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Gaming for Indian guys. My full guide.

Gaming for Indian guys. My full guide.

I dated(still date) a lot of Indian chicks. I am 100% Indian - born and raised here. Never left the country. This is a guide for Indian guys from an Indian player. I've searched for a guide to game Indian girls in this forum but couldn't find any. So here you go. This is my guide that I still use. No one gave a guide for me so I have to practically had to figure out what works and what doesn't. Hope this gives you a jump start on your adventure. Let's start with discussing about the women here.

Advantages of indian girls:
  • Sexually repressed
  • Needy
  • Will put up with a lot of your shit.
Disadvantages of indian girls:
  • Most are average or ugly. (Lower your standards first , you beginner!)
  • Some still view sex as a taboo/weird thing.
  • You need very tight game. Expect a lot of shit-tests. They create a lot of fucking drama.
  • Princesses - never seen a girl without atleast 3 beta orbiters who are ready to do anything for her.

Basic stuff:

->Game doesn't work unless you make some modifications. Cold approach doesn't work(my success rate is below 5%). Most likely you will be called a creep.

->You should have money. Money opens doors. Money = class here. The hot girls you wanna meet mostly hang around in rich areas(thanks to those rich beta orbiters). I am not saying that you should be rich but you should atleast have a decent amount of money to fund the lifestyle you need. If you make more than 75k per month then you should be fine if you are good at managing your money.

A smoking hot girl will not sleep with you if you have neither money nor looks. Yea she might like you for being an alpha but she will not sleep with you on a constant basis because of societal pressure.

-> Develop your inner game and change your mindset. This is the biggest problem with Indian guys . Indian guys have a very bad mindset. I'm 100% sure that your average Indian guy cannot lock eyes with a hot girl for atleast 30 seconds without looking down. Seriously. [Image: confused.gif] I have seen this IRL time and time again.

With that being said, you don't want to be on the other side of the spectrum and be an asshole. Being an asshole will not get you sex - atleast until you establish some kind of relationship with that girl.

-> On the positive side, getting laid is too easy. Hit the gym and get a decent body + change your body language and girls will already start checking you out everywhere you go. Competition is way too low! I know that some of you don't believe this. I don't give a fuck because you are not putting enough effort to cross the bare minimum standard anyways.

In India, you are either a guy who drowns in pussy or who doesn't get any. There's no middle ground.

Places to meet:

Forget about clubs. Almost every club I attended had 12:1 ratio of men and women except the most exclusive ones. Every creep will get drunk and hit on girls. In turn, this elevates her status. Good luck trying to game them. On the other hand, if you don't bring a girl then you are going to be charged A LOT more!

General places to meet are the social gatherings - 1) Indian festivals 2) Parties birthday/marriage..etc. 3) EDM festivals (costs are way too high so ignore this if you can't).

How to meet girls and build social circle:

Social game is what works in India.

Your aim is to meet a lot of male friends first and eventually get introduced to some girls. Then you act nice and meet girls from your girl's social circle. Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll end up with a lot of potential girls to fuck. Sometimes I don't even remember whose social circle this girl belongs to.

Regarding male friends, stop spending time with your beta friends and try to figure out who's hanging out a lot (thanks facebook!). Your should ideally have atleast one friend who will take you to a lot of parties. Focus on meeting guys like this.

Men love meeting new guys. Find something in common to talk and you're instant buddies! Meeting cool guys who hang out a lot is easier than you think. [Image: sleepy.gif]

Gaming women:

So, you notice a nice girl looking at you. How do you get her number? Here, you need pickup skills and some knowledge. You've got to make her laugh and have a good time. Find a common interest and talk about it. Typical strategies that are posted in this forum (and manosphere in general) should work.

You should ask her number only after isolating her from the group. You don't want your beta friends to get upset. After she gives her number, wait until tomorrow morning and message something along the lines "I had a good time. Would love to know more about you." Here, do not make a mistake of chatting with her. Instead schedule a date or something without explicitly saying that you are taking her out on a date. Texting is only for logistics.

To fuck her, first you should first know about her views towards sex. Try making some sex jokes once you get to know her and study her reaction. From here, use the typical escalating techniques to get her into bed. Something I have observed is that Indian women wait for the "right situation" to have sex with you. Try creating that situations. Don't just directly invite her to your apartment and try to fuck her. Give her a "reason" to come---like watching a movie or something like that. The stronger the situation the more easy it is to fuck her.

Ideally, you should always give her a reason to blame for having sex with you. Most Indian girls repress their sexuality so direct approach to sex doesn't work. There are many girls who are DTF, especially if you live in metropolitan cities. If you meet one of these girls then have fun! [Image: tard.gif]

This whole procedure should take 1-3 months on average(can be shorter depending on the "situation"). Don't get depressed. In th mean time you can game other girls. Don't forget to think of the bright side. They will last around longer(I still fuck a girl I met 6 years ago every once in a while) and will almost do anything you want(Indian women love their alpha man)

Final words:

->Regarding penis size, I know most of you got pretty average 5 inch penis. Not a big deal. There are a lot of ways to maximize what you have been given. Most girls honestly don't care about your penis size since average size is way too lower than 5 in India.

-> Crazy bitches: You'll meet them once in a while. They have one or more of these qualities 1) way too entitled(want you to buy shit for her) 2)way too possessive (doesn't like when you fuck others) 3) uses you as a scapegoat to get social status among her friends.

In all of these cases, dump and ignore her. There are way too many women lying around who want someone to have sex with them. [Image: banana.gif]

Remember that most girls are sexually repressed. So, they generally stay satisfied with whatever dick they get. You are automatically an alpha if you meet the bare minimums.

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