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The Ivy Plus Society - at350zguyy - 11-30-2011

I heard about this through the grapevine and gave it a look. They started a chapter in my town and had their first event last month. I didn't stay very long but the ratios were very favorable and an event like this favored a lot of socializing. If you guys are able to check this out in your respective towns, please do and report back in the thread.

The only downsides I saw to this are that there is a price for admission, but it's not too steep ($12-15). You don't have to be from an Ivy League school to attend, because I brought a girl friend of mine that didn't attend one and no one seemed to mind.

Girls at the event that I went to were very receptive to meeting new people and definitely play right into textbook moves to isolate and escalate. The organization rents out part of a nice venue and usually it's arranged in a manner such that meeting people is easy. I am definitely going to explore this more and will be reporting back to this thread.

The Ivy Plus Society - Caligula - 12-01-2011

I was about to go to an IvyPlus event in NYC, but changed my mind after looking at the pictures.

Just had another look:

Quality might be better in your town, but I'll stick to venues with younger girls.

My old school does local events for incoming students before they go. They encourage alumni to come and socialise with them. Those are a different story! If you went to a college that does that, I highly recommend it.

The Ivy Plus Society - Tuthmosis - 12-01-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 12:29 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

I was about to go to an IvyPlus event in NYC, but changed my mind after looking at the pictures.

Same here. I looked at a few cities, in fact, and was consistently disappointed. Just what I need: older broads who aren't that hot but think they have high value because they went to punk-ass Cornell. Pass.

The Ivy Plus Society - Menace - 12-01-2011

I'll have to check this out in DC. Girls are not super hot, but I ones that would pass boner test, which is ultimately all I care about. Most guys looked herby, so I suppose if you have some game, they should be pullable.

The Ivy Plus Society - Giovonny - 12-01-2011

Here in the Bay Area, we have something similar called "Stanford Bachelors". It open to anyone so very few of the guys their actually went to Stanford. Lots of cougars go their looking for younger dudes. Some of my friends like these events but I don't. I'm just not attracted to girls over 27 or so.

The Ivy Plus Society - Samseau - 12-01-2011

Here's Boston:


The Ivy Plus Society - Menace - 12-01-2011

Ugh, DC is depressing. I was starting to find the dudes more attractive. None of the girls know how to dress! Serenity now.

This is one of the better ones in DC:

(just ignore the Green Goblin on the right)

The Ivy Plus Society - cibo - 12-01-2011

I've been to the one in LA since I was curious and needed a job. The girls are very average and some ugly. I do think it's easier than a club since I think many of these girls are looking for LTR material. Some have massive bitch shields though, even if, (because?), they're ugly,and they won't hesitant to cock block too. Most are in their late 20's at best and many into their 30's or older. I think Betas could do decently in this niche but you need a good school/job. If you did anything math related, you can pretty much neg the shit out of all the lol-yers and humanities girls.

I'm not sure I would recommend it to the guys here. Not a bad place for job networking though which was my original intent (got a consulting interview out of it).

The Ivy Plus Society - Blackhawk - 12-01-2011

What's the quote about Doctors getting married to achievement hunting mediocre women?

Looking at the SF events, its the same quality of strident little dragon ladies that brought the crashing to its end.

They all love to talk about your investments and your salary. Because they all have student loans in the six figures thanks to the overpriced degree mills they attended.

The Ivy Plus Society - babelfish669 - 12-01-2011

Its no secret that the more elite a school is, the uglier the girls are. Now add 10 years. Good luck with that one guys.

The Ivy Plus Society - j r - 12-01-2011


The Ivy Plus Society (“TIPS”) produces social networking events for young alumni of a select group of schools, with the aim of creating a community of talented, dynamic individuals.

The chance to meet incredible people was one of the best aspects of the schools we were privileged to attend. TIPS events extend those opportunities beyond the iron gates of our alma maters.

The Ivy Plus Society recognizes the need to set the roof on fire and raise a glass with friends, new and old. So we aim to bring you parties brimming with smart, sexy fun at the best venues in town. Our philosophy: If you are going to go out, might as well head somewhere fabulous!

I don't know how these things rate for game, but this description is insufferable. What a steaming pile of credentialist bullshit.

The Ivy Plus Society - at350zguyy - 12-01-2011

thanks for the updates in your city guys. the quality of women is definitely not the best, but none of the guys i saw there were approaching girls at all...even if they weren't very good looking. shields were way down as well. hopefully the quality of women picks up at these things for the other cities.

The Ivy Plus Society - Tuthmosis - 12-01-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 08:01 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Its no secret that the more elite a school is, the uglier the girls are. Now add 10 years. Good luck with that one guys.

Pretty much. They should call it: Ivy Plus 10 Years' Worth of Aging, Weight Gain, and High-Expectations Society. That would be some truth in advertising right there.

[Image: lol.gif]

The Ivy Plus Society - mangadooza - 12-02-2011

This society is a joke. You'll only get socially awkward alumni that feel they're underachieving and feel the need to leverage their school name.Maybe 5% will be the exception, having just moved to the area.

The real powerful, attactive graduates from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc are off at hedge funds, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs where they have a much stronger social network. If they want to meet fellow grads, they'll join the Harvard Club for instance, which has a great location in NYC. Hot, well-adjusted Ivy grads will never be so wanting for attention to join a pseudo-exclusive society like this. They're mingling in the Boom Boom Room with billionaires and society's finest.

The Ivy Plus Society - Caligula - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 11:43 AM)mangadooza Wrote:  

This society is a joke. You'll only get socially awkward alumni that feel they're underachieving and feel the need to leverage their school name.Maybe 5% will be the exception, having just moved to the area.

The real powerful, attactive graduates from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc are off at hedge funds, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs where they have a much stronger social network. If they want to meet fellow grads, they'll join the Harvard Club for instance, which has a great location in NYC. Hot, well-adjusted Ivy grads will never be so wanting for attention to join a pseudo-exclusive society like this. They're mingling in the Boom Boom Room with billionaires and society's finest.

Good observation. It won't be the top of the heap hanging out there.

The Ivy Plus Society - Excelsior - 12-02-2011

I don't think I'd sign up for this. One of the things I'm looking forward to come graduation is the chance to finally have the option NOT to deal with the type of girls that frequent my Ivy. Put simply, I just don't like them very much. Why?

They're arrogant, standoffish, self-righteous and superficial as all hell. They know no god but status and facetime, and are literally some of the most pretentious and judgmental females I've seen ANYWHERE. As if this wasn't bad enough, they think they're marvelously attractive as well, and act the part, exhibiting an exorbitant amount of snobbery. Their fakeness is possibly the most annoying part of it all. In high school, most of them were just quiet, somewhat studious girls who didn't party or drink a lot. I've actually heard many of them admit as much.

They get here, and suddenly they're facetimey, slutty, superficial social climbers who won't give you the time of day if you're not in a top frat or don't wield a lacrosse stick. Hell, I'm tempted to say that game in this environment is limited in its effectiveness simply because of the sheer superficiality of the women. All they really care about is your greek and athletic affiliation. How they treat you and how open they are to you is based almost entirely on these two things, on top of race/income.

It feels as though they're desperate to live out the high school fantasies they missed out on, as they're too damn insecure and carry too big of an inferiority complex to just be real. Instead, they cover it all up by acting as though they're somehow "better" than they are, all in a bid to become more "cool", "a-side", "hot". The whole thing is pathetic, especially if you're a guy who has seen and actually dated girls your age who don't need to pretend like this, who actually are very attractive (and often without the bitchy/snobby behavior that these less attractive Ivy types exhibit), who have some sexual confidence, and can actually be real.

Combine all of this with their latent insecurity and inexperience with men (prior to college, remember, most of them were just nerds) and you have a really shitty combination. They just don't know how to flirt/approach/deal with men and they don't have any real sexual confidence-they can only put on a facade. Even if you approach them and they're attracted, they'll often fail to properly signal this, and you'll walk away with nothing. The younger guys think they've been rejected-older guys here realize that the girl may have liked them, but she's either too socially inexperienced/insecure to express it or too dedicated to her facetimey/social-climbing mission to allow herself to seem as though she's falling for one guy. Usually, it is some combination of both: she wants to live out her cool high school fantasy and usually falling for/committing to one dude (even if she likes him) is not conducive to this. At the same time, she simply has no clue how to approach a guy she likes or send him signals (unless she's absolutely wasted, in which case she'll still probably just accuse him of rape/sexual assault after she gets her sobriety and accompanying insecurity back the next day). She's just too scared/intimidated in many cases, ESPECIALLY if he is a minority. Her snobby, social-climbing behavior is just a cover for this.

To sum it all up, if you want to know what girls at my school and those like it are like, imagine DC chicks and all the issues they allegedly have...then multiply them by a factor of three. That is what you're signing up for with this Ivy Plus thing, at least when it comes to the Ivy League girls. I won't say that exceptions to the rule do not exist-I've met some here, they're around. But those girls are the 90th percentile. Those are not good odds.

For those who are feeling this type of event and the women there, have fun, I want absolutely nothing to do with them.

The Ivy Plus Society - Gunner - 12-02-2011

Athlone, do you think this attitude just happens in undergrad or also applies to top 10 business schools?

The Ivy Plus Society - kimleebj - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 03:26 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

They get here, and suddenly they're facetimey, slutty, superficial social climbers ... with their latent insecurity and inexperience.

I hope you aren't condeming sluttiness. Maybe you aren't the right race/profession/frat, even though I believe you are quite athletic. Maybe my Ivy League and Wall Street connections will work.

The Ivy Plus Society - Caligula - 12-02-2011

Great breakdown Athlone.

Curious, what does being 'facetimey' mean?

The Ivy Plus Society - Excelsior - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 03:39 PM)bars Wrote:  

Athlone, do you think this attitude just happens in undergrad or also applies to top 10 business schools?

If I were you, I'd expect to see it at any elite grad school, especially since said schools often draw their students from elite undergrads where this behavior is more common. Granted, people ought to be a little more mature in grad school so it might be toned down, but be ready for it anyway.

The Ivy Plus Society - Excelsior - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 04:46 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

Great breakdown Athlone.

Curious, what does being 'facetimey' mean?

What is facetime: A "facetimey" individual is one who is obsessed with getting "facetime", defined as (getting the dictionary out here):


Time spent interacting in the presence of or in the same location as another or others: putting in face time in the office instead of working at home.

It is all about seeing and being seen.

"Facetimey" people go out to parties not because they necessarily want to be there, but because they want to be seen by "the right people". They make romantic decisions not based solely on their attraction to someone, but mainly on that person's status/prestige/ability to help them climb the ladder.

Facetimey folks spend an inordinate amount of time with the professor after class not because they have legitimate questions that really need answering, but because they need more "facetime" with him/her for their grades. They brown-nose and try to pal around/bro out with the teacher to this end, in the hope that more facetime like this will help them get the better part of the curve. If they have to stand around for 10 minutes after class talking about the profesors last family vacation, then they'll do it.

Facetime is crucial to those obsessed with social climbing and putting on an image. Get enough facetime, and you can climb the social ladder and look cooler than you are. You all probably have known people like this at some point in your lives-the problem is that in the "IvyPlus" world, such people are the rule, not the exception.

Why facetime is problematic: It all sounds logical in theory-after all, couldn't facetime like this be great for securing employment and other positive advancements? Perhaps. The problem, of course, is the fakeness of it all. When you're in an environment crawling with fake, facetime-obsessed social climbers, you can never really be sure who your friends are.

The desire for facetime is based on what you can do for someone, not necessarily on who you are or whether or not that person actually likes you. If you have no status or other visible incentive to offer a person, then you'll have less social contact (people don't need facetime with you-you cannot help them climb the ladder). If you are a person that can help people climb or provides another incentive (ex: maybe you're one of the only freshman with a car, or you're a perceived "top" guy visiting/hanging out at a "second tier" fraternity) you'll have lots of "friends", but you'll have no idea which ones are real (and in fact, most of them will not be).

Where do you find "facetime" most: This type of try-hard/social climbing/facetimey dynamic is much more common at elite schools (princeton, amherst, dartmouth, cornell, middlebury, etc) than it is in most other places, so I guarantee that if you seek to mingle with IvyPlus alumni you are going to run into it.

It is also much more prevalent among girls than it is guys. On my campus, Greek life is big. Guys don't necessarily judge you on the basis of the house you are affiliated with, and you'll see dudes from "first tier" frats hanging out with "third tier" guys often enough on the basis of other bonds they've established (i.e. they're on the same sports team, in the same classes, etc).

Girls, on the other hand, judge you very quickly and very firmly on the basis of a) the prestige of your house and b) your status within that house (read: age, are you an officer, do you live in the house, etc). This is the crux of dating success here-how a girl treats you hinges primarily on your status, and the "house" you are in. Why?

They want to climb the social ladder, and guys in good houses allow them to do this. They don't always like the guys in these positions-often, there are unaffiliated or younger, "lower-tier" dudes they like more, but the ability to climb outweighs those feelings.

How to game in a "facetimey" environment: This is part of why I say game doesn't always go as far as it could here-if you've got the tools to give the girl the climbing ability she wants, you don't really need it. The formula for bangs here is very simple:

a. Join a top house.
b. Become an upperclassman/officer in that house.
c. Live in that house.

That's it. You get bonus points if you're an athlete, especially a lacrosse/squash/rugby/soccer player (nobody here cares about football or basketball, though a few top tier football guys do well).

Once you have these things, it is as simple as a) going down to your frat's basement, b) playing a few drinking games, c) isolating some underclassman girl (just take your pick, there will be tons of them milling around looking for attention from you), d) mentioning that you're an upperclassman and you live right upstairs, e) suggesting you head upstairs to your room for drinks/whatever. Done-shit takes like four hours tops. Your status does 90% of the work for you.

Bottomline: If you insist on doing this IvyPlus thing, remember this: status is everything. These girls are extremely pretentious on average and usually just want to climb. Sell them the dream any way you can, and your work is finished.

The Ivy Plus Society - Excelsior - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 03:55 PM)kimleebj Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2011 03:26 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

They get here, and suddenly they're facetimey, slutty, superficial social climbers ... with their latent insecurity and inexperience.

I hope you aren't condeming sluttiness. Maybe you aren't the right race/profession/frat, even though I believe you are quite athletic. Maybe my Ivy League and Wall Street connections will work.

It can get old, dude. You have no idea how many times I've seen this scenario:

Meet cute girl A. Seems like a nice chick. Give signals of clear interest, lots of IOIs-seems promising. Go to approach her-is standoffish, cold, distant all of a sudden. Not open at all. Give up-conclude that she is a nice girl, but perhaps my game just isn't tight enough.

Next week, see cute girl A once again. With another guy. Not objectively more attractive, but is in "top" house and is not black. Her demeanor with him is wide open, warm, and welcoming. She hooks up with the guy.
Come to find out later that he wasn't the only one-she's fucked dozens of his peers.

I'm confused-these guys don't have tight game. I assumed my failure was due to a) poor game on my end and b) her just not being a slut. Where'd I go wrong? Why is she a completely different person around me (and some of my other peers) as opposed to these guys?

I didn't realize that her demeanor was completely dependent on a guy's status. She's just a "quiet girl" for most guys. Once she gets around to a guy with the "right" credentials, she's suddenly a wide-open slut. Her expression of her sexuality is purely dependent on these credentials-she whores herself out as soon as they become apparent.

She's basically a semi-prostitute. In this context, yes, I absolutely condemn sluttiness. It is one thing when the girl just fucks dudes she likes for the hell of it, guys she is honestly attracted to and wants to fuck. It is another when she basically acts like a high priced whore in spite of her real feelings. I prefer the honest whore to the social climbing status/attention whore, if I have to pick.

Keep in mind, this isn't an alpha-beta thing. These girls will often find guys who lack the "credentials" very attractive. Get them to drink and loosen up enough, and they'll admit it openly. The reason for the difference in treatment is due purely to social-climbing. The girl might find that black guy "hot", but black guys here are not socially valuable, so she will keep that under wraps. If she gets drunk and lets her true feelings slip (read: hooks up with that black guy), she'll attempt to cover it up later, often by screaming rape or sexual assault or just being completely distant whenever she sees him again.

This isn't just a racial thing, nor is it limited to non-black girls. The same goes for any guy who, for any other reason, isn't socially valuable and worthy of facetime. She's not sexually confident enough to just go for what she likes (these girls are FAR too insecure for this, at least in the vast majority of cases), so she'll hide behind superficial social-status bs instead. A guy without the credentials must therefore work much harder and obtain much more social proof in order to get to her, even if attraction is there.

It has less to do with him being a beta/loser and more to do with him lacking the "credentials" she needs to climb the social ladder. If being with a guy could hurt her chances to move up, then her feelings don't matter.

Bottomline: Girls like this are some of the most annoying to deal with. Trust me, you can do better. If you insist on running into that old rotten eagle's nest and attending these IvyPlus things, then you would do well to take all of these things into account. Credentials count for more than game in this world.

Know what is socially valuable in these environments, and display to them this value. That is more important than almost any game tactic you can run. Sell them the social-climbing dream, and they'll drop everything else. Nothing matters more to them. You can break through on the basis of game alone (I've seen it done), but you will need to have absolutely mastered it for that to work.

The Ivy Plus Society - Menace - 12-02-2011

I have the credentials but honestly Athlone, you've convinced me to not even bother.

The Ivy Plus Society - Samseau - 12-03-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 03:26 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I don't think I'd sign up for this. One of the things I'm looking forward to come graduation is the chance to finally have the option NOT to deal with the type of girls that frequent my Ivy.

For those who are feeling this type of event and the women there, have fun, I want absolutely nothing to do with them.


I'm laughing at you hard son

[Image: 1221115873_hahahaha-hahahaha.jpg]

You're gonna love law school!

The Ivy Plus Society - Excelsior - 12-03-2011

Quote: (12-03-2011 12:11 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


I'm laughing at you hard son

You're gonna love law school!

In a much bigger city with the option to get at many non-ivy girls (a choice I do not have in my relatively small college town)?

Yeah, I think I'll make it.