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Comparing past women to current - Printable Version

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Comparing past women to current - gomez556 - 02-18-2019

Would you say comparing a girl now to an ex is another form of onetis?

I don't have feelings for my ex anymore but I do sometimes compare women if they have the "wife skills" as my ex did (traditional mexican) as an example

is it normal to compare to a last ex or onetis?

Comparing past women to current - RatInTheWoods - 02-19-2019

Depends of how you do it.

If you are measuring the new one objectively to determine if this is an upgrade to keep or a reject then no.

If new one IS an upgrade but you keep irrationally obsessing over the Ex, then you haven't finished grieving for her yet.

Nothing gets you over the old pussy quit like getting better pussy soon after.

Comparing past women to current - Batman_ - 02-19-2019

Eh, it depends. As long as you're not pedestalizing and idealizing your previous sexual partner(s) when comparing them to new ones, I don't see this as a problem.

I tend to do this with basically any new women I'm with because one of my oldest exes, even with all her faults and shitty behaviors, really taped into something that no other girl really has. So in some sense it can actually help you avoid oneitis with new girls if you recognize that they're poor quality.

Comparing past women to current - Investment Bro - 02-19-2019

In my opinion it is not, but I also believe comparison is the death of joy. Each person you meet has unique talents and skills to appreciate if you choose to think this way.

The only thing you really need to ask yourself is if the thoughts of your ex are handcuffing you from moving forward with other quality women. If that is the case, then I would define it as oneitis, but it seems that you otherwise have a great handle on what's going on.