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my new workout plan - ibaguesucks305 - 12-10-2011

i just drew up this workout/diet plan and i was wondering if i could get some advice, but if your going to comment please take into account that i am only going to use a pair of dumbells, a jump rope, and a pull up bar...because im broke.

im going to try and make sure that my diet only consists of the following foods

apples, shrimp, acai berries, eggs (w yolk), bananas, almonds, walnuts, oranges, boneless skinless chicken breast, peppers (as wide of a variety as possible), oatmeal, carrots, bracoli, low fat cottage cheese, spinach, ground turkey, garlic, strawberries and yogurt (only one a day)

and i might eat a slice of whole grain bread with some hummus on top every day depending if i feel that i need the extra carbs


mon- morning: jog on empty stomach (2 miles),ab workout (500-1000 reps)
after work: chest:incline pushups back: pushups w dumbells (lifting dumbbell after each pushup) shoulders: dumbbell press

tue- morning: jump rope (20- 30 minutes), stretches / yoga
after work: legs: lunges w weights in hand, invisible chair against wall, calf raises biceps: curls w dumbells, pull ups
triceps: dips, french curls

wed- morning: jog on empty stomach(2 mile), ab workout (500-1000reps)
after work: chest:incline pushups back: pushups w dumbells (lifting dumbbell after each pushup) shoulders: dumbbell press

thur- morning: jump rope (20- 30 minutes), stretches / yoga
after work: legs: lunges w weights in hand, invisible chair against wall, calf raises biceps: curls w dumbells, pull ups
triceps: dips, french curls

fri- morning: jog on empty stoamch (2 mile), ab workout (500-1000 reps)
after work: chest:incline pushups back: pushups w dumbells (lifting dumbbell after each pushup) shoulders: dumbbell press

sat- morning: jump rope (20- 30 minutes), stretches / yoga
after work: legs: lunges w weights in hand, invisible chair against wall, calf raises biceps: curls w dumbells, pull ups
triceps: dips, french curls

sun: rest

my new workout plan - Magnum - 12-10-2011

You wont last long doing that much exercise without eating plenty of complex carbs.You'll need them for energy.Most people rush in with silly meal plans which prohibit carbs and then crash a week later.Eat some pasta and rice and oatmeal to give your body the fuel it needs.Eat like a athlete.Just controll your portion sizes.

30 minutes of jump rope is alot.I would do 5x2min with a minute rest in between and work on going faster rather than going long and slow.Same with the running.A couple of 2 mile jogs per week are good but on any other days mix in some sprints and interval type training eg. run hard for 40 secs then slow jog for 2 min then repeat 5 or so times.

No need for 1000 situps.Do some much harder variations like hanging leg raises,L-sits,standing ab wheel rollouts your way up to them. you will build much more strength in your midsection that way.Do 5x20 normal situps after doing this just to finish off if you feel you need it.

Pullups will work your upper back.Also do some one arm dumbell rows for your upper back and some stiff legged deadlifts and some good mornings cradling the dumbell to your chest for lower back.Some higer rep eg.20 each arm per set, dumbell snatches and clean and presses could be done one day a week do help blast more fat.

4 days a week is plenty.Get some rest the other days and be fresher for your workouts.You want to make it a long term thing rather than torturing yourself for a month and getting sick or injured and not continuing.Hope that helps.

my new workout plan - rudebwoy - 12-10-2011

Agree alot with what Magnum says.

The workout is too much, you need more days of rest. The ab workout it way TOO much, personally I don't believe in doing abs until you have eliminated most of the fat from your stomach. I have abs and I do not do ab workouts, my diet is clean.

Without any carbs, all that food will still make you hungry. Dairy is also fattening so watch how much of that you eat. I also eat a heavy breakfast if possible, my "dinner" at lunch time and then snack every couple of hours til around 7 pm. If I do eat after 7 then it will be a protein/veg combo.

Post a torso shot!

my new workout plan - WesternCancer - 12-10-2011

What is your goal out of this?

If its strength I'd do stronglifts because I'm currently doing it and increased my leg lifts by 100lbs and my upper body lifts by 50lbs in just over a month.

If you're losing fat I'd suggest a less intense version of what you have, I wouldn't do the ab workout on an empty stomach you're just going to start using muscle mass as energy. Plus that workout seems too intense, I'd research a bit more into it so you don't get bored and give up. I also wouldn't advice working out every day as you said, you're not giving the muscle groups enough time to rest between days. If you want to be doing it those 6 days I'd alternate between pull, push and leg/core muscles. So thats back+biceps, chest+triceps, legs+abs.

As for your diet I'd try cycling calories or carbs depending on your goals (mainly fat loss). Cycling calories is when you eat slightly more than your BMR (basal metabolic rate) on days where you are exercising and ~500cal less on days where you aren't or if its a light cardio day. I believe it prevents your metabolism from slowing down on a low calorie/weightloss diet and gives you days where you can eat what you want. Add a few more complex carb sources to your diet: whole wheat pasta brown rice etc. Eat them mainly after a workout. Eat 5-6 times a day. Lots of protein. I'd suggest adding: whey protein, milk, and olive oil to your diet as well.

Good luck on your goals and know that the hardest step is always starting.

my new workout plan - Cr33pin - 12-10-2011

Hey WesternCancer is that Stronglifts program legit? Im not interested in losing weight id rather bulk a little, gains in weight your puttin up is always a plus tho.

my new workout plan - WesternCancer - 12-10-2011

Its pretty legit so far, and the rationale behind it is good too. I didn't start with an empty barbell as it suggests when you download the program it comes with an excel file/tracker it will give you a good starting weight based on what you can bench/squat/whatever already. The big part about starting light is getting the proper form down. Thats key, so is consistency.

When you do squats 3x/week you're going to get a natural boost in testosterone and thus if you keep lifting heavier and heavier weights you're going to gain mass. Just eat a lot of 'clean' and high protein food. I've gained a bunch of muscle too, I cant say how much maybe 5lbs, but I have definition in my arms/shoulders back and legs.

As for my stats: for legs I started at 95lb squat and deadlift (not my personal max but my form was horrendous and id say my max would be 135) I started Nov. 1. I squat/deadlift on the 5x5 200/225 as of yesterday. I would say my 1rep max on squat would be 250(havent tried) and my 1rm on deadlift (done before) is 290). Overhead press went from 45-> 85. bench and row 65->135

my new workout plan - Lemmo - 12-10-2011

In regards to diet, I suggest including salmon and tuna for low fat protein.

my new workout plan - ibaguesucks305 - 12-10-2011

alright so i made a few ajustments, tell me what you think.

mon- morning- 2 mile jog/sprint on an empty stomach when i wake up. afterwards eat a small breakfast (oatmeal with some fruit) wait about 10-20 minutes then i will do my ab workouts( 500 reps crunchs, side crunchs and some other easy shit), and after that i will eat 3 hardboiled eggs with some vegies.
after work- back & shoulders: pull ups, one arm dumbell rows, good mornings w dumbbell, seated dumbbell shoulder press
biceps: hammer curls, regular dumbbell curls, concentration curls

tue- morning- jump rope for 5 minute intervals with sprints around my block in between each one (3-4 times if i can)
afterwork- chest: push ups, incline pushups, bench press, and some other shit i forgot the name of
triceps: dips, french curls, captain chairs dips, skull crushers

wed- morning- 2 mile jog
after work- legs: invisible chair, lunges w dumbbells, squats w dumbbell
abs: i found a few abb videos on youtube that look intense, so im going to try a few of those and maybe change it up every week to keep it fresh

thur- rest day

fri- same as mon

sat- same as tue

sun- same as wed

next monday- rest day

my new workout plan - Only One Man - 12-10-2011

Quote: (12-10-2011 06:38 PM)ibaguesucks305 Wrote:  

alright so i made a few ajustments, tell me what you think.

mon- morning- 2 mile jog/sprint on an empty stomach when i wake up. afterwards eat a small breakfast (oatmeal with some fruit) wait about 10-20 minutes then i will do my ab workouts( 500 reps crunchs, side crunchs and some other easy shit), and after that i will eat 3 hardboiled eggs with some vegies.
after work- back & shoulders: pull ups, one arm dumbell rows, good mornings w dumbbell, seated dumbbell shoulder press
biceps: hammer curls, regular dumbbell curls, concentration curls

tue- morning- jump rope for 5 minute intervals with sprints around my block in between each one (3-4 times if i can)
afterwork- chest: push ups, incline pushups, bench press, and some other shit i forgot the name of
triceps: dips, french curls, captain chairs dips, skull crushers

wed- morning- 2 mile jog
after work- legs: invisible chair, lunges w dumbbells, squats w dumbbell
abs: i found a few abb videos on youtube that look intense, so im going to try a few of those and maybe change it up every week to keep it fresh

thur- rest day

fri- same as mon

sat- same as tue

sun- same as wed

next monday- rest day

What's your goal out of all this? Unless you are trying to lose weight and get cut super fast for something specific, this is just way too much man. I feel like you would hate your life and say fuck it after a while.

I'd recommend just eating what you had on your list (like Lemmo said, don't forget about tuna and other fish) drinking lots of water and green tea and sticking to a workout plan that challenges you but doesn't suck too much to discourage you from doing it long term.

my new workout plan - rudebwoy - 12-10-2011

Quote: (12-10-2011 06:38 PM)ibaguesucks305 Wrote:  

alright so i made a few ajustments, tell me what you think.

mon- morning- 2 mile jog/sprint on an empty stomach when i wake up. afterwards eat a small breakfast (oatmeal with some fruit) wait about 10-20 minutes then i will do my ab workouts( 500 reps crunchs, side crunchs and some other easy shit), and after that i will eat 3 hardboiled eggs with some vegies.
after work- back & shoulders: pull ups, one arm dumbell rows, good mornings w dumbbell, seated dumbbell shoulder press
biceps: hammer curls, regular dumbbell curls, concentration curls

tue- morning- jump rope for 5 minute intervals with sprints around my block in between each one (3-4 times if i can)
afterwork- chest: push ups, incline pushups, bench press, and some other shit i forgot the name of
triceps: dips, french curls, captain chairs dips, skull crushers

wed- morning- 2 mile jog
after work- legs: invisible chair, lunges w dumbbells, squats w dumbbell
abs: i found a few abb videos on youtube that look intense, so im going to try a few of those and maybe change it up every week to keep it fresh

thur- rest day

fri- same as mon

sat- same as tue

sun- same as wed

next monday- rest day

Take it easy tiger, use the k.i.s.s principle.

Again, if you have a belly you can do 1000 abs crunches and nothing will happen except you will hurt your back. Your main goal should be to lose the weight if you are overweight.
Many years ago I was in the same boat, I played squash for hours and any pickup sports I could to drop the weight.
Then I picked up the weights and did simple exercises, concentrate on the big muscles like chest, back,legs. Legs like someone has suggested is very very very important, it will build your test levels and you will drop weight.

my new workout plan - ibaguesucks305 - 12-10-2011

well the reason why i want to be so strict with this is because last year between april-july i was in colombia and hitting the gym almost 6 times a week and i didnt get the results that i wanted, and because of that i lost my momentum when i returned to the u.s. and i ended up working out less and less till the point where i was working out like once every 2 weeks. so in my mind i think that if i follow a strict workout and diet plan i will stick to it because i will see results every time i look in the mirror.

my new workout plan - Chad Daring - 12-11-2011

500-1000 reps. I stopped reading there.

I go to the gym twice week and I've seen massive gains in strength and size. Its about quality, not quantity. Killing yourself on a 5-7 day a week routine is silly. You'll burn yourself out and you'll end up doing the exercises poorly. You'll half ass everything and see no gains and just exhaust yourself.

Also crunches, and ab workouts in general, are shite. To squats and deadlifts and see how youre core does after a few months. The only core workout I do is a wonky adaptation of hanging leg raises that target the very top set of abs.

I'm no expert but I think I qualify a little to talk about this

my new workout plan - dk902 - 12-11-2011

To get the body you want you need to have specific goals in mind and think about how you're going to get there.

The basic equipment most guys will need to get strong are:

- A rack
- A bench
- A barbell with weights

You say you're broke - the equipment you've listed seems sufficient enough. However if you only have one pair of dumbells and a limited number of plates, then you aren't going to make a lot of progress in the long term.

Lifting weights is all about progressive resistance. I don't think many gyms outside of Bogota and Cartagena would be so extortionate, you couldn't sacrifice a few thousands pesos that you spend on drink to use for gym membership?

To get a flat, toned stomach you don't need to do a million situps I really don't know where people get this idea from. Just do heavy compound lifts - i.e. Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Deadlift, Squat or Clean. You can do this 3 x a week and eat clean, without all the need for loads of cardio sessions and working out twice a day.

Remember - training economy is just as important as training intensity. Why run 100 miles when you can get the same results from lifting heavy weights in not in half the time?