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To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - Printable Version

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To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - whiteknightrises - 03-14-2019

To all the Asian dudes on here who think it's hard to get laid blah blah, I want you to read about the life of Bruce Lee

[Image: 449px-Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg]

I always knew he was the man because I grew up watching his movies. He also was extremely smart, and I recommend reading his philosophy/writing.

Striking Thoughts is a good start for that.

I was looking for a pic of him for a post I'm writing and came across this article:

(Super clickbait title but good read)

I never knew how much pussy he was slaying during his short but accomplished life. I mean, I figured he was cleaning up being the man and all, because that's what happens when you're the man.

This guy was taking down Hollywood actresses, Chinese actresses, and probably bitches everywhere in between.

Some excerpts:


Bruce Lee was as talented in bed as he was at martial arts and left one mistress feeling like he 'took me to the moon and back', a new book has revealed.

The biography on the kung fu legend claims that actress Sharon Farrell felt that Bruce 'just turned me inside out' because he understood her body so well.

At the time Bruce's wife had just given birth to their second child, a daughter, Shannon, but he walked up to Farrell in the MGM studio parking and charmed her into bed.

Farrell said: 'He was the first man I had ever been with who had such a beautiful body.

'Those abs - his muscles were so defined, it was as if they were chiseled. Bruce was the most incredible lover I've ever been with. He was just so knowledgeable about a woman's body'.

The affair was very much on Bruce's terms and he would say: 'I'm coming over' and 'drag me into the bedroom', said Farrell, who eventually ended their fling to be with McQueen.

She said: 'Bruce took me to the moon and back. He just turned me inside out.

'But he was married and didn't have a pot to pee in. Steve was successful - he was my protector. I was in lust with Steve, but Bruce was the love of my life'.

[Image: sharon-farrell-1.jpg]

Sharon Farrell


The book says that Bruce also had a 'fling' with his co-star on Way of the Dragon, Nora Miao, though she has never confirmed or denied it.

Bruce tenderly held her hand and got food for her, his affection all too apparent, according to the book.

But his most well known mistress was Betty Ting Pei, claims Polly, an actress who met him on the set of Way of the Dragon.

[Image: cc876baf5b876a44e09100cefc952912.jpg]

Bruce Lee with Nora Miao (left) and Betty Ting Pei (right)


According to the book, Bruce's younger brother Robert Lee said: 'As a bachelor, Bruce liked to have affairs with beautiful, flashy girls, but he married a quiet, sensitive girl who knew how to listen and would let him have his way'.

As Bruce told an interviewer in 1966: 'Linda is more Oriental than some of the Chinese I know. She is quiet, calm and doesn't yak-yak-yak all the time'.

The book describes Linda, now 73, more diplomatically as 'the perfect partner for a brilliant, volatile and extroverted man'.

Their friend Taky Kimura said: 'Nobody has given Linda the credit she deserves. This woman has been one hell of a pillar of strength'.

In fairness, Bruce's Hollywood friends were never faithful and he was a star in the Mad Men era where a generation of men acted with impunity while their wives were expected to stay home with the kids.

Bruce did address his cheating to Linda - but only in a hypothetical way.

'If I ever had an affair with a woman, it would be something that happened spontaneously. I would never plan or decide to have a mistress or anything of that nature,' Bruce told her, but his arrangement with Betty seemed at odds with this.

Bruce said that if Linda ever found out about an affair it would have 'absolutely no importance at all'.

He said: 'All that matters to me is you and the children. Infidelity has no real bearing on a marriage. Fleeting attraction for another female has no significance regarding a matter so fundamental as a marriage'.

But Linda grew enraged as Bruce said: 'Men are like that.'

Though I don't know about bringing up cheating to your wife, I do agree with marrying a nice and decently attractive (maybe not super hot because looks and personality are inversely related) girl and tapping hot bimbos on the side (if necessary). I've always thought this and the fact that Bruce Lee himself practiced it only makes it more legit


In his first year of college at the University of Washington Bruce fell completely in love with a Japanese-American sophomore called Amy Sanbo, a dancer, and had a 'tempestuous on-off relationship that lasted two years'.

Sanbo said: 'When I perform it's almost orgasmic. It is very sexual and Bruce was like that too. I'm horribly addicted to talent and Bruce was a kinetic genius'.


Bruce moved back to San Francisco where his kung fu exhibitions caught the attention of TV producers who cast him as Kato in the series The Green Hornet.

It was here he met Thordis Brandt, a blonde from West Germany and one of the glamour girls of the 1960s - and had a fling with her.

Brandt said: 'He had a magnetism that was indescribable. Bruce was very quiet and shy but could be very aggressive if he wanted to be. He was a show-off and always wanted to flaunt his body'.

Their relationship lasted a few months until Brandt's on and off lover James Arness, the star of the TV series Gunsmoke, found out she was dating Bruce and hired private detectives to investigate him.

[Image: c9e996775e91b4abef2a3f127381d965.jpg]

Thordis Brandt and Bruce Lee


Bruce once supposedly kicked a door off its hinges to impress Frank Sinatra, a story that may not have been true but spread throughout Hollywood, making Bruce even more in demand as a martial arts coach and film consultant.


Enter the Dragon, which cost $850,000 to make, raked in $90 million and would go on to make $350 million over the next 45 years. Only after death did Bruce achieve what he had spent his whole life fighting for.

If a 5'7" Asian dude became one of the biggest pop culture icons of all time and slayed hotties of all races, all during the 1960s/70s when racism/societal forces were probably 100x as bad, what the fuck is your excuse?

Before you say, "oh, but I'll never be as cool as Bruce Lee..." - you're right, with that mindset you never will.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - Captain Gh - 03-14-2019

I believe I said this in another thread aimed at Asians recently: being swole & fit puts you in the Game of being a possibility! With the addition of proper Game Techniques... Winning is not only a possibility... it's inevitable!!

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - a beer is enough - 03-14-2019

When you are a celebrity, nothing really applies to you regarding race, height, or any of that stuff. Now would any guy on their path to being a celebrity or some icon even be on here? No, that guy would likely be born into circumstances and situations where due to their work and a bit of luck, they would be a celebrity and not on an internet forum. Being any kind of a celebrity and pop icon requires you to have a few things rolling in your favor early on in life because the window of opportunity for that shit closes fast!

It does always get me though, whenever an Asian guy of any kind wants to have the race talk, everyone is up in arms. At the same time though, it seems like other races get a pass on that shit. Now that we are off the emotional you can do anything you set your mind to drug, let's go back to reality.

This shit absolutely fucking matters for 99% of guys out there, location is make or break and race plays a big deal in that itself.

I might be American in the way I act and the way I was raised because I was born here but as someone whose background is Indian (a group that has it worse than East Asian men internationally), there are places in the world I would never go to for game because of my skin color and ethnicity alone. There are places in the world so racist and so against men of my background that no matter how great he is and how top tier he is, women are still going to discriminate.

That is how this shit works, attractive women are suckers for status and that shit varies place to place.

I can go to certain places as a well put-together Indian dude and absolutely slay like no one's business, then I go to certain places where I could have Bollywood actor looks, top tier swag, and so much going for me but local women will take a trollish overweight white guy with nothing going for him over me anyday.

Hell, I can go to certain places in the world where even local women who are brown would not want shit to do with me. Same with Asian men who have to deal with their own women discriminating.

So why waste your fucking time in places where local women are against going for your kind when you can spend time in places where attractive women are more partial towards guys of your background?

For any Asian, Indian, brown or ethnic dude in the Anglo world looking to slay, crush that white pussy, the rest will follow along willingly.

Yeah that's right, that self-hating ethnic girl that thinks she is too good to be talking to you or your kind and will readily fuck some trollish looking white guy over you because she wants to desperately fit in, she'll bendover backwards as soon as she sees Becky with her arms around you.

I know, the reality fucking sucks, not only do you guys have to deal with white women have some biases against you, you have to deal with the fact that women of your race are so brainwashed that they will take a lower quality white guy over you anyday. But get your value high, crush that white pussy, and soon those "independent-minded" and "progressive" women of your race will be begging for your attention. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty or call you a sellout for chasing that Becky, smash that pussy and all the ethnic spice will all of a sudden somehow wake up to their roots and want your cock.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - Deepdiver - 03-14-2019

Great thread for all red pill men +1

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - LexisNexis - 03-14-2019

Are you seriously applying 50 years ago to now?

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - a beer is enough - 03-14-2019

I am starting to find that slowly but surely, most Asian and ethnic dudes in the west have had enough. Among my younger well-off and well put-together Asian friends who are assimilated into western culture, I am finding it common for them to date other races. I am starting to see this with other kinds of ethnic guys as well as American society slowly starts to relax on the whole interracial dating double standard where a white guy can fuck any race and it's okay but the second a minority touches a white girl there is a riot.

It used to be that back in the day we were at the mercy of the insecure self-hating trash of our own races who would readily get on both knees for some colonial dick if it moved them up the social ladder but not anymore. Slowly, the guilt associated with dating a white woman or interracially in general is going away. No more blind loyalty for women of your own race who readily throw you under the bus so they can climb their social ladder and win their popularity contest.

You start to realize that white women aren't these scary boogeymen and quite a few of them are into going interracial these days anyways, despite what some garbage online dating study put together by some lonely neckbeard says.

You start to realize that there is no need to have loyalty to anyone other than yourself when most women of your own race are probably more racist towards you and want you to go extinct than some Neo-Nazi does.

Even if that sexy ethnic girl might get you hard, so what, you go fuck some of that Becky and have Becky with her arms around you, the sellout of your own background will readily start becoming "loyal" again when she sees her opportunity to climb the social ladder.

Until then, fuck it, interracial relationships are the way to go for Asian dudes and ethnic dudes in general. Fuck sticking with the self-hating cunts of your own race, let em rot, plenty of white pussy to go around for everyone.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - Shimmy - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 12:15 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

To all the Asian dudes on here who think it's hard to get laid blah blah,

Don't give up bro, there is still hope for you.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - LexisNexis - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am starting to find that slowly but surely, most Asian and ethnic dudes in the west have had enough. Among my younger well-off and well put-together Asian friends who are assimilated into western culture, I am finding it common for them to date other races. I am starting to see this with other kinds of ethnic guys as well as American society slowly starts to relax on the whole interracial dating double standard where a white guy can fuck any race and it's okay but the second a minority touches a white girl there is a riot.

It used to be that back in the day we were at the mercy of the insecure self-hating trash of our own races who would readily get on both knees for some colonial dick if it moved them up the social ladder but not anymore. Slowly, the guilt associated with dating a white woman or interracially in general is going away. No more blind loyalty for women of your own race who readily throw you under the bus so they can climb their social ladder and win their popularity contest.

You start to realize that white women aren't these scary boogeymen and quite a few of them are into going interracial these days anyways, despite what some garbage online dating study put together by some lonely neckbeard says.

You start to realize that there is no need to have loyalty to anyone other than yourself when most women of your own race are probably more racist towards you and want you to go extinct than some Neo-Nazi does.

Even if that sexy ethnic girl might get you hard, so what, you go fuck some of that Becky and have Becky with her arms around you, the sellout of your own background will readily start becoming "loyal" again when she sees her opportunity to climb the social ladder.

Until then, fuck it, interracial relationships are the way to go for Asian dudes and ethnic dudes in general. Fuck sticking with the self-hating cunts of your own race, let em rot, plenty of white pussy to go around for everyone.

You realize the math though, right? By definition there aren't enough white girls to go around when EVERYONE wants them

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - StrikeBack - 03-14-2019

James Shigeta probably got laid more than Bruce Lee did, and was more of a romance lead actor. Look him up too. However, Bruce obviously was more charismatic. If there's one Game lesson I've learned from Bruce Lee, it's this: always be grinning. Women in my life have a love-hate relationship with my grins. It's chick crack, I tell you.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - questor70 - 03-15-2019

"The affair was very much on Bruce's terms and he would say: 'I'm coming over' and 'drag me into the bedroom', said Farrell, who eventually ended their fling to be with McQueen."

Hypergamy recognized.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - Fortis - 03-15-2019

Bruce was a true trailblazer. Not surprised he was a player, too.

He pulled a lot of guys of all races up into Hollywood when he got big. Not to mention, he's also one of the first non-White guys to beat up a White guy in the big screen. That's major street cred. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Whether he was famous or not, I think you could still make the case he was a cool dude who probably would have been a player regardless.

To be honest, if you go back into old news reports, they didn't always view Asians as emasculated. I remember someone on here posted an old-timey newspaper report about some big-time HK crime lord. The local Brits were warning their women away from the dude because he was a notorious player.

I wonder how many girls he managed to pull off of that news report. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - whiteknightrises - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 11:19 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

James Shigeta probably got laid more than Bruce Lee did, and was more of a romance lead actor. Look him up too. However, Bruce obviously was more charismatic. If there's one Game lesson I've learned from Bruce Lee, it's this: always be grinning. Women in my life have a love-hate relationship with my grins. It's chick crack, I tell you.

Thanks for the rec: will watch some of his stuff

Quote: (03-15-2019 02:25 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Bruce was a true trailblazer. Not surprised he was a player, too.

He pulled a lot of guys of all races up into Hollywood when he got big. Not to mention, he's also one of the first non-White guys to beat up a White guy in the big screen. That's major street cred. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

I can't believe I forgot to mention that to date, he is Chuck Norris' only weakness.

Whether he was famous or not, I think you could still make the case he was a cool dude who probably would have been a player regardless.
Yea it was obvious that he had insane charisma/self-confidence

To be honest, if you go back into old news reports, they didn't always view Asians as emasculated. I remember someone on here posted an old-timey newspaper report about some big-time HK crime lord. The local Brits were warning their women away from the dude because he was a notorious player.
Interesting: didn't know that

I wonder how many girls he managed to pull off of that news report. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - jordypip23 - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 12:15 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

To all the Asian dudes on here who think it's hard to get laid blah blah, I want you to read about the life of Bruce Lee

[Image: 449px-Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg]

I always knew he was the man because I grew up watching his movies. He also was extremely smart, and I recommend reading his philosophy/writing.

Striking Thoughts is a good start for that.

I was looking for a pic of him for a post I'm writing and came across this article:

(Super clickbait title but good read)

I never knew how much pussy he was slaying during his short but accomplished life. I mean, I figured he was cleaning up being the man and all, because that's what happens when you're the man.

This guy was taking down Hollywood actresses, Chinese actresses, and probably bitches everywhere in between.

Some excerpts:


Bruce Lee was as talented in bed as he was at martial arts and left one mistress feeling like he 'took me to the moon and back', a new book has revealed.

The biography on the kung fu legend claims that actress Sharon Farrell felt that Bruce 'just turned me inside out' because he understood her body so well.

At the time Bruce's wife had just given birth to their second child, a daughter, Shannon, but he walked up to Farrell in the MGM studio parking and charmed her into bed.

Farrell said: 'He was the first man I had ever been with who had such a beautiful body.

'Those abs - his muscles were so defined, it was as if they were chiseled. Bruce was the most incredible lover I've ever been with. He was just so knowledgeable about a woman's body'.

The affair was very much on Bruce's terms and he would say: 'I'm coming over' and 'drag me into the bedroom', said Farrell, who eventually ended their fling to be with McQueen.

She said: 'Bruce took me to the moon and back. He just turned me inside out.

'But he was married and didn't have a pot to pee in. Steve was successful - he was my protector. I was in lust with Steve, but Bruce was the love of my life'.

[Image: sharon-farrell-1.jpg]

Sharon Farrell


The book says that Bruce also had a 'fling' with his co-star on Way of the Dragon, Nora Miao, though she has never confirmed or denied it.

Bruce tenderly held her hand and got food for her, his affection all too apparent, according to the book.

But his most well known mistress was Betty Ting Pei, claims Polly, an actress who met him on the set of Way of the Dragon.

[Image: cc876baf5b876a44e09100cefc952912.jpg]

Bruce Lee with Nora Miao (left) and Betty Ting Pei (right)


According to the book, Bruce's younger brother Robert Lee said: 'As a bachelor, Bruce liked to have affairs with beautiful, flashy girls, but he married a quiet, sensitive girl who knew how to listen and would let him have his way'.

As Bruce told an interviewer in 1966: 'Linda is more Oriental than some of the Chinese I know. She is quiet, calm and doesn't yak-yak-yak all the time'.

The book describes Linda, now 73, more diplomatically as 'the perfect partner for a brilliant, volatile and extroverted man'.

Their friend Taky Kimura said: 'Nobody has given Linda the credit she deserves. This woman has been one hell of a pillar of strength'.

In fairness, Bruce's Hollywood friends were never faithful and he was a star in the Mad Men era where a generation of men acted with impunity while their wives were expected to stay home with the kids.

Bruce did address his cheating to Linda - but only in a hypothetical way.

'If I ever had an affair with a woman, it would be something that happened spontaneously. I would never plan or decide to have a mistress or anything of that nature,' Bruce told her, but his arrangement with Betty seemed at odds with this.

Bruce said that if Linda ever found out about an affair it would have 'absolutely no importance at all'.

He said: 'All that matters to me is you and the children. Infidelity has no real bearing on a marriage. Fleeting attraction for another female has no significance regarding a matter so fundamental as a marriage'.

But Linda grew enraged as Bruce said: 'Men are like that.'

Though I don't know about bringing up cheating to your wife, I do agree with marrying a nice and decently attractive (maybe not super hot because looks and personality are inversely related) girl and tapping hot bimbos on the side (if necessary). I've always thought this and the fact that Bruce Lee himself practiced it only makes it more legit


In his first year of college at the University of Washington Bruce fell completely in love with a Japanese-American sophomore called Amy Sanbo, a dancer, and had a 'tempestuous on-off relationship that lasted two years'.

Sanbo said: 'When I perform it's almost orgasmic. It is very sexual and Bruce was like that too. I'm horribly addicted to talent and Bruce was a kinetic genius'.


Bruce moved back to San Francisco where his kung fu exhibitions caught the attention of TV producers who cast him as Kato in the series The Green Hornet.

It was here he met Thordis Brandt, a blonde from West Germany and one of the glamour girls of the 1960s - and had a fling with her.

Brandt said: 'He had a magnetism that was indescribable. Bruce was very quiet and shy but could be very aggressive if he wanted to be. He was a show-off and always wanted to flaunt his body'.

Their relationship lasted a few months until Brandt's on and off lover James Arness, the star of the TV series Gunsmoke, found out she was dating Bruce and hired private detectives to investigate him.

[Image: c9e996775e91b4abef2a3f127381d965.jpg]

Thordis Brandt and Bruce Lee


Bruce once supposedly kicked a door off its hinges to impress Frank Sinatra, a story that may not have been true but spread throughout Hollywood, making Bruce even more in demand as a martial arts coach and film consultant.


Enter the Dragon, which cost $850,000 to make, raked in $90 million and would go on to make $350 million over the next 45 years. Only after death did Bruce achieve what he had spent his whole life fighting for.

If a 5'7" Asian dude became one of the biggest pop culture icons of all time and slayed hotties of all races, all during the 1960s/70s when racism/societal forces were probably 100x as bad, what the fuck is your excuse?

Before you say, "oh, but I'll never be as cool as Bruce Lee..." - you're right, with that mindset you never will.

Enjoyable tale of a legend that died way too young. He was an inspirational figure to all kinds of folks, didn't matter if they were Asian, White, Black, Brown, whatever. Dude was definitely a slayer lol.

To all the Asian Guys: Life of Bruce Lee - jordypip23 - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am starting to find that slowly but surely, most Asian and ethnic dudes in the west have had enough. Among my younger well-off and well put-together Asian friends who are assimilated into western culture, I am finding it common for them to date other races. I am starting to see this with other kinds of ethnic guys as well as American society slowly starts to relax on the whole interracial dating double standard where a white guy can fuck any race and it's okay but the second a minority touches a white girl there is a riot.

It used to be that back in the day we were at the mercy of the insecure self-hating trash of our own races who would readily get on both knees for some colonial dick if it moved them up the social ladder but not anymore. Slowly, the guilt associated with dating a white woman or interracially in general is going away. No more blind loyalty for women of your own race who readily throw you under the bus so they can climb their social ladder and win their popularity contest.

You start to realize that white women aren't these scary boogeymen and quite a few of them are into going interracial these days anyways, despite what some garbage online dating study put together by some lonely neckbeard says.

You start to realize that there is no need to have loyalty to anyone other than yourself when most women of your own race are probably more racist towards you and want you to go extinct than some Neo-Nazi does.

Even if that sexy ethnic girl might get you hard, so what, you go fuck some of that Becky and have Becky with her arms around you, the sellout of your own background will readily start becoming "loyal" again when she sees her opportunity to climb the social ladder.

Until then, fuck it, interracial relationships are the way to go for Asian dudes and ethnic dudes in general. Fuck sticking with the self-hating cunts of your own race, let em rot, plenty of white pussy to go around for everyone.

Bro all due respect, I think it's a little unfair to paint every woman of a certain race or color with a single brush. And I do think you get that concept actually. You sorta said it in this post, but then you sorta negated it with the negative stuff about thinking girls want you extinct lol. I think attitude & vibe are number one in terms of attaining connection with women & people in general. Best to try to remain positive as much as possible.