beta as fuck.
It pissed me off, but then I got over it, and came back to my own style.

His notches were all over the place, sometimes a 19yr old here, a 50yr old there, pure IDGAF game.
I'm looking forward to his coming back to my area, just so we can hang out, fuck randoms, and work on crazy projects.



Lately this motherfucking word has been popping up in new threads on here all too often.

About time for a reminder about this word from Roosh himself, in a superb post that was rightly highlighted by the Lizard years ago:

Quote: (09-24-2013 08:05 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

In my opinion, this was Roosh's single best blog post. It's one of the main reasons I started paying close attention to his writing and eventually joined this forum.

One rarely sees someone -- anyone -- address something of truly serious consequence in an incisive way but this is what was done here.


There is a word today that women have adopted as their defacto n-word when they want to put down a man of any race. It has the immediate effect of making men feel weak and embarrassed. That word is “creepy.”

Its definition has expanded over the years, going from something representing pedophilic or deviant behavior to anything which makes a woman even slightly uncomfortable. It’s a powerful word that is successfully causing men to tread carefully around women for fear of getting the stain applied to them. It’s being used to control men and make sure they don’t question female behavior and overreach.

If you see yourself as a man who believes that feminism is hurting men, and that women have gained at the cost of men, you should never use this word. It must be banished from your vocabulary. Every time you use it, you validate its use by a woman to trash your own gender, giving it even more power.

Whenever you hear someone say “creepy,” whether a man or a woman, you must stop the speaker and question why they used it

I felt like bringing this up because there is still not enough attention being paid to this one uniquely evil word. Of all the rhetorical devices that feminism has successfully introduced into the day-to-day discourse, none has the power of this one little word to shame, cow and intimidate men, to break their spirits and to make them feel defeated and toe the line. It carries the nasty stink of both the smugness and the hysteria that characterize the worst of femininity, and it can cast a lasting pall over the lives of many normal men.

It is worth reiterating Roosh's imperative. Never use the word "creepy". Respond with disgust and outrage whenever someone else does, especially if it is used to shame a man for departing in some way from his ordained behavior under feminism. If we can do even a little to strip this word of its evil powers, we will have done a great good to millions of our fellow men.

Quote: (09-26-2013 08:32 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Calling girls "creepy" and otherwise co-opting the word can be enjoyable and I don't doubt they hate it. But overall, we can't do enough damage in this way. They own the word and we can't take that away. The way to go is to challenge and delegitimize it.

Here's the key: it's not about what to do when you get called "creepy". There are things you can do depending on the situation but when it's about you, nothing you say in general will matter. This is about what to do when the word gets used in reference to someone else, whether in a conversation or online, and whether it's about someone you know or not.

When that happens, you can't let it go unchallenged. If there is any way at all for you to step in, you have to make clear that the use of that word is outrageous and disgusting, that it's an illegitimate shaming word used in any and all situations to slander men as such. Challenge the speaker or writer and shame and castigate them for using it. Especially: never ever let a bitch you're fucking get away with using that word on someone else.

That goes all the more for all you guys who have proudly graduated to the level of "assholes" so that the "creepy" shadow can no longer pass across your faces. Great -- you should then be in the best position of anyone to check your bitch or check a mangina when they use this evil little word to put down a fellow man. Remember that Roosh entitled his post about this "the new N word". Think of yourself as an escaped slave who made it big in the high society up North -- you're trotting along the Main Street in your big-time carriage and out of the corner of your eye you see a poor downtrodden black man being abused as a "n****r" by your former slavedriver. What are you going to do?


Nice Bump. Couldn't agree more.


I remember one Halloween some 10 years ago, I dressed as a vampire except I drew the word "creep" on my tshirt. I did it to mock everyone who used that word.

I got tons of attention that night... everyone lapped it up. It somehow took away all the power of the word and the girls knew it.

Just like "bitch".


I never got this label during the first part of college until I joined a fraternity and was constantly getting pressured to get laid. My desperation turned me from laid back cool but beta nice guy waiting for a breakthrough to an ultra-aggressive "creep".

Once I finally lost my virginity at 22 I never heard it again. And I've had bad gaming nights since that time too (I'm 31 now). Once you stop caring and see the game as "fun", you'll avoid this label no matter what stupid thing comes out of your mouth. It's basically a word borne of desperation and is more of a vibe issue than anything you say or do.

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