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Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe?

Is South Africa on the path to becoming the next Zimbabwe?

Pre-cursor to this post

A thank you to Lemoned Iscream for a good post with the potential economic implications and to Zelcorpion for notifying me of this thread.

For what it’s worth, both of my parents lived on the opposite sides of apartheid so I have a mixed background and heard both sides of apartheid. They emigrated a long time ago and I came back to enjoy South Africa before (as I predicted) things got worse.

The Current Situation and Smokescreens

This is an increasingly complex situation and one of the worst possible outcomes is currently playing out.

Specifically the decision to amend the constitution, normalizing it and setting a precedent for changing it whenever they have an illogical motion they want to pass.
The land compensation without expropriation (LCWE hereon) was an idea first put forward by the EFF and Julius Malema.

Malema is a former member of the ANC Youth League, being kicked out for singing Kill the Boer and other racist rhetoric.

With the emergent power vacuum post-Zuma, Ramaphosa has come out and he is the most capitalist, shrewd businessman to be elected in sub-Saharan Africa. He has his finger in a lot of pies, globally and locally and as far as economics goes, he is the man to steer the ship. He got the position by making promises and now the time for those promises to be cashed in has come.

So in which direction will our ship be steered?

Now, in a country that has made countless promises post-1994 and has been too corrupt to implement anything, people have grown impatient. The ANC believes that the economy can be fixed, through his idea of devaluing the currency to make exports more competitive.

Your average toi-toi voter living in Limpopo, Northern Cape or KZN has zero understanding of such dynamics. This is a widespread problem, not understanding the economic and political machine and thus judging your leaders based off their rhetoric and changes you can actually see. Without understanding the infrastructural improvements, standard of living etc. being improved with any proposed changes.

When you keep the populace dumb and subjugate them to terrible education and myopic judgment, they are malleable, like putty in your hands and you have a perpetual vote from them by simply appealing to their emotions because their reason is not developed.

Hence, the ANC is doing just this ala EFF.

This is one aspect of the problem.

Tides have shifted in the sense that the EFF has gone from the ‘ringing the bell’ party and exposing the inadequacies of the ANC to actively attempting to provide ‘solutions’. This tide started shifting in the 2017 municipal elections. A mafia creates a problem and them proves the solution, unsurprisingly.

Key points of municipal elections:

- ANC support fell to it’s lowest post-1994 levels

- Democratic Alliance won over Nelson Mandela Bay, Pretoria and Johannesburg from them, in addition to already having Cape Town; economic hubs

- They have targeted Mashaba, the DA elected Mayor of JHB with a smear campaign since, and trying to pass a vote of no confidence (seriously, the statistics show the change as day and night by Mashaba)

The fear the above have created in the ANC, has led to the ‘enemy of my enemy’ is my friend hence EFF and ANC cosying up now. Arguably, this was one of the main catalysts for Zuma’s exit (among others). EFF went full machiavelian in recognizing this weakness and twisting the knife.

Post-Zuptagate and Zuma’s cronyism, the ANC decided to recall him and they have the EFF (and DA of course) to thank. They have gone ahead and adopted EFF’s manifesto of socialization and land expropriation, in a bid to steal their voters back into a majority, come 2019.

This is all rhetoric but there is no smoke without a fire. Most middle-class blacks and whites, who work together, braai together and have established good friendships, are scratching their heads at the current path ahead. It’s simply foolish and irrational.

It’s a common belief here that Malema intends on being the president one day. The EFF will never manage this because for all blacks, coloreds and Indians, they are indebted to the ANC and will vote for them for generations to come.

At least 2 generations need to die out, for the ANC to stop being the main option due to history. Any intelligent person with an understanding of politics here (and I am talking MPs and certain other individuals I know here) know that Malema intends on assisting the ANC at the cost of his party and getting back into the ANC for future presidential ambitions. Floyd Shivambu, chief whip of the EFF is also ex-ANC as are most of the EFF members older than 30 years of age.

Ironically, here is a fresh article

The scary thing is that Malema is fucking sharp, charismatic (to the electorate when dancing like a fool) and understands South African politics. Most importantly, he has dirt on most politicians and knows how to throw his weight around which is what we are seeing here.

Land Expropriation Without Compensation

Ironically, many whites who are still here had nothing to do with stealing it from black people; it was purchased in legal ways. They just were in a better position than 99% of the blacks to be able to afford the land. This is the problem at hand which unfortunately, is part of the economic machine.

Nonetheless, this goes against the narrative so the goalposts are shifted and it’s the white mans fault and our ancestors land, right. They own it all.

Fact: Most of the land is in the hands of the majority, not the whites.

There’s massive cognitive dissonance in seeing how ‘apartheid’ what they want to do is and this all stems from the emotional mindset they are applying and populist rhetoric. What people want is not always what is good for them.

Black twitter is overflowing with racism but the main theme is that they want the land for banks, schools etc. (ironically all the shit that the whites brought them).
Most of us in the political sphere (working, have degrees whatever) acknowledge this is impossible without stirring a civil war. The ANC never wanted this (it’s impossible, ethically and logistically) but they were forced into addressing this due to the wishes of your average Joe and the EFF.

With all due respect to the forum members here, most white South Africans here are making exit strategies, they just aren’t announcing it on forums and reddit etc. The only delusional ones are the libtard homosexuals here in Cape Town or other melting pots where they are subjugated to white shaming that they have been brainwashed otherwise. You could add the non-Afrikaners who aren’t living in this type of fear (myself included) who are in a security bubble with a decent job. I also have dual citizenship (EU) so I have my finger on the trigger.

Afrikaners are probably the most ‘alpha’ ethnicity around, they are hard working, rational and generally successful at what they do. They are also behind the emerging tech scene here, given their resourcefulness and most of the <30 are going overseas for jobs. Their women are stunningly beautiful and traditional (so if you are lucky, some may come to a neighbourhood near you).

The whites who will be stuck here are the ones with families and are rooted here and they are still making exit strategies while they keep an eye on the 2019 elections.

The hilarious thing is most of the whites that own land here aren’t South Africa or they don’t own farms. They mind their own business for the most part because they live with that low-key guilt and this is exacerbated daily.

Blacks here are supremely xenophobic and racist, you hear them (the younger ones/woke crowd) in the supermarkets, on the street, whatever. I understand why but I don’t agree with it; it’s symptomatic of the victim mentality we have all around us. You see women in the US carry on, imagine how the blacks in South Africa carry on and it’s understandable. The only comparable place with this kind of racism I have experienced is China and EE 10 years ago.

The blacks don’t even want land, they want money. I guarantee a good majority will spend it on materialistic items (they are stuck in that bubble) and BMWs instead of re-investing it into the infrastructure. It’s sad but unfortunately, the land and the money it generates will be used to buy votes and cars which will have no economic net benefit towards the country.

Seriously, you drive around certain townships and they all have DSTV (cable) but no running water etc.

As per my OP; Zulu’s and Xhosa’s have the political power and the Afrikaners have the economic power. It’s all about grabbing that economic power through theft and maintaining the political power through populist rhetoric.

This country is already divided thanks to Bell Pottinger, the Guptas and Zuma in creating a false narrative of Black Monopoly Capital.

Russia Today, being the propaganda channel they are, hosted Andile Mngxitama to explain why blacks want the land back despite him being a puppet set up by an Indian family to fan the racial flames along with twitter bots.

Now, anyone who has worked with Xhosas and Zulus, the 2 tribes making the majority here, know that they don’t respect each other and can’t really work with each other. Combined with the victim mentality and entitlement complex, the productivity % here is really sub-optimal.

10-15 years down the line, when they get rid of the whites (directly or indirectly), the next phase of conflict will be between them.

This is just human nature; look at the West, we have made society reasonably equal that political parties, pressure groups (such as feminists and SJWs) and other powerful individuals continue to push divisions. Now it’s men vs women and that opens a whole new topic of subdivision based off whatever classifications.

It’s the rich vs poor > black vs white (same shit here in SA) > religion > tribe > men vs women etc.

You would think that in 2018, this would be acknowledged but perhaps it is and being used for political benefit. Who knows.

There are so many horses in this race that yes, fucking off from South Africa would be the best option.

Water shortages made life expensive and third world. Internet and data is one of the most expensive. Crime is ridiculous and constantly a threat. You feel unwanted.

The only great things about it are the women, wine and scenery (Western Cape).

This LCWE is only going to strengthen the Black upper class and politically connected.


- Zero-sum game of absorbing assets and financial capital from the whites

- Your typical South African doesn’t want a farm, he wants a BMW to impress his neighbours about how much better he is doing than them despite living in a shack

- Your South African lacks technical knowledge with regards to means of production and primary/secondary industries; most university students are studying tertiary industry subjects

- They already own shitloads of land (Ingonyama Trust) and will seek to accumulate while siphoning off small parts to appease the electorate

South Africa is on it’s way to Zimbabwe 2.0 if Ramaphosa doesn’t screw over Malema and the EFF in 2019. Most whites have an exit strategy and are waiting for some sort of ominous event to leave and to be honest, they are fortunate they can do so. I feel for the coloreds who are the ‘forgotten people’, not white enough to not be fucked by apartheid and not black enough to be included into the political agenda post-apartheid.

FDI will dry up, blacks will blame the whites for lack of capital influx, they will devalue the Rand to become more competitive and everyone who doesn’t leave on time will lose shitloads of money to be put towards escaping by virtue of a weak Rand.

South Africa has a class problem which has been hijacked by the politics into a race problem (because the politicians are the beneficiaries).

That being said though, if it happens, it happens, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Nobody said shit when the EU came and gave Cyprus a haircut and we lost a good portion of our life savings.

All you can do is be aware of what the future holds and make decisions to divert your life onto a better path and avoid any collision if possible.

History lesson if you want to read further.

Finally, whites have made many mistakes. We are aware of this, we are constantly reminded of this. Many are racist, classist and adding to the racial tensions.

That is widely reported.

My post is primarily to give another perspective, the more untold one of the black ruling class and their divide and conquer technique to hold on to the power.

It’s what we have seen in every sub-Saharan African country, something Fareed Zakaria introduced as Illiberal Democracy and the whites are used politically, as a human shield for this.

Add the complex tribal power dynamics, deplorable history and current low standards of living, you would be crazy to not predict this. It's also easy to see how FDI will dry up. You want whites to invest in your country but you go and pull shit like this.

I haven’t even scratched the surface of the water crisis.

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