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Problem with planning stuff for the weekend leaves me with no plans - Printable Version

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Problem with planning stuff for the weekend leaves me with no plans - Phanes - 05-08-2019

So this often happens to me, I often find myself contacting friends on Friday evening wanting to go out but it’s a little bit late.

How do you plan stuff for the weekend with your friends? And how do you phrase it? When in the week do you start making plans? At what time?

Problem with planning stuff for the weekend leaves me with no plans - flanders - 05-08-2019

Have you tried contacting them on a Tuesday to see if they're free for the weekend on any day?

Problem with planning stuff for the weekend leaves me with no plans - Eddie Winslow - 05-08-2019

Great thread topic.

If you are more than 2-3 years out of college, live alone, and/or don't live in a major city, this can be a serious pain in the ass. Honestly for the past couple of years I've been so busy with work, gym, errands, commuting, etc. that pure fun/relaxation time doesn't even cross my mind until its too late. This is something I seriously need to improve on too.

If you have a busy lifestyle and care about having personal relationships or a social life, I don't think there is anything wrong with planning casual events as much as 3-4 weeks in advance. More than that is a bit weird, but if your schedule doesn't allow for anything else, than so be it.

Your second sentence makes it sound like you are very concerned that your "friends" will judge you for asking them to hang out. If they do, they aren't your friends. If that's the case, plan social events that YOU are interested in attending, ask your pseudo-friends if they'd like to join, and go where you want regardless.

I few weeks ago I bought two tickets for a concert that isn't until 2020. A few weeks before the show I'll ask anyone if they want to come with. If that doesn't work I'll bring a date or sell the other one to a random.

But I'm going to that shit no matter what.