Interesting comment here (4th highest ranked overall):
WOW She has done well!!!!! Congrats!!!! To the person in the Nightclub and called her fatty, lets see what YOU look like
- Kitty, Hampstead, 22/2/2012 11:43
Typical hamster delusion. What, does she think that only fat men bluntly shame obesity the way that guy did? As a former D1 college athlete, I can tell you first hand that this isn't true-I've seen guys with 6 packs and 8% body fat express even greater repulsion for obesity.
What will she do if that guy turns out to be fit?
On a more positive note, I was pleased to see this among the top comments (second overall):
Yes the guy was blunt and rude and she was rightly hurt. However, on balance were his comments any worse than the reassurances of "friends" who are comfortable with you being fat and keep saying you're curvy, bubbly and a real woman?
- Janine, Holland, 22/2/2012 11:46
Common sense is not dead in the west-people are starting to clearly recognize the lunacy of the pro-fat crowd. There is hope.
As for the girl, yeah, she's still big, but its a start. I still commend her-she went from absolutely untouchable even in one's wildest nightmares to somewhat bangable. 150 isn't a bad target for her to have for now. If every American girl held themselves to a similar standard (read: try to keep weight below 160, maybe a little more for the taller-than-average girls and less for the tiny ones), we'd be in a VASTLY superior position in the war against landwhales.
Think of all the walruses you see lumbering around in the USA.
Now imagine they all instantly turn to this (read: this becomes the biggest girl you ever regularly see):
Its a start. Small, yes, but we're going in the right direction.