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Banging College Freshman in 2019 and Beyond

Banging College Freshman in 2019 and Beyond

Let's talk about banging college chicks.

What are some great ways to meet and bang college freshmen this fall and going forward?

Because in about 12 weeks, thousands of new, young, horny 18-19 old girls will be swarming college campuses yet again.

Only this time, things will be different.

This time, I'll be ready.

I've made a decision to prepare as much as possible to bang as many of these beautiful young women this fall, and going forward.

Previous threads on this forum have been incredibly inspiring about this topic...

And I've decided it's time to stop reading about it and get out there and have sex with as many of these beautiful young women as possible!

I'm not expert, so I'm hoping you more experienced in college chicks can chime in [Image: smile.gif]

But I am convinced that in America, women are mostly fat, entitled, and jaded. Truly the only valuable way to spend your time is to focus on places with a high volume of high quality young women. In my mind, that means college.

Because, here's the thing.

I've lived in the U.S. most of my life, and have also traveled around the world.

I've found I don't have much trouble hooking up with girls abroad in Asia, South America, and even Europe.

And on top of that, girls in non-english speaking countries just tend to be HOTTER.

They are naturally thinner (and KEEP themselves that way) ...this is something very important to me.

They are more DTF depending on the location.

They are more feminine.

They are less entitled.

In other words, girls in other countries actually act like sexy young college freshmen.

The epidemic sweeping the U.S. and most english speaking nations of women being obese (or even overweight which I deem unacceptable in a partner..sorry just not attracted to fat girls who don't have nutritional discipline)...and the masculinizing of American women in particular has really warped the dating pool.

There are less and less women of high SMV available in the U.S. which means ugly fat chicks are being treated like 6's when they're really 2's....and girls who meet the bare minimum requirement of having a decent face and not being that fat are treated like instant 7's or 8's by betas and even supposed alphas....

It's bad, guys. We know this.

So look. First, if you're from the US, UK, Canada, Australia...and you haven't traveled yet...definitely work on that first.

It's way easier, the girls tend to be hotter, more DTF, thinner...if you simply go to some of the popular countries in SEA, Easter Europe, South America, etc.

But for career reasons, I've decided to base out of the U.S. for the next 2-3 years.

And this thread is for those of us who plan to spend a significant amount of time in the U.S. dating market now and in the near future.

With that said....

Why college girls, and freshmen in particular?
  • They're in their prime
  • they tend to be more thin and fit
  • they are more bubbly, playful, flirty, promiscuous
  • they are more dtf
  • they are less attached, more likely to be looking for casual bangs (just like me)
  • they don't have the emotional bagge or jaded personality yet
  • they are less expensive to take on dates (a simple coffee date or drink at your place suffices)
As long as I'm living in the U.S., I just don't see any reason not to focus on 18-20 year old girls.

Oh yeah, and one other thing: you're not competing with a bunch of dudes at the 21+ clubs in nightgame....

And sure, nightgame will be part of my approach, but mostly I'm planning on doing daygame, social circle game, and social media game.

And that leads me to something I've been putting focus on recently: INSTAGRAM.

See, I believe there are universals in human behavior...and getting 18-19 year old girls into bed is similar to the way it always has been...

But there's a huge elephant in the room that most of us are not addressing: Instagram.

For that matter, any time I say "Instagram", just insert "social media" in its place.

Guys, Instagram is it right now.

It's the new facebook, the new snapchat (although still heavily in use and it's mostly a texting app), the new internet.

In the last 6 months alone, I have seen big celebrities, sports stars, you name it...release breaking news on their instagram stories...they don't use Twitter anymore hardly.

It's what the younger generation (I'm only 29, can't believe I'm saying that already!) use all day, every day.

It really is a shift in how people live life.

It's at least as big as the phone, radio, television, or internet revolutions.

For girls's not that big of an issue (though watch how this will change. In 5 years your grandma will be on instagram).

But I'm not typically attracted to women 25+...sure I've banged and will bang beautiful women in that category...but why not go for what I truly want? Models, actresses, college students 18-20 years old. It's just natural.

I strongly believe that if my goal is to bang and be relevant to 18-19 year old girls, I have to have a decent Instagram.

It has actually gotten to the point of being "creepy" in 18-22 yr old's minds if you don't have an instagram with a decent number of likes, followers, or pics.

I wanted to believe I could still be the lone wolf...the guy who is mysterious and comes out of the shadows, spits some game, brings a girl back or gets her number...

Even 3 or 4 years ago, you could simply do that with these younger girls because Instagram wasn't quite at the level it is now.

But guys...with how easy it is to take video and pics...and how many high value guys are showing off their lives on IG (abbreviation for Instagram)'s seen as weird if you don't do that too...after all...if you have an intersting life...why wouldn't you share it?

So look. I'm not saying you have to have an instagram. There will always be some way to run game "in the shadows" as a lone wolf...but I've decided to hide in plain sight.

I don't even mean this in a manipulative way, either.

I'm actually a natural introvert with many shades of personality. I can be outgoing. I can be artsy, athletic, party boy, sad boy, intellectual guy, whatever....

And I think that's something a lot of lone wolves share in common --- they have the ability to (and enjoy) just taking on whatever personality or identity they feel like that day...because it lets you adapt and calibrate to the girl or atmosphere...and because why not? It's kinda fun.

The problem you have to commit to various parts of this identity.

If you want to decide today that you're "soulful music guy"...but tomorrow you feel like being "dumb, cocky, party boy bartender"...well now you have a lack of congruence...

Now the girl is looking at your instagram (which is how most young girls keep in touch has replaced texting)

So if you're coming at an interaction with one frame...and you have a ton of pics that break that might be losing day 2's and bang sessions from it as she checks your IG in the meantime while you wait to meet up.

To sum up the last several paragraphs: Instagram has killed the age of "I'll just decide who I want to be today"

You have to commit more to your "hook", in my opinion.

So anyway, those are elements to the game.

But I want to stay hyper focused on this goal of sharing fun, free, sex with 18 and 19 year old college freshmen in the U.S.

Hopefully you guys out there with more experience in this 18-19 year old demographic can shed additional light on it.

And if you have any specific advice for me, that would be incredible as well.

Here's some context:
  • I'm 29, but I've always looked younger than my age. Right now I can pass for 24-25 consistently
  • I'm in the entertainment industry, so I've done some music and acting.
  • I have traveled quite a bit
  • I'm in good shape, but not great shape (think athlete who got a little lazy)
  • I've had decent success with women, have an average level of game
I'll be living in Los Angeles by this summer, preferrably nearby a college campus.

My plan is to be very social, daygame at colleges, meet actresses and models at auditions, classes in the industry, and post DHV posts on my instagram consistently.

Come fall, I'm going to be approaching and working my social circle and social media like crazy.

Right now, I'm going through old photos (travel, acting, music, partying) and I'm going to start a brand new Instagram under a new handle (and keep it private from friends and family) and start to post the highlights from my life the past 5+ years and make it seem as if I'm actually doing these things in real following random people and getting them to follow me back and like my posts...of course I'll socialize in LA heavily to quickly have a killer IG story going and get more friends, tags, followers, likes.

I'm not doing this because I like social media guys.

It's shit.

But it's the world that 18-19 year old girls live in.

And that's enough of a reason for me to master it.

Chime in!

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