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Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Printable Version

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Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - alecks - 10-19-2011

From what ive read on various forums over the last few months is that a lot of women are attracted to men who have girlfriends etc.

it shows that your more of a commodity if you will,taken,more hard to get etc.

But does it work? lets say your in a club just chatting away to a chick,nearly getting to the flirty attraction stage and then all of a sudden say "im taken/ive a gf,so dont be getting any ideas" with a shit eating grin on your face hehe type.

could this be a good way to build better attraction or just down right retarded?


Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - gringochileno - 10-19-2011

I haven't tried it but my sense is it'll scare off more girls than it attracts. If you want to come across as a challenge, just say "nothing serious" when the "are you single?" question comes up.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Screwston - 10-19-2011

"Its complicated"

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - 3extra - 10-19-2011

I've tried it a couple of times when they pull out the boyfriend line. It could help to lessen their guilt.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Feo - 10-19-2011

I always throw in something about my "girlfriend" when I meet random girls on the street. It puts their guard down and you can always explain it away later by saying you broke up..or things got complicated. When they finally figure out that you mind-fucked them they just get even more turned on.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - j r - 10-19-2011

I'd be a little wary of bringing up girlfriends out of the blue. Unnecessarily bringing up a girlfriend makes it seem like you're really psyched to have one and that may come across a bit needy.

If you want to take advantage of pre-selection, it's better to mention a "friend" and let the girl's mind wonder what kind of friend. It's even better if you work it into a context of doing something really cool like, "last month me and a friend just randomly hooped a flight to Miami for the long weekend. Our hotel had the sickest balcony. My friend, she couldn't stop taking pictures of it."

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - peterthephoenix - 10-20-2011

"it's complicated"


Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - alecks - 10-20-2011

its complicated is probably the best one

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - WesternCancer - 01-13-2012

I was going to use this one on a girl in my class that I've sat beside once or twice but got kind of cold once I said anything flirty. I facecreeped her and turns out she has a boyfriend. I'm going to do a pre-emptive "you have a boyfriend so does my girlfriend" maneuver by mentioning that I went skiing with my girlfriend the past weekend, then plow forth.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Donald Duck - 01-13-2012

I would tell this after I spoke to her for hours and already have a good feeling for each other. She will do anything to take you away from "your girlfriend." IME

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - MiXX - 01-13-2012

Quote: (10-19-2011 05:23 PM)alecks Wrote:  

From what ive read on various forums over the last few months is that a lot of women are attracted to men who have girlfriends etc.

it shows that your more of a commodity if you will,taken,more hard to get etc.

But does it work? lets say your in a club just chatting away to a chick,nearly getting to the flirty attraction stage and then all of a sudden say "im taken/ive a gf,so dont be getting any ideas" with a shit eating grin on your face hehe type.

could this be a good way to build better attraction or just down right retarded?


It shows you are a commodity when SHE brings it up!

just like you should never ask her if she has a BF, you should never flat out tell her you have a GF.

Best response (if she even asks) "Let's just say I'm not relationship material, but open to whatever life may bring me." {now grin}

Keep her hamster spinnin'!


Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - CJ - 01-14-2012

Didn't George Costanza try wearing a wedding ring once to pick up women? I digress... I certainly wouldn't come out and just announce it. I've banged a number of girls that had boyfriends at the time, guess how many told me they did before sex? Zero is the correct answer. You're better off to keep them guessing, if you announce you have a boyfriend you might turn them off thinking you're a cheater, or whatever the hell women would categorize you as.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Deb Auchery - 01-14-2012

George Costanza had very good results when he did "The Opposite" hehe

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - InternationPlayboy - 01-14-2012

I never go out and try picking up by telling girls I have a girlfriend. But it definitely worked to my advantage while I was living in a small town. A lot of times I would be "seeing" someone not necissarily my girlfriend, but a lot of the girls didn't know the difference. Just about every 6 months I'd pick up a bad bitch and make her more or less my main girl for a couple months. It was just easier for when the summer would come and all the cute Brazilian and Argi girls would leave and you're just stuck with ugly american slobs. This always drew a bunch of other girls towards me. This only works if the girl you are with is cute. Other girls wonder what makes that cute girl wanna be with you.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Jackhammer - 01-14-2012

I have used "Girlfriend Game" in the past with great success. However, the trick is to merely suggest you might have a girlfriend without overtly saying "I have a girlfriend". This can be done by checking your phone and looking annoyed at it every now and then, secretive phone conversations, deflecting her when she asks who you're texting, and changing the subject when she brings it up. If they persist in asking who it is, I just say it's an "old friend".

It has only backfired for me when I lied and said outright "I have a girlfriend". They might still have interest, but every girl has rejected my advances afterwards because they didn't want to allow me to cheat.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - dk902 - 01-14-2012

"Well, nothing serious" or "It's complicated" have worked well for me. Keeps the mystery but doesn't outright say you have a girlfriend, game on.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Iceinthewater - 01-14-2012

Quote: (10-19-2011 06:24 PM)houston Wrote:  

"Its complicated"


My buddy who is notorious for running through all the girls in a social circle says one thing every time: "I don't want a girlfriend right now."

He's got crazy swag and is totally narcissistic, and socially connected, so girls are already turned on by him. This cinches it - they wanna fuck him, but they know he's not bf material so they put him in the hookup category.

I've tried this once since he told me it works but the rest of the interaction was weak. Haven't really tested it enough myself - maybe tonight.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Alpha - 01-14-2012

"It's Complicated"

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - King Solomon - 04-25-2012

"Some girls, I consider friends. Some girls, I just consider."

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Nom_De_Guerre - 04-25-2012

"There's a saying in Portuguese, 'soltiero sim, sozinho nunca.' Single yes, lonley, never."

Actually, it's the lyrics from a song, but whatever. Say it with a half grin. I usually segue into how I'm learning Portuguese and how I was dating a brasilian chick. It's a huge dhv, showing that you're well traveled and educated, and also getting some brazilian poon.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Gmac - 04-25-2012

"It's complicated" works better than any other line I've ever used.

Has anyone tried the "I have a girlfriend" approach? - Veloce - 04-26-2012

I never volunteer information. If a girls asks if I've got a girlfriend I have two responses:

1) it's complicated

2) duh, like 15 of them, but things are kind of slow this time of year