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Your Terms: a powerful thing

Your Terms: a powerful thing

One thing that'll never let you down in life, and in game, is standing by your terms.

Terms will get you laid, get you paid, earn respect, and perhaps most importantly of all, your terms are a reliable framework for maintaing a sense of self-satisfaction and relaxed contentment with your journey through life.

Let me really clear about the language I'm using:

Terms are the real-life manifestation of asking yourself "what do I want?" and doing that thing (or, conversely, asking yourself "what don't I want?" and not doing that thing).

Classic example: a girl you just met at a bar asks you to buy her a drink.

You go inside of yourself and ask "what do I want?"

If you're honest and not insanely rich, it will probably be something like...

"I don't want to buy this girl I don't know a drink. I suspect she's using me for this drink. I suspect spending money on a girl who hasn't demonstrated any value to my life yet would actually lower my chances of fucking her. And I certainly don't want to throw money away on unproven prospect just because she feels entitled to a drink on my dime."

If you do what you want and politely refuse to buy the girl a drink, whether that takes the form of teasing her or just smiling and saying 'no', you'll feel self-satisfied that you didn't anything you don't want to do.

So as a result of asking yourself what you truly want to do in this situation (input), your terms manifest in the form of "I don't blindly invest in strangers who haven't proven themselves worthwhile".

And the result of sticking to your terms is polite refusal (or however you choose to say no).

A real example happened to me just yesterday with a very sexy girl.

I was chatting with this Thai girl online and finally our schedules meshed so I told her to meet me at Villa Market (a high end grocery store in Thailand).

So I arrive at the Market and text her to come meet me on the front steps.

As I walk up to the steps I see another girl leaving the store looking absolutely stunning and we make a good 5 seconds of solid eye contact.

She had a total "don't bother me" bitch face on but the eyes don't lie chico, so I computed whether it would be worth blowing myself out to talk to this chick if the online girl shows up.

I checked my phone real quick and online girl messaged me saying "is that you...?" I look up into the parking lot and the broad that just walked past me is now smiling up at me.

Online game is a strange thing. You say a few bullshit pleasantries to each other and then when you finally meet you're so much more prequalified to each other.

So I go for the hug greeting but she gives me a limp handshake. Bad start, Jack.

But she's smiling and I'm feeling that tingly sensation in my balls and stomach so I know it's on.

We hop on my death scooter and whiz over to the pier, which is a perfect date location about 15 minutes from my place.

No drinks, no crowds, just vibing with beautiful nature all around and by now it's fairly dark so I'm constantly turning up the heat, looking for excuses to touch, to kiss, spank, pick her up and tease her.

Anyway, after 30 minutes of walking the sexual tension was very high. A lot of touching, coy looks, spanking and so forth.

So I say "hey let's go back to my place and watch a movie". She glances at me out of the corner of her eye as if to say "movie my ass". And then agrees. lol broads.

So now we're back at my place and I'm doing everything I can think of to get this girl naked but she won't even let me kiss her, just keeps pulling away or pushing my face away which is something that pissing me the fuck off but I calm myself and refocus on getting in her pants.

And by the way, she's loving every moment of it. Some girls really get off on being desired and chased, even more so than the actual fucking, or even in lieu of any real sexual desire.

After a good 30 minutes of caveman tactics, freeze outs, "you don't like me?", etc., I was fed up.

Meanwhile she was lecturing me about how she doesn't fuck with guys that aren't her boyfriend bla blah blah, I've heard this malarky so many times.

At this point I said "look baby, I understand. I'm not your boyfriend and honestly I'd be a terrible boyfriend. It's no problem. We just want different things. Come on, get your stuff I'll take you home."

Then her face clouded over and she whimpered a little like she was on the edge of crying.

"what's wrong?" I ask.

"You lie me!"


"You say we gonna watch movie but you want only fuck!"

I gotta hand it to her, she was really congruent with her good girl act not that I believed it for a second. But I was definitely ready to call it a night.

So I say "haha, come on... you know movie doesn't mean movie. I was grabbing your ass all night and then invite you to my room to watch a movie. Come on..." I repeat my eyes twinkling.

So she pouts a little longer and then I say come on let's go I'll take you home now.

She gets up and does a full body pout as she gathers her belongings like she's disappointed.

Funny thing is there were a few times I grabbed her hair and pulled it hella hard and I could tell it turned her on but she still wouldn't let me near her mouth or to take any of her clothing off. Rape fantasy bullshit no doubt.

So she's standing with her sweatshirt and bag in her hands ready to leave and playing with her phone.

I come up behind her and re-escalate, massaging her ass cheeks and finally slipping into crotch territory unfettered.

As soon as her hips started gyrating in rhythm with my fingers I hooked her pants with my hands and thrust her pants and panties off in one fell swoop.

And then it hit me like a fucking block of gorgonzola.

Pussy smell almost knocked me on my ass.

I shooed her into the shower and had her detox that mug before going to town.

Sex was good but not worth the bullshit.

Point is, this chick was playing the good girl role pretty damn congruently. But that didn't stop me from trying to escalate over and over and over again.

And then when the negotiation finally came to a head and it was "fuck" or "fuck off" I was perfectly willing to drive her home and take my ass to sleep.

And we all know that no chick really believes you want to watch Scent of a Woman together when she barely speaks English.

Haha funny that this is the movie I proposed and she turned out to have one hell of a womanly scent herself.

All the more so if you've made your sexual intent clear with about as much subtlety as a kick to the stomach.

The beauty of sticking by your terms is that it's always win/win.

This broad can get naked, which is great, or she can go home, which is great too. You don't betray yourself, you don't have to lie about anything, and you can still get yours.

Happy Thai New Year fellow RVFers! Oss.

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