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Daygame - Cafes/Bookshops and Groups? - RichieP - 04-03-2019

I want to push myself to open more in cafes/bookshops, and cute girls in groups. Need a couple of tips.

Nightgame for years, plenty of adventures
-Street daygame for a year (it rocks, should have started way earlier).

Street game is my bread and butter -- I get numbers and dates reliably. Love the win-win nature of it and 'making her day'.

I normally go direct, make observations, challenge/banter a bit, and lead it forward. I'm not a natural extrovert/conversationalist. My looks and physique probably give me a strong tailwind.

How do you guys open a cute girl in a) cafes/bookshops b) a girl in a group on the street?

I feel awkard opening in cafes & shops -- feels pressured, people around listening to every word, etc. What's your angle?

I'm also reluctant to open girls in group. I'm not naturally good at "juggling" a group of people. I'm sure I can though with a good approach.

All tips appreciated!

Daygame - Cafes/Bookshops and Groups? - moonlight_sonata - 04-04-2019

Roosh's book Game has all the basics down in the Day Game section. I follow it up closely and have almost no problem approaching. Getting to the number/date is another issue but that's secondary to your question.

I do indirect game. The reason that indirect game is probably the right choice for a small venue is exactly what you said - others listen. And you can get in trouble when the hero of the day (guy or a girl) decides to intervene and kick you out because you're a creeper? I don't know may be others have had different experiences.

The one thing that really clicked for me for day game (street, cafe, supermarket whatever) is the answer to this question: Is asking an innocent question warranted in this social situation? Is asking a simple "help me I need directions/information" question socially acceptable in this location? And the answer is almost always yes. Of course. Why would asking for minimal help like directions or opinion be an issue? So don't think about approaching as this big event where you have a hidden agenda to sleep with the girl. Think of it as asking for a small question. That made me realize I can open everywhere without much fear:

"Excuse me, where is a place with the best coffee/tea around here where I can work from?"

"Excuse me, have you tried the pastries here?"

"Excuse me, is the coffee any good here?"

"Excuse me, is this a good laptop?"

"Excuse me, this looks healthy. How is it?"

That's it. Ask a question, ramble a bit, see her body language and how she reacts to you - is she interested, does she ask you questions, throw some bates (Where I'm Coming From etc.). You'll have to get good at transitioning from talking about the help you needed to get more personal. Roosh's book Game has plenty of examples.

If you're already successful with direct street game chances are you're a good looking guy and your conversational skills would not need to be very high. Just the bare minimum to keep her engaged. Go out there, ask for help and see how it goes. People are generally pretty helpful.

To give you an example. I have found that opening Asian girls have been very unsuccessful for me. I open them asking for help, they look scared and run away. So statistically I've had bad enough results where I generally try to avoid opening Asian girls. But the other day I'm in the store, tired and not in the mood. I see this Asian girl right behind me with headphones in her ears looking at completely different food. So all the odds are against me. I haven't done a single approach that day so I said I need to get it off my bucket list. One approach a day is what I try to do. I said "Excuse Me". she didn't react because she had her headphones on. I waved at her in front of her face to get her attention. She took off one of her earbuds and I asked her if she's ever tried what I was looking at. Strange question right? Completely not related to her or her situation. I rambled that I read a recipe that required it and was wondering if it will taste good. Well the girl took off her headphones, started talking to me and 20 minutes later gave me her number. She asked me a ton of questions, brainstormed with me other ingredients I can use for my recipe and so on. So being at the right time at the right place matters more than the approach. Even when it is against the odds.

How bold do you have to be to ask for help? Not much really. Leading the conversation in the right direction would be the challenging part and that's secondary to the approach. Go ask for help. See what happens.

Daygame - Cafes/Bookshops and Groups? - TheFinalEpic - 04-04-2019

Go situational in these types of venues.

Direct game is fine if there is Indicators that she is interested in you (eye contact that is held, a small smile, keeps looking at you, hair flicking etc.), but it should be a little more subdued.

I generally go indirect as above. Talk about local bars and restaurants, ask about the book she's reading, etc.

This sort of daygame has been my go to for the last 5 years or so. I've not once run into an issue in which any outside person interjected or came and tried to play a hero. I've run into situations where the boyfriend comes in while I'm talking to her, but the conversation usually starts out with 'is that drink any good', so it's completely innocent unless I'm getting vibes that she's interested.

Open, talk about banterous shit, and if the conversation gets a little more personal and she seems cool, suggest a second meeting, get her number and make plans. I've also done insta-dates where I sat down with the girl and conversed for an hour or so.

Every good thing comes from just opening them.