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DHV Techniques

DHV Techniques

I was looking at the "You are the Prize" thread and a comment inspired me to make another post specifically pertaining to DHV and how to demonstrate it efficiently and optimally within the limited parameters you are working with in terms of time and budget.

There will be situations where you have only 30 seconds to DHV to getting a number close. There will be situations where you have more time and can get a better quality lead but that also means more time to fuck up. You also have to create more DHV when alcohol is involved because people in general have poor memory when drinking too much, especially Women.

So how should we start DHVing even before you make eye contact? Well let me break down the list of what my default DHV was before even speaking with my current Japanese Wife:

- I was co-organizer of a Japanese meetup group, friends with the organizers (Japanese guys) probably for about a good year before I met my Wife at the group.

- I dressed very well, peacoat, dress shirt, nice jeans and dress shoes, cologne etc.

- At the time I had one plate in my rotation with a couple of other recent so-so dates under my belt. I also saw a pro once in a while to break up any dry spells and keep my thirst from getting to be too high. This likely had a strong effect on my confidence level and the smoothness of my approach.

- Aside from the aura of abundance created by pre-selection in the above point, the subconscious notion that a Man has a lot of friends/associates is impressive to a Woman. One of the Women she knew was at a prior meetup before this so she probably saw and told her about when I brought about 2-3 friends to the previous event. Even if they are all male, it's still better than nothing.

- This applies to Foreign women only: I had at least an elementary/conversational knowledge of the language and had a well known technical profession that has a good career track for growth/$$$ (If you work in civil engineering etc. this is a DHV for an Eastern Women so be sure to mention it, the complete opposite for Western Women) The way they react to you mentioning your profession also helps you determine if she's a gold digger. If her eyes light up like a Christmas tree and she suddenly becomes EXTREMELY (emphasis on the word EXTREME) engaged in the conversation, this is a red flag. Not grounds for dismissal but you'll want to pay close attention to other behaviors later on.

- Hype Man: If you don't know what a Hype man is Google it. Because it is very important. You'd be wise to find at least one high energy friend that amps up social group interactions. If you are that guy, you'll need a more low key sarcastic or cynical guy like me to balance you out. This is the guy who will be responsible for indoctrinating the prospect subconsciously with the idea that you are the best catch for her that night. Luckily that guy was my Japanese friend the owner of the group. He even was nice enough to exaggerate the size of my junior. (However, tell your Hype Man this doesn't work for American Women, they will just accuse you both of being gay)

Deconstructing the role of co-organizer into individual values that you can mimic in your personal life:

- Be the man with the plan. As a co-organizer it is assumed you provide input into places and evaluate the best places to go. Women will interpret this as you have a good ability to show them something new and exciting. As such our first date I unearthed a low key Japanese Izakaya where most of the staff were either Gaijin that worked in Japan or Nihonjin. This will get you big brownie points if you can find places like these to take your foreign plate (and hopefully soon to be LTR if she passes all the tests)

- Know influential and connected people. By being co-organizer it showed I am associated with people who are responsible enough to maintain a group. Even groups with a small following is better than nothing.

- You have a Plan B and she is not the only option. It shows additional abundance because a co-organizer has to have back-up plans. It is assumed that the same way she met you, you can meet other girls but you chose her instead. The hamster told them so.

- Be Selective I don't drink well alcohol because it's shit quality and gives me hangovers. At the time I only drank Jack Daniels if it's Whiskey (or Maker's mark etc.) or Ketel One if it's vodka. If I was on a budget but still wanted to get turned up my trick was to bring a flask and load it up with a measured dose of the good stuff brought from home (this doesn't work for high security bars where they pat you down and for those cases, bring a book bag with a secret compartment). Showing you only care for the finer things in life is a good way to keep a good impression throughout the night.

- Pursue all options before honing in on her. There were a number of OK options there that night and I talked to all of them at least a little. My Japanese isn't fluent but I know enough to agree and amplify with a decent amount of embellishment. There isn't a whole ton of negging needed or being exercised on either the male or female side in this culture so you don't have to over do it.

- Screening - Ask questions. You don't have to interrogate and keep it light (not asking about notch count etc.) but it implies as the other post highlights that "You are the Prize" and she is auditioning for a spot in your stable.

You don't have to be co-organizer at a meetup group or other group. That is not for everyone. However, try and occupy at least a somewhat authoritative position at some type of hobby or interest you have:

1) Like cars? Get involved in a racing/tuning meetup, plan and schedule things, be responsible for it. Even if you don't meet Women there you can take a Woman there and let her see " I handle this shit/ This is all me"

2) Foreign women only: Have interesting professional projects? I am in marketing so I would show the Woman any cool campaigns I am working on. For those of you familiar with the industry it could be campaigns leading to home-page-takeovers, ROS, etc. Just make sure to do it in a matter-of-fact way.

3) Do you blog? Show the bitch your blog if it's interesting and especially has online validation/syndication from familiar sources.

4) Into Sports? Be in charge of organizing the office brackets for NCAA, Superbowl etc.

It could be a minor point or segway into another conversation but dropping the hint that you are in charge of something and make decisions that affect other people only helps build DHV in her subconscious mind. What is best and optimal is if OTHER PEOPLE tell her about your accomplishments, responsibilities and roles and it doesn't even come out of your mouth. All you have to do is give the head nod and seal of approval once they are done embellishing your achievements.

Some benefits are (including but not limited to):

- Less or no LMR (very minimal)
- Less false rape accusations (for the poor guys stuck with Western Women)
- It sets up traps for gold diggers and attention whores who hate too much DHV. If a girl is not eagerly seeking DHV from you it means she is possibly trying to make you an orbiter
- Less shit testing in the beginning

DHV helps you seal the deal and is an integral part of Game. Master it and you will have less headaches guaranteed. Approach a challenge from a point of strength and not from a point of weakness. Good luck!

Oh and before I forget. There will be instances (and have been many instances in my life) where your default DHV will either completely fly over a girl's head (potentially because she is simply too dumb and unobservant) or interpreted completely wrong as egotistical or unimportant. If it requires a huge and staggering amount of DHV then you need to switch it up and hit up another Woman. You shouldn't have to be struggling in an interaction, if there is no chemistry then move on to the next and stop wasting time. There are many Women with mental problems etc. and are simply not on your level. They will not be receptive to any DHV and it is pointless to engage with them any further.

For example if you are have just finished demonstrating social proof and the girl proceeds to ask "So what car do you drive", ignore the question and hard next her immediately. It is a clear sign she is not interested in you and only interested in what she can obtain from you without giving anything in return. Likewise, if you roll up in a Benz and she asks "Can you get me into X club tonight?" Same shit. She is ungrateful and unlikely to improve at all with any future interaction.

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