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1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Printable Version

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1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - BlackHussar - 02-13-2019

I've been thinking about a scale to describe various levels of a man's social and sexual status, more accurate than the traditional alpha-beta dichotomy.

It would serve as a personal reference tool for guys, and I'm gladly sharing the idea with you here. I've seen great personal growth since I registered here, and I'd like to have a system of following and defining it.

The alpha-beta dichotomy, while great for a basic Us-versus-them/cool kids vs. lame kids/Redpill vs. bluepill differentiation, is not accurate enough. There are layers of being a player. Furthermore, especially in late teens/early twenties, we usually have a mix of beta and alpha traits simply because we've not grown as men yet.

My scale doesn't refer to your economic status: both an unemployed, broke, muscular, obnoxious Chad and a successful, manly, refined gentleman with tight game might be 10's. Also, physical looks are not that important - besides, it would need to be a very complex mathematical scale measuring your physical attractiveness, wealth, pure game, even race because some women judge guys on race, etc. etc. - this is far more simple. A measure of your game, non-acceptance of bullshit and overall alpha-ness.

Here is my personal example - I fucked more than any other guy in my class of 30 people in high school, I worked out and looked decent (not great!), I had reasonably good grades - but I treated women like a beta, I wasn't by far the coolest nor the most handsome guy in my generation of 150 people; nor did I spit tight game by any rate. I was mainly a polite goody-two-shoes, although I did sometimes tease and neg girls. That, together with my reasonable attractiveness, meant that I still did smash although I was more of a beta than alpha. Other guys in my class were mainly incels or fags, so there's that.

Nota bene: in the Balkans, most of the people start drinking and smoking cigarettes; and top 30% of 'cooler' guys and girls also start having sex in highschool, aged 15-19.

So, without further ado, this is the sketch of my scale.
I will concentrate on the upper marks (5+), where I believe 99% of this Forum's members are...

It isn't intended as a dick-measuring contest.
The primary purpose is introspection and reflection of personal growth.
The secondary purpose is, of course, for the sake of bro-science.

1 Basement-dwelling, neckbearded incel

A total trainwreck of a man. Black-pilled, ugly, bitter, no game, no social status. Suicide prospects - high.

2 Fat fucker

Still might grow and come far, think of Napoleon. Exercise, finish a good college, transform yourself, become confident, approach women, get rejected a thousand times, start fucking. You might make a 10.

But, currently, has low prospects - unattractive, no one hangs out with him, no friends except for people with whom he plays MMORPG's online.

Probably a virgin and will probably remain so, unless drastic measures are taken.

3 Dumb fucker with saliva dripping from his nose onto his notebook

There's no cure for your lack of brains, but if you work out, be cocky and make a decent lower-middle-class career, you might make an 8 on this list.

4 Beta male

Very blue-pilled with women, might still be a virgin. Rarely goes out.
At least the other guys didn't beat him up in high school unlike the first three. Usually.

5 The average Joe

Has some success with women. Not the boss of the group, but sometimes tells a good joke or a cool story. Most of the guys you know fall into this category and won't ever rise up. Blue-pilled with hints of red pill in all areas of life, from politics to game.

Sometimes enters into alcohol-induced brave mode and actually approaches a chick. Occasionally even kisses her.

If and when he fucks a drunk 7, that's the highlight of his entire year.

6 The lesser alpha with beta traits

The beginning of every player who isn't born with a six-pack, perfect facial features, at least 185cm high and upper middle class parents.
''Me in high school/college''. 16-25 years old. Absorbed many manly skills and character traits, but still not possessing the full player mentality. Above average success with women, but still prone to: catching oneitis, pedestalizing pussy, desperate restart texts, needy reactions to girls leaving him on 'seen' etc.

Uses basic player protocols like being mysterious, not answering girls' questions directly, passing shit-tests, but still has to actively think
in order not to behave like a beta and do something stupid like send a nervous 'hey, where are you' after she leaves him on 'seen' for an hour.

Usually kisses on the first date.

7 The 'cool guy'

This is when you start actively exploring the pick-up community, see and understand the entire theory and, damn it, science behind it.
Also, your social standing is up - you're usually among the top 3 most respected guys in a squad of 10.

When you start getting 2 different party/nightclub invitations for Saturday night with cool people, you're there.

Absorbing and living the abundance mentality, the outcome independence; understanding lizards, negging them, teasing them constantly have all become second nature.

Starts spinning plates and might set up and maintain an LTR + a FB relationship, or several fuckbuddies.

Sometimes fucks on the first date.

8 The player

Very confident and with decent experience. Can approach most girls and get a number close.
Spins plates successfully. The pipeline rarely goes dry - always has a reserve 6 solo friend and occasional FB, or a 7 in preparation.

Has a great social circle - not necessarily made of true friends, but surely has 20 work/college/high school colleagues he can drink a beer or play football with. Is respected in that circle.

When you start getting bored of girls after fucking them 3 times, you might have reached this level.

Generally fucks on the first date, even good girls.

9 The king

Don't need to think for a second about a pickup line. He has seen it all, hell, he has fucked them all - the prom queen 9, the athletic Herbalife fanatic, the pole-dancing slut, the girl-next-door 7.

Everything is streamlined. The bar, the venue change, the escalation of kino, the invitation back home, the sex. It's a routine - perfected and practiced frequently.

Notch count of at least a hundred.

Doesn't care about anyone - everyone is replaceable. He's the AMOG wherever he goes.

Fucks bitches in their asses on the first date.

10 The legend

You own a forum for players. You write books on picking up chicks for a living.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - HAcoreRD - 02-13-2019

I fucked ten girls in the ass on the first date--does this qualify me as a 9?

"The truly big questions."

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 02-13-2019

Quote: (02-13-2019 12:45 PM)BlackHussar Wrote:  

10 The legend

You own a forum for players. You write books on picking up chicks for a living.

Usually, I don't think this is the case. I think too many nowadays are just wannabe coaches and want to be an authority on the matter. I have even heard a virgin saying that he had serious thoughts about trying to become a PUA coach, as a profession. Most of these are just frauds who are doing it for the money and/or for validation.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Rorogue - 02-14-2019

Interesting topic to start but I don't quite resonate with your scoring system.

My list:

Obese, anime or porn addicted, bitter, isolated neckbeards. Where they are from 1 to 3 is judged by how much of the aforementioned they are

Unattractive or totally unremarkable guy, who needs a solid year or 2 to become a reasonably attractive guy

One of the men in society who you can actually call a Man. Regardless of height or natural looks (within reason), someone who you look at and think "yep, that guy has a girlfriend, or is having sex". Regularity or quality of sex in this dating market is probably limited, though.

Attractive guy, or Chad lite. Type of guy actively sought out by 5s and below. May date 6s and occasional 7. Usually has something going for him like 6ft height, very good facial looks, a very muscular physique, or significant social status

Genuine Chad. Dates 6s easily and has no problem getting a 7. Killing it in a tough dating market. Usually has 2 or more of height, facial looks, physique or status.

The male version of a runway model. Sought after by all. Elite dating life (and likely elite life in general). Can do filthy things to the 8s that the rest of the guys dream about.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Rorogue - 02-14-2019


I just noticed you talked more about skill level and game, whereas I talked more about looks, especially from 7 and above. Probably shows how looks based the Anglo counties are, where I live!

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - BlackHussar - 02-14-2019


I agree with your scale as well, they're not contradictory - if you compare the two, they actually correlate, as I mentioned in the OP. I just didn't want to go into looks for the sake of simplicity.
Furthermore, as I said, there were guys more handsome than me in my high school generation - who were still virgins while I had 2-3 solid 7's under my belt.

We've developed this further, now imagine this:

Game level 1 --------------- 10
Physique 1 --------------- 10
Wealth 1 --------------- 10
Social status 1 --------------- 10
Character* 1 --------------- 10

*as in your likeability, being perceived as 'cool' etc.
(for example, you could have great game skills, but your social status might be bad because you're too arrogant, or you have bad social intelligence and talk about conspiracy theories at parties…)

Median value = your overall score

Now look into this:

Country/regional modifiers:
Race (a black guy might be slaying it in the Balkans as he is perceived as (positively) exotic; an Indian guy might get prejudice and refusal in the USA...)

Micro-location modifiers:
Style (a suited up guy might not be received well at a rave party; a casual guy will get frowned upon at a fancy after-work upper-middle-class party...)

And yes, looks are not that important in Eastern Europe - it has been mentioned quite a few times in other threads that it's not unusual to see an ugly guy with a hot chick. Such guys are sometimes beta providers, sometimes even alpha providers (It exists! They're usually sons of wealthy businessmen, who drive fathers' BMW's since they turn 18). Sometimes, they just spit tight game.

We could go into all this, but I think it would be overanalyzing.

Quote: (02-13-2019 07:48 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-13-2019 12:45 PM)BlackHussar Wrote:  

10 The legend

You own a forum for players. You write books on picking up chicks for a living.

Usually, I don't think this is the case. I think too many nowadays are just wannabe coaches and want to be an authority on the matter. I have even heard a virgin saying that he had serious thoughts about trying to become a PUA coach, as a profession. Most of these are just frauds who are doing it for the money and/or for validation.

Of course, I had the fake coaches in mind even while I was typing up #10, but I only wrote the 2 sentences for brevity and humor. Also, it goes without saying I meant people like Roosh, not those snake oil merchants (7 Secret Tricks To Make Every Woman Sleep With You - How? Just Buy My $329 Book... and also give me your credit card number)

But we're straying away from the original topic here!

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - HTRebel - 03-05-2019

Also for the sake of bro science exploration, It has gotta be suggested that you can move up the latter. You aren't set into one single caste for life, obviously. How many ladder jumps you can take are a different matter.

I would be curious if anyone has seen or themselves jumped 2 or more spots up, or vice versa.

Game level 1 --------------- 10
Physique 1 --------------- 10
Wealth 1 --------------- 10
Social status 1 --------------- 10
Character* 1 --------------- 10

The easiest places to improve are gonna be Game, and physique. Wealth is also improvable within a 5 year time frame. The hardest things to really "change" and pivot away from old habits is social character. When habits get ingrained they are tough as hell to kick. Learning social skills obviously can also be taught, but guys who naturally are more extroverted have a much better chance of being top 1% here.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - cruzinV - 03-05-2019

You are severly blue pilled if you think someone could go from a 1-4 to a 8 or above.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Mrredsquare - 03-05-2019

So I'm definitely between 5 and 6...

What's the most effective strategy to get out of average Joe zone?

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Rorogue - 03-06-2019

Quote: (03-05-2019 06:16 PM)Mrredsquare Wrote:  

So I'm definitely between 5 and 6...

What's the most effective strategy to get out of average Joe zone?


Money or Muscles is pretty much the only thing.
Be an 8/10 in either physique or money (or both)

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Cobra - 03-06-2019

Quote: (03-05-2019 02:35 PM)cruzinV Wrote:  

You are severly blue pilled if you think someone could go from a 1-4 to a 8 or above.

Explain why not..

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Fortis - 03-06-2019

I'm 11: the god.

The Legend reports to you behind the scenes.

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - Leonard D Neubache - 03-06-2019

Quote: (03-06-2019 06:14 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

I'm 11: the god.

The Legend reports to you behind the scenes.

[Image: 330px-Spinal_Tap_-_Up_to_Eleven.jpg]

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - whiteknightrises - 03-07-2019

I don't care about my game or how I measure up to guys, especially random guys I don't know on the Internet

My scale is 0 to 1

0 = I'm not getting laid

1 = I'm getting laid

1 to 10 Virgin to Chad Scale - AneroidOcean - 03-07-2019

Quote: (03-06-2019 06:03 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2019 02:35 PM)cruzinV Wrote:  

You are severly blue pilled if you think someone could go from a 1-4 to a 8 or above.

Explain why not..

Dude. Stop. Just Stop. I can't EVEN.

You are SOOOOOOO blue pilled.

[Image: gay.gif]

What most guys don't realize is that you could end up a 7 or 8 and you can argue if you started as a 2 or a 4, but ultimately you were far below that. One of the biggest factors is that a guys scale is SO much more variable because women by and large never approach.

If you are scared shitless to approach, have no game, and have a crippling fear of rejection (like I had), unless you're a greek god/model, you will not be approached and even if you are you are unlikely to have the body language understanding and game to recognize the opportunity and take advantage of it.