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Uni games

Uni games

Hey im having problems getin with girls on my uni campus , im in my second year and I’m living in res again, we moved in last week and so far iv had no luck at all. I find that a big problem is there that are so many guys all cock blocking me. But this one girl I met lives on my floor and she only moved in on Wednesday, the same day we when to the frosh week dance together and she was exclusively dancing with me practically fukin me on the dance floor. The next day she was giving me the cold shoulder; i pretended like I hadn’t noticed and socialised with other people but that night I was in her room and she came right out with “I’m not fucking you, I have a boyfriend” I was like “Wooo, did I even ask you to fuck me?” anyway I don’t know if I should give up on her or not, there is another girl who is amazingly hot who also lives on my floor but she doesn’t really socialise much like today she was in her room all day watching TV, I called her room phone and knocked on her door a few times to come watch a DVD with us but she said she was tired and just wanted to stay in her room..alone [Image: confused.gif]” so I had my dorm room full with other girls some no so attractive and the other all have bf’s but I’m trying to give out the impression that as a second year I know a lot of people and have a lot of experience. Any ideas how to handle this? I think I just suck at thinking of things to say its tragic, conversations seems to go much like this with ever girl I meet

Me “hi how are you tonight”

Girl “Pretty good, you?

Me “I’m good, what programme you in?

Girl “Insert program here”

Me “Cool, so where you from?

Girl “Some place I’v never heard of”

Me “Really? where is that?”

Girl “erm like north of some other place I never heard of, so where are you from? You have a cool accent”

Me “I’m from England”

Girl “Wow that’s so cool, why did you come to Canada?”

Me “Seemed like a good idea at the time”

Girl “Ok well it was nice meeting you”

Yes it’s that tragic, in 90% of my cases, please tell me where I’m going wrong

Uni games

I dont really know the uni system in Canada, but I'd bet people hear those same lines over and over again. I mean "where are you from, what's your major" etc.. That's an easy way to start an conversation but you should go somewhere from there: crack a joke about where they're from or make fun of the fact that you're a jolly good old fashioned British gentleman, or what ever. You've got to stick out somehow because I'd imagine that freshmen meet so many new people when they start studying.

It's impossible to give any magical solutions, though. Have you read Bang or studied game otherwise? Also read through the other uni/college related topics here, they've got some tips like join a frat, get a bong or something.

And if guys are cock blocking you (there's a special place in Hell for those guys), I just got this idea that maybe you should win the guys first. Build a nice social network with all the cool guys and make them work for you as a wingman instead of cockblock.

Just some random thoughts..

Uni games

Yeah, I think doriangray gave you some great advice.

I think this is the key part of the convo, My comments in parenthesis:

Girl “erm like north of some other place I never heard of, so where are you from? You have a cool accent” (Right here she is showing interest)

Me “I’m from England” (You don't have to answer her here. Make up something funny. Or throw her off. Or say something interesting. Maybe say your from "Hollywood" with your English accent, which will lead to more buying questions from her)

Girl “Wow that’s so cool, why did you come to Canada?” (Another Buying question)

Me “Seemed like a good idea at the time” (Your answer lacks flavor. Tease her. Bullshit her. Say something funny. Maybe say you came here because you heard they had good weed. Whatever. Say you were going to go to school in Uganda but heard it was too hot. Doesn't matter. Just be different and funny.).

I think one thing that many guys do is answer girls questions directly. You don't have too.

This is a great time to separate yourself from the pack.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Uni games

All good advise thanks guys, it's only week one so i have time to work on my game.

Uni games

So the girl I talked about at the start of this post; she went home for the long weekend and when she returned to campus earlier today my dorm room was open as she walked past and I literally had 10 people packed into my room to watch a DVD, some guys, some girls but I was sat on my bed watching with a hot girl on both sides of me. So I shouted to her “welcome back come join the party if you can find anywhere to sit”; she declined and when to her room leaving her door open and read a book in full view of me. I figured she couldn’t have come back at a better time because this made my look popular, far better than if I had been sat alone playing halo over the network with the geeky kid next door to me.

So after we finished watching the movie I went to see Kelsey (might as well use her name) we went to get dinner together and then back to my room just me and her to watch a DVD; so I put the movie on but we ended up talking through it all; one of the first things I said was “we have a formal dance at the end of this semester and I’ll like you to go with me assuming I don’t hook up with some amazingley hot girl in the mean time” (that latter part had a sarcastic tone and a cheeky smerk” she said she’d like to go with me but then she turned to conversation on to her bf an I couldn’t get her off the subject. So I did the only thing I could i.e. maintain good eye contact, nod agree and repeat small facts to show I was listening. In the conversation I learnt that she thinks she is in love with her boy friend, she find it hard to trust and that I will never learn anything about her that anybody couldn’t read from her face book (her words) but this was the real kicker; she also said that she wouldn’t sleep with me even if she didn’t have a b/f she told me it was nothing personal as she hasn’t met anyone on campus who she would sleep with. My response was

“I really want to know what makes you think I’m that easy.”

She said “because you are, you just give of that kind of vibe”

Here are my thoughts, as a second year I have seen girls come here deeply in love with there bf’s or so they think, but their boy friends live a long way from here and these girls meet new and interesting people everyday. Last year I saw girls break up with their long term bf’s after only 2 weeks living on campus.

Secondly Kelsey is always talking about the attraction of confidence; I’m almost scared she has read some of these forums listening to her talk. But my point is she openly admitted that many of her ex bf’s were not good looking she was simply “confused by their confidence”

She makes jokes in front of me about having spent the night with the geeky kid who lives next door to me; and tries to hold his hand for example I asked Kelsey to walk to the store with me to buy smokes, she bitched about how I should quite but came anyway, the kid next door to me invited him self alone too and on the way back from the store she was poking fun at me for some reason or other and she tried to hold hand with the other guy, who didn’t want to (probably because he thought it would annoy me) so he was like “hold mikes hand”, so with out giving Kelsey chance to decline holding my hand , I sarcastically said “ yea I don’t wanna hold your hand either” ( I guess this was kind of a neg?) this was before we talked for hours in my room so it wasn’t taken as spitefulness on my part.

I think she defiantly has some interest in me, I just don’t know how to break through the bf guilt and escalate the situation. I’m going to the gym with her after class tomorrow and then were going off campus in the evening with a group to watch final destination lol

So guys I know I have wrote a lot here but I would really appreciate some analysis from the experienced players. Can we figure this girl out, find out how she works and what approach will work for me?

PS first day of classes tomorrow 9am class; wish me luck

Uni games

So did she bang the geek next door, brah?

Uni games

Your conversation is very boring. Stop interviewing them.

Uni games

Nar she didn’t bang the geek lol, I’m totally playing nonchalant with her now, and every time I invite her to do anything if she doesn’t give me a yes, I just respond with a comment like “ok maybe next time” and turn my attention away immediately; tonight alone she turn down going to the cinema and dvd in my room; like I care I had some other very hot chick with me at the cinema and then she came back and watch a dvd in my room and fell asleep cross my chest. I guess right now im not so bothered about fucking these girls, im just building a strong repore with all the hot girls and see where it takes me; as for Kelsey well, I might never sleep with her but at least now im not falling into the “friend zone” if anything were drifting apart, but were still close enough for her to be of use, i.e. frosh week foam party coming up; I’m pretty sure she will still wanna dance with me, probably not exclusively with me now because she knows at lot of people here now but hell so do I, and that’s probably a good thing.

Roosh, yea my convo is pretty dull with the girls I wanna fuck, oddly I can make other girls laugh and chat for ages about any old shit that pops into my head. I guess my social skills and directly reflected by how the person responds, if the girl responds well to me initially I just keep going, but when they don’t respond as well I really struggle with it.

Uni games

You may now be in the middle of 2 girls actually fighting over you. You may not see it.

If you are living in a close quarters dormitory kind of thing, I hope that you understand that this could easily be spun into a 3way with you and the fighters. Work the foam party.

Girls living in that kind of shit always gotta be the queen of the pack. I say take your game outside. Just let what comes to at home come to you. You have to live there for a while I'd assume.


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