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Colombia Trips Report 2012-2014

Colombia Trips Report 2012-2014

Colombia Trips Report 2012-2014

I just finished a 7-week trip in Colombia. I set up base in Medellin in an apartment in Poblado. I took side-trips to Cali, Ibague and a few to Bogota.

Previous trips:

I took 3 trips to Colombia in 2012 and 2013, with the longest being 5 weeks in the summer of 2012. That summer, I thought I had found my pussy paradise. I had a nice rotation that developed rather quickly. As much as I enjoyed my rotation, I eventually settled in with a 23-year old 8 and found that more satisfying as I prefer mini-relationships. At that time, I estimate I was doing 70% online and 30% Daygame. My most recent trip, I did roughly half online and half Daygame.


I had two years of Spanish in High School, which provided some fundamentals but was worthless in terms of speaking to people. In 2012 my Spanish was pitiful, but I stepped it up this year and completed the first two levels on Pimsleur. I am close to conversational. I can open in Spanish and carry out basic conversations, but have difficulty with past tense. I am at a level conducive to dating if the girl is patient, but it is becomes difficult to form meaningful connections. If you have had a conversation with a 10-year old, that is what is probably like to speak with me in Spanish.

The language spoken in the interior of Colombia is excellent for practicing and learning Spanish. They speak clearly and pronounce words completely. Most people do not speak English at a conversational level. 95% of my dates were in Spanish. Most recommend only coming to Colombia if you are conversational in Spanish. I disagree. First off it is a great place to learn the language. Second and paradoxically, I actually got laid more when my Spanish was God-awful. More to come on this point...


Generally cheap and most have meters. Although in Bogota some prices are determined by zones. I have taken dozens of taxis and never had a problem with safety or getting ripped off. I usually hail them in the street, but locals have advised me to call a service. The few times I did, I used Easy Taxis.


Whatsapp is King. 95% of my communication was done on Whatsapp. 2 Years ago it was MSN, funny how things change. I also had an unlocked phone with a local number which came in handy when I didn’t have WIFI.



The city of eternal spring is a misnomer. Locals tell me that this was the case 10 years ago. The weather now is more like summer with temperatures in the 80s during the day, while cooling off at night into the upper 60s. The excess of cars and buses makes it seem even hotter. Most apartments are not air conditioned, which makes it uncomfortable if you are used to American standards.


My most recent rip, I rented a one-bedroom apartment in Poblado for 1300 dollars per month. The apartment had a terrace, pool and sauna. I was one block from Santa Fe Mall and 2 blocks from Oviedo Mall. My neighborhood was for upper class Colombian with very few Gringos considering it is Poblado. Most Gringos will congregate and stay in Pargue Lleras.

While my apartment was great, Poblado is all hills, which gets annoying if you like to walk around. This part of Poblado is also a 20-30 minute walk to the Metro. I choose this area to be close to the malls and it had a 24-hour supermarket across the street. However, next trip I will stay in Laureles, a good barrio, flat and close to the metro and bars.


Colombian food is generally tasty and cheap. Oviedo and Santa Fe malls have a variety of places to eat. I usually spent around 8 to 15 mil for lunch. You can find cheaper lunch specials outside Poblado.


Bodytech (Riosur): 245 mil per month.

Most expensive in Medellin

Lots of MILFS working out in the morning between the hours of 10-12

Overall talent is high

Super-upper class in Medellin

Got some numbers but they went nowhere

Equipment is great

Santellana Gym (Close to Oveido): 140 mil per month

Nice staff

Equipment is old but all you need

Solid talent

Middle to upper class Colombians

Daytrips and Events


Santa Fe De Antioquia

Ride the Metrocable

Pueblito Paisa

During August: Feria de Las Flores

During July: Colombia Moda: Check out my report:


Colombians are proud of their culture, music, food and language. Paisas seem to have even more local pride than national pride. They are mountain people and have a very insular culture. They love their city and culture. Paisas always return to Medellin when living abroad.

Family and home is the cornerstone of their life. Nothing is more safe, relaxing and meaningful for them. If looking for a wife, I suspect that a girl from Medellin would not do well living abroad. She would truly miss her city, family and culture. The odds are good she will return home.

There is billboard in Medellin which translated says, “Let’s see what happens”. This personifies the Paisa culture. I learned that plans do not exist. Flaking is a cultural norm. I have been flaked on in Colombia too many times to count.

I recommend the following for dealing with flakes:

1.Adjust your attitude. Don’t automatically “next her” because she flakes. This does not necessarily signify a lack of interest. Accept that there is a good chance she will be late or cancel. You are living in her country and dealing with her culture, not yours. Different rules and expectations apply.

I even found this to be true hanging out with my male Colombian friends. Setting up a time and place to meet is irrelevant because it will ultimately change. This is not personal but their way of living in the moment. Don’t take it personally.

One girl from online flaked on me 4 times. I stopped contacting her but would respond when she reinitiated contact with me. One Sunday she asked if we could meet in a few hours. I said I was relaxing at my pool and she was welcome to stop by. I got the bang within one hour on our first time hanging out. (note: I put had a few Skype session prior to meeting in person)
Stay the course and go with the flow.

2.Line up 2 or 3 dates for the same time if you can. If none of them cancel or are late (which is unlikely) proceed with the one you like most and reschedule the others.

3.Adopt a flexible mindset and go with the flow. Accept that plans are Fluid, not set in stone and are subject to change. If she was interested in meeting you in the first place, she will likely reengage you. Pursue other girls and don’t be offended.


Colombian women have a reputation for beauty, which is well deserved. However, the average girl is not much to write home about. If you have spent time in Eastern Europe or New York, the average Paisa will fall short of your expectations. But the 7s, 8s, and 9s have a special warmth and vibrant type of beauty. Their long dark hair is my favorite feature in them, something that is unmatched in my travels. Breast and butt injections are common.

Most attractive girls have boyfriends. However, Medellin is the city of perceptual being on the look-out for an upgrade. Cheating in men and women is common. Girls are always on the watch for a better opportunity. Men are notoriously unfaithful. Attractive girls will prefer to date a rich, good-looking Colombian guy. They are open to Gringos, but would prefer a quality Colombian man.

International Game works well. It is ok to be a confident beta and compliment her. Establishing comfort and rapport should be your first task. Demonstrate that they are safe in your company. Once you do this, they will be inclined to hang out at your apartment rather quickly, although sex is not guaranteed. With the exception of Gold-diggers and Prepagos, these girls are relationship-minded. One-night stands are rare. However, 2 to 4 dates normally should seal the deal.

You are expected to pay for everything. Going Dutch is a big turn-off. Choose a location close to your apartment and pick up the bill for coffee (during the day) drinks or a light meal a night. Some girls will ask you to pay their taxis. This is a personal choice on how to proceed. But take into consideration her socioeconomic situation, barrio, and interest she has expressed. Proceed with caution.

Age difference is not a big deal in Colombian, which is one of the reasons I love it. I dated from 19-30 in this past trip with the talent level 6.5 to 8.5. Although, I love dating young girls, my best connections were developed with girls between 28-30. They were less flakey, maintained their beauty and I had much more to speak with them about.

Online Game

Pipelining before you get into town represents your best chance for fast sex. I have had good success with Badoo ,ColombianCupid and Latincupid. Prior to my trips, I spent a lot of time chatting on Skype and Facebook to build rapport and chemistry. This time paid off well, as this is the method to obtain fast sex in this country. Although not the norm, I was able to get the bang on first dates, but only after putting in time chatting and on webcam.

It is important to note that 2012 in Medellin was better for me than 2014 with regard to online. In 2012, I had so much talent lined up that is was difficult to manage. My phone was blowing up every day. I had 2 to 3 dates lined up on most days. I am not good with managing more than one girl so I eventually settled in with one high quality girl. My lack of Spanish did not seem to hinder my online game. Girls were patient with google translate.

In 2014 although still good, I experienced more flakes and less bangs from online game. In fact, my total number of bangs in 2014 were lower than 2012. Everything just seemed easier 2 years ago. However, the talent level remained the same (6.5-8, one 8.5 in 2014).

I attribute the difference to Roosh’s prediction about Medellin. The Gringo exotic factor is mirroring what I witnessed firsthand in Rio. Your status as a foreigner is not as high. Two years was even enough time for me to witness the difference. These girls are not waiting for their Gringo prince. In fact, some are cautious to be seen with a Gringo as they do not want to appear to be easy or a Prepago in front of their social circle.

In any event, what worked best for me was setting up a date at McDonalds or McCaffe, both very close to my apartment. McDonalds is much nicer in Colombia than the US. It is air conditioned, has good Wifi , and has ice cream for 2 Mil. Ice cream or coffee was my standard first date for meeting girls from online. It was very low investment on my end due to low cost and proximity to my apartment. If I built up enough comfort, after one or two hours I invited the girl to my apartment for a drink or to listen to music. I was surprised at how many agreed. Escalation was very easy at this point, but did not always result in sex.


This is where I met truly sweet, beautiful and feminine girls. These girls were not actively looking for foreign boyfriends, but were open to the idea if I was staying for one month plus minimum. Surprising there are not many targets during the day. There were days when I didn’t see a quality target for hours. You have to focus on the hours of 5-8 pm.

These girls are busy. Many work full-time that includes a half-day on Saturday normally. Most of the 20-somethings are also taking classes.

Towards the end of my last trip, I started opening girls in groups, with their friends, mothers, father, ect (always indirect in these situations). I wish I had done this earlier, because there are not as many solo targets as you see in the US or Europe. Girls are less independent than girls in Europe and the US. You need to go for it when you see a girl you like, even in a group.

Malls are your best friend and represent the best place for meeting women. I mainly concentrated around Oviedo and Santa Fe Malls as they were close to my apartment. Most of the girls are middle to upper class girls. I also found Molinas Mall to be excellent for middle to working class girls. Bus stops along Avenida Poblado between the hours of 5-7 pm are also good. Many of the girls were heading home after work to places like Sabaneta and Envigado.

While I do mostly Direct Daygame in New York, I found better success with Indirect. The girls seemed more responsive to this approach and I also didn’t feel like I had a strong enough command of the language to pull off a solid direct approach.


I do little Nightgame and did even less in Colombia. As mentioned, one-night stands are very rare. Girls are not taking the risk of going home with a stranger at night after drinking. They are also not going to loose face in front of their friends by going home with a Gringo. The best you can hope for is a make-out and a number. Solid Dancegame can help. Try to pick up Salsa and Merengue. Places are usually dead Sunday to Wednesday. Thursday through Saturday is party time.

Colombians will drink and dance all night long. If you are with a group, it is common to order a bottle of Rum, Aguardente or Vodka. Aguardente is a local drink. If you haven’t tried it, it tastes like a poor man’s Sambuca and very cheap.

Most people go out in mixed groups and sit around tables until it is time to dance. It is not easy to break into these groups, especially with the super loud music. I know some guys who do ok asking a girl to dance. This isn’t a bad option, but remember you don’t get more than kiss and a number. Solo Nightgame can be tough.

Pargue Lleras gets a good crowd Thursday to Saturday. Lots of Gringos.

Bablyon has ladies night on Thursday.

Bendito Sea on Calle 10 is also good Thursday for ladies night.

Rio Sur is an upscale mall on Avenida Poblado. On the top floor there are a few clubs and restaurants. Plenty of upper class hot girls Saturday night.

Le Strada on Avenida Poblado was good 2 years ago. Rio Sur took all of its business. Don’t bother unless you want to take a girl to a quiet chill bar for a drink. There is a good Martini bar on the top floor.

Sabaneta…a nice middle class neighborhood. There are clusters of bars that are good on the weekends. No Gringos.

The Lab in Pargue Lleras: Tuesday night is a language exchange night. Some cute girls come to practice their English and hook up with Gringos.

Social Circle

One of the highlights of my trips was developing a good social circle of Colombians. Colombian guys can be very cool and a few friends went out of their way to introduce me to girls. I didn’t sense any jealousy and there were no cockblock attempts. Perhaps nothing gives a Gringo more acceptability than having Colombian male friends. It legitimizes you as just not another thirsty sex tourist. I met some cool girls through friends. However, I found that it took longer than average to have sex with them. They wanted to keep face in their social circle and not appear too easy.


A few notes on Bogota…

Bogota gets a bad reputation, but I find some good aspects. Although cloudy, I actually like the fall weather. It is great weather to go suited up at night. If you are into Nightgame, Bogota is your place. More girls speak English here and One Night Stands while difficult by western standards are possible.

In a way I like the girls better in Bogota than Medellin, personality wise. The girls here are more diverse and worldly. On my dates I had much more to talk about. Their English levels are higher. They aren’t as confined by their local culture like Paisas. If looking for LTR, I suggest heading to Bogota. They seem easier to relate to than Paisas

During my trips I have stayed in La Candelaria, Chapinero and Zona Rosa.

La Candelaria:

Touristy during the day
Seedy and dangerous at night
Lots of hostels and backpackers


Middle class
A few decent bars
Can be dangerous and deserted at night

Zona Rosa

Clean, organized and safe
Andino Mall: I did some Daygaming here, mostly upper class girls
Zona T: upscale bars

The men who go to clubs in Zona T dress well. Wearing a suite or blazer is a good idea.

My preference is for Zona Rosa as it had the best concentration of bars and talent during the day and night.

Check out La Villa on Tuesday night for Gringo Tuesdays: Language exchange and party afterwards. Lots of cute chicas open to talking to Gringos

Irish Pub is a good place to start out the night for a drink


I only had 5 days here. I liked the vibe of the girls and their look. They are slightly thicker than Paisas. However, the city is uninteresting and dull. There is very little to do during the day, but it has a vibrant night scene, famous for Salsa. I would like to spend more time here before I can make a full assessment. I got lucky and met a girl on my first approach in Chipichape Mall. I spent most of the week with her.


Roughly a four-hour bus ride from Bogota.
Perfect weather
Not many Gringos
More of an exotic factor than the larger cities

Only had one weekend here and spent it with the girl I met in Cali.

Forum Guys

The guys I met during my trip were all cool:

European Lover

Final Thoughts

Like all places, Colombia is not a perfect country. Traffic is insane. With the exception of Medellin, cities are unattractive and offer little interesting architecture. It is boring during the day. There is very little to do expect going to the mall. Museums are uninspiring once you have seen all that Europe has to offer.

Despite these drawbacks, the culture and women makes it alluring. Along with Brazil, Colombia is my favorite country. The culture is warm, friendly and inviting. People are welcoming to foreigners and I never had an issue with safety. The women are sexy, feminine and beautiful. There are some gems to be found if looking for a LTR.

Feel free to message me with questions.

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