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My Nose - Thot____Patroller - 02-12-2019

I'm looking for some advice.

I feel that my whole life my nose has held me back from doing any game. I can't approach any girls because I think they are all laughing at me behind my back. I also don't bother with any eye contact because I feel people are just staring at my nose.

I don't find it hard to talk to girls, but many of them (from their own admission) have a problem with it and wouldn't date me, as do I...

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

My Nose - jeffreyjerpp - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

Can you find some images of someone similar, and post them here?

If it really is that bad, plastic surgery is an awesome idea, no question.

I knew a girl in high school, who was a legit 3/10, solely because of her nose. It was truly a massive, almost insanely large beak type nose.

She showed up freshman year of college as an easy 8/10. Only thing that changed was the nose. Ever since, she has lived the charmed life that 8+ women get to lead.

People shit on plastic surgery, but when it is done well, it is honestly amazing, and I wouldn't judge a man who got it, especially these days.

My Nose - Thot____Patroller - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:34 PM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

Can you find some images of someone similar, and post them here?

If it really is that bad, plastic surgery is an awesome idea, no question.

I knew a girl in high school, who was a legit 3/10, solely because of her nose. It was truly a massive, almost insanely large beak type nose.

She showed up freshman year of college as an easy 8/10. Only thing that changed was the nose. Ever since, she has lived the charmed life that 8+ women get to lead.

People shit on plastic surgery, but when it is done well, it is honestly amazing, and I wouldn't judge a man who got it, especially these days.

I really can’t find someone similar, it just looks horrible whenever I smile or move my face, making it even harder to interact with people. similar to that girl with the beak at your high school. the comments about it started at high school for a couple of years but i thought i would get over it, but i guess thee kind of problems don’t just disappear. i feel like it would change my life so much, i’ve taken drugs sometimes and i forget about it for a couple of hours and i feel alive for the first time in my life. thank you for your advice though, i’ve just gotten sick of it, it feels like a huge liability.

My Nose - Buddydowrongright2 - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

I'm looking for some advice.

I feel that my whole life my nose has held me back from doing any game. I can't approach any girls because I think they are all laughing at me behind my back. I also don't bother with any eye contact because I feel people are just staring at my nose.

I don't find it hard to talk to girls, but many of them (from their own admission) have a problem with it and wouldn't date me, as do I...

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

Many women find Adrian Brody masculine and handsome and that guy has a nose like a mushroom cloud. You are your own worst critic. Every guy has one physical feature they think everyone else notices and sets them back somehow. For me it's body hair. I am the hairiest motherfucker on the planet. It grows everywhere. I had leg hair in the fourth grade. If I don't shave my neck, there is a solid column of hair growing from the tops of my feet to my mustache.

My nickname in Junior High School was Sasquatch.

For years I struggled with self-confidence issues because of my body hair. Tried shaving it. Trimming it. Never waxed because I thought it was gay. But I considered it. Then one day I said fuck it and let it just all grow. I decided why not try the James Bond chest? At that point in my life I was mostly banging chicks with parking garage vaginas or chainsaw teeth, and fatties. How could my situation worsen? I was tired of feeling like a little bitch every time I focused on my appearance to the point I was standing with one leg over the bathroom sink trying to drag a razor up to my taint. That shit is emasculating.

You know what happened? By that simple choice of defiance, that I was going to stop caring what people thought of my appearance and embrace the Sasquatch... my results with women instantly improved. Simply by changing my attitude about myself and a perceive physical flaw. Once my glorious full-body Man Rug had grown to its full power again, I started wearing the top buttons on my shirt open as often as I could. I began getting looks. Not from every woman, mind you. About 1 in 10. But the ones who looked, really looked.

Took down a few more buttons. Started approaching girls who gave me the Sasquatch Hunter eyes. Started posting my shirtless photos on dating apps with the wild growth showing. Worked how hairy I am into my tinder routine. What's a beautiful young girl like you doing matching with hairy old guys on Tinder? And the response I got more often than not: maybe I like hairy old guys.

It not only massively improved my results with women, but my general mental well-being, when I stopped caring about something I perceived as a physical flaw. The truth is that every woman out there likes a different type of man and there ARE women out there, hot ones, who will see your huge Shnozz of the Gods and think, Damn, I want that massive man nose to tickle my pubes.

Even if something is a physical flaw, remember the words of Tyrion Lannister:
"Never forget what you are, for the world will not. Armor yourself in it, and it can never be used to hurt you."

Now go forth and pound vajeen, my brother.

My Nose - loremipsum - 02-12-2019

Are you SURE they are laughing at it?

Own it. If you are really that anxious, save up money for surgery but own it for the time being.

Instead of seeing it as "I'm hideous because of my nose" think of it as a minor hindrance.
Think of it as something that will be fixed in the future with mindset like "Oh well, my nose is currently like this but it will be fixed in the future".
You are not your nose.
View it like an orthopedic cast that will be healed some day instead as some deformity.

There are far more worse things than a nose, but I don't blame your insecurity since society is so looks based now. We all have our own insecurities.

My Nose - LINUX - 02-12-2019

I know a good doctor in Medellin that will fix your nose.

It'll cost 3-5 grand.

My Nose - Scoundrel - 02-12-2019


Prettyboy shit is for homosexuals.

My Nose - LINUX - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 02:29 PM)Scoundrel Wrote:  


And where did you come up with that philosophy?

My Nose - packagehandler - 02-12-2019

I say do it. I had bigger than average lips and got made fun of it for it all the time when I was younger. It wrecked my self-esteem, to the point where I contemplated suicide multiple times. Last year I finally saved enough money to get lip reduction surgery (yes it's a thing) and it's the best investment I've ever made. I'm no longer self conscious about my appearance, I like taking pics now, and it's definitely made me a lot more attractive. Fuck what anyone else thinks. If you feel like it'll improve your life do it.

My Nose - Goldin Boy - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

I'm looking for some advice.

I feel that my whole life my nose has held me back from doing any game. I can't approach any girls because I think they are all laughing at me behind my back. I also don't bother with any eye contact because I feel people are just staring at my nose.

I don't find it hard to talk to girls, but many of them (from their own admission) have a problem with it and wouldn't date me, as do I...

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

You mean Cyrano De Bergerac game isn't working for you?

[Image: t8IOEux.jpg]

My Nose - LINUX - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 03:34 PM)packagehandler Wrote:  

I say do it. I had bigger than average lips and got made fun of it for it all the time when I was younger. It wrecked my self-esteem, to the point where I contemplated suicide multiple times. Last year I finally saved enough money to get lip reduction surgery (yes it's a thing) and it's the best investment I've ever made. I'm no longer self conscious about my appearance, I like taking pics now, and it's definitely made me a lot more attractive. Fuck what anyone else thinks. If you feel like it'll improve your life do it.

I'm in agreement with you on this. Getting manicures, going clean shaven, wearing pink, and getting botox is one thing. One can draw the line with that as being metro-sexual or whatever. But the OP has a nose that's resulting in him banging 2's. No amount of mirror gazing positive affirmations is going to change that. He would be wise to spend the next six months in the gym, getting as big as possible, while also saving up money to get his surgery.

Some things can't be changed, like being 5 foot 1 or having a micropenis. But a nose can be fixed in two hours.

My Nose - eradicator - 02-12-2019

This reminds me of that dude who came onto the forum who wanted to get chin surgery, like he said he would be getting laid nonstop if he just got chin surgery.

My Nose - Zoso - 02-12-2019

I truly advocate for the surgery. Can't see any problem on that. Just don't get a leptorhine or very femenine nose. Just a normal/nice nose.

My Nose - RatInTheWoods - 02-12-2019

Get it fixed mate, as long as its a real issue, not just all in your head.

If you have some very trusted friends who can give you an honest answer if it is holding you back, then get it fixed.

But if its just in your head, then don't start on that self destructive slide.

We on this forum can tell you honestly, if you can post a pic.

My Nose - PapayaTapper - 02-12-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

I'm looking for some advice.

I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

Get the nose fixed as it’s obviously a material issue for you.

But prepared to do some work on your inner dialogue as well. The fact that your 24 and still “need” your family’s approval for your life decisions is as significant a challenge as your snorkel

My Nose - MajorStyles - 02-12-2019

I had a nose job when I was in my early thirties. It was one of the best decisions of my life. So much insecurity and self-doubt throughout my all disappeared the day after that surgery. Just to look in the mirror and see a normal nose - not some asymmetrical thing staring back at me.

I paid $5,000 for that surgery; in truth, it was worth double (if not triple). Everybody that knew me said, "Wow. That looks good."

Forget all this business about "learning to love your flaws," etc. Get the nose job and then start smashing pussy with confidence. Life is too short to accept anything less.

My Nose - wi30 - 02-12-2019

I have a pretty big nose. I was insecure about it growing up. I thought it was a turn off for girls when I was in high school and early in college. It was only guys who would make jokes once in a while, but I've always been quick-witted enough to have a decent comeback to counter it.

It's only a problem if you let it be. For example, girls I've dated told me they're attracted to a strong nose and wouldn't want a guy with a little button nose. Also, I have a other features that offset it (blue eyes, good smile, decent height and frame). I have other imperfections that only I notice about myself too.

Your nose isn't the problem. Your lack of confidence and inner game are your problem. Fix those and you'll be fine. And if that doesn't work, save up a few grand for a nose job.

My Nose - Guitarhappy420 - 02-12-2019

A prominent nose is a sign of strong character. A lot of English men have strong noses. Check out Jon Cleary, he's a New Orleans style piano player with one heck of a nose on him, originally​ from England. He's also a hairy beast but he gets much respect as he is. The respect is for who he is and what he's done, his quality as a man, not the size of his nose.

I usually don't care for a little button nose on a woman. But a Scottish woman with a good strong nose and high cheekbones just knocks me out.

You're on a spiritual path and a path of self knowledge and self acceptance. Embrace it if you can.

My Nose - The Black Knight - 02-12-2019

A nose is one of those things you don't realize about someone's appearance until you see a before and after pic and/or they have a really screwed up nose. No one goes around saying, "What a nice nose".... especially on a guy.

As a guy, there is much more breathing room for nose shape and look. You need to post pics somewhere here or elsewhere to get an overall objective perspective. Maybe your shit is jacked; maybe you're using it as an excuse for having shit game. Impossible to say without pics or similar looking pics.

A few women saying "it's your nose" isn't objective. Women spew out all kinds of bullshit for all kinds of reasons.

That said, if there truly is something physically wrong with your nose, like a deformity or something objectively universally unattractive about it, then go get a consult with a few surgeons. You're looking at 5-10k USD depending on who and where you get it done.

Make sure you THOROUGHLY evaluate their work; they should have plenty of before and after pictures. The nose is a complicated thing to do surgery on given all the variables and you want to avoid having to do a revision surgery if possible. You really want to get it right the first go around so don't go for the lowest bidder; go for the best you can afford. There are certain medical things you can cheapen out on; this is NOT one of those things.

Personally, I've known people who have had screwed up noses and it didn't stop them one bit from getting pussy. But don't let anyone tell you that having a legit fucked up nose is "all in your head." Get it fixed.

My Nose - Crash_Bandicoot - 02-13-2019

OP - your story really hits me to the core because I felt the same exact way growing up.

I had a medical accident growing up where my nose got a massive bump on it. I never saw anyone's bump as big as mine. Ever.

I would spend an 1-2 hours a day staring at it and obsessing over what kind of wardrobe, hairstyle, etc that would make my nose look more normal/smaller. Even more, I would always just keep touching it because it annoyed the shit out of me. It absolutely decimated my self-esteem.

In regards to dating, I did learn "game" and all of that, and even though I was getting a few lays here and there with decent women, I could tell that women were quite aware of it just because it was so out there and prominent (Keep in mind that my nose was considered a medical deformity because the beak was so big). But more than just women, it was something that personally bothered me

I don't want to get into a game vs looks argument on here, but my nose was something that was stopping me (whether it was confidence or actual bad looks, I don't know) and I knew it was time to do something about it.

So I got a nosejob.

Ever since then, my confidence has been amazing and my success with women has skyrocketed. I finally feel like a normal guy now. I have noticed that I get a lot more IOIs and just more success with women overall. Not even that - I feel more confident overall.

My advice?:

Just get it done.

1) Realize that you have one life to live. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life worrying about your nose? I sure as hell was tired of waking up every morning and staring at all the angles in the mirror. Save up for a year (I paid $8K for mine - I live in an expensive city in the USA) and cash out.

2) Ultimately, don't do it for women - do it for yourself. This is the most important point out of anything I've written - I remember when I was in the operating room, a few minutes before going in for surgery with my folks all sitting next to me, I got into a deep philosophical, emotional phase. And it led me to ask myself: Was I truly doing this for myself or others? I knew that answer. It was for myself. It was something that would truly make me happy - not for society, not for women, but for myself.

My only regret is not getting it done earlier. One of the best decisions I've ever made.
If you decide to not get it either - that's totally fine! Just remember at some point you'll need to get over your nose (whatever was that is possible) because you don't want it to keep haunting you for the rest of your life. Maybe just accepting who you are and moving forward.

My thoughts.

My Nose - Chiosboy90 - 02-13-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 02:04 PM)Buddydowrongright2 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2019 12:20 PM)Thot____Patroller Wrote:  

I'm looking for some advice.

I feel that my whole life my nose has held me back from doing any game. I can't approach any girls because I think they are all laughing at me behind my back. I also don't bother with any eye contact because I feel people are just staring at my nose.

I don't find it hard to talk to girls, but many of them (from their own admission) have a problem with it and wouldn't date me, as do I...

It's gotten to a point where I'm very depressed because of it, I'd be a 6 if it was normal, but with it, I can barely get 2's if I'm lucky. I just feel that I'm wasting time and will never find a girl I find attractive because of it, and my prime years are going to waste. I'm 24. I've been too much of a pussy to tell my family about it because I know they'd never let me do it.

I just feel that I'm missing out on life so much because of it being such a huge insecurity.

Many women find Adrian Brody masculine and handsome and that guy has a nose like a mushroom cloud. You are your own worst critic. Every guy has one physical feature they think everyone else notices and sets them back somehow. For me it's body hair. I am the hairiest motherfucker on the planet. It grows everywhere. I had leg hair in the fourth grade. If I don't shave my neck, there is a solid column of hair growing from the tops of my feet to my mustache.

My nickname in Junior High School was Sasquatch.

For years I struggled with self-confidence issues because of my body hair. Tried shaving it. Trimming it. Never waxed because I thought it was gay. But I considered it. Then one day I said fuck it and let it just all grow. I decided why not try the James Bond chest? At that point in my life I was mostly banging chicks with parking garage vaginas or chainsaw teeth, and fatties. How could my situation worsen? I was tired of feeling like a little bitch every time I focused on my appearance to the point I was standing with one leg over the bathroom sink trying to drag a razor up to my taint. That shit is emasculating.

You know what happened? By that simple choice of defiance, that I was going to stop caring what people thought of my appearance and embrace the Sasquatch... my results with women instantly improved. Simply by changing my attitude about myself and a perceive physical flaw. Once my glorious full-body Man Rug had grown to its full power again, I started wearing the top buttons on my shirt open as often as I could. I began getting looks. Not from every woman, mind you. About 1 in 10. But the ones who looked, really looked.

Took down a few more buttons. Started approaching girls who gave me the Sasquatch Hunter eyes. Started posting my shirtless photos on dating apps with the wild growth showing. Worked how hairy I am into my tinder routine. What's a beautiful young girl like you doing matching with hairy old guys on Tinder? And the response I got more often than not: maybe I like hairy old guys.

It not only massively improved my results with women, but my general mental well-being, when I stopped caring about something I perceived as a physical flaw. The truth is that every woman out there likes a different type of man and there ARE women out there, hot ones, who will see your huge Shnozz of the Gods and think, Damn, I want that massive man nose to tickle my pubes.

Even if something is a physical flaw, remember the words of Tyrion Lannister:
"Never forget what you are, for the world will not. Armor yourself in it, and it can never be used to hurt you."

Now go forth and pound vajeen, my brother.

That's the most delusional post I have seen in years on roosh V.
Your feelgood text that sounds like from a women magazine in the: "how to lose weight section" simply does not fit to the OP's story.
It doesn't.

If a guy has a physical big flaw that genuinely makes him look way worse and not some deluded BDD case and he could fix that problem, why the fuck should he not do it? We are not talking about a fat guy that instead of going to the GYM, he wants to have a gastric band. Or some Botox shit in his face, cause he thinks some wrinkles on his face will stop him from approaching women. Read his story.

He had an accident growing up and because of that, a fucked up nose. Why not fix it? Oh yeah, let's spend years with self-help books and delude yourselves that "it doesn't matter bruh", because some Hollywood guy somewhere has also a physical flaw and he is slaying pussy left and right, so I'm not allowed to change anything or Im "insecure" while the guy that is telling you that, would run into a clinic the very same day if he had the same physical flaw.

My Nose - Blue Bayou - 02-13-2019

A friend of mine from high school had a big nose. He was bullied mercilessly..was called big nose, banana nose, nose boy, etc. He was otherwise a good looking guy but the nose thing destroyed his confidence. He got a nose job and fixed the physical problem, but the confidence problem was still there. To this day he still doesn't like to approach women because of the memories of being called big nose.

So, you need to get the nose fixed and you also need to find a way to renew your confidence and shake off the negative self image that might be holding you back.

My Nose - Thot____Patroller - 02-13-2019

Quote: (02-13-2019 01:07 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

OP - your story really hits me to the core because I felt the same exact way growing up.

I had a medical accident growing up where my nose got a massive bump on it. I never saw anyone's bump as big as mine. Ever.

I would spend an 1-2 hours a day staring at it and obsessing over what kind of wardrobe, hairstyle, etc that would make my nose look more normal/smaller. Even more, I would always just keep touching it because it annoyed the shit out of me. It absolutely decimated my self-esteem.

In regards to dating, I did learn "game" and all of that, and even though I was getting a few lays here and there with decent women, I could tell that women were quite aware of it just because it was so out there and prominent (Keep in mind that my nose was considered a medical deformity because the beak was so big). But more than just women, it was something that personally bothered me

I don't want to get into a game vs looks argument on here, but my nose was something that was stopping me (whether it was confidence or actual bad looks, I don't know) and I knew it was time to do something about it.

So I got a nosejob.

Ever since then, my confidence has been amazing and my success with women has skyrocketed. I finally feel like a normal guy now. I have noticed that I get a lot more IOIs and just more success with women overall. Not even that - I feel more confident overall.

My advice?:

Just get it done.

1) Realize that you have one life to live. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life worrying about your nose? I sure as hell was tired of waking up every morning and staring at all the angles in the mirror. Save up for a year (I paid $8K for mine - I live in an expensive city in the USA) and cash out.

2) Ultimately, don't do it for women - do it for yourself. This is the most important point out of anything I've written - I remember when I was in the operating room, a few minutes before going in for surgery with my folks all sitting next to me, I got into a deep philosophical, emotional phase. And it led me to ask myself: Was I truly doing this for myself or others? I knew that answer. It was for myself. It was something that would truly make me happy - not for society, not for women, but for myself.

My only regret is not getting it done earlier. One of the best decisions I've ever made.
If you decide to not get it either - that's totally fine! Just remember at some point you'll need to get over your nose (whatever was that is possible) because you don't want it to keep haunting you for the rest of your life. Maybe just accepting who you are and moving forward.

My thoughts.

Thanks, this was definitely one of the best responses. It's definitely more for myself than for other people, I just don't feel normal with it, and like you, it's one of those that was hard to ignore. I realised how much of a problem it was when I started working out for a good 3 months around 2 years ago, I actually got some decent gains and my body was looking good. I stopped working out 3 months in because there was a 2-way mirror in the gym and I saw my nose from the side, I thought to myself why bother working out with such a deformity on my face? I just feel like I haven't fully started living life yet, and this could be the first step I can take. What age did you do yours by the way?

My Nose - subterfuge - 02-14-2019

I'd like a nose job, too.
Think I could go up at least 1-2 points from having a nice nose.
Just worried about it coming out really bad like some Michael Jackson feminine nose! Plus it's expensive.

I also have a very similar story (to the 2nd post in this thread) about my ex sister in-law. Always had an amazing body and grey/gree/blue cat like eyes, but most people just saw her big nose and I guess she'd be like a 5. She got a nose job in Iran (she's Iranian) and it turned her into a legit 8+. The sort of girl that guys would spend all night looking at when we were out together and stuff. A proper head turner with her perfect features, cat-like eyes, tone body etc. Maybe no surprise that my brother and her broke up a year or so after. She was just getting so much attention. Random Rich guys messaging her, people hitting on her when she was shopping etc. Life on easy mode after her rhinoplasty (not that i'd expect that effect as a guy!! haha)

But yeah, if you don't meet her 'looks threshold', then 'game' is irrelevant.

My Nose - firat113 - 02-14-2019

Quote: (02-12-2019 07:30 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

I have a pretty big nose. I was insecure about it growing up. I thought it was a turn off for girls when I was in high school and early in college. It was only guys who would make jokes once in a while, but I've always been quick-witted enough to have a decent comeback to counter it.

It's only a problem if you let it be. For example, girls I've dated told me they're attracted to a strong nose and wouldn't want a guy with a little button nose. Also, I have a other features that offset it (blue eyes, good smile, decent height and frame). I have other imperfections that only I notice about myself too.

Your nose isn't the problem. Your lack of confidence and inner game are your problem. Fix those and you'll be fine. And if that doesn't work, save up a few grand for a nose job.

So much this post.

It sounds really bad in your case OP or you're exaggerating it's effect on your game because it has affected your self-esteem and psychology hard. I have a big nose and always hated it growing up. I've been made fun of and called names by friends, not in a hurtful way, but in a teasing way. I would use it as an excuse to why im not successful with women. That was when it was holding me back and i didn't have much success.

I literally stopped thinking about it as an issue after a girl i was dating told me i shouldn't be ashamed of my nose, it makes me stand out, it makes me unique from the rest. I used to envy guys with perfect noses or normal noses, but now i honestly wouldn't change my nose even if i got offered a plastic surgery for free. I have matured since and built myself on many other aspects that improved my SMV drastically. Confidence shot through the roof, even while still having "a big nose".

As one poster already said, each one of us has a physical flaw he wishes he could change. From height, nose, eyes, ears, hairline, jawline, beard etc. And here's the paradox about all of this. Once you fix something you will find 5 other things you aren't comfortable with. You constantly seek "perfection" so to speak. This is how you see the awful plastic surgery fails all over the internet because people don't know when to stop. They got more self-conscious for each part of their face they "fix".

But when all that is said and done, to me it sounds like you already decided for an answer OP, and you're just looking for validation at this point. If you have the money for surgery i'd say go for it. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do, period. But i would seriously consider other options before going that route.

Unless you can provide a picture, i have a hard time imagining it being that bad.

You make it sound like it's mutated the way you speak. I just advice you not to fall into the trap of thinking your looks are what's holding you back in game.