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Whiskey Dick

Whiskey Dick

Let me tell you how I fucked up getting laid last night.

I'm at a house party getting mad crossfaded, when a fly girl brushes up against me and sits down next to where I am standing.

I chat the girl up, get her to sit on top of me, have her get me a beer, and then bounce out to get more blitzed.

I come back in the 8th round in the night of the fight after sufficiently getting lit to the sky and drowned down under.

I see the girl is all alone sitting by herself.

Me: "Hey"

Her: *gives me the look*

Me: "I'm thirsty, lets go get some water from my car"

Her: "Ok"

I grab her by the hand and take her out to my car. Where we proceed to make out and she says, "Let's get in the back of the car"

We start to go at and pants are coming off.
She refuses to give me a blowjob.
I finger her for a long time and get the engine hotter than it can handle.

She climbs on top of me and....


I'm completely limp.

My friends roll up and she steps out the car and heads back to the party.

I roll back to the crib and contemplate life.

This has happened to me the last few months when I tried to hook up with a girl.

Should i just stop drinking? It's killing my ability in the sack.

I think the reason why I couldn't get it up was because I had masturbated earlier in the day and couldn't restart the engine. I'm thinking of taking a 50 day fast from masturbation because it's seriously killing my ability to get hard. I can only get hard from getting a blowjob or from watching porn.

Really sad I know.

I blew the last 3 lays because I couldn't get it up (this has happened consistently).

I seek advice from the INT'L playboys, hooligans, and scallywags of the forum.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Whiskey Dick

Just cause many in your social group abuses the hell out of alcohol, doesn't mean it's not a real bad idea.

Hot chicks are trying to pick you up and fuck you, and you can't do it because you're too drunk?!

Do you like your bottle, or do you like chicks? I mean, what isn't obvious about what's wrong?!

I wish I had the chicks after me like that!

Whiskey Dick

Stop drinking, or drink less. This has happened to me more than once, also nervousness can play role too, it just adds to it.

Become healthier, sleep early, eat better, do exercise.

Whiskey Dick

Just my opinion, but alcohol doesn't sound like the problem here.

Sounds like you're letting this shit get in your head and fuck with you, and it can become a serious issue if you allow it to. I went through a short phase like this when I was younger. Erections have serious psychological tie-in's and if you start getting worried about not getting up while knocking on the door, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Try cutting back a little on the alcohol when a bang is likely, but I wouldn't necessarily eliminate it. Alcohol in moderation would probably help you, in my opinion- as it should loosen you up. If the shit continues, you're mind-fucking yourself and getting stage fright. Happens to the best of us.

Edit to add- the best fix for performance anxiety (from personal experience) is a simple blow job before intercourse. Should rock you right up, at least long enough for penetration---which should end the issue. This girls refusal to give some maggie probably just pissed you off and made the situation an instant dead end. Find a more normal girl who will suck like she should and smash it. Should get your confidence back and have you in true form.

Whiskey Dick

How old are you?

Try not to beat off the day you have even a possibility of getting laid, and don't drink so much. I've had liquor dick in the past and not only does it prevent you from getting laid, it fucks with you psychologically. If there's even a remote chance of getting laid, then I put on my game face and prepare like it's the fucking Superbowl. Easy on the alcohol, no nicotine, and a cialis in my back pocket as my nuclear option.

Whiskey Dick

I've had whiskey dick before. It was for these reasons and you are experiencing the same things I did.

1) you were too focused on getting sloshed with the bros, if youre out to get laid you're out to get laid do everything in your power to make that happen. One of the things you can do is only drink a moderate amount.

2) you already had her locked in and then you drank fucktons more, bad move, weak game. see #1 as to why

3) its happened a bunch of times before and you havent toned down the drinking? Learn from your mistakes. Seems to me like (no offense) you are using alcohol as a crutch when you're running your game. How many makeouts, numbers or bangs did you get when you were sober or only a few beers deep? Relying on alcohol to give you confidence = bad inner game. Getting laid without the aid of booze in a situation where everyone else is drinking = good inner game.

4) you say you can only get it up when you watch porn or get a bj. CUT OUT THE PORN. i cant even get a nut if i've been watching porn frequently. make yourself believe that once you get your game good enough your sex life will be better than any porn you will ever watch.

Whiskey Dick

Cutting the alcohol is your best and quickest way to help out with whiskey dick. But one thing that helped me out was to lose weight and exercise regularly. I personally lost 20lbs last year and immediately noticed that I never get whiskey dick anymore once I shed that weight.

Also if you happen to come across this problem again try lifting her feet above her head while shes on her back and bang her downwards with your body on top of her. That blood flow downwards should help keep an erection.

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-19-2012 08:49 PM)Single Dad Swag Wrote:  

Just my opinion, but alcohol doesn't sound like the problem here.

Sounds like you're letting this shit get in your head and fuck with you, and it can become a serious issue if you allow it to. I went through a short phase like this when I was younger. Erections have serious psychological tie-in's and if you start getting worried about not getting up while knocking on the door, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Try cutting back a little on the alcohol when a bang is likely, but I wouldn't necessarily eliminate it. Alcohol in moderation would probably help you, in my opinion- as it should loosen you up. If the shit continues, you're mind-fucking yourself and getting stage fright. Happens to the best of us.

Edit to add- the best fix for performance anxiety (from personal experience) is a simple blow job before intercourse. Should rock you right up, at least long enough for penetration---which should end the issue. This girls refusal to give some maggie probably just pissed you off and made the situation an instant dead end. Find a more normal girl who will suck like she should and smash it. Should get your confidence back and have you in true form.

I think this guy is dead on here, but just how much are you drinking?

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-19-2012 08:10 PM)Arcais Wrote:  

I think the reason why I couldn't get it up was because I had masturbated earlier in the day and couldn't restart the engine. I'm thinking of taking a 50 day fast from masturbation because it's seriously killing my ability to get hard. I can only get hard from getting a blowjob or from watching porn.

Really sad I know.

I blew the last 3 lays because I couldn't get it up (this has happened consistently).

I seek advice from the INT'L playboys, hooligans, and scallywags of the forum.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I hope this turn into a anti porn/anti mastubation thread. There's enough trolling around in those threads.

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Whiskey Dick

I'm 22. I drank about 6 beers which is enough to fuck me up since alcohol gets to me quick.

I think it might be a psychological thing, rather than whiskey dick.

Regardless, I'm going to smoke instead to get that "fucked up party vibe"

I've noticed that the more fucked up I get the more girls want to sleep with me. I think they rationalize like this:

"Oh he's fucked up I can have sex with him".

I've been trying to quit yanking it [Image: tard.gif] but haven't had any real luck.

I'm sure Neil has had enough with these kind of threads.

Whiskey Dick

Do all of the above. No porn, no masturbation, watch your diet, exercise and sleep enough, and finally wait until the morning to fuck her if you bring a girl home when plastered. Many of us get a strong testosterone rebound the morning after.

Whiskey Dick

If I drink too much, it gets to me also. I'm in pretty good shape, don't watch porn or masturbate (girlfriend with a high libido) so I know on those rare occasions when my dick won't cooperate with me, I know it's the alcohol.

A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
Apocalypse Cometh

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-19-2012 08:59 PM)Smitty Wrote:  

How old are you?

Try not to beat off the day you have even a possibility of getting laid, and don't drink so much. I've had liquor dick in the past and not only does it prevent you from getting laid, it fucks with you psychologically. If there's even a remote chance of getting laid, then I put on my game face and prepare like it's the fucking Superbowl. Easy on the alcohol, no nicotine, and a cialis in my back pocket as my nuclear option.

Smitty, do you always take the Cialis? Did you need/got prescription for it?

@OP: Dude, don't underestimate alcohol. Sure it can vary for each individual, but why take the risk? The mind plays a big role, don't make things harder for it by not lowering your alcohol intake.

Whiskey Dick

Yet another reason why I need to work on my "less boozed" game

I still need the hooch to get me in the "fuck it all" mindset and I've had this happen a couple times myself. Learn on being comfortable without booze, or just learn when to stop. I tend to be perfectly comfortable with just two drinks in me, but I end up drinking more just for the sake of being festive and having fun.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-19-2012 08:10 PM)Arcais Wrote:  

Let me tell you how I fucked up getting laid last night.

I'm at a house party getting mad crossfaded, when a fly girl brushes up against me and sits down next to where I am standing.

I chat the girl up, get her to sit on top of me, have her get me a beer, and then bounce out to get more blitzed.

I come back in the 8th round in the night of the fight after sufficiently getting lit to the sky and drowned down under.

I see the girl is all alone sitting by herself.

Me: "Hey"

Her: *gives me the look*

Me: "I'm thirsty, lets go get some water from my car"

Her: "Ok"

I grab her by the hand and take her out to my car. Where we proceed to make out and she says, "Let's get in the back of the car"

We start to go at and pants are coming off.
She refuses to give me a blowjob.
I finger her for a long time and get the engine hotter than it can handle.

She climbs on top of me and....


I'm completely limp.

My friends roll up and she steps out the car and heads back to the party.

I roll back to the crib and contemplate life.

This has happened to me the last few months when I tried to hook up with a girl.

Should i just stop drinking? It's killing my ability in the sack.

I think the reason why I couldn't get it up was because I had masturbated earlier in the day and couldn't restart the engine. I'm thinking of taking a 50 day fast from masturbation because it's seriously killing my ability to get hard. I can only get hard from getting a blowjob or from watching porn.

Really sad I know.

I blew the last 3 lays because I couldn't get it up (this has happened consistently).

I seek advice from the INT'L playboys, hooligans, and scallywags of the forum.

Has anyone else had this problem?

How old are you? This has happened to me when I was 24 for like a year straight. It sucks but just get through it. It's temporary.

Whiskey Dick

Alcohol highly affects testosterone. have no more than 1 drink to losen up, that's it.

Whiskey Dick

I wrote a public service announcment about alcohol messing up erections. Just get a buzz and keep it there man. Alcohol can be your best friend and biggest enemy if you let it. You might have to get the girls to sleep over and take care of business in the morning if you can't control your drinking.

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-20-2012 09:27 PM)metalhaze Wrote:  

Alcohol highly affects testosterone. have no more than 1 drink to losen up, that's it.

no it doesn't.there are lots of studies that contradict this.it was similar to this: men in their mid to late twenties drank 3 beers every day for a month and there was only a 4% decrease in test,which is barely anything.

answer: alcohol deoxgynates your blood,thats why you cant get it up,fresh oxygen cant get to your dick in time = decreased blood flow.ever tried running down the street when your hammered? its like your after running a marathon

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-20-2012 08:16 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Yet another reason why I need to work on my "less boozed" game

I still need the hooch to get me in the "fuck it all" mindset and I've had this happen a couple times myself. Learn on being comfortable without booze, or just learn when to stop. I tend to be perfectly comfortable with just two drinks in me, but I end up drinking more just for the sake of being festive and having fun.

Sounds similar to what my situation was. I had an alternate personality that only came out when I'd been drinking. He was a fun guy, most of the time. I quite liked him. I did my best to learn moderation, but in the end I failed. Year after year of steady drinking makes physical changes to your brain. There comes a time when what was a fun habit that you were in control of has snuck up on you, and inched it's way into way too much territory. My health suffered, my concentration suffered, and eventually even my personality began to deteriorate as I'd get cranky more easily and faster.

Knowing myself through years of being with me, I realized that if I gave up the bottle, I'd be giving up a big part of myself. But my health finally deteriorated to the point where there was literally no more choice. My stomach could no longer handle even a few drinks. The alter-ego had to go. At first I missed him. I'd love to have him back in my life. Haven't seen him since.

However the remaining personalities in my head still manage a good life. And I still have other favored drugs I can partake of. Love and sex, especially. Still trying to sort out some weed safely here...

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-20-2012 07:22 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Smitty, do you always take the Cialis? Did you need/got prescription for it?
I definitely only use it if I absolutely have to, and don't have a prescription.

Whiskey Dick

Quote: (02-21-2012 06:47 PM)Smitty Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2012 07:22 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Smitty, do you always take the Cialis? Did you need/got prescription for it?
I definitely only use it if I absolutely have to, and don't have a prescription.

Does it reduces your refractory period after cumming or is just for boners?

Whiskey Dick


no it doesn't.there are lots of studies that contradict this.it was similar to this: men in their mid to late twenties drank 3 beers every day for a month and there was only a 4% decrease in test,which is barely anything.

answer: alcohol deoxgynates your blood,thats why you cant get it up,fresh oxygen cant get to your dick in time = decreased blood flow.ever tried running down the street when your hammered? its like your after running a marathon

well the end lesson is dont drink and fuck!

Whiskey Dick


Just last night I was out drinking and brought home a different girl.

I had 2 beers.

She resisted sex for hours but I finally broke through the "I'm a good girl" bullshit.

New notch plus new lessons learned!

I never thought I would have to tone down the drinking but I'm glad I don't have psychological problem with getting it up now!

Whiskey Dick

Good job Arcais.

What does everyone do if you don't want to drink to much, but the girl wants you to get drunk with her? Let's say at your place..

Whiskey Dick

Houston I've had a girl like that before, she would complain if I wasn't drinking. The one time I did drink w. her I did a few shots with her, she got wasted I got buzzed and she just assumed that if I was doing some shots w. her I must be as drunk as her.

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