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Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

I have talked to a couple of people about this specific subject and I have gotten quite a few interesting responses. For example, according to some interpretations of the bible, when N. Korea(Asia) bombs the great nation of America, it will spark a World War and that would the beginning of end, The "Revelation." Another person explained that as young and naive as Kim Jung Un is, he would not dare mess with America. I think young people (when trained and mentored correctly) are the most danger. Look at Kamikaze pilots during WWII. Most of those pilots were young because of their naivety, you can persuade them to do ANYTHING.

What do you think?

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

In short, no. They have to much to lose. They probably know they send planes or rockets and they probably won't get to the US. In retaliation, there is a huge arsenal pointed right at their face at least 100 times their size that is 100% likely to reach any main city. Also, if they fire first, on this day and age, nobody will back them up, not even China.
Korea doesn't have the culture or history to employ Kamikazes. They weren't an asian thing, they were a Japanese-only thing that came as a descendant or their bushido culture centuries ago.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

One aspect of Kim Jong Un's political power over the people of NK is the war with the US. It's a large part of their propaganda. The US is scapegoat and boogeyman for all of their problems. Kim Jong Un and the military establishment are probably just fine living in luxury on the labor of their oppressed citizens and would just as soon not risk a real, actual war disrupting the status quo they've maintained for decades.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

[Image: Olympus-Has-Fallen-Poster-Official-570x844.jpg]

If you believe Hollywood and video game makers, North Korea has already bombed and invaded the U.S. many times over.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Bomb is with what? A giant sling shot?

The have some missiles that can maybe reach Hawaii or the west coast, but America has some legit missile defense.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

I brought up the Japanese Kamikaze pilots as an example of what young naive persons are capable of, not because i think north korea has or will employ them.

I do think history will repeat itself.
One person I talked to thinks that "as the same reason's why Japanese attack America, in a sense, are the same reasons why N. Korea is going to attack."

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

If we get bombed by N Korea I will have a very difficult time believing that U.S. didn't allow it to happen. Technology is to advanced now to be getting bombed at random.

This is also why I believe we should wipe N Korea off the fucking map before they even have a chance.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

I don't understand why some American people are afraid of N.Korea. (too much CNN huh?)

I have no knowledge in military weapons. But how can they bomb U.S?
Can they just launch a missile? Is there such missile these days? (then U.S could bomb afghanistan without sending bombers?)
If they send air planes, can they even make that distance?

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Quote: (04-02-2013 09:22 AM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

If we get bombed by N Korea I will have a very difficult time believing that U.S. didn't allow it to happen. Technology is to advanced now to be getting bombed at random.

This is also why I believe we should wipe N Korea off the fucking map before they even have a chance.

You think that we should murder 25 million people, who pose no serious threat to us, because they were unlucky enough to be born in a country run by a bunch of saber-rattling assholes?

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

No way North Korea can even reach the USA. South Korea, on the other hand...

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Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

The problem for the US is if/when the NK regime falls the US military and SK will have to rush into the country to ensure that the nuclear weapons don't fall into the wrong hands.

Of course there will be the issue of China probably not wanting a unified Korea, as they would prefer to keep a buffer.

Anyone who thinks Kim Jong Un has any real power is silly, the military and his aunt and uncle are pulling the strings, he's mostly ceremonial. Thats why they fattened him up, to make him look more like Kim Il Sung.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

I actually think China will invade North Korea before the US or SK do.

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Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

When was the last time the mainland U.S. was attacked? Pancho Villa on the Mexican border during World War I? The War of 1812? Even Pearl Harbor doesn't exactly count - Hawaii was not a state at the time, it was more like the U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam today.

Since not even the Soviets or Nazis attacked the continental U.S., I suspect the North Koreans or Iranians aren't going to either.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Lets give the soldier girls and fags a war to prove themselves.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

china doesn't have NKs back. all china wants to keep 10 million refugees from storming across tje border and displacing chinese workers

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

The absolutely worst case scenario is that North Korea will manage to smuggle a small nuclear weapon to a US city. Their nuclear tests so far are partial failures where the bombs have not managed to reach more than a fraction of the power of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs and it should be remembered that a significant part of the destructive power of those bombs was in the delivery ie you have to blow up your nuke just at the right altitude to spread the destruction on the widest possible area.

The most destruction they could possibly accomplish is taking out a few skyscrapers in Manhattan. This would be worse than 9/11 since much of the destruction would be instant with no possibility of escape before collapse but even if the human cost were terrifying a single North Korean nuke would do basically nothing to harm the US as a military power.

If North Korea were to do it, the only question would be whether the US retaliates with nuclear weapons on civilian targets or just the military, there's no question whatsoever that North Korea would cease to exist in a very short time.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?


North Korea will bomb the US and the whole wide world with propaganda and funny communist ads. Because they need to strenghten their bargaining position.

If North Korea's verbal bombardment is successful, they will manage to negotiate the shipments of imperialistic food aid which are urgently needed to feed millions of hungry comrades in arms.

They want to be left alone, sure, and the new leader must attain his own local hero status, so fearmongering totally makes sense. But effective plutonium warheads are assets probably as rare as electricity and running water.

The new leader will gain a huge victory if besides posing well for his propaganda show he also manages to put some bacon and eggs on the table for a change.

As for the West, well, it's good to exploit this imaginary threat and use it as an alibi for the pursuit of a pre-existing geopolitical agenda.

In the end, both sides can get something out of this good old fashioned rumbling noise if they play it well.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Țhey have no capacity to bomb the US or even Hawaii. I'm actually hoping NK will do some dumb shit to give SK/US a casus belli.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

NK is no joke.

People are using 'rational' arguments for why they should not attack.

But the military leadership is unusually closed off from the world and has already shown its willingness to bare its teeth re: SK.

I don't think a nuclear attack on the USA is likely. Rather a 9/11 attack NK style is more likely. Also an attack on US forces in NK or of SK is looking a very real possibility

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Quote: (04-02-2013 10:42 AM)Kentucky Wrote:  

NK is no joke.

People are using 'rational' arguments for why they should not attack.

What's not rational about North Korea? It appears quite rational to me if you look from the perspective of the elite leadership.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

The only people hyping up North Korea are:

North Korea's propaganda machine


America's propaganda machine

North Korea has old dodgy Soviet Nukes that won't do shit, all its doing is pumping its chest.

North Korea is 100% a Chinese proxy and won't do anything unless Beijing gives it the green light. If anything Beijing will simply just use NK as a proxy/cannon fodder to stir the bears of a greater conflict if it finds it advantageous. NK is the only place America would nuke, no other place would be advantageous. If it nuked China or Russia it would get it right back in there face... the MAD scenario.

Iran? Could they get nuked or the brunt of USA aggression? No not like that, not on a scale of Nuclear war, all that stuff is all talk, America won't do it because the ramifications energy wise would be to dire. Israel would have to cap off Iran by itself, America won't toss nukes in that region as it make zero sense to do so.

NK literally is jut a punching bag sitting there. Both China and America know this. My hypothesis is that North Korea via direction from Beijing will start the pre-amble to World War III by it being a diversion to push America's hand early and force it to use overly aggressive force (nukes).

But do not get it twisted as NK and SK are legitimate tinderboxes that if sparked would spill over into a grander global conflict. It is one of the global hotspots that if it boils over would not be ideal for the world at all.

The Asian situation is tense now. We all talk about little Cyprus but Japan could be the first country to legitimately go completely broke. China would sit at a rare moment in history where it could murk Japan - its long adversary - and have complete dominance in Asia going forward. Simply forcing it into a conflict it can't handle nor afford is damage enough. Japan as a defcto American proxy would intimately have to be involved. Poking the NK bear would plunge the USA and Japan into a mess neither really wants to get themselves into.

NK is a joke though as it can't even feed its people or keep the lights on. It is 100% dependent on China for basics such as food and electricity. All they have are boots on the ground and millions of people whom are willing to plunge themselves to death. What will NK gain from attacking Seoul/South? Neither side of Korea wants real unification, the South views it as too costly, and the North would not be able to keep things together and stable as the USA would rocket down hell on it if it tried. Both sides are stuck in their quagmire right now and will only be pushed out of it via their outsider dominate controlling influences. What is interesting is seeing how strong the backlash of rhetoric of Seoul is, this is the only reason why I believe its the puppet masters (China and the USA) forcing hands and not them themselves. They usually have little things pop off every few years but its quickly doused. This strong arm talk has been going on now for 3-4 weeks.

So no North Korea won't nuke America, if anything the USA will never be "Attacked" only in a extreme situation where nukes reign down but in that situation the earth is doomed, and everybody would be fuked. Only Three situations would cause that and none involve (directly) North Korea.

China would attempt to put boots on the ground but they are 8-10 years from even having the capabilities of doing that. America will only be attacked from whiten from its own breakdowns and internal strife, the idea of a foreign power coming to its shores is a joke and complete propaganda. America's downfall internally will be from Civil War not from foreign invasion.

If North Korea shuts down the shared Industrial Zone or takes Southern hostages or some shit then I will start to worry. That partnership provides them with $$$ they need badly as they don't have any other means of getting cash other then selling Arms to dodgy client states in Africa. They can't print monopoly money like we do here (only one of three countries without a Private Central Bank...), they actually legit need to trade stuff for cash. Them choking off South Korea eats away at about 20% of their cash flows, its not ideal for them.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Quote: (04-02-2013 10:42 AM)Kentucky Wrote:  

I don't think a nuclear attack on the USA is likely. Rather a 9/11 attack NK style is more likely. Also an attack on US forces in NK or of SK is looking a very real possibility

The thing with being the most totalitarian and controlled state in the world has the downside that it is practically impossible to run any kind of intelligence network in other countries.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

It all goes back to ancient wisdom the Most Ancient in the west Being the Old Testament and the most Ancient in the East being "The 36 Stratgems"

Modern interpretations of these collections of ancient wisdom include for the East "The Art of War" attributed to General Sun Tsu and for the west Il Pincipe or "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli.

Both deal with the techniques by which one gains and maintains power and achieves victory in Politics War or Commerce and it is surprising how much overlap there is as the human mind is genetically much more similar than it is different and Human psychology translates across most cultures.

In the book "The Asian Mind Game" Chin Ning Chu shares the concept of "Zhang Chang ru Zhan Chang" roughly "The Marketplace is a battlefield" and outlines for the westerner the rules that govern life including all aspects of Politics, Power, Commerce and War" in Asian Cultures largely influenced by the Ancient 36 Stratagems and that the Western way of being open and transparent and turning the other cheek is actually considered a weakness in Asian cultures and that it is a weakness in Asians if they do not take advantage of any weakness their adversaries a.k.a USA/WalMart/Apple trading partners present to them.

China has 1.3 billion people rivaled only by India which does not have China's discipline and focus including the onerous 1 child policy such that India will exceed China's population in a few short years. China is surrounded by other high population countries across southeast Asia all competing for the same finite resources. China has done a brilliant job for a central one party system of becoming the world's dominant predatory capitalist given its huge surplus labor pool and limited natural resources - as a giant population more than 4 times the size of the USA and twice Europe China must secure the long term provisioning of a range of natural resources to continue its modernization ranging from rare earth elements to energy and to agricultural commodities to feed its gowing population despite the one child policy. China is in direct competition with the rest of the high population zones in Asia and Southeast Asia/India regions.

China's biggest competitors for control of Global Natural Resources is the industrialized USA and Europe.

The USA has been distracted and bogged down in two extremely costly wars for the past 10 years - Iraq and Afghanistan which estimates for costs of the wars and lifetime care for wounded warriors and all veterans will likely exceed $6 Trillion USD. This is $6 Trillion diverted from USA Infrastructure rebuilding and Natural Resources exploration and development.

China is terrified that the USA once it winds down Iraq and Afghanistan will instead focus its considerable energy and might back on infrastructure improvements and more direct competition for the globes natural resources China is scrambling to lock up as much of the globes resources as it can while the USA still has it eye OFF the global competition ball with these islamists wars - last thing China wants is its own appreciable Islamists populations to rise up as well - So rattling the USAs cage with NK while the USA is winding down its flushing of manpower and treasure into the islamists conflicts black hole is just another way to help keep the USA and its European natural allies eye off the ball while China moves to lock up natural resources deals from Russia, to Central and South America to Africa and Asia either with contracts, investments or intimidation - what ever works.

Chin Ning Chu's books "The Asian Mind Game" and "Thick Face Black Heart" basically conveyed the "Big Picture" methods used for Millenia in China and greater Asia and how many individual strategems are "chained" or combined in order to gain advantage and power in politics, commerce and war.

One of the key concepts is that when the Adversaries march and train and posture for war - they seek Peace and when the Adversaries profess Peace in all things they are secretly preparing for War.

NK is a proxy being manipulated for the long term goals of both Beijing and Moscow who just negotiated a massive long term energy deal with Russia including China State Energy companies as a partner and customer.

NK does nothing that Beijing and its Moscow partners do not want them to do. Clearly what Beijing and Moscow want is to keep the USA distracted while they lead the BRICS to world economic and natural resources domination while the USA keeps bleeding trillions in Defense spending and neglects its infrastructure and global natural resources exploration while campaigning against Global Warming and focused on other left wing Blue Pill priorities.

Clearly a few major Stratagems are in practice right now by the Chinese Russian NK cabal:

Wait at leisure while the enemy labors
(以逸待勞/以逸待劳, Yǐ yì dài láo)
It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energy in futile quests while you conserve your strength. When he is exhausted and confused, you attack with energy and purpose. The idea is to have your troops well-prepared for battle, in the same time that the enemy is rushing to fight against you. This will give your troops a huge advantage in the upcoming battle, of which you will get to select the time and place.

Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree
(李代桃僵, Lǐ dài táo jiāng)
There are circumstances in which you must sacrifice short-term objectives in order to gain the long-term goal. This is the scapegoat strategy whereby someone else suffers the consequences so that the rest do not.

Disturb the water and catch a fish
(渾水摸魚/浑水摸鱼 or 混水摸鱼, Hún shuǐ mō yú)
Create confusion and use this confusion to further your own goals.

Deceive the heavens to cross the ocean
(瞞天過海/瞒天过海, Mán tiān guò hǎi)
Prepare too much and you lose sight of the big picture; what you see often you do not doubt. Yin (the art of deception) is in Yang (acting in open). Too much Yang (transparency) hides Yin (true ruses). This stratagem means that you can mask your real goals, by using the ruse of a fake goal that everyone takes for granted, until the real goal is achieved. Tactically, this is known as an 'open feint'; in front of everyone, you point west, when your goal is actually in the east. By the time everyone realized it, you have already achieved your goal.

The last thing the Beijing Moscow NK Cabal wants is to provoke the USA into a nuclear response to defend our 30,000+ troops referred to by themselves as a "speed bump" in SK as that would turn the entire region into a combined Chernobyl-Fukushima including Beijing Honk Kong the Koreas Japan and Valdivostok depending which way the wind is blowing - they are just rattling the USAs cage hoping to keep us distracted and off balance for as long as possible.

Of course with Afgahanistan winding down and sequestration threatening to cut USA Military and Defense spending the USA/EU Military Industrial Complex is not complaining either DoD has to have a bogey man to keep the Big $$$ flowing.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

Ooops deleted dupe edit.

Do you think N. Korea is going to bomb the U.S?

The only country that North Korea is a threat to is South Korea. I met an American guy working at the US air force in SK. He told me that North Korea has so much artillery aimed at Seoul that they could level the city in 10 minutes if they wanted.

It would also be the last thing they ever did before being bombed to bits themselves. North Korea has a very large and powerful ground army but I bet they are not willing to go to war for a few mad men in the government. Soldiers there don't want to stick their head out in peace time in fear of being deported to a concentration camp but I wonder if all of them are willing to attack another country. I think the indoctrination is not working at all and most people are just acting to stay out of trouble. Look at the those crying people when Kim Jung il died and tell me i'm wrong.

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