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Oneitis in an abundance? - MarkNordic - 04-05-2019

I’ll tell my situation as quickly as possible. I’m 21. Not exactly Chad Thundercock but not a rookie in this game either. Very good access to beautiful women, especially recently. Doing good carreer wise, got money coming in and I have plenty of spare time. Sounds like the best moment to be single, get around and live careless, right? But somehow I managed to catch oneitis with a 7 who, although a really fun person to be around, is definitely below the quality I could get. I (thought I) had this whole player mindset/ inner game on lock for 4 years and didn’t catch feelings for anyone, even though the conditions were tougher and I had to work harder for the same prize.

She’s the same age as me. Not a bimbo but cute in her own natural way. She’s very patient and has put up with a lot of shit. She’s pretty much caught me cheating like 3 times. I deny everything and she “believes” me after a 20 minute talk. Even when the evidence is in her face. What’s crazy is that she’s the only girl in a long time that I want to talk to post coitus lol. In the months before she somehow talked me into a relatsionship I banged at least 15 girls that most of you would say are more attractive than her. But even after all that, I still really dig her sparkling personality and we always have a blast together.

My main problem here is not the fact that there are hotter women I could get. I just hate that I let this one get so close to me at the wrong time. So close that I actually care about her feelings getting hurt, if I get caught cheating or something. One part of my brain knows that she’s not special at all. But still I’ve learned to respect her for her loyalty, patience and how she makes me feel.

Been wanting to tell her it’s over for months now, but don’t have the balls. It’s like I want the best of both worlds, to be single and to be in a relationship. What’s even worse is that she got me acting jealous sometimes - something I haven’t done in years. I’m acting out of character because of her and it sucks. [Image: huh.gif]

tl;dr: caught oneitis in an abundance.

Don't even know why i wrote this, but it felt good to type it out. Anyone ever been in a similiar situation?

Oneitis in an abundance? - Borges - 04-05-2019

It sounds like she's a good girl. Cute, loyal, obedient, works with you to cover your ass. It doesn't get much better than that. You've already done plenty of banging, so why not give a shot at a relationship with her? You're young, you could date for years and if it doesn't work out you'll still have plenty of time to fuck around. Look, learning to love - and to be loved in return - is also growth. It's part of being a man. I feel sorry for guys who never experienced it, it's the most intense high. What you're describing doesn't even strike me as "oneitis". It's just healthy affection.

Oneitis in an abundance? - Er Miqué - 04-05-2019

That doesn't look as oneitis, just that you love and appreciate her; that's fine always that you don't get to become obsessed over her. If you were saying "I can't live without her" -- what isn't the case as you can move on, but the only thing that stops you is "her feelings" not that you think she is the ideal woman for you -- then I'd worry man: that's oneitis.

You know, if she's a bit more than fuckable then I wouldn't worry at all about she "being a seven": yes, you can get better but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate normal women always that you don't get a mentality of you not being capable to get better women.

Maybe you got a girl that loves you deep within her heart or at least doesn't practice hipergamy to such extent. As Super Average Man says, why don't you give her a chance with a relationship? Maybe you'll even enjoy it.

Oneitis in an abundance? - BlastbeatCasanova - 04-05-2019

Going through something similar, not oneitis but I actually stumbled into a great girl who over time warmed up my cold heart. Not the hottest I've ever banged but cute as hell and loves me to death, also very pleasant to be around. Rationally it makes sense to keep dating her, and to keep having sex without the headache of gaming sluts and dealing with them post-coitus. I've mentioned it on this forum; Roosh himself wrote a great blog post about it, titled something like "when you have a good girlfriend but want to bang sluts," look it up. The only thing is that even if you love the girl, after banging the same chick hundreds of times a little variety sounds so fucking good. This feeling won't go away and will probably become stronger.

Personally I think 21 is too young to be really locked down. I thought I was in love when I was 21. It was a decent relationship with a good girl but looking back it more of a positive learning experience. I wouldn't sweat the relationship you're in right now too much.

she’s the only girl in a long time that I want to talk to post coitus lol - I always felt this so hard

Oneitis in an abundance? - Greyman - 04-05-2019

It's ironic no doubt gentlemen...

When your young and have read a forum like this to get your mind developed to the point of being game aware (as well as worldly aware if you read the other categories which you should) you STILL (respectfully) really have no idea how good it is to have youth AND mindset working hand in hand. (forgive the old guy ranting)

Your body and health and the ability to recover, social and financial opportunities...everything seemed very effortless at OP's age. I know that as you get older it does become easier to game and such, BUT...the ability for you to get with hot younger woman DOES decrease as you age and they stay the same....

Personally I missed that optimum magic point (28-36ish) in my development age wise to bridge the gap between my age and still be easily attractive to 20's ish women. I don't believe OP should settle down by any means, I'm telling you that feeling of unforced ease that a happy healthy hot women gives you me at my stage...the biggest turn on. My soul and heart that yearns for that quiet now, not the race for an even hotter notch as I sit here getting ready to go out on yet another Friday night to try and find a spark in someone.

I'll admit I'm hurting alittle. Coming off of a big L after investing 2.5 years with a early 20's 7.5 myself, it tugs a little on the conscious that I'd be very happy in OP's position as I want a family and kids and.....well its very evident that's in question for a man like me.

Enjoy the good times young man, just keep an eye on the fact that the ease to which you find simply happy women that love you uncomplicatedly, wholly and completely like you describe become damn near impossible to find. (yes I know you always have to stay attractive in the way we know we do.)

Stay frosty gents.

Oneitis in an abundance? - Brother Abdul Majeed - 04-05-2019

Onanism in abundance could be a sign of depression. Don't believe the old wife's tales, it doesn't make you go blind or give you hairy palms. Have a peek at the no-fap thread, lots of guys have overcome onanism, you can too.

Oneitis in an abundance? - Laner - 04-06-2019

Thats a classic. There will be tests like this thrown at you for the rest of your life if you allow it. Its a sign; how much do I really want this.

This type of girl will likely (hopefully) be the one you end up having a family with, so get used to it. Its important to understand how it feels to be 'in love' with a girl like this. I know we like to say oneitis, but until you get experience, oneitis is the best term for it.

This is good for you. Enjoy it. Let it run and don't try and stand in the way too much.

Oneitis in an abundance? - Captain Gh - 04-06-2019

If you're willing to invest the time needed... 3some Knowledge Game might be the Best "Bridge" possible if you still wanna Bang other chicks, and not be shady about it

Oneitis in an abundance? - RatInTheWoods - 04-06-2019

Congratulations, you are a decent human male, with the ability to male bond.

Despite reading this forum, you haven't turned into one of us jaded old bastards chasing tale just yet.

Explore a full on faithful and deep LTR with her, so you can experience love, bonding and all the best things in life.

Don't worry, it won't be long before you are split up, heartbroken and soulless, just enjoy a brief moment of innocent joy before you get there.

Don't cheat on her during the LTR - not for her, but for you. Having values is important, learn that now.