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Should one talk about his goals? - mofo - 12-24-2011

Yes or No?

Should one talk about his goals? - WesternCancer - 12-24-2011

Personally I keep most of my goals written down and to myself. I've told people before, but they'll either doubt you or tell you some bullshit to make you believe you don't need to do that or that its kind of stupid. Some people say it makes you more accountable to tell your goals to others, but I think thats just for weak people because they are relying on the fear of rejection rather than the desire to better oneself to complete their goals.

Should one talk about his goals? - pitt - 12-24-2011

Oh well fuck what the society taught us, i do exactly the opposite.

I usually tend to tell people my goals, i dont get into much details about what business i am going to be running or going to open, but i usually tell them where am i going to be in few years down the line. When i was given the job where i am working now, i told the big bosses, ''one day i will be making the money you guys are making now'', although i am sure i will make a lot more money than they are making now by the time i get to their age, but i say this in order to throw the message around the universe and for the energy to stay around, i feel like telling the world will make my mission half completed. It also makes me work harder because the message is in the air and the world being supertitious makes me want to fight superstition. I also love haters, i love people demotivating me,i love people telling me that i wont do it and that i am not good enough to do it. I interpret hating as motivation, hating means triple work, it makes me not scaried to fight against the world, it makes me ready to go live in the streets and not being ashamed of what the fuck the world thinks about me. Hating means i am not doing anything good at the moment, so whats wrong with going to invest all my money and go back to zero when people already think i am not doing anything?

I also have a personality where i tend to brag with a lot of humour (people close to me love it, strangers hate it), i belive MY words can be very powerful. I have a friend who says ''this guy talks a lot but his mouth takes him there''.

You shouldnt feel bad about telling your goals to your parents, they are your parents and they want the best for you, its all in your head and everything depends how you interpret it.

Should one talk about his goals? - November - 12-25-2011

I've heard of both schools of thought in self-help:

- Don't tell people your goals because you'll be all talk and will be less likely to take action.
- Tell people about what you're going to accomplish because you'll be held more accountable.

Personally, I tend to keep my goals to myself until I've made some serious headway, then I'll let people know what I'm up to.

Should one talk about his goals? - Roosh - 12-25-2011

Reasonable take:

I usually don't share goals, but when I do it's something I'm actively working on and will definitely complete no matter what the response is.

Should one talk about his goals? - txbeachbum - 12-25-2011

Keep them to yourself, only people who should know are those who can help you achieve them.

Otherwise the Ted talk on goals is correct, you get the ohhh ahh is satisfaction from achieving them.

Most people who achieve alot don't really talk about what they are "going to do" they just do it!

I always feel drained when I shared goals, then you have to get to explaining, justifying and debating your goal? All for what? Waste of energy.

My motto is SHUT THE FUCK UP about them and do it.

Should one talk about his goals? - Pilgrim37 - 12-30-2011

I agree with not saying anything until you've made some real moves towards whatever it is you're aiming at.

Then letting people you want to know is fine cause they can see you're serious and it's not just Beer Talk!

It can be good to talk to someone you respect about what's going on.

But overall Actions definitely speak louder than words!

Should one talk about his goals? - sine wave killer - 12-30-2011

No, because the people that you feel you can confide in the most (or lay down your guard) will usually sway you away from your plan. There are some exceptions but I feel those exceptions are very close friends, the type of friend that you can share almost anything with. Those types of friendships are very rare. In my experience the people who will lie and do the most damage are your family. For years I thought my mother was one of the only people I could confide in about my dreams and the moves that I was making but I was horribly wrong. It's a story a bit too personal for me to share but it's validated many of the things i've read here and elsewhere throughout the manosphere.

Should one talk about his goals? - bface - 12-30-2011

I do with short term stuff, helps to keep me accountable.

Long term no way, everyone would think I am crazy [Image: smile.gif]

Should one talk about his goals? - mofo - 12-30-2011

One of my goals is not to talk about my goals.