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Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Printable Version

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Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Luckystar - 11-29-2011

Over the years, I’ve engaged a ton of private messaging about girls in other countries. I thought I’d share some of the dialogue. Perhaps it will be useful to some. Here is the Eastern Europe edition:

Please note: I have kept the communications anonymous and edited out any personal information.


Comparison of EE Locations:

A bit of background: late 30s, above average looks, white as they come with blonde hair, look 24 to 27, game level for this board i will call intermediate, been in NYC the past decade and have dedicated countless hours to day game and more the bar / lounge scene than clubs. I am traveling EE for about 4 months.

It goes without saying (but i am going to do it anyway) that each country is going to be a bit or extremely different. I thought I would not do well in Russia but was surprised by how receptive the girls were. I had at least 2 girls that were down. As jaded as the girls are in Riga if there long enough I still could have done well. I was dating 3 girls but unless I said I was moving there the next week they just wouldn't give it up. I hate to say it but you really need to lie there. It sucks but sometimes the game calls for a bit of storytelling. I didn't do it and as a result wound up with girlfriends with no benefits.

Lithuania, for me is a gold mine. I can't explain it. The girls think I am Justin Timberlake or something. I followed that up with Poland during the dead month of August and still did OK.

I have been in Romania for the past 2 weeks (Cluj, Brasov, and now Bucharest). The dynamic is the same no matter the size of the city and it isn't good. The worst possible scenario for me is walking into a bar and seeing 10 tables with 8 people at each and I am solo. It is even worse in Bucharest because most sit outside and drinks are delivered which kills the opportunity to chat at the bar and get in a group. I historically do very well busting into groups but not solo. I usually stay in hostels (to have people to go out with). I use the hostel group to get me smiling and having a good time and then break away to do my own thing. But the hostel I am staying at has nobody that wants to go out. I have not approached a girl in 2.5 months with a wing.

It seems Rodney had a very unusual experience here because I am finding the girls a bit on the uptight side. They have a single drink so it is tough to loosen them up. Once I kiss a girl it is game over but they are giving me the vibe that kissing is date number 3 or maybe 23...yikes. To me kissing is like a handshake. I am not used to such a slow pace and it is maddening.

The bottom line is that Romania seems to be a social circle country similar to Argentina. The difference of course is that the girls are much friendlier and seem to love everything to do with the US. The people drink very little but make up for it by smoking 7 packs a night. If you are truly 100% solo this city is tough. I have spoken to several girls during the day but had some bad luck (just in town for day, busy until the day after I leave, etc.). The same crap happened to me in Cluj. I had only one girl come right out and tell me she wanted to have sex with me but I had to pass. She wasn't hot enough.

Ohhh...From my account the girls were very average in Budapest but easier than here and didn't have the extreme group dynamic. I was very ill but Bratislava certainly had better looking girls and they were friendly. I got a few numbers during the day when i was among the living but couldn't act on any.

I don't want to throw around numbers without qualifying them:

6 to 7 - will bang but the closer to 7 the happier you will be
7 to 8 - very attractive - nice face and body - will notice on street but not say "dear lord that girl is hot" - girlfriend material but you will find yourself looking at other girls thinking you can do better (also many guys will call them 10s or 9s)
8 to 9 - will qualify as a 10 to most males on Earth since they have no clue how to actually rate girls - will stop you in your tracks - you will walk everywhere with her on your arm as you look like a god
9+ will stop traffic - not attainable by 97% of travelers

Russian / Ukrainian girls clearly get the most hype. I feel it is deserved. Russia is the only place I saw 9s walking the street. It was not uncommon to see 2 girls 8+ at the same traffic light. I never see this quality in NYC walking the streets. I found Russian girls to be friendlier than Ukrainian and have friends that visit frequently that agree. I would say post up in St Pete but to get the girls from 7 to 8.5 is going to take a ton of effort. I picked the hottest girls walking the street to chat up and most didn't know a single word of English. It was sad. You would probably need to use CS to meet girls that speak English and then get in their social circles. I pick this over Ukraine because of the visa requirement. I bet more guys troll Ukraine vs Russia just because it is easier. You can stay months. This would be my number one pick for a place if I were staying 3+ months AND could speak the language.

I can't imagine Poznan having a lot of talent in the 7.5 and above category. I was in Wroclaw and saw many cute girls but really difficult to find a single 8. I saw the most talent in Krakow (higher concentration of girls 7-8). Once again, it was rare to see a girl above an 8. However, the girls in Poland love guys from the US and are very friendly. They also seem to be down to bang which is opposite of my Romanian findings. I have been to Krakow twice and had success each time (one close each pass through). The girls were both 7s. If you put in enough time you will eventually get an 8 but it will take work.

In Bratislava, your eyes will quickly detect a better look than any city in Poland. The problem is the city is very small and you will be bored to tears. It is a city of like 400,000 and to me it felt like 40,000 at times. I can't speak on ease due to my dreadful illness. I feel like most guys / travelers give this place 2 days and move along. I thought it would be my hidden gem on this trip but 2 weeks of sickness will make you want to leave a place.

Riga blows away Bratislava and Poland. There is no denying there are many 8+ girls there. The problem is that most HATE tourists. I have never been anywhere on Earth where I was shut down by a girl without even speaking a word (tap on shoulder to get attention - they look at me and walk away). It happened to me twice there. The clubs can be brutal. That said if you get an apartment and claim you live there I think it has great potential. You can't give it 10 days though. This would be a 3+ week commitment and things should start to work for you. It is another small city so boredom will be an issue until you start meeting girls.

Vilnius has less 8+ girls than Riga but still is much better than Poland. The girls are very nice, speak decent English and really seem to love guys from the US. I keep saying this because you can easily say you are from wherever. The city is small so very slow during the week. However, I feel there are more going out nights here than Bratislava and there is a higher density of attractive girls.

The worst looks I have seen so far...Budapest. I couldn't find attractive girls to day game. I have been all over the place in Romania and think this place is over hyped. There are a ton of girls in the 6-7 range. A decent amount in the 7-8 range but rarely do I see 8+. They are not easy to get in the sack and you will die running solo here. It is a ton of effort chatting up everybody and by the next morning you will feel like you need new lungs (i swear 80% smoke).

I will have a lot more info in the coming weeks. Get out of Poznan...

An interesting thing to note about the Baltics is that you will not meet many girls older than 23. The majority will be 19 to 22. so if you are looking for mid 20s and above this is not the place. For the most part, they graduate college and move out of the country for better opportunity. A major problem for the future of all Baltic countries going forward - young person talent drain. Actually, i have seen the same problem in every country but there it has been the worst. Ohh...and the girls don't care about your age.

How is their English? They all seem to speak it but not fluently. So i can't say something like 30% speak English. I feel the best answer is 80% speak it ranging from poor to excellent and most fall in the middle. I would not advise not going because English will be a huge barrier. There is a massive difference between the Baltics and Russia. In Russia it is a wall and in the Baltics a very short fence.

They are so close to each other you have the time visit each and then make a decision on which one fits the best.

I am telling you Riga is by far the toughest. You may want to check out the second tier cities in Lithuania (Kaunus) and Estonia (Tartu -I think). No tourists go to these cities and they may be ultra-easy. I have never been but just a thought.

My order:
1) Vilnius - I just love Lithuanian girls
2) Riga - if you live there..hint..hint - half the population is Russian so keep that in mind (not as friendly).
3) Tallinn - I had a harder time figuring this one out but maybe for you it should be first. I hear Finland lacks talent by the way but it could be a nice break in the action.

Prior to arriving in Bucharest, I setup 2 meet ups through CS (7 and close to an 8 after meeting). I was not impressed with the talent on CS and it took me a bit of effort just to find 3 satisfactory girls to email. I am not sure how most do on CS but I only email the hottest girls and would say my reply rate is 80% (and I meet most). I attribute this to my looks, from NYC and have an interesting story to tell. We are on the same page if you scroll through CS and don't get too excited (make sure not just to look at first pic).

Anyway, I went out 2 nights each with these girls. One of them liked to bring me out in groups and the better looking one kept it solo. Since i was with them / their group, i was committed. Both of the girls really liked me (emails confirming) but they are so slow to unzip the pants it is frustrating. I don't have the time here that you would have. You would be able to take on grind it out situations like this and work countless other girls in your rotation. Since I committed 4 nights of 7 to these two girls (and another to a day trip mountain climbing) I couldn't really give an accurate assessment of the scene / what it takes to be successful here. After the past two nights and just general eye balling when out with the girls, I got this place figured out.

Is the talent in line with the Baltics? No. It is very hard to compare anyplace to Russia, Ukraine and the Baltics. However, it is not a massive drop off. You will not be trapped in a land of 6s. The look is different than Sweden / Poland / other. I suggest you scroll CS and determine if that look is satisfactory to you and know that you can do much better once here. There are so many places to go out it is amazing. Plus, the bonus is that you can go out 7 days a week. You are not going to get that in many places. Is the city pretty like Stockholm, Krakow, and Budapest? No. But I get the feeling you really don't care.

I am going to give you a suggestion and really think you should take me up on it. You need to give this place a try for a week and see how your look is received. You have committed a ton of money to this trip (based on where you were staying in Stockholm). It is not a huge expense to bounce down here and give it a week. It may be heaven for you since you have until January. Vilnius is such a great second choice but there is not much happening there Sun - Wed. You may wind up with a stunner but think you could do the same here. The level of English spoken in Bucharest is another selling point. I can't remember talking to anybody that didn't speak it.

The smoking in Bucharest is really a problem. If you are a non-smoker it will really annoy you but it isn't forever. If I moved hear I would die of lung cancer for sure. Since the groups will be forced indoors during the cold months, it will mitigate this issue a ton. When I first got here most bars were very spread out. 8 people over here, 7 people over there and all sitting at tables. they never had to get up. that is a brutal scene solo. but i have now seen the other side. This will work.

I think Chisinau will be difficult for you by comparison. Do you think you can make it work there? You seem to have info coming in from various sources.

I leave Bucharest today. I am actually traveling all of Eastern Europe so it is much harder for me to hook up. The girls don't just drop in your lap when you get off the train. Time is your friend - I feel it takes 2 weeks minimum to start having solid success. As you can see by my overly drawn out email it took me a week just to get a feel for this place. And how long am I staying? A week I am staying nowhere for 2 weeks. I guess that will be for another time in my life perhaps...the joy of being 39 and looking 27

I noted the motivation in Sweden and was shocked. You were really pushing yourself and it is very difficult to keep up that effort. I also find it harder to keep motivated without a wing. The effort required can be draining.

all for now...


On the Balkans:

I've generally found most racism fears to be unfounded in the Balkans, so I assume it's about the same for most of EE. Unless you dress like an eastern-euro or a turkish youth, there's no way you'd be confused for a gypsy or middle-eastern.

For example, ansian friend visited me for a few months. We hit all the Balkan countries, he was treated like a rock-star. His only two complaints : the way people looked at him in macedonia (I think he's full of shit) and one silly incident with drunken hooligans in serbia.

As for romania, it's not that exotic. May as well try any other country in the balkans. But many disagree with me.

The best spot? Most of my experiences have been in the balkans. I'd say try some small town in Poland. I was there for 4 days and got stared at alot, so approaching was very easy. I don't care much for kiev, too plastic, the center has many foreigners, but the girls are very hot and know how to dress.

Expenses: in most Balkan capitals, 1000 euros per month is easily done. Consider that a good local salary is about 600 euros. 400 square meters apartments can be found in the center of Sofia for 150 euros. They’re dumpy with peeled off paint, but it’s possible to keep them nice. Of course, it helps to have a local the apartment hunt. You can put your lease in a friend’s name and just leave the country after six months, this is acceptable practice! There's very little blondes in the balkans, but in macedonia and bulgaria, you'll be well received. In serbia, the problem will be nationalists and football hooligans, but I personally think the issue is overblown.

Young bulgarian girls love to party, yes. The problem, in my opinion, is meeting them. A low percentage of girls actually go out, and the most beautiful ones go to clubs with a type sickening music and often filled with mafia type guys. The best time to meet them, in my opinion is through social circles or day-game.

To see some example of the bulgarian nightlife. Search youtube for "studenski grad" (student city, I posted about it on the forum, it's the university district of sofia where all the students from out of town live. There must be about 50 clubs running there, only 3 of which would be considered "normal" by western standards).

Bulgarian guys are big dumb brutes. Their game is direct natural game. Or loser puss game. There's no in between.

Personally, I think serbian and croatian girls are more desirable. Look more slavic (russian/polish), have better fashion sence and are less superficial.

I think you should do both. But depends how much time you have. See which place you like the best and stick to it. Starting mid august isn't the best time, as you know EE capitals will be empty and hot. Belgrade will still have some shit going on, and I heard budapest also stays alive.

I like skopje. Macedonians have bulgarian genetics (hot, curvy, darker, shorter) but have serbian personalities (fiery). Serbia's influence is felt quite strongly in the music, food, architecture and culture. But really, macedonians are just bulgarians who went through 100 years of serbian/croat cultural assimilation.

Back to the topic : the youth's english fluency in skopje is surprisingly high. The jealous-guys thing is overblow, maybe Mixx attracts that shit, I don't know. Remember, balkan people often go out in mixed groups. If they see some foreigner bouncing off the wall and approach a girl that's part of their gang, of course they'll get annoyed.

Skopje is a good spot to spend a couple of months. It's small, so you may get bored, but you can always chase girls. It's a bit like a 2nd tier city. The north side of the city is older and has alot of dark-skinned albanians, this is not a bad thing, it adds to the exoticism of the place. There's a lake with beaches a couple of hours south where locals go during the summer, so you could check that out too.

------ is the biggest site, it covers every city in bulgaria. is also ok.

The quality of the women will differ alot depending on which type of venue the pictures are from obviously.

The main difficulties in sofia are : finding the girls, they go out in mixed groups, horrible music.

Haven't looked into Poland clubs yet. Being lazy about my future plans. Can't even remember what resources I used when I went to katowice (it's good, but may need a car to live there, the city is sparse).

Serbia isn't too bad. Actually, I don't understand why people aren't raving about it on the forum. Here are some old "stalker" pictures of serbian girls. It's a pretty good representation of your average and alternative chicks to be found :

Maybe don't hurry too much in settling own in one spot. Since you'll be arriving in august, you'll be getting a distorted view of the cities. Maybe just head to the beaches?

Here's another one, the guy who made this had lot of time on his hands:
Georgeous Belgrade Hotties:

$3-4k USD/mth is well than enough. I'm trying to live off 1000 euros per month now.. Im out of the loop on current rental prices in Belgrade, generally it's been higher than in Sofia. A nice apartment near the center should be +600 euros monthly. If going through short-term for tourists stuff, you'll be doing +30euros per day at least.

I use for serbian local shows and cultural events, and there's also (a physical magazine distributed for free in the center of belgrade, but I dunno if they have pics over there). Otherwise, look at the pics of one of the most popular barge-clubs :

I kinda like Slovenia. The place feels like western europe, clean and civilized. Yet the Yugoslav influence can be felt in the food, the swear words and general culture. Vienna meets northern Serbia, that's a good way to put it.

Yeah, they got way more blondes. If you want to be a dick, call them Austrians who speak a slavic language. It's the german type of blonde, not russian type of blonde... They also got a lil more fatties than other EE.

Ljubljana got lots of bars in plain sight. The place is small so it's easy to wrap your head around it and find interesting places. There's a pretty big alternative scene in old military barracks along with a new hostel crowded by youngsters. Basically the city is setup in a way where you wont fail because you couldn't find girls or nightlife.


On Poland:

Did Warsaw (sucks, need insider knowlede on where to go) -> Gdansk (sucks, roosh's review is on point), now in a small student town. This is some of the best nightlife I've ever seen. The students are leaving so it'll be empty soon. There's loud discos if you like that crap and normal bars that run until 6am, easy to find the spots, chicks get hella drunk, crowded, perfect pickup environment. This is totally different than the Balkans, fuck that place.

I don't dig romania much, but I never gave it a fair chance, been there 3 times for a total of maybe a week. I don't like the capital (crazy layout), the language is pretty strange too. The 2nd tier cities are better. Hot chicks, yes. I think of them as balkan people who speak a latin language, alot of them look bulgarian.

Hope that helps.

The whole region has ridiculously hot chicks, not just Romania. But I've never been able to pull these 9s, so to me what matters most is the look of the average chick, friendliness and the bar culture.

Poznan is only good because it's a student town with lots of young girls, and so quality is high. Also more fat chicks than anywhere in the balkans, but it doesn't matter, they're easy to avoid. Selection of clubs and bars is excellent and easy to find. Polish girls stare, so that helps with cold approaching. Lots of americans and asians, but it doesn't matter. It is a lot better than student district in Sofia

I'll tell you my three spots in Wroclaw I hit when the students were out of the city:

1) Niebo Cafe : good for a pre-drink, or later in the night.. although one time I brought back girls there at 4am and got pestered by vulturing drunken polish.

2) Some hipster bar in an alley near "świętego Antoniego 8". Get there early for a spot at the bar, or hang outside.

3) Manana : This is the best place by far. 1am is peak season. There's a few prime spots in the smoking area on the balcony. Quality isn't as high as in some dance clubs though.

Everything is nearby. If you don't like something, you can hop, ask a girl on the street. Perfect nightlife setting.

Now do you see that the butterface shit was overhyped? )
You don't need a wingman in Wroclaw!

In front of mcdonald's on the central square, there's this elevated status where people sit. Sit there. One of the best spot for day and night approaches.
My favorite bar in Wroclaw is Manana. There is a dance club sort of near Masala Grill. I forgot the name. Cover for guys was 20 zoly and it was free for girls. That place was a little bit upscale.

I disagree that polish girls are unattractive or "butterface". Polish bodies have a tendency to go the "pear shape" route, so maybe those guys are refering to the top echelon of polish girls with amazing bodies. As for sloppy, I saw a lot of that in the Capital. Poznan/Wroclaw, not as much. Ukraine is mostly all high heel bitches, even the few fatties dress up nice.
You gotta understand, poland is the easiest place to go out solo. No social proof needed, you can sit at the bar like a zombie for 60 minutes, no smile wanting to kill yourself, than open the hottest chicks and it'll hook.


On Romania:

In my opinion Romania is a hidden gem. Bucharest is actually a rather ugly city with certain areas that are still nice. The reason it's ugly is because of the communist style buildings built during that era.

There are a large number of brown skinned Romanians who are not gypsies. Romania was dominated by the Ottoman Empire and there was obviously some mixing going on. I wouldn't worry about being confused for a gypsy. I'm a brown skinned black american and I've not had any issues in Romania.

The only caution I would give is that there is still a level of poverty in Romania so there will be some out to scam you. Just be aware of that and go out and enjoy Romania. The people are great and the women are hot.

Also, visit some of the cities outside of Bucharest. I recommend Brasov, Cluj, and Sibiu.

If you go, enjoy! I'll be there again in July myself.

In Bucharest almost everyone under 40 speaks English. In most of the cities and towns of Romania most of the under 40 set speak English to some degree. Of course, the further in the countryside you go it will be hit or miss.

As far as the clubs go, it can be challenging because many of the women are in groups with other women and men. I am usually alone or with a female friend. If I am in a club, I talk to everyone, men, women. Just be social and then things fall into place.

I prefer to meet people during the day. Cafes, the street, restaurants, wherever. Again, just be social and let them know about you. You will be staying for four months so that is one less barrier you have to worry about.

Don't forget to take a stroll through the malls as well.

Do you what you normally do and you should be fine.

In Krakow atm. Place sucks. It's gotta be cos of summer.

As for Romania, also take a look at Iasi. I spent a day there on my way to moldova, seemed pretty cool.

I've been to Romania before and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was in Bucharest and Cluj, which is a city you definitely want to hit up if you get the chance. I'll be working as a teacher in an international school (hence good holidays) so during any time off I plan to hit up other cities in Romania (Brasov, Timisoara, Constanta etc) or other nearby countries. Unfortunatley the last time I was in Bucharest I didn't get to experience the nightlife that much, since the hostel I stayed at was pretty dead and the guy at reception was no good at recommending where to go, so I ended up in a couple of dead bars. Cluj was a different story since it's a much smaller city and full of students, so I simply went down the main square and was surrounded by bars and clubs. The girls there were phenomenal, mostly 18-23 y.o., spoke good English, very approachable and (as you've already figured out) really attractive. When I was there I'd describe my game as beginner level but I still managed to kiss a couple of really nice Romanian students and chatted with plenty more. My time in Cluj definitely boosted my confidence a lot.

Apparantly the place to go in Bucharest is called Lipscani which is close to where I'm staying. I went there during the day but didn't realise that was the place to go at night. However there are other clubs a bit further out from the centre as well.
I'm liking Bucharest so far but been focused mainly on work. Had a chance to socialise with my new colleagues as well (all westerners) so gaming has unfortunately been quite far down the list of priorities, but I have time so I hope to remedy that soon.

I used for apartments. I don't know what level of comfort you're looking for but a decent one bed apartment close to Lipscani should cost you anywhere in the region of 400-600 Euros per month. I found ID Romania very professional and all the apartments they showed me were decent. Unlike some agencies, they ensure all their apartments are in buildings that are not an earthquake risk. My agent was called Violetta and there was also a Dutch guy who showed me round. I'd recommend them.

OK, the girls here ... I don't know how much chance you've had to get out and observe, but here are my perceptions:
Coming from the UK where there is an obesity epidemic almost as bad as the States', the first thing you notice is that there are very few fatties here. Seriously, when you see a fat girl (or fat person in general) it catches your attention. Many of them have incredible bodies without an ounce of fat on them, with the only bad thing being that most of them have small tits and ass (I'm definitely a booty man). The plus-side to this is that Romanian women seem to age well since there isn't much to sag and they stay slim - seeing a do-able woman past 35 in the UK is extremely rare, but IMHO common here. If you like slim, pretty brunettes with olive skin and sexy accents who dress, talk and act like women, you'll like it here.

So have I had any luck with them yet? In a word ... NO, but I haven't had much opportunity to try. As well as getting my apartment and everything ready, I've been unbelievably busy with work and have literally been exhausted at nights. On top of that, since I've been so busy, the easiest way to socialise has been to hang out with some of the other expats from work. One of the guys has been pulling a Californian girl and her friend (also American) has been trying it on with me, but I don't want to come over here for 2 years only to get a western girlfriend within the first fortnight. It's incredibly easy to fall into the trap of being caught in an expat bubble - some of the other teachers in my school have been here 4 or 5 years and don't speak any Romanian or have any proper Romanian friends - fuck that, what's the point in moving here?

I'm not using any of this as an excuse (after years of making excuses when I was younger, I don't allow myself to do so anymore) but just telling it as it is. Within the next short while, work should become more organised, I should have my shit together and am planning on doing some serious damage.

There are a few gorgeous Romanian TAs, and the contrast in femininity and overall attractiveness between the Romanians and the Brits/Americans/Aussies seriously couldn't be starker.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Roosh - 11-29-2011

Another great compilation from the forum diplomat. Here's the Scandinavian edition for guys who missed it:

I see I'm the lone voice criticizing Riga quality. I'll put some Visine in my eyes before I go out this weekend.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Luckystar - 11-30-2011


Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - XXL - 12-01-2011


poland is the easiest place to go out solo. No social proof needed, you can sit at the bar like a zombie for 60 minutes, no smile wanting to kill yourself, than open the hottest chicks and it'll hook.
very true. i even experimented with this by purposely sitting alone doing nothing talking to nobody only to explode later after an hour of total boredom. no difference.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - MiXX - 12-01-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 01:47 PM)XXL Wrote:  


poland is the easiest place to go out solo. No social proof needed, you can sit at the bar like a zombie for 60 minutes, no smile wanting to kill yourself, than open the hottest chicks and it'll hook.
very true. i even experimented with this by purposely sitting alone doing nothing talking to nobody only to explode later after an hour of total boredom. no difference.

What is the best website for pipe-lining Polish girls specifically besides Couchsurfing or Facebook?


Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Luckystar - 12-01-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 03:12 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

What is the best website for pipe-lining Polish girls specifically besides Couchsurfing or Facebook?


I've asked this question many times, and have never been given another option of value. Polish girls don't seem to be hooked on social media...part of what makes approaching them easier. They haven't had their egos pumped full of steroids from thirsty dudes.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - MiXX - 12-01-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 01:47 PM)XXL Wrote:  


poland is the easiest place to go out solo. No social proof needed, you can sit at the bar like a zombie for 60 minutes, no smile wanting to kill yourself, than open the hottest chicks and it'll hook.
very true. i even experimented with this by purposely sitting alone doing nothing talking to nobody only to explode later after an hour of total boredom. no difference.

Really? How odd!

I've never heard of a place where women do not hold a mans social value in high regard as to reject him if he is not perceived that way in a social setting like a nightclub.

Why do you guys think this is so?


Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Roosh - 12-02-2011

Unlike Poland, going out solo in Latvia is a DLV. Not sure why.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - Luckystar - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 01:48 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Unlike Poland, going out solo in Latvia is a DLV. Not sure why.

Unless you are Russian looking or visibly spending cash, rolling solo is definitely DLV in FSU countries. You are an 'outsider' and treated as such.

Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - MiXX - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-02-2011 02:49 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2011 01:48 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Unlike Poland, going out solo in Latvia is a DLV. Not sure why.

Unless you are Russian looking or visibly spending cash, rolling solo is definitely DLV in FSU countries. You are an 'outsider' and treated as such.

This is also true for Colombia. Going out soliI is "weird" and "creepy" to Colombian girls, abd definitely DLV.

DVH is going out with 2 girls for every guy in your party. so, 2 guys and 4 girls is the norm to attract positive attention.


Luckystar PMs: Eastern Europe Edition (Poland, Baltics & Balkans) - XXL - 12-02-2011

Quote: (12-01-2011 03:12 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

What is the best website for pipe-lining Polish girls specifically besides Couchsurfing or Facebook?

i have no idea. i only (but rarely) use internet to carry on the acquaintance, never to break the ice with someone completely new

Quote: (12-01-2011 04:21 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2011 01:47 PM)XXL Wrote:  


poland is the easiest place to go out solo. No social proof needed, you can sit at the bar like a zombie for 60 minutes, no smile wanting to kill yourself, than open the hottest chicks and it'll hook.
very true. i even experimented with this by purposely sitting alone doing nothing talking to nobody only to explode later after an hour of total boredom. no difference.

Really? How odd!

I've never heard of a place where women do not hold a mans social value in high regard as to reject him if he is not perceived that way in a social setting like a nightclub.

Why do you guys think this is so?


briefly the way i see it.. it's all about the personality. 'what you do' is not that important as 'who you are'. the environment or circumstances around change fast and fluctuate so it's out of your control. but your overall personality (being cool, fun, open, social, masculine, friendly, desicive, easy to get along with, sexy etc) is always at your disposal and under your control. so you it's there and you can use it to your advantage whenever.

from my experience.. i can sit alone for an hour in the nightclub doing nothing however i'm unaffected by it, feeling comfortable because i know that at any moment i can stand up and choose to have fun and socialize. that's the key. i know i can. anytime. that simple understanding alone keeps me in good mood. and all it takes is stand up, start moving, joking, dancing, doing some stupid shit just to loosen up a bit.

it's fucking 2am, party's bumping, a second ago people could see me sitting alone in the corner staring at my phone and now they see me in the middle of the dancefloor having fun etc. so the message people get is "this guy's not actually lame, he's fucking cool, just had weak moments back then". i'm the source of fun now. girls glancing at me, high fiving me, dancing with me, screaming with me. i appeared as a loser but now i'm the shit. and it builds from there.

a couple of years back all i did was following the pu rules. so i needed to work the room to build momentum which led to having social proof there which allowed me to get better reactions from girls and to have a good night. i got performance anxiety aka i was giving quite a large fuck about reactions and pu dogma

the biggest breakthrough for me was the shift from getting the fun (from girls) to spreading the fun (to girls). hence GOLDEN RULE: WHO HAS MOST FUN, WINS. as long as you are [u]the source of fun [u] there nothing else matters. literally nothing. weather, clothes, going solo, competition, stuck up bitches, fucking cockblockers.. none of that shit matters. i've had countless situations where being solo odds were against me (hard shittesting too) but because i had strong frame, felt comfortable and was source of fun i was cool. in fact it worked for my advantage cause girls labelled me as this mysterious ballsy carefree jerk from nowhere who just does what he wants and DGAF.

people really don't care. they only care if YOU care. THEY don't care. but again.. when a guy rolls alone and stays alone all shy and shit then yeah in that case it sucks