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Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival - Printable Version

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Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival - whitemike - 02-08-2024

The internet has transformed into a vast interest forum, where comment sections accompany every published article and video, rendering internet forums unnecessary. In the absence of a comment section on the article or video, you have the option to share it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to elicit responses from your acquaintances and followers. If you lack friends, you can simply establish a Twitter account or become a member of a Facebook group. Social media eliminates the necessity of visiting internet forums. Moreover, individuals who are very productive can establish their own platform. Websites such as Zerohedge or Dailybeast, together with pornographic websites, are flourishing as platforms for communication on the internet. In the present day, most active forums are made up of the same 5-20 trolls, supremacist nobodies, and mature retirees who piss away their time on the internet. Although this is advantageous for them, it offers minimal advantages to the new user. 

On Reddit, the biggest forum on the net, you get cheap, low-effort, dumbed-down, noncontroversial pun threads. Comments are short, either out of laziness or for the sake of minimizing attack vectors upon which one’s comment could be discredited. The least controversial and most boring comments somehow get upvoted to the top, while the most in-depth, critical, and interesting sink to the bottom. All travel subreddits predominantly consist of questions. People will occasionally write posts on these travel subreddits about their travel experiences, but on Reddit it’s not possible to embed images in posts, which does reduce the quality for the topic of travel that is visual in nature. There little incentive to write an in-depth post in a self post on Reddit because there’s really no sense of community on Reddit. Everyone is a forgettable anonymous username. There’s a follow button, but nobody does so and what value would that provide anyways. Traditional forums naturally have a stronger sense of community because the communities are smaller, and users can have avatars and signatures so that you can more easily recognize other users.

Reddit on the other hand completely lacks any sense of community. There are no avatars (unless you click into one’s profile), and usernames are not prominently visible, and nobody pays attention to them. Even if these features did exist, the large number of users might make it impossible to recognize others either way. This lack of community is what makes these “look at my dog” posts so cringy. This is not Facebook; nobody knows you or cares about your dog (unless it is a subreddit for dogs or wherever that’s appropriate).

In order to rejuvenate the forum domain, it is imperative to overhaul the design of forums and transform them into efficient platforms for generating content. Postings should consist of well-crafted thoughts including coherent paragraphs, accompanied by relevant photographs or videos, and culminating in a conclusive section.  The "open submission" approach should be substituted with a model resembling that of a "magazine", wherein individuals can contribute articles, but only a select few are chosen for publication. Nevertheless, in order for this model to be effective, site owners must reconsider their business models and either develop or acquire new software, which is highly unlikely to occur. As the popular proverb goes: it is time to discard the old and embrace the new.

PAG has developed NEW innovative software that encompasses all of the aforementioned functionalities, enabling authors and producers to get remuneration commensurate with the value they contribute to others. PAG, an experienced forum participant and genius, has transformed and substituted the conventional forum design with his creation known as "the soapbox." This innovation converts ordinary forum messages into articles, incorporating supplementary sections and an artificial intelligence system to aid writers. Creators can receive compensation in the form of WhizCoin tokens, which are awarded based on the level of appreciation expressed by users through actions such as liking or offering experiences. Creators also have the ability to directly sell digital items, such as comprehensive travel reports, videos, and images, to anyone on the network. Users can earn tokens by curating material, which involves discovering and changing it. Users have the option to exchange tokens for various services offered on the platform. Additionally, after a specific amount of currency is earned, tokens can be converted into dollars. 

[Image: BHoX6to.png]

Forums lack substantial utility for individuals; this website mostly serves as a repository for older individuals to revisit and peruse past events that transpired some years ago.

RE: Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival - citron - 02-08-2024

you sound like one of these many "SEO" spambots who post links on dead blogs and forums

but at the same time, the long format makes it look like a Viagra copywrite mail that you'd find in your spam back in the early 2000s

the question is, if your site is so valuable and innovative, why do you need to spam links since about a year to still have not so much traffic?

RE: Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival - whitemike - 02-08-2024

It's hilarious that you've realized your website is just another defunct forum. There is no one engaging in spamming activities. The practice you call "spamming" is known in academia as "citing" and it proves highly advantageous to individuals possessing high intellectual capacity. See: Citation provides the reader of intellectual work with the source of the information used and allows them to acquire additional knowledge. I understand that the prevailing format here involves uneducated elderly individuals engaging in disorganized and nonsensical writing while simultaneously making unfounded allegations.

RE: Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival - chapter carrot - 02-08-2024

His website is a piece of crap. He missed the (very small) momentum that could have helped grow his forum at a point, but he decided to ban left and right (even Roosh didn't make this mistake at his beginnings, he only became a tyrant once he was getting more traction). Now it's too laaaaaate.