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The Longevity Thread - Printable Version

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The Longevity Thread - Valentine - 03-31-2019

There's been a number of threads on longevity/life extension/rejuvenation/anti-aging before but with specific focuses e.g. this datasheet aimed towards appearance like skin health, and this other thread got derailed with low-value philosophical or logistical objections like "life is supposed to end" or "but how will the world work if everyone lives much longer lifespans".

This thread is for people who agree that life extension is a good thing and want to keep up-to-date on the cutting edge findings in the science as well as discuss their own novel health regimens. Much of the basics of staying healthy can be found in threads across the forum such as this one, but this thread is best suited for unusual supplementation, procedures, lifestyle practices etc that measurably extend lifespan and healthspan (i.e. being disease and disorder-free as well as physically capable in old age but without significantly extended lifespan).

Noteworthy sources for longevity news:

SENS and Aubrey de Grey are the pioneers of bringing longevity to mainstream awareness. is a crowdfunding website dedicated to supporting new experimental treatments and their rejuvenation roadmap is great for monitoring the progress of some of the most promising approaches.

/r/longevity is a great aggregator for the latest studies. FightAging keeps updated regularly. Rejuventation Research is a journal whose editor is Aubrey de Grey. has some great articles (and products). Methuselah Foundation is another great news source.