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The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

I don't care what the old guard on here says: Instagram is essential for virtually anyone 18-30 (running "young guy" game) who wants to fuck 18-24 year old HB 8's, 9's, and 10's consistently.

Now, if you're mid to late 30's, 40's or above... (and look the part) and are running 'older guy' game then that's great --- there are some girls who might even be into you for that very not having IG could even be a "reverse" status indicator that enhances a IDGAF attitude in your favor...

For now.

Or if you are traveling or living in a pocket of the world right now where IG has not completely engulfed the culture...then no worries. You'll be mostly fine.

For now.

But I'm very concerned with the posts I've seen recently on this topic from guys exclaiming how girls never ask for their instagram or how they'll simply be able to run the same game they always have...despite the writing on the wall (or should I say Instagram Feed)...

To those of you in denial about just how much Instagram has consumed young women's minds and just how much it has altered how they assess a man's value today...

Let me ask you:

When's the last time you got laid by a 18-22 year old HB 8.5 or above?

Was it in the last 3 months?

Was it in the Anglo world?

If the answer to any of those questions was NO...then you're in for a rude awakening.

And if you answered yes...congratulations. You meet one of the aforementioned criteria above...and IG hasn't quite caught up to you....yet.

But this thread isn't to start another flame war about this topic.

This is for those of us who understand the critical nature of communicating DHV's to women in the modern age...

So let's talk about the most important piece of technology in society for men who want to fuck top shelf pussy.

Let's talk about Instagram.



Guys' profiles we can link to in order to model their approach to this new online game we're all playing (and make no mistake...we are all playing are playing's just a matter of whether you are any good at it and are going to be taking your place at the table of young, prime, sexy women going forward.

I'm done talking to the kids now.

Non-delusional adults: let's chat.

Let's get this Instagram thing handled. Step by step.

This is the thread that this forum has been lacking.

I'm just a dumb newbie to this forum. But even I'm smart enough to's time.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

I'll start.

I recently purchased an IG marketing course by some guys who I have on good authority (via my internet marketing friends) are some of the best in the game.

Here are two biggest my takeaways. I'll be brief as it's late for me right now and I'm tired af:

1) FollowLiker is dead. Don't use it. IG has finally caught on. Their algorithms can tell when you're using apps like this. It will get you shadow banned, suspended, or outright banned meaning you can't follow people and your posts won't show up on the "discovery" portion of people's IG... (It's like when Google removes a website from their search results because they were using blackhat SEO techniques)...people can find you if they are looking for your directly...but not organically via discovering your content.

2) Engagement groups are where it's at. Essentially, you get a groupchat going on IG, WhatsApp, Telegram, whatever...and everyone links to their post / picture in the group at set times (X times per day, or whatever your specific group agrees to) and everyone else likes / follows / comments on (depending, again, on what the group is for) those posts... The reason is obviously to make your profile more socially proofed...but if you time these group follows / likes / comments in the right will tell IG's algorithm to show your content to more people...having a snowball effect.

That's it for now.

P.S. --- I realize I sound like I'm about to try to pitch a product soon (it's the inner internet marketer in me)....for the record. I AM NOT. WILL NOT. EVER ON THIS FORUM SELL ANY KIND OF PRODUCTS OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. FEEL FREE TO BAN ME MODS IF I DO. EVER. I know almost nothing about Instagram...and I don't even have anything to sell anyone if I did. I'm here for GAME.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - Snag87 - 05-13-2019

Any interest in forming an engagement group here?

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - RDF - 05-13-2019

I'm not sure that we need a new thread given we already have an Instagram thread. But in case this one gets rolling, I will repost what I wrote several months ago regarding 2019 strategy. I stand by this even more today.

Quote: (02-08-2019 04:55 PM)RDF Wrote:  

After over a year since the thread has started, I think it is time for a strategic update on Instagram game. My thoughts on this topic have changed significantly over the past year in response to my experiences, and I wanted to consolidate my thoughts into one post. This is based both on my personal experiences, as well as ideas that other posters have brought up on this thread.

*** Updated thoughts on IG game as of early 2019 ***

Broadly, I think that the standard for what constitutes a "good Instagram profile" has changed. This is due to several factors.

1) The bar for quality content on IG has increased.
-- Per TechCrunch, there are now >1 billion active users on IG compared to 600 million at end of 2016. That is over 400 million extra people with a profile posting content.
-- In general, quality of content has improved significantly especially among men. Even in 2015-2016, there weren't a lot of guys who had a good sense of photos and creating a story through their profile. This is no longer the case.
-- Due to this, it has become harder to gain followers, whether organically or through automation. Even in places like Thailand or the Philippines, areas where many of the automation apps follow people since the follow-back rate is high, it is harder to gain followers. A white American guy on IG with a cool lifestyle was once a novelty in these places. Not anymore. Good luck getting to 50k followers with automation, it'll take years.
-- Finally, in combo with changes in the IG algorithm that decides when your posts are displayed to followers, engagement has gone down across the board. It is much harder to get organic engagement now. I've seen this mentioned on this thread from multiple reputable members, and it has happened to me as well. So I know its a real thing.

2) The way that women judge IG value has also changed
-- As I and others have said before, engagement is important to balance out a high follower count. This has always been needed but I would say it is more important now than ever. Women will look through a guy's photos, and if he has 4,000 followers but 60 likes/pic, they'll immediately know something is off.
-- There are MANY more people using automation now than even 6 months ago. I get followed by random profiles multiples times per day that later unfollow me. Far more women are aware that automation exists as a way to grow a following.
-- Even if a girl can't exactly pinpoint whether your profile is fully real or artificial, she is going to be more suspicious of it in general due to the prevalence of automation.
-- Its hard to describe this fully, but in casual conversations with younger girls that I know, I've specifically noticed that follower count doesn't have the same cachet. It is just no longer rare for a guy to have several thousand followers and decent pictures.

The result? Follower count is harder to accumulate, and even if accompanied with good quality "lifestyle" content, it no longer has the same value that it used to. There are a handful exceptions to this rule (described below), but for somebody who is starting out on IG or is looking to improve their profile, going the traditional FollowLiker route is not necessarily the best path anymore.

Here are my thoughts on how you can remain successful with IG:

1) If you truly have a niche that you really nail, your profile can still have significant value/DHV. Thing is that it cannot be half-assed. You need to really focus the profile exclusively on that and it needs to be something unique, where you're competing against 1% of men or less. I have a profile that I've been slowly building on the side with a very specific niche; when I get to ~800 followers I will start sharing with women instead of my regular profile and see if I notice a difference in reactions.

2) If you actually become "insta-famous" (think 50k+ followers with thousands of likes/pic), you will likely get a ton of pussy. This is the major exception where follower count does matter. However, this is only slightly easier than actually becoming famous. Everybody is trying to create their own entertaining angle on IG so competition is ultra-high. I don't think its the best use of time, but if you figure a way out, feel free to post some tips. I know a guy who has some local insta-fame associated with the nightlife scene, and he gets cold DMs from hot girls every day.

3) If you have a profile that you have already built to 2-10k followers mainly through automation, but you're seeing poor engagement (5% or less/pic), you can improve the look in a combination of two things. I've done this myself.
-- First, you can increase likes through engagement groups. I'm happy to join any engagement groups with repped members, but there are also several public groups that anybody can join (can PM me for link, otherwise I think its someplace in this thread). The idea is that you like other people's pics and they like yours, thus boosting your likes. Problem is that there's a limit to how much you can use it unless you're willing to put in a ton of effort (ie: if you need to get your pic from 50 likes to 200, you'll need to like 150 people's pictures to get 150 likes).
-- Second, you can cut down your follower count. As I said earlier, there really isn't a difference nowadays between having 8k and 2k followers. If you cut down to 2k, that is far less engagement group work that you need to do to have a reasonable engagement rate on your profile.

4) If you are completely new to IG, didn't have the advantage of using social media in hs/college, and can't find a really unique niche, here is how I would go about now.
-- Get your profile to ~500-1,200 followers, while following slightly less people than follow you. While I know I just said that follower count isn't as important nowadays, having 40 followers makes you look like you have no friends. Basically anybody who goes to college in the US and uses IG will accumulate that many followers naturally, so that should be the goal. Do this through a combo of following people you know, and automation if you need to fill the balance. After that point, let your profile grow naturally.
-- If your engagement is <10% (best to aim higher than 5% when you have less followers), you can use engagement groups to fill the gap. This should be pretty easy since you'll only need a few dozen likes at most. You may not even need to use them when you know most the people who follow you! I back-calculate that I get a 20%+ engagement from people who I actually know and less than 2% from those who I don't.
-- Post content that shows off the best aspects of the life you actually life. A good rule of thumb is embellish, don't fake. Everybody shows off a bit on IG, and there's nothing wrong with doing it if you can back it up. ~2/3 of your pics should include you in them (combination of you alone, with friends, or with women) while the balance can be landscape shots, nightlife, food, or anything else. Try to avoid repeating the same type of photo too many times. Posting 1-2x/wk + 5-10 stories/wk is fine.

5) Once you have a profile that fits one of the guidelines above, you can give your IG to girls strategically.
-- The best time to get an IG is when you know you won't see her for a long period of time (ie: you're going on vaca, or she lives in another city). That way, you remain in front of her in a passive way which just isn't possible with a phone number.
-- On the other hand, if you're trying to meet this girl within the next week, it is better to get a number. There's no need to over complicate shit with IG.

If anybody has any thoughts or disagreements, feel free to share. I think having a good IG profile is really important, and I continue to adjust as the times change.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 10:16 AM)RDF Wrote:  

I'm not sure that we need a new thread given we already have an Instagram thread. But in case this one gets rolling, I will repost what I wrote several months ago regarding 2019 strategy. I stand by this even more today.

Quote: (02-08-2019 04:55 PM)RDF Wrote:  

After over a year since the thread has started, I think it is time for a strategic update on Instagram game. My thoughts on this topic have changed significantly over the past year in response to my experiences, and I wanted to consolidate my thoughts into one post. This is based both on my personal experiences, as well as ideas that other posters have brought up on this thread.

*** Updated thoughts on IG game as of early 2019 ***

Broadly, I think that the standard for what constitutes a "good Instagram profile" has changed. This is due to several factors.

1) The bar for quality content on IG has increased.
-- Per TechCrunch, there are now >1 billion active users on IG compared to 600 million at end of 2016. That is over 400 million extra people with a profile posting content.
-- In general, quality of content has improved significantly especially among men. Even in 2015-2016, there weren't a lot of guys who had a good sense of photos and creating a story through their profile. This is no longer the case.
-- Due to this, it has become harder to gain followers, whether organically or through automation. Even in places like Thailand or the Philippines, areas where many of the automation apps follow people since the follow-back rate is high, it is harder to gain followers. A white American guy on IG with a cool lifestyle was once a novelty in these places. Not anymore. Good luck getting to 50k followers with automation, it'll take years.
-- Finally, in combo with changes in the IG algorithm that decides when your posts are displayed to followers, engagement has gone down across the board. It is much harder to get organic engagement now. I've seen this mentioned on this thread from multiple reputable members, and it has happened to me as well. So I know its a real thing.

2) The way that women judge IG value has also changed
-- As I and others have said before, engagement is important to balance out a high follower count. This has always been needed but I would say it is more important now than ever. Women will look through a guy's photos, and if he has 4,000 followers but 60 likes/pic, they'll immediately know something is off.
-- There are MANY more people using automation now than even 6 months ago. I get followed by random profiles multiples times per day that later unfollow me. Far more women are aware that automation exists as a way to grow a following.
-- Even if a girl can't exactly pinpoint whether your profile is fully real or artificial, she is going to be more suspicious of it in general due to the prevalence of automation.
-- Its hard to describe this fully, but in casual conversations with younger girls that I know, I've specifically noticed that follower count doesn't have the same cachet. It is just no longer rare for a guy to have several thousand followers and decent pictures.

The result? Follower count is harder to accumulate, and even if accompanied with good quality "lifestyle" content, it no longer has the same value that it used to. There are a handful exceptions to this rule (described below), but for somebody who is starting out on IG or is looking to improve their profile, going the traditional FollowLiker route is not necessarily the best path anymore.

Here are my thoughts on how you can remain successful with IG:

1) If you truly have a niche that you really nail, your profile can still have significant value/DHV. Thing is that it cannot be half-assed. You need to really focus the profile exclusively on that and it needs to be something unique, where you're competing against 1% of men or less. I have a profile that I've been slowly building on the side with a very specific niche; when I get to ~800 followers I will start sharing with women instead of my regular profile and see if I notice a difference in reactions.

2) If you actually become "insta-famous" (think 50k+ followers with thousands of likes/pic), you will likely get a ton of pussy. This is the major exception where follower count does matter. However, this is only slightly easier than actually becoming famous. Everybody is trying to create their own entertaining angle on IG so competition is ultra-high. I don't think its the best use of time, but if you figure a way out, feel free to post some tips. I know a guy who has some local insta-fame associated with the nightlife scene, and he gets cold DMs from hot girls every day.

3) If you have a profile that you have already built to 2-10k followers mainly through automation, but you're seeing poor engagement (5% or less/pic), you can improve the look in a combination of two things. I've done this myself.
-- First, you can increase likes through engagement groups. I'm happy to join any engagement groups with repped members, but there are also several public groups that anybody can join (can PM me for link, otherwise I think its someplace in this thread). The idea is that you like other people's pics and they like yours, thus boosting your likes. Problem is that there's a limit to how much you can use it unless you're willing to put in a ton of effort (ie: if you need to get your pic from 50 likes to 200, you'll need to like 150 people's pictures to get 150 likes).
-- Second, you can cut down your follower count. As I said earlier, there really isn't a difference nowadays between having 8k and 2k followers. If you cut down to 2k, that is far less engagement group work that you need to do to have a reasonable engagement rate on your profile.

4) If you are completely new to IG, didn't have the advantage of using social media in hs/college, and can't find a really unique niche, here is how I would go about now.
-- Get your profile to ~500-1,200 followers, while following slightly less people than follow you. While I know I just said that follower count isn't as important nowadays, having 40 followers makes you look like you have no friends. Basically anybody who goes to college in the US and uses IG will accumulate that many followers naturally, so that should be the goal. Do this through a combo of following people you know, and automation if you need to fill the balance. After that point, let your profile grow naturally.
-- If your engagement is <10% (best to aim higher than 5% when you have less followers), you can use engagement groups to fill the gap. This should be pretty easy since you'll only need a few dozen likes at most. You may not even need to use them when you know most the people who follow you! I back-calculate that I get a 20%+ engagement from people who I actually know and less than 2% from those who I don't.
-- Post content that shows off the best aspects of the life you actually life. A good rule of thumb is embellish, don't fake. Everybody shows off a bit on IG, and there's nothing wrong with doing it if you can back it up. ~2/3 of your pics should include you in them (combination of you alone, with friends, or with women) while the balance can be landscape shots, nightlife, food, or anything else. Try to avoid repeating the same type of photo too many times. Posting 1-2x/wk + 5-10 stories/wk is fine.

5) Once you have a profile that fits one of the guidelines above, you can give your IG to girls strategically.
-- The best time to get an IG is when you know you won't see her for a long period of time (ie: you're going on vaca, or she lives in another city). That way, you remain in front of her in a passive way which just isn't possible with a phone number.
-- On the other hand, if you're trying to meet this girl within the next week, it is better to get a number. There's no need to over complicate shit with IG.

If anybody has any thoughts or disagreements, feel free to share. I think having a good IG profile is really important, and I continue to adjust as the times change.

Thank you for pasting that here. I think that's really great advice.

In fact, it's probably the best advice from the that old and inactive thread.

Hopefully this thread will actually be active, unlike the other one..and provide useful ongoing and current advice (like yours), experiences, and ideas for instagram going forward [Image: smile.gif]

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - Beyond Borders - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 01:35 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

But I'm very concerned with the posts I've seen recently on this topic from guys exclaiming how girls never ask for their instagram or how they'll simply be able to run the same game they always have...despite the writing on the wall (or should I say Instagram Feed)...

You've got way too much time on your hands, Guy.


Was it in the Anglo world?

[Image: laugh3.gif]


But this thread isn't to start another flame war about this topic.

If you don't want a flame war, why not just make a post about Instagram instead of being a consdascending prick about your opinion on the matter?

There are just as many men on this forum that agree with you on this topic as there are who don't.

What a weird topic to get your panties in a bunch about...


So let's talk about the most important piece of technology in society for men who want to fuck top shelf pussy.

[Image: BottleOpener_Profile2_1024x1024_6e78757a...1554478421]


I'm done talking to the kids now.

Non-delusional adults: let's chat.

[Image: tard.gif]

Good thing you're not trying to start a "flame war" over nothing.

Would hate to see you catch a ban hammer, Dad.


This is the thread that this forum has been lacking.

Thank you for finally blessing us with your presence. [Image: dodgy.gif]


I'm just a dumb newbie to this forum.


Quote: (05-13-2019 10:25 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

In fact, it's probably the best advice from the that old and inactive thread.

Hopefully this thread will actually be active, unlike the other one..and provide useful ongoing and current advice (like yours), experiences, and ideas for instagram going forward [Image: smile.gif]

Again, thank you again for showing up to show us what a real thread should look like.

It's about time we had your guidance and insight around here.

We are so lucky to have your thread on this topic rather than that other ole crappy thread.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 10:57 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2019 01:35 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

But I'm very concerned with the posts I've seen recently on this topic from guys exclaiming how girls never ask for their instagram or how they'll simply be able to run the same game they always have...despite the writing on the wall (or should I say Instagram Feed)...

You've got way too much time on your hands, Guy.


Was it in the Anglo world?

[Image: laugh3.gif]


But this thread isn't to start another flame war about this topic.

If you don't want a flame war, why not just make a post about Instagram instead of being a consdascending prick about your opinion on the matter?

There are just as many men on this forum that agree with you on this topic as there are who don't.

What a weird topic to get your panties in a bunch about...


So let's talk about the most important piece of technology in society for men who want to fuck top shelf pussy.

[Image: BottleOpener_Profile2_1024x1024_6e78757a...1554478421]


I'm done talking to the kids now.

Non-delusional adults: let's chat.

[Image: tard.gif]

Good thing you're not trying to start a "flame war" over nothing.

Would hate to see you catch a ban hammer, Dad.


This is the thread that this forum has been lacking.

Thank you for finally blessing us with your presence. [Image: dodgy.gif]


I'm just a dumb newbie to this forum.


Quote: (05-13-2019 10:25 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

In fact, it's probably the best advice from the that old and inactive thread.

Hopefully this thread will actually be active, unlike the other one..and provide useful ongoing and current advice (like yours), experiences, and ideas for instagram going forward [Image: smile.gif]

Again, thank you again for showing up to show us what a real thread should look like.

It's about time we had your guidance and insight around here.

We are so lucky to have your thread on this topic rather than that other ole crappy thread.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

I see what you're doing.

You're trying to frame me as a trouble-starter. You're trying to get the Mods attention on me, to ban me...

But the substance behind why you're trying to do this is lacking.

You simply don't like my point of view. Or the fact that I'm calling people out for not talking about this more.

You disagree with me. Are you a leftist SJW? Trying to deplatform me because you disagree?

MODS: Look at all my posts. See if there's anything worth banning me for. See if you can sense the good intentions behind what I'm doing. If you can't. So be it.

LOL at "Beyond Borders"'re really pulling every argumentative and rhetorical trick out of the bag. Are you a politician? ;P

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - Beyond Borders - 05-13-2019

^ Yeah, sure, I'm trying to "deplatform" you because I'm all worked up about this Instagram thing... [Image: dodgy.gif]

How dare you disagree with me about Instagram?

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Man, nobody cares.... And certainly no one is against you or out to get you for "disagreeing" with them on something like this.

But this is a bad way to enter the community if you want to stick around. You are weirdly invested in this topic, and your breath smells like autism. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Just calm your ass down already.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 11:14 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

^ Yeah, sure, I'm trying to "deplatform" you because I'm all worked up about this Instagram thing... [Image: dodgy.gif]

How dare you disagree with me about Instagram?

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Man, nobody cares.... And certainly no one is against you or out to get you for "disagreeing" with them on something like this.

But this is a bad way to enter the community if you want to stick around. You are weirdly invested in this topic, and your breath smells like autism. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Just calm your ass down already.

No, this isn't a bad way for me to enter the community if I want to stick around. The COMMUNITY here will decide that, not you.

I'm fine with being focused on Instagram improvement right now...that's sort of like doing a 30-day approach challenge...sometimes you need to go all-in on one aspect of your game to wrap your head around it and make it to where you can afford to go through the motions naturally without it being a big deal.

I have a feeling we actually agree on a lot more than you think.

It's just I'm also an asshole, so I get why you're standoffish.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - PapayaTapper - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 09:01 AM)Snag87 Wrote:  

Any interest in forming an engagement group here?

[Image: xjb2y.jpg]

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 11:24 AM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2019 09:01 AM)Snag87 Wrote:  

Any interest in forming an engagement group here?

[Image: xjb2y.jpg]

Agreed. For the record, I don't think anyone should join an engagement group with unrepped randos on here...too high of a risk of white-nighting SJW's with puppet accounts looking to DOXX you at the first chance.

With that said...don't trust me either. If I ask you to join an engagement group, assume my account is compromised.

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - Beyond Borders - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 11:23 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

It's just I'm also an asshole, so I get why you're standoffish.

You're prolly right.

It's just that I get so intimidated by alphas on the internet sometimes.

[Image: monkey.gif]

The New (2019) Instagram Strategy Thread - shakeitt - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-13-2019 11:32 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2019 11:23 AM)shakeitt Wrote:  

It's just I'm also an asshole, so I get why you're standoffish.

You're prolly right.

It's just that I get so intimidated by alphas on the internet sometimes.

[Image: monkey.gif]

It's only natural to be intimidated by a keyboard alpha like me. Don't be ashamed brotein.

I do have God and Anime, + mild Autism on my side.