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A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Jevioso - 01-26-2012

If you were still having doubts that everything Roosh says about American women is true, here's the proof:

[Image: obama-brewer_2120132b.jpg]

An all-time low for American men if you ask me, regardless of where you lie politically.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - tenderman100 - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 10:15 AM)Jevioso Wrote:  

If you were still having doubts that everything Roosh says about American women is true, here's the proof:

[Image: obama-brewer_2120132b.jpg]

An all-time low for American men if you ask me, regardless of where you lie politically.

If by this you mean a Beta is getting his comeuppance from a female, then, yeah, it is quite revealing.

Such encounters should be formal, gracious, but instead Obama starts complaining about the description of her Oval office visit in her book. An true Alpha wouldn't give a shit. But no, he has to use this public place with lots of photographers around, to complain about a BOOK PASSAGE!!

The guy can't even barely get off the plane without complaining about what people think about him.

He is a true Beta.

The other thing that was going on is that Brewer brought a letter asking Obama to come again to view the border. What Obama should have done is say to some flunky, "Bob, would you mind taking that letter from the Governor?" And then move on with the ceremonial bullshit.

THAT would have been an Alpha thing to do.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - MiXX - 01-26-2012

Obama has been the best public speaker I have ever heard (not read about), and his powerful speeches just do not match his actual behavior.

In latin culture, it is considered DISRESPECTFUL to point your finger at a mans face, especially when he is the President of the United States!


A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Tuthmosis - 01-26-2012

I saw this story and immediately ran it through my Alpha-Game Filter. Word has it that Obama walked away from that bitch mid-sentence. He'd confronted her about some bullshit she had written in her idiotic book. Instead of acting beta, I'd argue, he checked the bitch and then dismissed her. Nowadays, that's about all you can do without getting dismantled by the White Knight Establishment. I think a true alpha doesn't let people get away with talking bullshit about him publicly. He holds people accountable. She got in his face and he peaced-out, leaving that bitch with her mouth jabbering. "If you don't show respect, you don't get access to me." A true alpha withdraws his presence as punishment. He's that high value.

I think Obama passed the test, quite frankly. Obama is borderline alpha in my book. Sure, he pulls some beta behaviors sometimes, but he also does shit that--when examined through the lens of a black man in today's beta-America---is pretty solid.

[Image: attachment.jpg4299]   

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Wizard - 01-26-2012

One doesn't become the leader of the most powerful country in history without being an alpha. He ran when everyone said he was to young, and he beat a candidate the establishment was supporting. The fact is a President of the United States can't go around calling out women like any regular guy would, the same way he can't go around calling out dozens of interests groups.

Only in Hollywood Movies do those kinds of guys get elected, while in the real world they couldn't get elected to the school board.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - kosko - 01-26-2012

Obama is in need of game, easily the most beta commander in chief of all time. Last beta was Carter, he was nixed in one term.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Vacancier Permanent - 01-26-2012

I'm not American and have 0 interest in local politics or politics in general, so can any of you give a quick summary of what this pic is about, when was it taken and under which circumstances and what's the story behind it? Thanks in advance.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - velkrum - 01-26-2012

I guess you all think Obama should have slapped her ?...and then what...

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Menace - 01-26-2012


A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Wizard - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 12:45 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

I'm not American and have 0 interest in local politics or politics in general, so can any of you give a quick summary of what this pic is about, when was it taken and under which circumstances and what's the story behind it? Thanks in advance.

The President was visiting Arizona, but the Arizona governor the female had written a book earlier saying Obama had been "condescending" to her. The issue itself is about immigration. So they got into an argument, and now the entire newscycle is being devoted to a pointless argument between people from different parties.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - thegmanifesto - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 12:45 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

I'm not American and have 0 interest in local politics or politics in general, so can any of you give a quick summary of what this pic is about, when was it taken and under which circumstances and what's the story behind it? Thanks in advance.

I honestly wouldn't give to much thought to these political pictures that are floating around. (Although they are fun to analyse).

A picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

These politicians know there are cameras around, and if you stick your finger up, they know someone is going to capture it.

It is kind of like that famous picture of Nixon and that Khrushchev:

[Image: khrushchev-nixon-moscow-1959.jpg]

It is an easy way to make someone look real "tough".

Here is Perry doing the same trick to Ron Paul:

[Image: Pres-debate.jpg]

In the case here, this idiot broad from Arizona was probably using it as an opportunity to angle in a cushy job at Fox news when her political career is over.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Tuthmosis - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 12:47 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

I guess you all think Obama should have slapped her ?...and then what...

Exactly. You guys are forgetting the tight-rope act that a male public official has to walk in today's America. You can't tell a bitch to sit-the-fuck-down without being ruined. Add to that Obama's constant risk of being painted as the "angry black man" figure and you see that he does a pretty good job when people do these public acts of disrespect (grounded in a semi-racist questioning of his "legitimacy" as president; think of the whole birth certificate "debate" over the whole first two years of his presidency).

Also recall when that asshole said, "You lie!" in the middle of his joint-session speech. I would have loved to have heard Obama respond with, "come down here and say it to my face." But he can't do that. If he was the type of guy who did that, he never would have ascended to the presidency--not as no black man. Imagine the headline on Sean Hannity (Fox News) the next day: Obama, an Angry Black Man? We like to deny that race plays a factor, but it still very much does.

The angry-black-man trope is a powerful slammer statement that still resonates with millions of scared-ass people in this country.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - tenderman100 - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 11:39 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I saw this story and immediately ran it through my Alpha-Game Filter. Word has it that Obama walked away from that bitch mid-sentence. He'd confronted her about some bullshit she had written in her idiotic book. Instead of acting beta, I'd argue, he checked the bitch and then dismissed her.

No, a true Alpha doesn't give two shits about what anybody, especially a female, says about him. Especially in a public setting. Remember HE confronted HER first. A true Alpha is above it all. It's another example of his narcissism -- "they talk about me like I am dog." Hey, pal, if you don't like it, get another fucking job.

Quote: (01-26-2012 11:39 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I think Obama passed the test, quite frankly. Obama is borderline alpha in my book. Sure, he pulls some beta behaviors sometimes, but he also does shit that--when examined through the lens of a black man in today's beta-America---is pretty solid.

No, he is a pure beta.

[Image: obama-bowing.jpg]

[Image: FE_DA_090409publicopinion.jpg]

[Image: 6a00d8341c60bf53ef0120a6d149ba970b-500wi]

[Image: Obama_Bow_Chris_Christie_2010.07.29-259x300.jpg]

[Image: obama-bows_to_chinas_hu_jintao.jpg]

[Image: cannon1.JPG]

[Image: obama-bowing-queen-300x266.jpg]

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Tuthmosis - 01-26-2012

@tenderman: don't put me in the awkward situation of defending Obama wholesale, because I can't and won't. There's a lot about him that I find disappointing, politically mostly.

I'd hate to get into another alpha-beta debate, but the idea that he has some cultural respect and knowledge (bowing) doesn't make Obama beta. Aggression and disrespect isn't what makes you alpha either. Bush was an aggressive, insensitive dumb-ass who was ridiculed the world over and continues to be the punchline to jokes all over the world.

But even--for a minute--you propose that Bush was more "alpha," how would you explain this?

[Image: attachment.jpg4301]   

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - tenderman100 - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 01:07 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

@tenderman: don't put me in the awkward situation of defending Obama wholesale, because I can't and won't. There's a lot about him that I find disappointing, politically mostly.

I'd hate to get into another alpha-beta debate, but the idea that he has some cultural respect and knowledge (bowing) doesn't make Obama beta. Aggression and disrespect isn't what makes you alpha either. Bush was an aggressive, insensitive dumb-ass who was ridiculed the world over and continues to be the punchline to jokes all over the world.

But even--for a minute--you propose that Bush was more "alpha," how would you explain this?

In Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East, greetings between men are often accompanied by kisses and hand-holding, especially between equals

I did some work in Bahrain back in 2006 for State Department, and I was briefed on protocol, so I know whereof I speak.

Bowing, in contrast, is not required, unless you are subject to the King. I met the a member of the royal family in Bahrain. We simply shook hands.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Tuthmosis - 01-26-2012

Or how about these? I guess they all must have been "betas."

Eisenhower bows to the pope:

[Image: attachment.jpg4302]   

Eisenhower bows to Charles de Gaulle:

[Image: attachment.jpg4303]   

Nixon bows to Mao-fucking-Tse-Tung:

[Image: attachment.jpg4304]   

Nixon bows again:

[Image: attachment.jpg4305]   

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - thegmanifesto - 01-26-2012

Yeah, like I said boys.

Don't read into these pictures too much.

If you look at the pictures you will come up with two conclusions:

1. Every President is a beta

2. George Bush is gay

[Image: attachment.jpg4301]

[Image: bushkisslips.jpg]

[Image: bush-3way-web.jpg]

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - tenderman100 - 01-26-2012

The Eisenhower with the Pope looks like the Pope is bowing to is much more acceptable in my view. Contrast that with the way Obama grovels before the Emperor of Japan.

Eisenhower with deGaulle..hard to tell if that's a formal bow or just body positioning caught at the moment.

Both of Nixon's photos are clearly that -- body posiitoning at the moment -- in the Mao picture and in the bottom one. In the bottom one, he is equally hunched over, as though he is getting closer to hear or say something. And note the smile on Nixon's face -- it's shows warmth, not obedience.

Contrast that with the deeply servile examples of Obama's body language.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Tuthmosis - 01-26-2012

Quote: (01-26-2012 01:20 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Eisenhower with deGaulle..hard to tell if that's a formal bow or just body positioning caught at the moment.

Both of Nixon's photos are clearly that -- body posiitoning at the moment -- in the Mao picture and in the bottom one. In the bottom one, he is equally hunched over, as though he is getting closer to hear or say something. And note the smile on Nixon's face -- it's shows warmth, not obedience.

Both of those were legit bows. They're documented. You've clearly made up your mind about Obama. No amount of evidence that what he did was: 1. not exceptional (other presidents did it or worse); 2. not reflective of any servile posture, but rather a sign of cultural respect and sensitivity; will convince you.

Like I said, I don't particularly care for Obama--for very different reasons than you. But, I don't question his "alpha-ness" for bowing to people where that is the custom any more than I question Bush's for holding hands with a man.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - OGNorCal707 - 01-26-2012

I don't get it, Obama bowed to the Japanese dude, that's a custom and a sign of respect in their culture, how is that any less beta or unjustified than Bush holding hands with the Saudi sheikh.

Sounds like tenderman just doesn't like Obama, maybe you'd prefer if Brock Lesnar ran for president, or is he not alpha enough since he lost his last two UFC fights and retired from fighting?

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Giovonny - 01-26-2012

So now we are determining "alpha" by photo analysis. C,mon guys!

That exercise alone is beta!

Sitting around the computer looking at pictures of guys and judging them!

Unless you've seen a man in a life or death situation, its hard to tell if he is alpha or not.

If I met the King, President, or Emperor of any country or kingdom I would show him respect, but that doesn't mean I am not planning his assasination.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - memcpy - 01-26-2012

The only way I can see being a "100% true corn-fed alpha all the time 24/7 365 days of the year" is being the dictator of an entire country/world. If someone pointed a finger, you could just have them erased.

Obama is taking care of his business just like everyone else.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Roosh - 01-26-2012

Tenderman: your Obama hamster needs a break. Charge up for a future income inequality or Occupy thread.

A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - Alpha - 01-26-2012


Why are we bringing up a bunch of shitty presidents? How about someone talk about Reagan, or Washington - Hell, Andrew fucking Jackson was alpha as shit. Teddy Roosevelt, he was an alpha.

Nixon, Obama, and Bush are all pansies.

How about we quit picking teams? That's what they want us to do. Be polarized and immediately pick a team. Fuck the teams. They all suck. Lets just all move to the least inhabited state and declare it our own country - fuck it.

I don't care what we do, but lets stop arguing about how one shitty president was better than they other. It doesn't matter at the end of the day if bush was more alpha than obama is more alpha than nixon, because at the end of the day they were all shitty presidents.

I leave you with an analogy: Just because one midget is taller than another midget, does not mean he's tall. He's still a fucking midget.


A perfect summary of where men and women stand in America - The Geographer - 01-26-2012

Hand-holding in the middle east is normal, even in non-Islamic countries like Georgia. In Egypt, you will find men sitting in each other's laps. Bowing does not make you a beta -- UNLESS you are bowing deeper. The relative depth of the bow indicates who is subordinate in the relationship. Bows of equal depths indicate equality. Clearly, Obama is a beta tool. I have hugged and kissed my male friends in the middle east. Does this make me gay? No. George Bush was just being culturally accomodating.

Seriously, I'm going to be writing some posts on masculinity in different cultures. The geography of masculinity, if you will.