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Salvador, Bahia in Depth

Salvador, Bahia in Depth

Warning: This is a very long and comprehensive observation/guide!

Greetings Gentlemen, with special salutations to Roosh for creating and fostering this community of worldly individuals with the goal of self-improvement and actualization; and salutations to Mixx and thegmanifesto for being recognizable and long-term community leaders.

I am a long-term lurker to the Rooshv/community forum (1.5 years) and longtime student of the community (since 2006). I was a beta.whiteknight years ago during my middle/highschool years. I was fortunate enough to recognize then that I was headed down the wrong path in life; and attempted to begin my own recovery to manhood by military service from ages 17-21. Afterwards I traveled to California to get my head right after the war OIF (2003-2004) for two years.

I then went to college for a period of 7 years, earning a bachelor’s degree in Gerontology, then Spanish/Portuguese and a minor in French. (Long story) I traveled during that period to Australia, and studied in Norway and lived for a time in Germany and traveled to France, Denmark and Sweden.

During the latter parts of my second bachelor’s degree, I had the opportunity to travel to Brazil, for an intensive Portuguese program. I lived in Salvador, Brazil for a month and stayed with a host mother. It was a life changing experience very similar to when I studied in Europe. A year later, I would go back to Brazil with rotary international with a professional group study (vocational/cultural) exchange program. I stayed in the state of Sao Paulo, in middle to smaller cities during this program. A radically different experience than Salvador and surrounding cities. (More European influence)

I was there for a month, and I returned to Salvador for my own independent study of more advanced and day-to-day Portuguese. I am also working to establish connections both professional and personal for later experiences.

Biography: 31 y/o, Black, Army Veteran, Bachelor’s degree Gerontology, Spanish/Portuguese. Minor in Psychology/French. Fluent (depends on the day) in Spanish/Portuguese. Conversational in French. Worked in Sales for about 7 years now during and after university. Houston native.

Salvador in depth - General City information and Club Scene

I will not discuss the historical context of Brazil or Salvador, as it is boring and most of you gentlemen either already know it, or can find out about it on Wikipedia. I will focus on the ground reality of being here, with the context and bias coming from a Black American.

I live/d with my host mother (logistics be damned, the day to day practice of Portuguese and in-house orientation and connections I get from her is priceless) in the suburb of Graça, which is located about 20 minutes on foot from the coast in either direction as it is on the tip of the Salvador Peninsula. It would be considered a middle-class suburb; many high-rise condominiums, Bimmers, Mercs and Range Rovers out here. As I am sure most of you know, that means a large population of the “Lighter” skinned Brazilians; those of Portuguese, Spanish and Italian lineage.

Compared to most middle-class suburbs we in the west are accustomed to; Salvador would be a dump to a sheltered Westerner. If you are from an older city in the states, Salvador might not be so bad to you. The buildings are old, but look much older on the outside than they are due to poor material quality and very poor artisanship. The interiors are surprisingly pleasant; they are very modern, clean, and have a respectable level of quality to them. I would say the average Brazilian interior is cleaner and more refreshing than the average apartment interior in Houston. The roads are not well maintained, and they seem to stay dirty and trash is common. Anything lower than a middle class surburb in Salvador (and from other parts of Brazil from what I’ve seen) looks like the average street in Iraq. High-class suburbs tend to be very new and look like a master-planned suburb in the states. Interestingly enough, many very high class (375K $ +) condominiums exist in the same place as middle class suburbs as well.

Baianos themselves consider Salvador a rather dangerous city, and for people without cars traveling at night is something done only when needed and in specific areas on specific routes. Middle class and higher condominiums all have door attendants 24/7 and they also tend to have private security guards that roam neighborhoods as well. As a result, during night hours people will still take care of business (Shop/Gym) but again will stay along very specific routes that have friendly eyes present. People with cars will move about during all hours with ease.

This can make traveling and spending time in Salvador without a car very problematic especially with logistics. Taxis are common, but of course can get expensive and you have to be aware of drivers that will take you on a joy ride to get more money out of you. Salvador is deceptively spread out- points of interest are not really conveniently close by- and the bus rides can suck. The only exception I experienced was the new center comprised of Salvador Shopping and Shopping Iguatemi- new and incredibly nice areas/malls that attract some of the best looking women Salvador has to offer. The area is well-kept, well patrolled, very modern and middle to upper class. Worth a visit. Worth the blueballs.

In my observation, I would NOT consider Salvador an easy tourist destination. For government/military people I would say Salvador is a Hardship tour- appropriate for very advanced travelers, thrill seekers, or those who truly love all of Latin America and its cities. The only true “tourist” place is Pelourinho; and for the amount of danger, size, pan-handling, and hustling you have to endure being there, it’s a hard sell. Porto do Barra and Farol da Barra are destinations as well, but they are small strips of beaches and a few restaurants, worthy a small trip. However the State of Bahia is quite large, and the true beauty and the true fun to be had is not in Salvador, but in the numerous party islands and party cities that are sprinkled throughout the state.

Pelourinho (official cultural center of Salvador)

Pelourinho is the touristy/party place for foreigners (it does have a large neighborhood of working-class which makes it incredibly dangerous after dark). Brazilians sort of hang-out there, it does have some nice clubs and bars, but it can be a headache. People from Salvador (and the women you would typically want to game/enjoy) are going to hang out in Rio Vermelho and Pituba; which is larger than Pelo, safer, located in a much better area and is right on the ocean.

There are several bars/clubs in Pelo, which are very electric and downright fun. In addition, you are going to run into very authentic replicas of Carnival period music/drum groups of Olodum; which are to me galvanizing and awesome to experience. You can take a bus to Pelo, but by the time the average person wants to leave (3-4am) you’re going to need to take a taxi. Some of them will not turn their meter on and just charge you whatever they feel like, so you will need to haggle before you get it.

Pelo is incredibly dangerous (to foolish, travel newbies) at night outside of the main square adjacent to the Geronimo concert hall. You can actually see shadows lurking in the dark alleyways waiting for foolish tourists to stumble nearby, it’s some crazy shit. Geronimo concert clubs and the steps outside of it are places you must check out club wise in Pelo.

Geronimo itself has awesome live samba bands playing with some just wicked sexy Brazilian girls that dance there. Its hot, sweaty, packed and beer flows freely so it wont be hard to find a girl willing to dance ,provided you know how to samba. It can be a bit more difficult to dance samba with a girl since the structure of the dance does NOT require two people; unlike forro that can only be danced with a partner. The steps outside of Geronimo typically has live bands and samba dance offs between women. Its neat because the entire scene is located on steps, which can be a bit uncomfortable especially when you’ve been drinking, and it gets dirty and slippery as people drop beer cans. You also have to watch out for kids trying to rip you off and not give you the right change after selling the typical “5 reias for 3 mini-beer” offer.

Pelo typically will have the working class/favela level girls there. So 45% Morenas and 50% Negras/Mulatas with the rare %5 white Brazilian girl here and there. A must stop if you want to view the darker talent of Salvador.

Rio Vermelho

Popular with the locals, and college students, Rio Vermelho is the place to be at night when you’re in Salvador. It’s the most “bang for your buck” so to speak in times of proximity to bars/clubs/restaurants and it’s reasonably safe due to the constant traffic of people and varying social strata groups that come here. It has anything from hole in the wall clubs to posh clubs that most of us are probably used to. There are very neat outdoor only restaurants and general-purpose lounge areas where people gather outside seemingly in the hundreds and just sit around, drink and talk. It’s near the coast which gives the nice surf ambiance, its well-lit, has outdoor music if not live music, and all in all just a cool place to be at. 30 segundos and Commons Studio Car are both chic and relatively hip places to go for a familiar dance club scene. They are middle sized, clean and attractive to Baianos from all walks of life; they are a must visit a visit if you are in the area. Pestana, and Golden Tulip hotels are right across the street, and again; the outsides look ratty, but inside they are 4+ stars.

Brazilian Women

Let us take a moment to talk about physical characteristics of Brazilian Women. I speak of a sampling of women encountered in Salvador, Bahia and surrounding cities and several cities in the State of Sao Paulo.

Percentages change with location, remember in Brazil the further you venture away from the Northeast coast; the lighter skinned the women tend to be.

Bahia note** the further interior you go, the more ameri-indian/european mix the people tend to be

White Brazilians %40 (light olive to pale/pink) think Catia Carvalho

-Mostly concentrated in high to middle class strata
-Tended to look great/ have incredible figures
-Flat stomachs, curvy hips and fat asses (bubble-butts) everywhere
-Very feminine and well dressed
-most likely to speak English and have university America/Canada/Europe exposure
-Interracial relationships not very common (social-status groups)
-Social circle game seems to be king. It was common to see lame looking, fat, beer belly, no posture nerdy middle/upper class white Brazilian guys with –stunner 8, 9+- girlfriends. These girls will date jabba the hut before she ventures outside her social group. Bizarre, but its the culture.
-Social circle access cannot be stated enough as these girls tend to only date with in work/school/ family groups, very rarely date outside (confirmed this with several girls)

Morenas (Dark Brown all the way to Light Olive) %35 think Bianca Anchieta, Mariana Souza

-Ethnically diverse mixes of European/African/Amerindian

-Most diverse looking group
-Took good care of themselves on average, very good shape
-Very common, exist in most if not all social strata
-interracial relationships common (most flexibility as all color gradients are in family)
-Also tended to have the lovely flat stomach/bubble butt build

Negras/Mulatas (Dark brown to onyx Black) %25 Think Camila Silva

- (Observations based on Middle class area)
-Concentrated African blood, occasional ameri-indian influence
-Lowest social strata group, limited exposure as they are mostly in favelas, working class (some upper class)
-Not well kept on average **in Graca area (Fine girls still out there!) very rough looking and poorly dressed
-Hair and nails tended to not be up to par due to lack of money for salon trips
-Surprisingly, many are overweight**, nice figures were uncommon (poor diet, exercise [vegatables can be $$$])
**Note – Ironically, the further you venture out into the working class neighborhoods/favelas as well as the countryside/islands the better the black girls tend to look. I always wonder if the middle and upper class areas might selectively hire homely black girls.

Estado de São Paulo (São Carlos, Jaboticabal, Franca, Ribeirão Preto, Sertãozinho, Araraquara)

White Brazilian women
-Same Characteristics as listed above with the exceptions
-Bodies tended to be less curvy and lither
-Existed in working classes more frequently
-Much more curious than Baianas (Combination of lack of blacks in the area and English knowledge)
-Fashion tended to be “European” like, less sultry

-Same Characteristics as listed above with the exceptions
-Tended to occupy more of the working, lower middle class strata

-Very different group than Baianas
-Lithe to curvy builds
-Working to middle class, but carried themselves well
-My understanding was very upwardly mobile
-Heavily concentrated in Factory work (very stable and reasonable work)
-On average a great deal sexier than the average girl from my sampling in Salvador (the island and interior cities match these girls)

What makes Brazilian women sexy?

The same thing that makes most other Latin-American women sexy. They have this Pride about them, this spirit of feminity that they are very in tune with. They greatly enjoy appearing, acting and –being- a woman. Brazilian women will go through great lengths to be attractive and feminine in –any- situation and honestly from every social strata. I have been at bus-stops in rough neighborhoods with girls going to work at a fruit stand smelling like the inside of a 5 star hotel and dressed like she is going to a ritzy club in that same hotel. Arguably the unique and seemingly endless admixtures of the people/women make Brazilians a bit more unique and jaw-dropping but that depends on your taste.

I’ve seen girls walk up hills that makes my thighs burn in tall espadrilles and pumps, in the rain still dressed to kill because it is a part of their very existence to be feminine, elegant and sexy (they are all one in the same). Only the most tired, wore out and defeated brasiliera will leave her home without looking and smelling her absolute best. I love it, and I respect it greatly. There is no excuse for other women (especially western women) to not follow that level of dedication to her appearance and pride. They are also in tuned to sultry and sexy attire, and any man familiar with women from Latin America will attest to their fashion sense in day-to-day life is much more provocative than most women on earth, with the exception of Eastern European women.

The beauty behind this, and arguably the best part of being a man in a Latin American country (other countries too) is this unanimous pride among women fosters incredible competition and thus lowers the “price” of each woman. There is no market-cornering (obesity is making this go away) phenomenon here like there is in the states, where out of every 10 women, atleast 5 will be obese (or close to it) 2 will just be busted, thus driving up the price and arrogance of the remaining ones. They can be arrogant and snooty because, American women for example, have so much less competition from their fellow women. They know this; and capitalize on it constantly. It makes dating in the states a headache; and requires a man have his A game and his shit together if he wants to be competitive for decent quality women.

This is why most prudent and wise men always warn of bringing a foreign girl/bride to the states. She will experience attention in ways she has never dreamed of, and unless she is incredibly devoted and loyal, she will be in jeopardy of changing to the very type of woman most men are trying to get away from. The attention will eventually get to her head, and the right smooth guy or beta sugar daddy will tempt her, eventually seeping into your relationship.

Women in other countries with high competition amongst themselves have a reputation of being modest and easy to talk to, and that is because of the competition. You would be an idiot to be a snooty bitch to a man who tries to talk to you when there are plenty of other girls out there just as sexy if not more so than you wanting attention. This also motivates male infidelity due to the abundance of sexy, fit women.

Let’s be real shall we gentlemen?

Everyone has this idea of bombastic badass Brazilian women (most likely seen in either funk carioca videos or porn) and just to echo most sensible observations, you need to realize those girls are handpicked and specifically recruited from all over the country. They are mostly found from cities of poor economic condition and villages from the country/islands. Additionally, they are recruited to VIP social gatherings and high-class galas and events for the enjoyment/match-making to wealthy/powerful Brazilian men. These are NOT girls you are going typically see on the streets or even the average Party Island. Not to say you will not find seriously gorgeous women in those locations because you definitely will, but Brazil is NOT filled to the brim with these dime pieces men love to rave about.

Brazil is just like any country, every-man is competing to bag/smash/wife up the Carnival queen 8,9s and 10s and competition can be just as engaging and difficult for the best the country has to offer. Be forwarned.

An assessment on gaming in Brazil

Read this link for another great angle, and very sound observations. He is very much spot on.

Honestly, it depends on a multitude of factors on your level of success with women in Brazil. This section will echo (There are certainly things that are shared among traveling abroad in Latin America) so advanced travelers can skip this part.

The main thing to take away when trying to come to Brazil to game women is to be honest with yourself to what you want. The reason for this is you need to set up your time here to maximize your results and it will be highly depend on what you are trying to accomplish. You will have a hard time if you come to Brazil for 2-3 weeks if you’re looking to smash 7+ garotas either closing her the same night or trying to close within a week or so going to all but a select group of cities. If you are looking for an eventual girlfriend/wife, it also will require a completely different approach.

Brazil has an undeserved reputation of having a hyper sexualized culture, most stereotypically mentioned has a country of Beautiful semi-naked brown skinned women dancing and relaxing on the beach waiting for men to take them; endless beaches with crystal blue, clear water (true for the coast, brazil is a huge country with snow-capped mountains and arid plains) and carnival that seems to go on forever with parties going on round-the-clock. This reputation is, I will be so bold as to claim, almost exclusively from sex tourists.

They seem to be the most vocal and energetic group to share about their experience of Brazil (undoubtedly from their fresh vigor and excitement of seeing and having sex with prostitutes***) with others who travel to Brazil reporting things that most other countries offer. (Friendly locals, interesting food and drink, fun music) The men who go to Brazil for sex are probably smashing girls they have only seen in Porn videos so it is like a “rebirth” for them so they are excited. (Blame it on Rio, smdh. These fools actually believe these girls are treating them nice because they –like- them, she’s a damn escort, of course she “likes” you, its that money!)

The reality is that Brazil is still a very conservative country that is still reeling from the effects of colonization and slavery. Brazil is unique in that it is the most upwardly mobile and one of the more wealthy LA countries (size) and the heavy influence and existence of slaved/Portuguese led brazil into a different path than the rest of LA. Due to the heavy catholic and new Evangelical movements here, women can be still very slow to jump into sexual relationships (they will make out/kiss quite however) and even more so the higher on the social strata you go. Many girls from conservative families will not be serial daters- leading to the best looking girls staying with their earliest boyfriends- never placing them on the open market.

Women still prefer to date mostly within their social groups and circles, social proof is still desired, powerful men will still get more opportunities, charisma is still king. Women are very close to their families, any many live with their families until marriage. This makes their mobility and ability to stay out late and not come home until the morning very dangerous to their reputation within their family and community, and many of these girls work uphold it. Nothing says she isn’t down for discreet action, provided your logistics and game and down.

I personally love Forro, a typical dance similar with Bachata that is common in the NE. Just like other dances, gaming a girl with your body is 75% more effective than trying to spit game or do the social “Jedi mind tricks” to get her interested in you from all the other men. Oddly enough, “game” as we know it is ineffective to these girls; simple conversation and being interesting will get you farther. Unless the girl has lived in the US or Canada for any length of time, her English is not going to be developed enough to understand and appreciate the subtlety that goes into “game”. She either won’t understand it, or will not understand the English you are using to speak to her with it.

Smile, smell good and be able to hold a conversation with a woman who gave you IOIs before hand seems to work. (From experience and from Brazilians- though I typically approach woman I am attracted too because I am either too stupid and dense to catch IOI’s or I’m not attractive enough for women to give them to me)

For dancing, if you are a semi-good dancer who can lead and make the dance with her fun over at-least two songs; gauge her body language. If she is smiling and clinging on to you, it’s a green light to take her off the floor for conversation. 80% of the “game” bullshit is done at that point because you have invoked her individual attention and (physical) attraction.

Its just up to you to keep the tempo of fun, increase physical contact, dance more (with her and others) be sure to try to make out with her at some point (the sooner the better) , and try to seal the deal and take her home at the end of the night. Even if she doesn’t want to go home to smash, or even watch a movie or talk, you will be on your way to doing something else very soon. I love dance, its so much easier to get women that way, and it exists for a reason; its less stressful and more natural.

**Important Note

Brazilians are a very proud people. They do have a sense of nationalism, and because of the relative optimism of the improving economic position of Brazil, the quality of life continues to increase. Despite the problems, there is not a huge sense of desperations for Brazilians to leave their country. Brazilians enjoy their weather, beaches, music, food and traditions (who the hell doesn’t like Carnival?) and are not just wanting to drop it to marry a gringo. I have never been to Colombia but have I read a lot about it here; and your typical man going to Colombia to mess with girls there is going to have a hard time in Brazil. Sure, you might find a low-end homely favela girl (the older they get the more desperate) wanting to get wife’d up but a girl with options is not going to be chomping at the bits.

From what I understand, gaming and getting with Colombianas (with good Spanish, apartment, some connections ) is like shooting fish in a barrel, but I suspect that is due to the desire for many of the poor barrio girls to marry up and out of Colombia. I don’t know if it’s the girls are inherently much more sexual (or a sexually open and fast culture) or they are using sex to try to get a gringo to fall for them.

The US and Brazil are slightly estranged, culturally and politically. (You can read why on Wikipedia) For these reasons, there really isn’t huge love for Americans from Brazilians; I cannot remember when I had a Brazilian actually excited that I was from the states, save from really young paulistas that were just excited I was a foreigner. What that means for you is something big, you will –not- have that instant exotic factor that most Americans tend to enjoy when traveling abroad, no matter what color you are.

Color doesn’t matter so much in Northeastern Brazil because every color exists. Your typical Brazilian girl has access to whatever color man she wants, and whatever body type she wants. There are plenty of blond hair and blue (light) eye men here, olive skinned men, onyx black men, of every gradient. So to my fellow black men, you won’t stand out to your average Brazilian woman from the northeast or even Rio at all, because there are plenty of black/moreno/mulato men out there, just as cut, muscular and charismatic as you. To throw salt in the wound, she is not going to be (unless you run into the rare one that likes US music and culture) impressed or care you are an American, and unless she is from at least middle-class strata she will more than likely not speak any English. This applies to white men too. Your color will affect how quickly someone will be to invite you to personal social circles. (Racism still exists, just less than the US. Remember to Demonstrate your value)

Now on a positive note, you can still run into girls who will just think you are attractive, who might think your Portuguese is cute, who might be curious to a foreigner or she might just be friendly and open to all. However that means you still need to exhibit qualities that any woman will like; charisma, confidence, aggression and aloofness. However, having woman all over your dick just because you speak Portuguese and are educated (You gotta bring charisma/game/knowing how to talk to them to the table) is just not going to happen. Southern Brazil will be a much better experience for men across the board regardless of color. Girls are typically introduced to English early, and are pushed to college. English is becoming standard in S. Brazil, and many girls have dreams of going to Europe or the US, giving the exotic value to you because you are of the places they dream about. Black / Darker men will enjoy an enhanced exotic factor due to scarcity in Southern Brazil.

I had a young (too damn young! 15! Italian/Spanish looking) girl at a school I was speaking at eye-hump me the moment she saw me, and keep staring at me until after my presentation was over. She blushed, looked coyly away, did all the typical stuff I imagine a woman attracted to a man would do. Women typically don’t look at me, I don’t consider myself an attractive man, I consider myself a man who has to use charisma and conversation to get with women. Anyway, after the class she told me in her broken English, “The second I saw you, I just felt I just had to talk to you” smiling, coyly playing with her hands and hair the whole time. I was so fucking mad. Had she just been 3 years older, I could have smashed her reasonably quickly.

So Black/Dark men, you can experience much easier things with the lighter women of Brazil if you get in the right place.

If she has been to the states before (Miami for shopping trips for example), You will have lost your exotic factor as she has had the chance to experience American men/dick if she chose to. She will be easy to speak with. Depending on how fine she is, you will need to approach her accordingly. Gaming her will still be easier as she is back competing with her countrywomen. You can probably game her like you would game a woman from the US, just don’t get to stupid on Negging. The more you can demonstrate you know about her culture the better.

On language. (The more English she speaks the less Portuguese you can speak and vice versa)

Just like any other country, your ability to speak their language is going to greatly affect your experience and access to social circles (pussy refrigerator). Brazil Is a country still estranged from the US and still has large segments (especially NE) that don’t’ speak English at all. Just to reflect on earlier, if you cannot speak Portuguese well, and you are not in an area with many middle-class and higher Brazilians, forget about getting with women without P4P. The high-class Brazilians and the super-bad middle class Brazilians are going to be incredibly tough to get at. Both socially and physically (Invite only, need to know only access clubs, social circle only dating) More average looking ones will be much easier.

When I was in Rio (just 2 days), I went to a place called the Balcony Bar. I won’t lie, I do P4P when I have struck out of gaming normally and I just want to smash foreign ass. I spent about 2 hours there waiting for talent I wanted to take to my hotel, and chatted up several working girls and just chilled. They were surprised that I spoke Portuguese, because the balcony bar is a place for foreigners looking for sex go, and told me all the places the natives go was in Ipanema. She also told me more on the nitty-gritty world of Rio and the sex industry too.

Again, unless she was a total whore, there was no way your average guy who speaks no/ weak Portuguese Is going to go to Rio and smash non-pro carioca HB7-9 girls in the course of 1-2 weeks. (IMHO) First of all, your typical carioca that speaks English is going to be from middle-class and up strata, she is probably not going to hang out in Copacabana and unless the guy has done his homework before, rented/owned an apartment, has an established social circle, speaks Portuguese, or/and is going back to Rio, it’s a hard sell for me to believe your typical guy will be there smashing non P4P cariocas. (I aint saying it hasn’t or wont happen, but I am saying I don’t believe its going down all the time) Brazilian girls love to make out with a guy very quickly, I experienced this several times, but getting the pussy is a whole different animal and they like to take their time. If she is a low-class carioca that speaks English, 9/10 times she is a working girl. Other posts about rio will show you the places you need to go for the middle-high class girls / university students.

**Party city and islands are an exception***

Party Islands

Party Islands and cities are the cats-meow when it comes to parting in Brazil. They are off the beaten path; I have yet to read a data-sheet on them. In my humble opinion, if you are coming to Brazil to relax and try to Smash Brazilian women, these are places you want to invest time. They are not easy to get to, and require much more planning (and some Portuguese) but are worth it.

The reasons are many. First is safety. Party cities/islands are normally no less than an hour outside the city limits of Salvador (they exist all over Brazil) and the package price of making an excursion out there keeps 90% of the “undesirables out” (your typical favela punk/ or low class degenerate youth) Party islands are inaccessible (duh) by car, and typically require no less than 3 hours to get to. Party Cities are typically non-accessible by bus; further limiting clients. This is very important because due to the financial screening to go there, women (and the ambiance in general) are/is relaxed and feel(s) safe; which loosens them up greatly. In a city like Salvador, danger after dark is a headache for women especially those without cars. It produces logistical issues if the man doesn’t have a car and keeps women on their toes even in the clubs.

The second reason you want to head to party locals is that women can easily disconnect from their normal routine and reality. This allows them to mentally/emotionally do this things they normally would not do; Party hard, Sex with a foreigners. Additionally because they are not on their home turf, walks of shame are less of an issue because they can be relativity anonymous on them (as well as very safe). They won’t have to worry about the local baker, shop-keep, or retired lady seeing them walk home at 6:30am with their hair fucked up, clothes loose and missing makeup, which are juicy gossip topics for people without shit to do.

The third reason you want to head to party locals is logistics. Party locals usually were small towns built around industries that don’t keep them afloat or exist anymore. They had natural beauty, good weather and low crime so owners rented out their homes and allowed people to come experience a more “innocent form of life” This means towns are small, and fun things to do are never very far from hotels/hostels/homes. Cars are allowed in the land cities, and everything is quickly accessible on foot. Partying hard, meeting a girl and wanting to bring her back to your room is quick, simple, discreet and easy. Her going back to her room the morning after is also safe and easy. Women like safe and easy.

The forth reason you want to head to party locals is the women. Women who have their shit together or come from well-to-do families will typically be there, as well as other tourists and even the local women are fair game (Morenas/Negras- the simple, country, salt of the earth sexy ones I adore) You are going to run into tons of women from southern Brazil first, Europe second, and the rest of LA/NA third. Unfortunately, the baddest ones you will see will typically be with their boyfriends/husbands/sugar daddies but there will be plenty of sexy (remember Latinas like sexy) ones there as well. Again, typically the darker ones there will not be vacationing, but will be local girls (they are awesome too). Take care because there will be some P4P girls there too, and they will not be hard to spot. (Two girls in incredibly skimpy clothes, high-heel pumps patrolling about for example) If you strike out, hit one of them up, they can do you right too. (You can have her/them for the night if you want) The good thing is if you’re into those Bronze haired/skinned girls from S. Brazil you will find plenty as well, not as many as in Santos or Porto Alegre/Florianópolis/Belo H however.

The fifth reason you want to go to the party locals is for the raw Natural beauty. These places are just damn gorgeous. Typical tourist locations you see on post cards and travel brochures. Unlike places in lets’ say, northern Mexico or central America where you take grave risk leaving the compound; these places are isolated from Juan Q Publico, and the locals are peaceful people, making a decent life in a beautiful location. They do not want to fuck it up, and because they are not hurting for money, they are at peace and partying, they are fine. These means for you is that you (and your lady) can enjoy all of the stunning blue water, or arid plains/mountains/lakes in peace and harmony. You have access to simply delicious fresh fruits and buffet meats that I feel just helps you shed weight and refresh your body. You will not have an annoying kid man chase and chastise you pandering over-priced junk. (Gift shops exists though)

Morro de Sao Paulo

My love so far of North Eastern Brazil tied only with Lençóis, MSP is the iconic getaway and return to a simpler life. A Series of islands with seemingly endless beaches and crystalline blue water. This Wiki-Travel document explains MSP very well with things to do, sleep, and eat. Just keep what I said previously in mind. It’s very well worth a visit. My host sister invited me to a private birthday party for one of her girlfriends so I didn’t see as much of the island as I liked. Its very large, and has long stretches of beach with nothing but clubs and bars lined up. I want to re-emphasize, most of these bars/clubs (baladas,boates,clube in Portuguese) are no more than a 15 min walk to most of the hotels/hostels (pousadas). Getting a girl who is down to your room is cake.

Morro de Sao Paolo


A rather untouched island getaway (literally, it’s a sparsely populated island south of Morro de Sao Paulo) that’s best accessed by boat. Due to its remoteness, it offers seriously breathtaking views of nature, white sand and clear water. When you go to MSP it’s a must visit. There are very small places to stay there and places to ear should you choose to remain there the night. 3-4 hour trip, most common being either a straight shot ferry, or a ferry-bus-boat combo. This is more of a place you vacation with a girlfriend/wife.

Praia do Forte

About 1.5 hour bus ride outside of Salvador, Praia do Forte is home of an aquatic life conservatory, an historical manor, church(these are everywhere) and a very long very beautiful beach. The advantage of P.d.F is its proximity to Salvador- it is the closest of the getaway spots and if you are on a time-crunch and budget, it’s a bargain. All the same rules of women apply.


Party Cities


Tied with MSP as my favorite place in Latin America so far (Rio is damn close for the beauty and architecture and bossa nova scene) It is very un-like what most people think of Brazil. It is a 6 hour trip inland; located in a part of the country that looks like new Mexico or Arizona. No ocean here, it is very mountainous with forests, desert and arid plains all situated in surrounding area. It gets very cool at night, and is pleasant during the day.

The city of Lencois itself has a constant level of travelers, but the Brazilian women there were so wholesome and simple, they just took my breath away. Be wary though, the girls out here have the bodies of women. It is very easy to mistake a 14-16 year old at night during a Forro festival for a 19 year old and some people can get irate to see a grown man encroaching on a young girl even for such a fun event. If she is 18 though its fair game, younger; be-careful. Brazilian girls aren’t caught up on age but legally be safe and from her parents too.

I want to touch on a topic briefly. On the weekends, Lencois has forro festivals/dances that literally the entire town attends (foreigners too depending) Everyone just drinks and talks and dances with one another from all ages. What’s interesting is the seemingly structured preparation for young men and women to be paired up in these dances. You will see many young girls (and cowardly boys) patiently waiting to find a partner to dance, with family members and friends hunting for a mate. Forro can be take many forms, but ultimately it is a very sex saturated dance that if done properly will have a girl climaxing in your arms during the dance because her appropriate place is with her clit on your thigh (like bachata) There is no club stunting, shit-talking, cars are prohibited from the city center, it’s incredibly safe and an experience I would implore every man seek out at least once in life. This is true for other small rural towns all throughout Brazil's interior.

I will write about the cities of Sao Paolo state if requested.

***Edit*** I will post about Navigating/Exploring the favelas soon; as they are worth a mention and comprise large sections of the city.

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