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DC woman upset that no man saved her

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 01:43 AM)soup Wrote:  

I think it's wrong for her to only blame the men on the train.

She's a statistician, so maybe she should have also blamed the feminism that promotes single parent/mother families, because, I'd bet that kid was raised in one.

[Image: gift1.jpg]

DC woman upset that no man saved her

It is wrong for her to blame only men on the train.

Being D.C., there surely had to be an obese, 300lb black woman capable of delivering a punch harder than most men in the same carriage.

Shame her into not saving your SWPL ass.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

I have a different take on this.

If this were a time when every other teen did not have a gun or when folks (teens included) were more apt to fight with hands, then YES, I would have helped....PROVIDED there were OTHER men around because there WERE 6.

Nowadays, you will get a slug put in you, so it is best to not do anything.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 12:20 AM)seeker of truth Wrote:  

She needs to understand the practical aspects of the situation, in that here, you have a bunch of borderline psychotic, possibly wasted, and most likely poor and drug addicted kids, and this is just how they behave! Its NOTHING PERSONAL, there's no need to "stand up for yourself" in such a situation and preserve your "self-respect". The best thing to do is to calmly ignore them, based upon a more sophisticated understanding of the situation, and your worth relative to them, instead of being dramatic and escalating the confrontation in the way she did, by "standing up for herself".
In other words, she should keep quiet and play the meek victim whenever people want to threaten her, suffer through the abuse and *hope* the abusers go away? Is this your advice for men also?

DC woman upset that no man saved her

I can hit the toilet flushing in America. Lol.

I get the argument against this broad for trying to single out Men.

BUT on the flipside it shows a lot about ones society when nobody is willing to stand up for your common. In Canada at the very least a group of people would of confronted the situation to make it awkward for the goons. Look. Majority of these kids are cowards. Let them try to run up on somebody equal in size to them solo.... Nope. I feel when people can't have their commons back then your society is basically a sad joke. On one end I get that this bitch needs to get her head in check and understand she needs to defend herself like any man would but on the other society down there needs to get back to being there for your fellow man.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-02-2012 11:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

Next time some guy white knights for a chick I'ma go black knight on his ass.

I was out with a group one time and this married girl I know got all drunk and started making out with some random dude at the bar.
Two of the girls automatically went to drag her away. I grabbed both of them and told them not to cockblock.
She's a grown woman. Leave her alone.

She ended up falling down a few stairs on our way out and made a spectacle of herself.
Very classy broads I roll with I'll tell ya [Image: lol.gif]

Team Nachos

DC woman upset that no man saved her

@ assman:
you're misunderstanding my point...this has nothing to do with being meek, or whatever you were saying. The point I'm trying to get across here is that this woman lives in a world where she has an artificially and "intellectually" created sense of "self-esteem", when she said the following line:

" I have been harassed by teenagers on Metro before, and as a rule, do not allow people to get away with treating me that way for no reason."

When one is placed in a situation where your ego, or sense of self is challenged by competitors that are of some value, or worth, then yes, by all means, stand up for yourself and rise to the occasion. However, in this particular scenario, there's a bunch of irrelevant loser teenagers, (probably poor and drug addicted, like I mentioned before), who are "disrespecting" her. The fact that she felt disrespected is apparent in the the words she used, which were:

"I do not allow people to get away with treating me that way for no reason."

If she was secure in her sense of worth, and had a REALISTIC idea of where she stands in the grand scheme of things (i.e., in terms of attractiveness, sex appeal, class, culture, sophistication, etc.), then a better reaction would have been to instinctively dismiss these kids as losers, there no point in even replying to someone who is irrelevant. However, she took their insults PERSONALLY, and let a bunch of complete losers have such a strong effect on her, because she wanted to be a bit dramatic and "stand up for herself", all the while knowing that she is relatively safe doing this, cause shes in a public place with several people around and nothing really dangerous or life threatening can happen to her (the fact that she was disappointed that no one helped reflects this underlying assumption that she had made). If she was in a dark alley alone in the ghetto, and the same incident occurred, I doubt she would have "stood up for herself" in the face of 6 drunk teenage males looking for trouble. Once again, it shows the underlying need to be a bit dramatic, since if she really wanted to stand up for herself, she would not expect help from all the other people around, because she would have the confidence and inner strength to deal with the issue on her own (because, apparently, it WAS that "confidence" and "inner strength" that even prompted her to speak out against the kids and "not allow people to get away with treating her that way for no reason".

The main point I was trying to make was that this so called "self esteem" that many "intellectually" oriented women have is an artificial one, that consists of mechanical notions like "no one dare treat me that way", or "I deserve to be treated well", or "I have a high self esteem and am confident and happy". The above verbal manifestations of "self esteem" are artificial, they are mental, rational constructs. True Self esteem and confidence are deep inner traits. One gets more quiet confidence as ones desires get satisfied, one accomplishes what one wants, and one gets a realistic idea of where one stands. True self esteem is a quiet, inner quality, not some loud, artificially created, media fueled, dramatic "opinion" about oneself, like "no one treats me that way".

DC woman upset that no man saved her

I look at it like this. They weren't hitting her or anything like that. I would of stepped in if I caught the whole situation and she was geting slapped around or beat on for absolutely nothing. What the fuck did she expect? A bunch of guys to start beating those teenagers for talking shit to her? She's blowing things out of proportion but what do you expect from an entitled DC bitch? Are whites scared of blacks in DC or something? Not trying to start a race thread, but I can already imagine how it would of went down here if some white guys were aound.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 11:50 AM)houston Wrote:  

I look at it like this. They weren't hitting her or anything like that. I would of stepped in if I caught the whole situation and she was geting slapped around or beat on for absolutely nothing. What the fuck did she expect? A bunch of guys to start beating those teenagers for talking shit to her? She's blowing things out of proportion but what do you expect from an entitled DC bitch? Are whites scared of blacks in DC or something? Not trying to start a race thread, but I can already imagine how it would of went down here if some white guys were aound.

Not to push this into the race-thread territory any further, but there's a silent racial element to this. It's that old, "protect the white woman's honor and purity" ethos from 100 years ago. She's trying to appeal to that, on some level.

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DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 07:58 AM)assman Wrote:  

In other words, she should keep quiet and play the meek victim whenever people want to threaten her, suffer through the abuse and *hope* the abusers go away? Is this your advice for men also?

Men and women are different.

For decades, women - especially women like the one who wrote in - have insisted otherwise.

Now they are getting the world they have created. Men are more willing to leave women to fend for themselves. Men have also become less masculine and more timid.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy for a woman who got what she wished for?

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 03:49 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-03-2012 07:58 AM)assman Wrote:  

In other words, she should keep quiet and play the meek victim whenever people want to threaten her, suffer through the abuse and *hope* the abusers go away? Is this your advice for men also?

Men and women are different.

For decades, women - especially women like the one who wrote in - have insisted otherwise.

Now they are getting the world they have created. Men are more willing to leave women to fend for themselves. Men have also become less masculine and more timid.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy for a woman who got what she wished for?

The meek shall enherit the earth.

Team Nachos

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 03:49 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-03-2012 07:58 AM)assman Wrote:  

In other words, she should keep quiet and play the meek victim whenever people want to threaten her, suffer through the abuse and *hope* the abusers go away? Is this your advice for men also?

Men and women are different.

For decades, women - especially women like the one who wrote in - have insisted otherwise.

Now they are getting the world they have created. Men are more willing to leave women to fend for themselves. Men have also become less masculine and more timid.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy for a woman who got what she wished for?
No, I'm not saying we should feel sympathy for her. I'm saying that when a bunch of hooligans decides to harass you, staring off into space and ignoring them because you are 'above them' seems like a shitty solution.

houston, to answer your question, big northeast city liberal voters have elected politicians who have disarmed them with very restrictive gun and knife laws. So basically places like DC are 'open season' for criminals, who have no fear that a potential victim is going to retaliate (these criminals can easily arm themselves of course, because they don't give a fuck about aforementioned laws). Combine that with a liberal mindset that favors the 'poor misunderstood' criminals over the law abiding and the result is no one wants to get involved - if some guy walks over and knocks the lead aggressor the fuck out, he runs the risk of getting tarred and feathered by the media as some vigilante and criticized that he should have just called the police, and probably sued by the aggressor.

So it's not that white people fear blacks, it's that law abiding citizens fear all the criminals because they have been rendered helpless by the laws. So basically, in places like trains, most just sit there and hope they don't get picked for harassment/victimization.

I used to live in NYC and ride the subways and saw this mentality all the time. One time, I was sitting across from some homeless man who decided he didn't like the way I looked at him. He got all up in my face. No one on the train even budged an inch to help. I pulled out a knife and he sat the fuck back down. If that guy went to the police, I would have been arrested for possession and brandishing. Ridiculous.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 04:01 PM)assman Wrote:  

No, I'm not saying we should feel sympathy for her. I'm saying that when a bunch of hooligans decides to harass you, staring off into space and ignoring them because you are 'above them' seems like a shitty solution.

What else should she do? She doesn't have the ability to fight them off. She's also enabled laws that prevent ordinary people from fighting them off.

She should look down on the ground, like a slave, because that's the society she's created.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 04:01 PM)assman Wrote:  

So it's not that white people fear blacks, it's that law abiding citizens fear all the criminals because they have been rendered helpless by the laws. So basically, in places like trains, most just sit there and hope they don't get picked for harassment/victimization.

There's a major racial component.

If a white person defends a woman against blacks, not only is there a risk of physical harm - there's a risk of being branded a racist. Look no farther than the headlines in the Trayvon Martin case.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 04:06 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

What else should she do? She doesn't have the ability to fight them off. She's also enabled laws that prevent ordinary people from fighting them off.

She should look down on the ground, like a slave, because that's the society she's created.
LOL. Exactly. I find it incredible that people don't realize this and are willing to be such sheep. Somehow they think that if they show enough compassion the criminals will stop victimizing them?? Idiots.

Quote: (04-03-2012 04:09 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

There's a major racial component.

If a white person defends a woman against blacks, not only is there a risk of physical harm - there's a risk of being branded a racist. Look no farther than the headlines in the Trayvon Martin case.
Yes, this is just further incentive for non-blacks to not get involved.

DC woman upset that no man saved her


The police were also very nice and helped as much as they could, which I learned was not very much, though no fault of their own.

They told me that even if they caught these kids, there would be no repercussions for them. They said that very rarely does anybody actually intervene to help victims when they’re witnessing violence on Metro, possibly due to bystander effect or fear of retaliation.

The bystander effect [Image: lol.gif] Nobody talks to the police because they take your name and put it in the report
which anyone can get a copy of. Last thing a witness wants is to get harassed by these thugs after the fact.

Team Nachos

DC woman upset that no man saved her

My instinct on this one is she gave them attitude or showed annoyance at being asked for money. I encountered kids like this all the time... a simple head shake is all it takes for them to go on.

She is probably the type that gets satisfaction out of delivering rejection. I'll be money she's a 5, around 25 years old or so, works at a non-profit, and goes out on the weekend to Adams Morgan.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Quote: (04-03-2012 04:29 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

My instinct on this one is she gave them attitude or showed annoyance at being asked for money. I encountered kids like this all the time... a simple head shake is all it takes for them to go on.

She is probably the type that gets satisfaction out of delivering rejection. I'll be money she's a 5, around 25 years old or so, works at a non-profit, and goes out on the weekend to Adams Morgan.
Jumbo slice then shares a cab with her girlfriends home and rejects about ten guys who ask for her number even though her and her girls have been drinking free all night.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

I had these kids come up to me (and others) in the morning on the Red Line last week. As Roosh said, quick shake of head or wave off with hand and they moved on.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

So do y'all think they started messing with her because of a nasty attitude she had? I have even less sympathy for her if that's what happened.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

@ Roosh:
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking, and made a very round about explanation about the same. Excellent deduction!

DC woman upset that no man saved her

I've been in a similar situation before, and just ignore this kind of behavior, since I don't want to add fuel to the fire, and am not trying to prove that I'm worthy of respect or that I can stand up for myself. Like I said before, the whole reason she felt confident enough to reply to them, and possibly, in a condescending way (this is my guess, don't have proof of this) is because she felt safe with so many people around who she thought would help her and support her ass if the need arose. So, her "standing up for herself" was just an easy way to be a bit dramatic, reject some people, and be condescending and feel superior. Your instinct on this is spot on man, love the concise deduction.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

Roosh may very well be correct with his guess. But does it justify their behavior? If you happen not to give the head shake they deem appropriate, you're fair game? Why should law abiding citizens (feminists cunts or not), be at the mercy of hooligans?

Sure, today they came for a likely feminist, and she is arguably reaping the seeds that her ilk has sown. But what do the punks learn? That all these people are victims in waiting and no one will stand up to them. These kids aren't stupid; as her post notes, there's a reason they target DC and MD and steer clear of VA.

DC woman upset that no man saved her


In other words, she should keep quiet and play the meek victim whenever people want to threaten her, suffer through the abuse and *hope* the abusers go away?

In a word: "Yes."

She's a woman, the average woman is physically weaker than the average man. There were six men of average strength. She couldn't have held her own against one of the thugs.

What's the point of preserving your ego if you lose your life or beaten badly in the process?

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

DC woman upset that no man saved her

It doesn't justify the thugs' behavior.

But when you're giving a reaction to thugs who outnumber you 6 to 1, what type of response do you think you're going to get?

If you don't have situational advantage, either shut up or gain the advantage. It's as simple as that.

If I'm in a bar and three dudes are beefing with me, it doesn't matter if their behavior is "justified" or not when they stomp my skull because I challenged them without proper backup. It comes down to basic common sense.

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