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Datasheet Bratislava + Trnava, Slovakia

Datasheet Bratislava + Trnava, Slovakia

Comparison between Slovakia and Poland

1.Cities:In Slovakia there are only two cities with population over 100000 people.These are Bratislava and Kosice.So practically your options are limited in these cities.(in the rest you become known in no time).This is not the case in Poland which has at least 5 cities with population over half a million

2.Appearance of women:Slovak women are slightly better in the sense that they are taller and have bigger breasts than polish.Not all of them though.In eastern Slovakia they look more Hungarian which is not slavic look and worse than polish and they can look even gypsy(there are half million gypsies in Slovakia all of them in eastern Slovakia)

3.Fatness of women.Quite similar.Same proportion of Mc Donalds.

4.Approachability of women.Much better in Poland.In Slovakia they are polite but this does not mean they want to get involved

5.Standards of living.Almost the same.Bratislava better than polish average

6.Nightgame.Very good in both.Poland has an edge because many women there are available for one night stands.They also bring to you their friends.One night stands and threesomes seldom happen in Slovakia.I would describe Slovak women as more conservative than polish.

7.Dancing.Both Slovak and polish women like dancing howver polish dance more crazilly and like to dance sexy with many boys

8.CheatingTongueolish women are prone to cheating.Slovak not so.They are more faithful to their boyfTowns.

9.PromiscuityTongueolish women much more promiscuoous.In fact many Slovak women complained to me about Czech women who they regard as extra promiscuous and about Czech men who have no morals and are regarded as pigs and male whores opposite to faithful Slovak men

10.Romaticism:Both polish and Slovak women are considered romantic whatever that implies.

As aa general rule what is slavic they have in common because theya re both slavic.Common slavic qualities are passivity,superstition(girl believes it was God's will that she met you etc) and a whole lot other things I may analyze sometime i

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