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7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

1. Stockholm and Paris are the best day game cities in the world. Paris for the sheer volume of opportunities via cafes, parks, etc. Stockholm because of the receptiveness and the competitive advantage of merely utilizing day game. Both cities have girls that are above average in quality compared to NA. Summer is ideal for both these cities, especially since EE cities clear out.

2. Exotic Appeal and racism are highly overstated. The internet, budget airlines, and immigration have established familiarity between locals and outsiders. You aren’t likely to induce much of a reaction, good or bad, because of your ethnic background anymore. There are very few places where exotic appeal and racism should be factored into your thinking. Spanish appeal in Poland and xenophobia in Russia/Ukraine are the only examples I can think of.

3. Polish girls are the crème de la crème Hooligan Harry will tell you Russian girls are top of the food chain. Mixx will vouch for Colombian girls. VP will rep Japanese girls. I got the mic right now, and I’m telling you Polish girls are as good as it gets.

After being through much of EE, I have come to admire Polish girls. Yes, the top end is limited - less 8+ than Ukraine and Russia. But, they require far less maintenance. They smile, are polite, and are charming. They are fun and fun loving - on many nights here I have seen pretty young drunk Polish girls walking in heels, arm in arm, singing, and laughing like school girls. It's sexy. They are also very open minded and seem to give a guy every opportunity to approach them. Even the rejections are polite. Lastly, they do not expect much from you. They seem to be happy just being with you. They are an absolute treat to be with. Very feminine, polite, and charming…with heels. Can’t go wrong.

I also like the diversity of looks in Poland. Blondes, brunettes, eyes, grey, and brown...fair skin to shades darker...nice range of looks. They also dress very fashionably, I like their style.

5. A distinction needs to be made between EE girls and FSU girls. (EE=Warsaw Pact) There are noticeable differences in the level of importance of money, views on race, demeanor (i.e. how much they laugh and smile), fashion sense, etc. The differences can be significant enough that you may enjoy great success in one region while being stymied in the other, as was in my case. My advice is to find ‘your’ spot. Girls are very beautiful all over EE and FSU; find a place that is a good fit for you. My best fit was probably Romania (I suspect Bulgaria as well).

6.Good looks hold little value in EE/FSU countries. One of the most memorable conversations I had was in bed with a 20 yr old Romanian girl. We were making out and then she stops. She looks me in the eyes carefully, and says ‘you are nice’. I didn’t take it complimentary. I reacted by saying ‘girls don’t usually say that about me’. She explains ‘You are nice. You treat me so nice’. At the time, I didn’t understand what she meant. And I became distracted as she slid her hand down to my cock and took a firm grip. ‘And you have a big dick’ she says. ‘They say if you are rich…nice…intelligent…and have big dick, you are perfect man’, nodding on each important feature. My narcissism got the best of me. ‘What about my good looks?’ I asked. ‘You are very handsome…but beauty is does not matter. Not so important’, shaking her head as she made her point. She pauses for a moment, smiles at me, and giggles ‘If you are rich, you are perfect man’.

Upon reflection, I’ve concluded that what she asserted is not just true, but true in order of importance. 1) Rich – a man who can afford a charming lifestyle 2) Nice – a generous man, what good is a rich man if he won’t extend you the same luxuries? 3) Intelligent – a man in control of his life; makes decisions with confidence (alpha); not a drunk 4) Big dick – self explanatory.

To say EE or FSU girls are all gold diggers is not entirely fair. This is because many girls genuinely appreciate the qualities and attributes that led to your success. At the same time, one has to acknowledge that there isa disproportionate amount of disingenuous girls who only recognize the color green. This may or may not mean anything to you.

Proof is in the pudding - In no other place in the world will you see ‘dating up’ reflected so favorably. Go to an FSU country, and you will be shocked by the sight of busted dudes with beautiful girls. Furthermore, I am fabulously good looking guy, but my good looks did not carry much weight in any FSU country I’ve been to (Poland and Romania were much kinder in this regard).

It is more important to have the right look vs being good looking. For example, white is more disarming, clean cut is better, classic formal clothing is received best (no Diesel, G Star, etc.), eyeglasses will make you look more intelligent. The right look will hold more value than your dashing good looks. This an important distinction

7 Lessons from Europe - The Duke - 01-28-2012

Great post Luckystar. Considering all the places you've been, I have been curious to know your favorite spots, what you like about each of them. Sounds like with all things considered that maybe Poland is your favorite. I think for a lot of guys, Poland is tops (probably second favorite for me). I agree with you that the sweetness in their personalities is something very attractive in Polish girls.

7 Lessons from Europe - Entropy4 - 01-28-2012

Great post. I spent about half of last year living in Europe and had similar impressions. My responses to each point.

1. I still vote for Lower Manhattan as the best day game spot in the world. You can rattle off 15-20 approaches on really hot girls (models, dancers, etc.) within a 5-block radius on a good afternoon there.

2. Totally agree... it's gotten to the point where if I even see race mentioned on this board, my eyes glaze over and I skip to the next post. Race matters, but barely. Looks matter, but not as much as game. I feel like this can't be repeated enough.

3. You make a strong argument for Polish girls. Between you and Roosh's love for them, Poland is definitely making a bigger splash on my radar. I've been all over Europe, both east and west, but never made it to Poland. I'm going to have to move it toward the top of my list.

4. I agree. They don't suffer from the same religiosity and moralizing that we do in North America.

5. I found this to be true as well. I seemed to just "fit" in Russia. Objectively, conditions there were harder than other countries, but everything I seemed to do naturally just worked there. This is really true about any country or part of the world. A lot of people complain about Colombia as well, but I had the same experience there. It just "worked" for me. Whereas other places that many people find easy, I've had little success (Germany, for instance).

6. This made me laugh. I had almost the exact same experience with a Russian girl I was banging. She made a comment about me being really nice to her. I told her, "That's funny, most women in the US complain that I'm too aggressive." She began laughing in my face. "You? Aggressive? The reason I like you is you're so nice to me. You're smart and successful and you listen to me. Russian men don't ever listen." I had a similarly torn reaction to it. I mean, I spent years working on game to NOT be the nice guy/provider type anymore. Now here's this smoking hot Russian girl telling me she's in bed with me BECAUSE I'm so nice. Still makes my brain kind of hurt thinking about it.

7. I think this may be a bit of an over-reaction. I agree that the sex tourist stigma hurts us, but I've been to few places where I felt like it completely RUINED my game. There aren't enough sex tourists going to Europe to ruin entire countries imo. Center of Prague is ruined. Apparently Riga is ruined. But most of the cities I've been to, especially second tier cities, it didn't feel like much of a factor. Red light districts are often isolated from the other nightlife. Also, who's to say that sex tourism over there is necessarily going to keep increasing? It's a market like anything else. Things can change.

7 Lessons from Europe - Hooligan Harry - 01-28-2012

Excellent post Luckystar.

Quote:Luckystar Wrote:

7. Start uncovering Third Tier Cities. Sex tourists identify and spoil prime spots quicker than ever. The turnover of these cities is becoming faster, meaning you need to start thinking about third tier cities. Why third tier? To beat the sex tourists to the punch; they have ran out of top tier cities and are now spoiling second tier cities faster than you think. You will likely have to bare the boredom of third tier cities, but that's the price you'll have to pay for the last ‘untouched’ spots left to take advantage of.

I think its not really a case of third tier cities, its more a case of sticking to places that are a little bit off the beaten track. If you can get a direct flight to the city from a western European or most international destinations, then chances are its going to present a few more challenges. Also some countries are just not seeing many foreigners at all.

Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia for example have not been inundated with either tourists or sex tourists yet and are difficult for a lot of people to travel to. Russia gets its fair share of both, but 99.9% of it would be in Moscow and St Petersburg, while the situation is far different outside their two biggest cities. Its the same in the Ukraine, where Odessa and Kiev would be the hotspots for example.

Research is as important as time in one place.

7 Lessons from Europe - Vicious - 01-28-2012


You aren’t likely to induce much of a reaction, good or bad, because of your ethnic background anymore.

Hear! Hear! I've been saying since I came on this forum that anyone that's telling you "XXX guys kill in ZZZ!" are just rattling their chomps.

7 Lessons from Europe - Donald Duck - 01-28-2012

Luckystar, how is the English of people in Poland in cities like Poznan?

7 Lessons from Europe - MiXX - 01-28-2012

Spanish guys kill in Poland! [Image: lol.gif]

Just kidding!! Still, I can't wait to get to Wroclaw in May!!

Too bad Euro Cup 2012 will spoil Poland as we know it today. [Image: sad.gif]


7 Lessons from Europe - mofo - 01-28-2012

Awesome post.

7 Lessons from Europe - Roosh - 01-28-2012

I'm coming to the conclusion that there is a basal amount of sex tourism that shouldn't hurt our cause as long as we have good backstory, logistics, game, and language ability. The proof of this is reading positive reports form guys who are going to places where sex tourism is known and still having a good time.

Riga is really the only city that is off the table for me, but if you've been there recently you can see how ridiculous the sex tourism problem is. It's so severe that even the government is getting involved to improve the situation.

All that you have to be prevent is her thinking YOU are a sex tourist, even if you're in a sea of sex tourists. In Poland and Estonia, girls never thought I was one. It'd simply never come up. In Riga, EVERY GIRL thought I was a sex tourist, no matter what I wore and what I did, especially since I looked Italian, the #1 sex tourist group that go there (Brits are mostly the drunks, but Italians go for sex aggressively). If at any point the girl thinks you're a sex tourist, the game is over. So far in my trip, Latvia is the only place this happened.

I'll admit that I overplay this factor. My desire to go to pristine locations may be doing more harm than good if I'm going to tiny cities with low populations and nightlife options. The verdict is still out on third tier cities. I've been to one that had many third tier elements (Tartu, Estonia), and it was boring as hell even though there was a strong university population. Granted it was during the winter holiday season, but I don't yet know if third tier is the answer.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

Here are the basic negative effects of sex tourism:

1) The negative stigma that gets attached to outsiders. People may think you are a sex tourist especially if you are only there for a week and/or look Turkish or Italian. Even when places like Riga or Prague are deemed dead by P4P guys, the stag crews keep the sentiments alive. Kiev and Chisinau, notably have these type issues as well.

2) The mentality of even the average girl shifts for the worse. There becomes this grey area where you aren't sure if you are dealing with a semi pro. It can be difficult to navigate when you aren't sure if a girl is looking to get paid and you don't want to be offensive by asking her. We underestimate how many students in EE/FSU are or have been semi pros. I had difficulties with this in Kiev. Also, scams that Roosh ran into are not uncommon in places like Budapest and Riga.

3) Sex trade makes pipelining an even bigger headache. I don't pipeline, but I received several complaints by guys in the region about how many girls were asking them for money online or when they met up. The main culprits were Romanian, Moldovan, and Russian/Ukrainian dating sites.

My main point is that P4P guys are actually more organized and tend to get to these cities before we do. A third tier spot will cut out much of this nonsense. It's possible these thoughts became stuck in my head after my experience in Kiev while hearing about Roosh in Riga.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 06:26 AM)Donald Duck Wrote:  

Luckystar, how is the English of people in Poland in cities like Poznan?

90 percent of young people speak English well enough to enjoy their company.

7 Lessons from Europe - Entropy4 - 01-28-2012

I think I'd rather fight through a few bad stereotypes in a big, awesome city, rather than sit on my ass bored all week in a small, quiet city, but that may just be me.

With the exception of Prague and Buenos Aires, sex tourism stigma has not had a major noticeable effect on my results.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 04:21 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia for example have not been inundated with either tourists or sex tourists yet and are difficult for a lot of people to travel to. Russia gets its fair share of both, but 99.9% of it would be in Moscow and St Petersburg, while the situation is far different outside their two biggest cities. Its the same in the Ukraine, where Odessa and Kiev would be the hotspots for example.

Research is as important as time in one place.

Good point. Many places in the FSU (mainly Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan) are still new frontiers. Only issue is that they are tend to be a bit conservative (Belarus the exception).

Moldova is a different story, however. It's been pillaged over and over now.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 10:57 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I think I'd rather fight through a few bad stereotypes in a big, awesome city, rather than sit on my ass bored all week in a small, quiet city, but that may just be me.

With the exception of Prague and Buenos Aires, sex tourism stigma has not had a major noticeable effect on my results.

I'm a big city type of guy, so I'm with you. I think if your game is good you will get laid anywhere with time. But, it is easier when you leave get outside of big cities.

7 Lessons from Europe - billy - 01-28-2012

In terms of girls third tier cities have issues because you cannot got out as often, the benefit is that people will have more time for you and as a cultural experience it can be more rewarding.
Roosh what did you do in Tartu ? There is a nice park an old half ruined building, a river and one great Italian place that has the best ice cream in the world. I guess you could add in the toy museum but I think you could be done with the city in a day. The only benefit when I was there was whole groups of hot blonde chicks walking around everywhere and it sounds like you went ont he wrong season and missed that.

7 Lessons from Europe - rudebwoy - 01-28-2012

Lucky great reflections, but I have to add my two Canadian cents.

Stockholm is great for daygame, I have seen some crazy stuff there that blew me away. For example I saw hot girls looking bored, sitting by themselves in front of some building passing the time away.

Spanish appeal in Poland is equal to Black (American) appeal in Scandinavia. I would like to think there were other factors at play like my stylish clothes and my rugged good looks, but I have met many guys that share the same sentiment and I would never generalize that Black guys kill in any place. I have good friends living in this region and they have no intention of leaving, they no the World can be a cold place for them. Just so people do not think I am talking nonsense, I have been to Iceland 2x, Sweden 3x and Norway. Denmark was on the list but for obvious reasons I will skip and Finland looks like my final stop in the region.

Polish girls are the only women I found insatiable in the sack, they get a bad rap in Canada but I think alot of it has to do with jealousy.

Marriage is not a death sentence in Europe, this place is really the mecca for guys like us.

Looking forward to seeing the pics later mate!!!

7 Lessons from Europe - Mr.GM - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 01:22 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

After being through much of EE, I have come to admire Polish girls. Yes, the top end is limited - less 8+ than Ukraine and Russia. But, they require far less maintenance. They smile, are polite, and are charming. They are fun and fun loving - on many nights here I have seen pretty young drunk Polish girls walking in heels, arm in arm, singing, and laughing like school girls. It's sexy. They are also very open minded and seem to give a guy every opportunity to approach them. Even the rejections are polite. Lastly, they do not expect much from you. They seem to be happy just being with you. They are an absolute treat to be with. Very feminine, polite, and charming…with heels. Can’t go wrong.


Damn Luckystar!!
I got get out of this forum, it is destroying my life! Fuck it man I wish I could go to all these places right now!!!
and you know how we share the love for the blondies...Hell!

My skin is white (not tanned) with black hair so I definetely have the Italian/Portuguese look.
Probably I'll be imediately disqualified in places like Riga, just like Roosh.

7 Lessons from Europe - MiXX - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 12:06 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Polish girls are the only women I found insatiable in the sack, they get a bad rap in Canada but I think alot of it has to do with jealousy.

This very sentence caught my attention:

1. I am latin
2. I am going to Poland in 2 months
3. I am going to Canada (Montreal/Quebec) for the entire summer.

So, why do Polish girls get a bad rep in canada as far as Jelousy? Am I in for a treat in both countries?


7 Lessons from Europe - thegmanifesto - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 11:04 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2012 10:57 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I think I'd rather fight through a few bad stereotypes in a big, awesome city, rather than sit on my ass bored all week in a small, quiet city, but that may just be me.

With the exception of Prague and Buenos Aires, sex tourism stigma has not had a major noticeable effect on my results.

I'm a big city type of guy, so I'm with you. I think if your game is good you will get laid anywhere with time. But, it is easier when you leave get outside of big cities.

Lucky -

As a "third tier" city novice, do you really think its easier?

Aren't things like the limited amount of venues, limited amount of nights to go out, small town mentalities and smaller pool of girls in small towns a big hurdle?

I think big cities always suit me. I mean, I will roll a small town if it has some redeeming quality ie a beautiful beach, but to roll some landlocked industrial town in some cold as f*ck Eastern block country with minimal bars doesn't strike me as easy.

Am I wrong here?

7 Lessons from Europe - Roosh - 01-28-2012


I think big cities always suit me. I mean, I will roll a small town if it has some redeeming quality ie a beautiful beach, but to roll some landlocked industrial town in some cold as f*ck Eastern block country with minimal bars doesn't strike me as easy.

Am I wrong here?

No, unless...

1. It's summer and you want to rely mostly on day game until Friday night.
2. You have tons of your own work to do and don't care about traveling, soaking in foreign culture, or sightseeing.

Doing third tier in winter would be dick suicide unless there is a huge mall.

7 Lessons from Europe - Entropy4 - 01-28-2012

I think there are trade-offs to each one. In the smaller cities, you self-select much harder and much faster. I.e., you stand out way more and girls who are intrigued by foreigners will make themselves apparent very quickly. This is certainly an advantage you don't get as much in big cities. The drawbacks of small cities are lack of quantity, boredom, and (possibly) more social circle atmospheres.

I think if you're a guy who has no issue playing the numbers, is willing to take a lot of rejections on the chin, and weed through some obnoxious stereotypes and barriers, then big cities are going pay off more in the long-run. I think, ultimately, big cities draw the best talent in any given country, along with more competition. If you're more interested in ease of pick up, not dealing with any barriers, and perhaps getting to know a few girls really well, then small town would probably be better.

I don't have a ton of experience with third-tier cities, but this is the sense that I get.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

The intent of the last point wasn't to discourage top tier cities, but to encourage guys to seek out more untouched spots. The intent wasn't to be dramatic with regards to sex tourists, but their influence does stain many places.

Second tier cities aren't revelations to anybody. Third tier places (low pop. places like Tartu, Varna, Gdansk, Trondheim, etc) could be more fulfilling. In America, it's easier to get laid in small towns than big cities, that's my experience. Perhaps its the same in Europe; it'd be nice to hear others experiences.

Roosh is right, there is likely a seasonal aspect to third tier cities. They are more likely to be beach towns, ski areas, or student cities.

7 Lessons from Europe - Downunder - 01-28-2012

Awesome post!!

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

Quote: (01-28-2012 02:41 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

As a "third tier" city novice, do you really think its easier?

I have found smaller cities to be easier than larger cities in NA. Keep in mind I repped Fargo to Mixx before he went. It turned out good for him.

And, I've seen a pattern of the easy girls in EE cities tending to be from villages. Smaller could be good, only one way to find out.

Aren't things like the limited amount of venues, limited amount of nights to go out, small town mentalities and smaller pool of girls in small towns a big hurdle?

Ya, but it could be easier as I stated above. Also, most towns are seasonal. You'd want to learn about the flow of the place.

I think big cities always suit me. I mean, I will roll a small town if it has some redeeming quality ie a beautiful beach, but to roll some landlocked industrial town in some cold as f*ck Eastern block country with minimal bars doesn't strike me as easy.

Am I wrong here?

Ya, I think you could be wrong. It may very well be easier, and I'm a big city guy myself. Just my opinion.

7 Lessons from Europe - Luckystar - 01-28-2012

What?! Y'all have no comments on my dancers? Inna is my favorite.