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Cuba - trip report!

Cuba - trip report!

I don't know, I thinks it's an ego thing. I just couldn't pay for it, I'd feel worthless. I don't mind shoring, but I'd need to know the girl WANTS me. I think of it like this (can't remember where I heard it): "I don't get pussy, I give dick."

Anyway, back on track. Is it easy to shore in Cuba?
It sounds a lot like Africa or maybe even Haiti or DR. Can anyone compare it to somewhere else?

@Wayout: That's really solid advice on logistics by the way! Thanks.

PS- For anybody who is interested, there are some pretty cheap flights to Cuba via Toronto. It's the best value I've seen so far. Check it out on skyscanner.

Cuba - trip report!

Quote: (08-18-2012 04:52 PM)jergens007 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-18-2012 02:23 PM)michelin Wrote:  

This thread dissapointed me, it has little to do with game, and a lot with paying women for sex. There are other sites for that.

LOL you didnt read my post??? I didnt pay for sex when i was in Cuba!
re read my cuba trip report. Who cares if dudes pay for sex in Cuba... they are not hurting you! lol

Dude, I was referring to Wayout's post - the creator of this thread. Not to your thread, which I haven't read indeed.


"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

Cuba - trip report!

I think Wayout & co should read Roosh' s last post about Latvia, "orgasm or money":

"To me it’s unbearable to think a girl might be spending time with me only because of money, something that isn’t an inherent part of me."

True players never pay a cent for sex.

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

Cuba - trip report!

Wayout: Great trip report/thread. Sounds like you've graduated to the next level where you learn how to let a healthy male ego drive the boat and understand sexual economics.

NN: An honest answer. Got to respect that.

Michelin: So, you're from San Marino with a $1500/mo bankroll? Basically a broke Italian dude shaming a guy who goes to Cuba and fucks a few gatos and then writes an entertaining story about it? I'm betting that if you hit the Loto, you'd saunter down to the local Ferrari dealership and pay cash for a nice red F12 Berlinetta, snag a poosie palace on the Amalfi costa and get a fast boat and then hang around the local cafe's hunting for chicas to impress with your new found wealth. But god no, you wouldn't "pay" for you order a nice cold bottle of "Vueve" to impress Nadiya from Moscow.

How about this quote: "I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to leave" Charlie Sheen

FYI: "gato" is a semi-pro in Argentina

Cuba - trip report!

Dude, did you actually read Roosh's post? Read it again...

and yes, I don't make a lot of money. One more reason not to pay for sex.

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

Cuba - trip report!

I understand, like NN, being disgusted by the idea of fucking a chick who is fantasizing about the Benjamins while she's with me.

Thing is, guys, when you go to the 3rd world, the rules change. It's not like the west, where the only thing that women really lack in life is your Alpha Cock ™.

In countries like this, sure, the girls like your Alpha Cock, but you know what they like even more? Not starving. Clean clothing. Shelter. Stuff like that.

These aren't the same prostitutes and gold-diggers we have in the West.

These are girls who's major failings as human beings is being born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I see it every day here in the phils - girls working 10 hour shifts 6 days a week just to (barely) make ends meet while living with 5 of their relatives in a 10 square meter house.

These girls didn't grow up thinking that they wanted to prostitutes. If a girl is genuinely attracted to you, wants to fuck you, and is still asking you for a few $ USD, odds are that she needs this money more than you've ever needed ANYTHING in your life.

So, guys, have some compassion and count your blessings. Don't think of it as paying for sex - think of it as helping out someone you liked enough to fuck.

You'll feel better for it.

Cuba - trip report!

Well done GW.

A healthy perspective from a traveler.

Cuba - trip report!

Quote: (08-18-2012 05:16 PM)TexasMade Wrote:  

I wonder how this thread hasn't been locked. This thread brings up some good points that has probably been discussed on the forum countless times. I guess it can be discussed again.

In my world, we have a term called "trick". A trick can mean alot of things. A trick as a noun is a dude who spends money on a female. Trickin is also a verb. Trickin is spendin money on a female.

In the states. 10 years ago, for you to smell the pussy you had to drop money on them. You had to date women for the most part. Take them out, wine and dine. For women, its a interview process before they give you the pussy. Do they enjoy the nights out to town? Yea. Is their main goal to get you to drop cash on them before they let you smash? Mostly no. Some women love the dinner, movies, gifts without the sex, but most want you to value them before they finally give the pussy up. Another note is women in the past didn't have the resources to go out and spend money. So during courting, they get to experience shit they normally wouldn't.

Fast forward to 2012, the price of pussy has plummeted. Women are giving the shit out for free so we as men are spoiled. When I was doing the college thing last year, I never had to take a girl out before we smashed. I did it after the fact because I enjoyed kickin it with her. Plus women have money now so they dont need men to pay for shit. Unless you are messin with young girls or college girls

Sorry for the rant but the point is unless you are in America and you pull an SNL outside the club you are more than likely gonna pay for that pussy. 5 dollars, 50 dollars or you dropping 200 plus on dates to see that face between her legs doesn't make a difference does it? I guess the real difference between smashing a pro or a local is the pro has no emotional connection after the deed is done. Then what is a slut then?

I can't agree with the bolded. Only 10 years ago? You talking about 2002? lol Please believe, myself and my associates were getting ass without trickin' prior to 2002. There have been slutty american women for much longer than that, and one night stand culture already existed in the 90s.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Cuba - trip report!

More about the chicas por favor ...

I have spent 6 months in the DR. The women are very nice, very friendly ... some are objectively beautiful. But, most of the women are somewhat "primitive." (That's like saltpeter to me). I have spent 1.5 years in Colombia. but, most of the women have a different definition of "honesty" than I do. So, I continue to look for greener pastures; a herd of unicorns.

Are there SKINNY, nice and educated / refined women in Cuba, or is it just more of the same?

Cuba - trip report!

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:33 AM)ZonZon Wrote:  

Are there SKINNY, nice and educated / refined women in Cuba, or is it just more of the same?

There are certainly attractive women there. But, educated / refined women there aren't many or atleast they are far more difficult to meet than in other countries. The educated women who attend university for professional professions don't have money to go out and there future careers won't pay very much either. Think, maybe if they luck out they can pull a few hundred a month working abroad in Venezuela. So you won't find these women hanging out in discotecas.

You could of course go to the university but you will honestly look / feel ridiculous there because I've never met a Cuban whom went back to university years later in life. So basically the entire university crowd is under 25. Keep in mind that literally every foreigner there that's single is considered a sex tourist and you can understand why this is an issue.

I studied at the University of Havana and to be honest, the talent in the university was average at best. I wasn't impressed to say the least. The hot girls don't typically go to university in my experience. There's more money in being a ballerina, model or private enterprise. Consider this, a doctor may make 40 dollars a month. My gf, a ballerina makes close to 200 dollars a month. An ex-gf of mine a model made close to 100 a month. A hooker in Havana could pull 500-2000 in a month. (assuming shes high-end in the top discos not a street girl). This number could drastically increase if she has stupid sponsors abroad which a lot of them do. One Russian was apparently sending his gf 6k a month.

While most of these girls who are university educated, if they find work will make 20 dollars or less a month. Yes, rich families will often ensure there daughter / son goes to med school / law school etc. But these rich families have a lot of money coming in under the table, relatives abroad, passports, ability to travel (unlike the majority). They aren't likely to permit there daughters to run around with tourists...also because the rich families are very often government affiliated and/or making money in ways that would be contra to the government. They will not allow nor want there daughter to attract attention/ scrutiny to them by hanging out with a tourist as this would run contrary to the government as it is viewed as prostitution. Problems could arise where they have to forfeit all there assets if they have made there money contrary to the government.

99% of tourists there are in relationships with what you would call strata 1/2 girls in Colombia that are uneducated. Probably 95% are dating prostitutes. I live there 6 months a year and watch the same thing over and over.

If you want to date pretty girls there are lots of pretty girls there, but there are also very high rates of infidelity. Unless, your living aren't gonna be the only one 99 times out of 100. If you want to go on a sleeping with lots of girls spree you can by paying as the guy in this report did. Keep in mind, he was sleeping with prostitutes. Despite what your Cuban friends may tell you, normal girls aren't prostituting themselves as a one off thing. In Havana there is too much risk/ corruption to be doing that. So if your going for the cute, innocent girls whom will allow you to pay for play... I guarantee you they aren't innocent and have done this many times.

Canadians can stay 6 months at a time while other countries are limited to 2 months.

Cuba - trip report!

I'm going to add the OPs's original post as he is certainly wrong in respects.

The girls at discos like Salon Rojo, Cecilia, Casa de la Musica Galiano are hardcore pros. 99% OF GIRLS AT THESE DISCOS ARE HOOKING! I have only see the odd non professional at Casa de la Musica Galiano 1 night and that was when Chacal and Yakarta had a special moneda nacional night. Even then, easily 75% of girls there were hooking. If you don't believe that go there for a month straight. It's the same girls every night and if they aren't at one of those discos they are working another one. The street girls sleep with you for less money because they don't have the expenses that discoteca girls do but they are doing this REGULARILY. It's not as if you can go up to any cuban women and say here's 20 bucks lets go honey. You will get killed if you do this, you will of course hear this from people.. especially the older gents. This is because they walk the streets look for extended eye contact or an invitation and then talk to the girl. This in Cuba is a hooker move.

The OP probably found this ridiculously easy and common because he was walking around where the street walkers are easily found. Centro Habana/ Old Habana at night is just loaded. A normal girl wouldn't even likely walk those areas unaccompanied by males and those that are accompanied by males in these areas are often there boyfriend/ husband and PIMP. The malecon is again loaded with girls of this type. Guanabo, while I haven't spent extended periods of time there are certainly loaded with girls of this type to. I've been followed in Old Havana multiple times by crazy people. That place is very and I mean very seedy. A nice normal girl isn't going to walk there at night certainly she'd be risking getting groped, raped, grabbed by police for suspected prostitution etc.

Remember, when you pay these girls its highly probable / possible that 50% or more of what you give them is going to pay there husband / boyfriend / pimp.

There are lots and I mean lots of available attractive girls. But you need to have a good CUBAN social circle (non foreigner, yuma, extranjero) and you need lots of time. 1 week vacations there undoubtedly end with lots of sex... with hookers / girls who pretend to love you and then do the same thing every week of every year with someone else (which is a hooker as far as I'm concerned as she will still expect money).

Cuba - trip report!

@ lavidaloca, hey i can now understand why you were thinking maybe i was getting scammed in peru if your under the impression that its similar to cuba.

From what I've heard about cuba, if a guys pulling off what i did then yeah, pretty sure hes paying for it, the op was. The standard wage for a person in peru from what i was told when i was there and scoping out info on the net is in between $200- £300 with the minimum wage being $155. Yeah its poor buts its no Cuba.

I think I'll be giving Cuba a miss.

A doctor in Cuba makes $40 a week, thats a fucking joke. If i was a sex tourist I'd be heading there for sure but fuck that.

Cuba - trip report!

It depends, Cuba is great to me but I've been going for years and spend extended periods of time there. It's kind of like what I see from WEDO in Colombia..he posts pictures with really attractive girls. I'm certain even though I'm less than half his age if I went to Colombia right now I wouldn't get half the results he does. Hes built up a great social circle/ knowledge of the surrounding most likely.

Keep in mind in Peru they have to pay for food and shelter. In Cuba they have about 2 weeks food a month provided for them and essentially live in housing for free (no mortgages or anything). I would bet that 40 dollars in Cuba would go a longer way than in Peru. 90 Eggs for example in Cuba costs all of 3 dollars and change. 3 kg of steak is 5 dollars. A doctor makes 40 dollars a month...

A ridiculous percentage of doctors get missions abroad in Cuba where they make more albeit still miniscule salaries compared to what they are paid in the nations we live.

Cuba - trip report!

@ lavidaloca

Trust me, if your a gringo and you go to peru your gonna have a better time with a lot less bullshit.

Cuba - trip report!

Trust me, if your a gringo and you go to peru your gonna have a better time with a lot less bullshit.


I have heard that the women in Peru are not as "European" looking. I have met several exceptions to the rule - not IN Peru. They have been much more sincere and quality people than most of the women you would meet in Colombia - son muchos interasdas

Cuba - trip report!

Quote: (08-15-2012 10:06 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-15-2012 09:39 PM)Wayout Wrote:  

Quote: (08-15-2012 05:12 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2012 02:36 PM)jergens007 Wrote:  

2. Alibi! Idea When you come back to United States, and if they ask why you have 2 stamps in your passport, you say, you took a tour bus to Belize (a small country south of Mexico, only 5 hours away from Cancun) When you take a tour bus, Belize does not stamp your passport. When you enter back to Mexico, they stamped your passport. that's the loophole!! Banana Just make sure to some research on Belize. =)

This is solid gold. I was wondering how do deal with United States immigration officials after Mexico stamps your passport for the second time. I'm going to become a reknown expert on the history and culture of Belize. As you can see from my fairly recent post in the Guadalajara thread, I don't always have the easiest time with immigration officials.

This is not solid gold! It's the opposite of it. So you going to tell them you went by bus to Belize and flew back to Cancun? You realize they can see that the stamp is for Cancun airport inbound flight? They will ask you more questions like : what airline, what flight number...etc. Those border goons do it every day for hours, you are no match to them!
What you can say is that you went to Cuba. Or just tell them it's not of their damn business where you went and with whom! Every time I travel and come back that's exactly what I tell them! You don't even have to talk to them legally.
I can't bring any cuban cigars because I know I will be searched, but I brought some Cuban Rom, I just took all the stickers from the bottle.

I really don't think telling them that you went to Cuba would be a great strategy, because there is a law specifically against that. I like where your thinking is though. The Cancun airport may very well have a specific stamp which would definately put a damper on the Belize strategy. I think every foreign stamp I have on may passport specifically states that it if from the airport in the city in which I went through immigration. I would like to hear other members' imput on this. I believe it is a pretty important issue.

If you go to Cuba on the down-low, you should enter from one country and leave through another so the passport doesn't have two consecutive entries from the same country. Also, while almost no one gets in trouble, my understanding is that one or two people did get in trouble coming back through Nassau, so the safest bet from and back to the US is probably going through Toronto on the way down and Cancun on the way out, or vice versa.

Cuba - trip report!

Quote: (08-18-2012 04:57 PM)jergens007 Wrote:  

No one has never been prosecuted going to Cuba and vacationing there.



In the latest twist to the USA's 50-year-old trade sanctions against communist Cuba, a New York man has agreed to pay a $6,500 fine to end a long-running dispute with the U.S. Treasury Department over an unauthorized trip he made to the Caribbean "isla non grata" as a tourist 14 years ago.

Another one:


A Canadian travel company facing a demand for $10,000 US from a 75-year-old American grandmother fined for taking a cycling trip in Cuba has found itself in the middle of a political drama playing out in Washington, D.C.

A few months after returning to the U.S., Slote was notified by the federal Treasury Department that the trip was illegal. The retired grandmother of six was fined $7,630 US. Her crime: buying $18 US in souvenirs and an exit visa.

...Gonsalves... said he first became aware that Washington was cracking down on Americans visiting to Cuba from other clients in 2000. The company immediately changed its literature to warn Americans they could be “subject to investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department.”

Cuba - trip report!

Is cuba good for a south american guy?

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