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Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 08:47 PM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2013 08:41 PM)Damedius Wrote:  

You mean you're shocked that there are consequences to your actions?


No that's not what he said, you appear to have a very difficult time comprehending the message.

He said he understands a sacking is the consequences in todays age.

What he is shocked about that is society has (d)evolved where sackings have become the consequences.

It hasn't always been the consequences, and his concern is that such consequences do one great injustice, it supresses freedom of speech.

Why he calls you houses slaves is because you are here defending sackings as a justifiable consequence, and in this consequence is placing hurt feelings above freedom of speech.

Principles have shifted, and it is for the worse. Defending that shifting of principles isn't a good look, particularly for what we view as the type of men that patron RVF.

It has always been this way. You just don't realize it.

People end up getting much worse than losing their jobs. They get character assassinated, bullets to the head and suicided.

This guy said something stupid.

It's not like he tried to make the world a better place or something.

You guys need some perspective.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets


If you could use your money in some way to bring down the power of feminists or help young men who are struggling in this system, would you?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 08:40 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2013 07:49 PM)thatGuy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2013 07:44 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

"Jesus got raped by a pack of N*ggers." Slippery slope? No, that's a man who is about to be without a job. No excuses.

That was over three years ago and a clear play on the Mel Gibson affair at the time. No one cared then, no one cares now. The whole thing is very much not about that tweet.


People are making a big deal out of the N'gga comment when HE WROTE THAT TO MOCK MEL GIBSON!!!

He wasn't being racist... he was making fun of one. He made the tweet three and a half years ago for fucks sake, back when Mel Gibson was going through his divorce and yelled at his wife which got leaked in a racist phone call:

Since people didn't get the satire, then it's poorly-written satire. I had no idea he was mocking Gibson and I know a lot about Gibson.

What I do know is that it's one thing to get fired for criticizing ideas and philosophies, but the n-word isn't that. It's namecalling, even in satire. And it's been a firing offense long before Donglegate happened.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Go to a bar with WestCoast and MikeCF. If shit hits the fan, who will get your back and who will pretend he doesn't know you? Just sayin [Image: smile.gif]

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets


I believe you might be missing the point. It doesn't matter what he said; the point is a person's opinion should be allowed to be expressed freely in the USA, without fearing losing your job.

If anyone has a motherfucking brain it's clear to see that people are being silenced in the name of 'Tolerance'. I will quote a forefather that maybe someone has heard of:

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington

And the great Harry Truman:

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."

[Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]”
― Harry S. Truman

Tell me that's not happening.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Of course, I have taken many young guys out who actually want to learn I pay for their drinks and help them out. I am still not some sort of master PUA but i can help a newb see the light, get a few digits etc. (got a few laid but those guys learn quick + have aome value). The number of guys worth helping out like I said is 1/1000.

Competing against feminism is not going to work, even if you gave me a billion I would lose. That's the part where guys don't seem to get it. 99/100 are white knights, money doesn't care if you're a white knight an alpha or whatever the fuck, so no offense to the red pill guys, but being redpill doesn't make you any more likely to be rich. So this is factually a lost war, your only solution is to basically say good bye to the states and help the ones ready to drink water instead of the kool aid.

Again I like solutions, not bullshit pandering and philosophy. I like to see results, no results = get out of my way I don't got time for it.

@roosh not sure what ya mean but hell no I would not back up a random stranger, I don't look for trouble. If I know the guy sure fuck it I will assume he was in the right I won't lose a real friend over a few punches. Fight analogies only work with people you already trust, some random dude slugging it out on the street = I don't give a shit unless I saw what happened. Clearly Pat got fucked, so I sent out the bullshit to people who will get it so they see it and maybe also follow him/defend him etc. putting your name to it = career suicide which blows but it's the truth.

For a large group of logical men it is surprising how much time is spent "debating" and less time thinking of solutions.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:05 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Since people didn't get the satire, then it's poorly-written satire. I had no idea he was mocking Gibson and I know a lot about Gibson.

It's not reasonable to judge a tweet like this so far out of context of its initial delivery. If nobody complained about it for 3 years, I'm inclined to believe people DID get the satire in the context it was intended. It wasn't until some bitch prepped an audience by calling him racist, then shined a spotlight on the tweet, entirely without context, that people reacted badly to it.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:05 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  


I believe you might be missing the point. It doesn't matter what he said; the point is a person's opinion should be allowed to be expressed freely in the USA, without fearing losing your job.

If anyone has a motherfucking brain it's clear to see that people are being silenced in the name of 'Tolerance'. I will quote a forefather that maybe someone has heard of:

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington

And the great Harry Truman:

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."

[Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]”
― Harry S. Truman

Tell me that's not happening.

At the moment, there is only one distinction: attacks on free speech are coming primarily from vigilante mobs of internet activists, not the government. But I expect that to be the next step. As mentioned, many countries already have hate speech laws.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

A few things:

@Hencridible Casanova

Will you please stop whining about him using the word "nigger" when he was riffing off of a Mel Gibson rant at the time?

Also, here is a collage of the degenerates attacking Pax Dickinson on Twitter. A lot of them had the temerity to insult his look! When you hear a woman or faggot whining about Brogrammers, or Bros, this is just a code word for their hatred of successful, masculine white males.

[Image: 41q0Syc.jpg?1]

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

^^^Yes, but unfortunately, these small groups are having a large influence.

Slippery slope to start on.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:00 PM)Damedius Wrote:  

It has always been this way. You just don't realize it.

Saying what he said has always got people sacked?



People end up getting much worse than losing their jobs. They get character assassinated, bullets to the head and suicided.

This guy said something stupid.


The stupidity of his actions doesn't impact on the quality of his work.


It's not like he tried to make the world a better place or something.

You guys need some perspective.

No, you need a backbone.

A guy is allowed to be stupid and a reasonable society would see an employer rightfully assert that an employee's stupid actions doesn't impact on the performance of said company, game over.

A crowd of the butthurt chattering classes only gains traction when the weak and comlpiant defend this as 'it's always been this way'.

The freedom speech also imparts the freedom to occasionally be stupid. They aren't seperate circles in a Venn diagram, they are elements of the same circle.

All experimentation, all progress, all advancement comes from people trying, and failing. How we hasten this is allowing an environment where failure, or stupidity is this case, is allowed and the resulting risks are diminshed.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

You won't really need hate speech laws in the future. We'll be policing each other by ostracizing anyone who dissents from the hive mind. Arresting people, putting them on trial and then incarcerating them would make victims of the dissenters. It's a much more stable equilibrium when you turn things around and paint the dissenters as the aggressors and everyone else as victims.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:00 PM)Damedius Wrote:  

It has always been this way. You just don't realize it.

People end up getting much worse than losing their jobs. They get character assassinated, bullets to the head and suicided.

This guy said something stupid.

It's not like he tried to make the world a better place or something.

You guys need some perspective.

To whatever extent and under what circumstances it's always been this way is irrelevant to whether it's worth excusing now. How would progressives react if a genderqueer pansexual got fired from a CTO position due to public shaming by right-wing religious activists due to some out-of-context political tweets?

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 08:50 PM)Blaster Wrote:  

Out-of-context quoting is easily the most common dishonest manipulation tactic used to instigate witch-hunts.

With all social media, basic defense is prune your history. No one is going to read tweets, facebook posts, or wordpress posts you made 3-and-a-half years ago UNLESS they have an axe to grind against you.

In which case they are on a fishing expedition to find every embarrassing thing you've ever said, the more out of context, the better.

[Image: partisan-fishing.jpg]

Made fun of Mel Gibson's divorce phone calls back in 1999? Virtual lynch mobs in 2013 won't get the nuance of that. They'll just shout, "You said a taboo word!" and pull the ropes.

I regularly delete posts on all social media after a week or two, at most I'll let it hang around a few months. You should make such a habit as well.

Delete your old posts. Like google results, no one reads the second page. Unless they're on a fishing expedition to find out of context quotes to lynch you with. And why make that kind of person's job easier?

The other nuance is that ValleyWag is one guy writing about Silicon Valley from his apartment in Brooklyn. Gawker, which owns Valleywag, is based in NY. And Business Insider, which also writes about Silicon Valley... is based in NY, in the same building as Gawker. They're all failed Wired-magazine wanna-bees in tiny cramped offices with four people per desk.

And Pax as CTO... was just hooking up PCs in this one office. That's it. So, he had an ego-boosting title of Chief Technology Officer, but looking at his company, probably not much actual pay, and I'm doubtful he made any hiring decisions or had any staff.

[Image: here-is-the-bi-news-room.jpg]

The other angle is can anyone show that these Twitter account postings aren't just a bunch of puppet accounts ran by a few python scripts in the background? The going rate for a bot army to add 500+ virtual friends to your facebook account is $29.95. Here's a politician who bought 20,000 Twitter follower junk accounts overnight. Social media is that cheap ...and that easy to fake.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0moNdvUwazuwLEAQ-Y2V...bHnv4tukvQ]

Meanwhile, the libertarian hand wringing in their little corner of the internet is getting more and more frenetic.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Hey WestCoast, I don't know how old you are, but you say that it was 'too late' by 2000. I think that just might of reflected when you were enough an adult to realize what the current reality is like. This entire trend of female supremacist 2nd wave feminism started in the 60s and established itself in the 70s, really picked up steam in the 80s and is starting to decline. First wave feminism started in the early 1900s, late 1800s for god sakes and gave the momentum second wave feminists needed to actually get anywhere. These kind of social movements are things that are far longer running than you think.

Currently I feel like it's a silent revolution among anglo males. I think probably %20 of young guys now have probably read something about PUA out of need, but they will never really admit it to people, because it's extremely taboo. But I see hints among a chunk of my random friends. Roosh noticed the large amount of RSD approach monkeys in Toronto for example. I understand not wanting to be a martyr. I understand the hopelessness of being a one man army and your triage of actually focusing on results, but things are getting somewhere slowly and the trend is going towards a more balanced reality. You'll keep on seeing shittier stuff like BC, Canada's expansion of common law marriage, but it's already happening with the male marriage strike.

But any guy in your position should act like you. But it isn't an impossible hopeless task.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 08:46 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2013 07:50 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2013 04:52 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Oh yes, I love the new buzzword being thrown around.

"Social consequences"

Social consequence is nothing more than a euphemism for tyranny of the majority. Pathetic.

Let's call it what it is. 'Social Consequences' is simply 'Blacklisting' for the Cognitively-Dissonant.

Call it "socialist consequences".

The internet-driven silencing of dissent by the university-educated children of privilege existing in bubbles of gentrification?


Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:30 PM)TheRookie Wrote:  

A few things:

@Hencridible Casanova

Will you please stop whining about him using the word "nigger" when he was riffing off of a Mel Gibson rant at the time?

Also, here is a collage of the degenerates attacking Pax Dickinson on Twitter. A lot of them had the temerity to insult his look! When you hear a woman or faggot whining about Brogrammers, or Bros, this is just a code word for their hatred of successful, masculine white males.

[Image: 41q0Syc.jpg?1]

Lol. I'm not personally offended by his use of that word (could give a fuck what a random idiot says or thinks), and I didn't know until now that he was mocking Mel Gibson. However, I don't think that detail mattered to the many members willing to overlook his use of that word regardless of context. There's definitely some measure of a Heartiste-like following on RVF.

Also, why the hell are people acting like Dickinson is some naive wage slave rookie delivering pizzas or something? This is a seasoned professional C-level exec for Christ's sake. One doesn't even make it to that level in an organization like BI without YEARS of familiarity in PC culture, navigation of office politics, and devotion of immense hours working for the man and competing for opportunity. This clown knew what he was doing and didn't care, even after being confronted. What's there to feel sorry about?

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

@malc, you are much more optimistic than I.

I joined this place over a year ago I believe and the culture has declined significantly since then from my vantage point. Feminism is still being taught at the university level, so it is institutionalized.

The silver lining is the decline of men marrying, at least that's decent, but lets get real 10 years you guys think this will be leveled out? Seriously anyone in the states believe shit has improved from 2012 to 2013 from a culture standpoint? I will stop running my mouth if there is a legit case for it, because in my world it is just as bad or worse and I travel a decent amount for work nowadays.

10 years = time spent trying to get rich or option B pray people grow a brain? I don't predict sociological changes, but I'll take my fucking chances with option A.

So I'll stick to my guns, show me a solution better than what we currently know 1) don't get married, 2) max out your income, 3) bounce when you can live a decent lifestyle abroad. It's at best a 9:1 ratio battle, choose your wars wisely.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 09:48 PM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

And Pax as CTO... was just hooking up PCs in this one office. That's it. So, he had an ego-boosting title of Chief Technology Officer, but looking at his company, probably not much actual pay.

There's a bit more to running a popular website than connecting PCs in the office. And apparently they have their own CMS. Considering they closed one successful round of financing after another, they probably paid regular salaries.

None of that matters though.

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:08 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

This clown knew what he was doing and didn't care, even after being confronted. What's there to feel sorry about?

Yeah, fuck that guy. He should've hidden his identity and said all the right PC platitudes. Survival of the sneakiest! Sleight as the highest value.

I completely don't understand this attitude. Is it some weird way of assuring yourself that it won't happen to you?

What if they trace your connection to that site? "Well, he should have used a proxy!"

BTW No one feels sorry for him.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets


However, I don't think that detail mattered to the many members willing to overlook his use of that word regardless of context. There's definitely some measure of a Heartiste-like following on RVF.

Also, why the hell are people acting like Dickinson is some naive wage slave rookie delivering pizzas or something?

Because it should not matter whether he is a C-level exec or a wage slave rookie. It doesn't matter who he is, the appropriate response to words you don't like is not attacking the person's income.

I read the quote and immediately identified it as something intended to be funny and not something to be taken seriously. It was equally obvious that I was missing context. This doubt, along with the overall tone and pattern of his tweets, was sufficient for me to classify it as likely to be legitimate free expression and not something meant to intimidate and dehumanize black people.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:53 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

"The correlation between diversity and productivity has been repeatedly proved."

Really? Second comment mentions how they are worried about the lack of gender diversity holding the tech community back.

Do these people actually think about what they talk about or just cough up mainstream talking points?

I had an Indian classmate point out that since America had a serious libertarian candidate for President it showed how dangerously racist the white community is. Don't worry - he said he learned that reading the NYT, so it must be true.

All he ever did was bitch about white people holding him down. He did drive a nice Lexus, so maybe its true.

If this Indian troll talked shit like this in just about any other country, they would just tell him to fuck off.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Personally, I'm bothered by him dropping n-bombs even if he claims it was done ironically. From what I can tell about this guy, he seems like a real clown. Perhaps he's good at his job, but seems mad immatre. And I still say the rules are different for someone who is in a leadership position at a company.

Despite all that, I am still bothered more by this trend. If I have a problem with somebody, I deal with it as directly as possible. Unless we are talking about situations of actual harm, I don't run to authority figures to snitch and to cry. When I was in school and some kid whined to the teacher about a minor incident, more often then not the teacher would tell te kid by to be a tattle tale. Seems like now, kids are taught from day one to always run and tell and will actually get in trouble for trying to handle things themselves. Shit, many schools right now have a policy that you can't invite any of your kids classmates to a birthday party unless you invite them all, because some kid might feel left out if not invited.

All the scraps that I got into as a kid. All te problems that I had to work out on my own. All the times that some group excluded me. All of that was what insulated me from the real world and helped me develop whatever character and independence I presently have.

Independet thought and self-reliance, however, are being bred out of us. The country isn't going to burn. It will likely be just fine, but it certainly may not be someplace that I feel at all comfortable or at home.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:17 PM)Blaster Wrote:  


However, I don't think that detail mattered to the many members willing to overlook his use of that word regardless of context. There's definitely some measure of a Heartiste-like following on RVF.

Also, why the hell are people acting like Dickinson is some naive wage slave rookie delivering pizzas or something?

Because it should not matter whether he is a C-level exec or a wage slave rookie. It doesn't matter who he is, the appropriate response to words you don't like is not attacking the person's income.

Well, apparently it does matter. Otherwise, he'd still be employed at BI. Let's talk about reality.

There's white knights on this forum who wouldn't bat an eye to take down an RVF member. Why would anyone be surprised that a feminist would? I don't get it.

It seems like the forum gives more of a fuck about Dickinson than he does.

Also, who cares about whether or not his N-word tweet reflected his views or not. That's all moot now that there's information that Therapsid found showing his affinity for racist groups. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 12:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

When these cunts get too involved with who's going to work where and people start getting fired more I hope they realize they are going to have to do the work themselves. When shit needs to get done you can't schedule three doctors appointments a week during business hours and take hour lunches.

I've always been happy to be in my place here at the auto shop as I can do and say anything I want or even sexually harass my customers.

I don't know if it's because of this forum but what I'm seeing is race relations take a nosedive.


These things get realized during a serious war because that's when shit really needs to get done. For now there are enough manginas, white knights and IRT slaves to sling the code and keep the clusters humming.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Gawker writer is trying to get a guy fired for his tweets

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:33 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Well, apparently it does matter. Otherwise, he'd still be employed at BI. Let's talk about reality.

I will argue that the journalism industry isn't reality. Like academics, the infighting is so intense precisely because the stakes are so low. These are both shitty "I just graduated college" places to work at, where you get a name on your resume while actively interviewing for someplace better. How shitty is working at Gawker? Even iPhone assembly plant Foxconn gives each employee more space.

Gawker office workers
[Image: original.jpg]
Foxconn factory workers
[Image: A-Foxconn-factory-in-Shen-008.jpg]

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:17 PM)thatGuy Wrote:  

There's a bit more to running a popular website than connecting PCs in the office. And apparently they have their own CMS.

Nice find! Interesting.

Quote: (09-10-2013 10:17 PM)thatGuy Wrote:  

Considering they closed one successful round of financing after another, they probably pay regular salaries.

One of the funding rounds was 5 million from Jeff Bezos returning a favor from 15 years ago.
As to salaries... Glass Door says BI pays low for NYC. Gawker in the same building has different titles that pay both more and less than BI depending on if you're a coveted Staff Writer, a Reporter, or a Production Coordinator. As the workplace review of Gawker says, "Don't expect a huge salary or great benefits -- or good hours."

Nitasha Tiku and Anil Dash appear to both be at the 27k a year level or less, since they're not even reporters.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

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