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Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - forgottenowl - 01-24-2019

From 16 to 20 I rarely had nausea from drinking alcohol and had never yakked from drinking once. Then one random night when I was 20, I drank two shots of vodka and threw up 30 seconds after taking the shot. Ever since that night my ability to down alcohol has never been the same. It didn't start off crazy bad and I thought it was just a phase. I puked a good chunk of the nights I drank and didn't enjoy it as much, but If I paced myself and drank intelligently I could have a fun night and was still able to score.

However, over the past 18 months it's deteriorated to a point where I can barely drink at all. I barely get the euphoric, nofucksgiven sensation of alcohol at all anymore. Instead my stomach hurts, I get drowsy, I get minor headaches, and If I take more than 4 drinks, I'll often yak, often right away and sometimes at the end of the night. I gag drinking an IPA or glass of wine and can only down mixed drinks and light beers. I've tried googling for a potential cure and it seems like a lot of people have suffered permanent alcohol intolerance but there's no known solution.

I rarely try to go out now and it's ruined my social life and game. It's not like all my friends left or anything but It's hard to create tight bonds or memories without experiencing crazy nights with each other. It's really killed my game since so much of getting laid in college is linked to partying. It's just not a good look if I ever chat up a girl in class and she says we "we should go out friday" and I say I can't drink. So much of gaming college and lower 20s girls is giving off an outgoing and adventurous vibe and it's all but killed when you don't drink. I've been trying to meet girls and guys my age that don't go out but they're difficult to find and they're usually boring people honestly.

I know it won't be as big a deal after 35, I'll still live and that I'm not doing myself any good by feeling sorry for myself but jesus christ it fucking blows. I can categorically state that my left arm being amputated would be a lesser blow to my game than not being able to drink.


Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - RDF - 01-24-2019

That's shitty bro. Agree that this can fuck with your game esp at your age. A few words of advice:

-- You said you can drink mixed drinks? Then stick with that. I'm only a bit older than you and I rarely drink anything besides mixed drinks. The shotgunning beers and taking shots thing is mainly for college and even there is not necessary. Obviously some people do it after that, but you won't stand out as a sore thumb for drinking vodka-sodas at all once you graduate.

-- Frame it as a cool story with a chick. Something like "I'm taking a break from drinking, had a bad night where I ran from the cops, got arrested and and spent the night in jail". Worst case you'll at least get a laugh, but stories like these can be a huge turn on for young girls if you frame it the right way. It'll definitely give off the "adventurous vibe".

-- Alternatively, you can always fake drinking. Super easy just to take a red solo cup and pour sprite/soda/juice in there. Nobody will ever know. If somebody offers you a shot just say "I'll pass on this round, next one though bro". Not an ideal long-term idea but short-term it can definitely work.

That's just 3 options off the top of my head. There is a way around this, just stay optimistic and think creatively. You don't have to be relegated to staying inside and watching movies.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Meliorare93 - 01-24-2019

I get headaches after a couple of drinks, quitted two years ago, best decision ever imo... My social life didn't suffer... I'm in a ltr so no idea if my game would've suffered because of it.

Quote: (01-24-2019 01:12 AM)forgottenowl Wrote:  

I rarely try to go out now and it's ruined my social life and game. It's not like all my friends left or anything but It's hard to create tight bonds or memories without experiencing crazy nights with each other.

I still go out a lot, well if I compare with other people of my age, I'm halfway my thirties... We still have a lot of fun me and my bro's! But yeah perhaps it's harder when you are younger.

If somebody asks why I don't drink I just say I don't drink... If they inquire I say I get headaches and that ain't no fun, end of story... No need to DEER a lot. Your frame is not drinking, keep it that way. If you want to give an adventurous vibe say you'll do adventurous activity a or b the day after and that you want it all (a good night out and a fresh adventurous day the day after).

That's the best thing about not drinking, the day after you're just tired but you can function. My bro's are laying on the couch the day after, I'm out doing things the day after!

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - The Beast1 - 01-24-2019

Had the same problem when i was your age.

It turned out to be a culmination of a shitty diet, GIRD, smoking, and stress from a college graduate life.To this day, I can't take shots without vomiting. I always chase. The best chaser is pickle juice.

Slow down your drinking. Also consider taking a short stint of proton pump inhibitors . And stop eating greasy/fatty foods.

And switch to teas if you're a coffee drinker.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - scotian - 01-24-2019

Blessing in disguise

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - forgottenowl - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 01:41 AM)RDF Wrote:  

That's shitty bro. Agree that this can fuck with your game esp at your age. A few words of advice:

-- You said you can drink mixed drinks? Then stick with that. I'm only a bit older than you and I rarely drink anything besides mixed drinks. The shotgunning beers and taking shots thing is mainly for college and even there is not necessary. Obviously some people do it after that, but you won't stand out as a sore thumb for drinking vodka-sodas at all once you graduate.

-- Frame it as a cool story with a chick. Something like "I'm taking a break from drinking, had a bad night where I ran from the cops, got arrested and and spent the night in jail". Worst case you'll at least get a laugh, but stories like these can be a huge turn on for young girls if you frame it the right way. It'll definitely give off the "adventurous vibe".

-- Alternatively, you can always fake drinking. Super easy just to take a red solo cup and pour sprite/soda/juice in there. Nobody will ever know. If somebody offers you a shot just say "I'll pass on this round, next one though bro". Not an ideal long-term idea but short-term it can definitely work.

That's just 3 options off the top of my head. There is a way around this, just stay optimistic and think creatively. You don't have to be relegated to staying inside and watching movies.

With mixed drinks I'll still get drowsy and headachey, I can physically drink a couple though without yakking. I'll try to start going out sober again soon and just fake drinking but I find it difficult to match the energy of drunk people. Fake drinking is definitely doable at parties but harder at bars I feel like. I definitely try to make a joke about not drinking and shoot the shit about it but it's still tough man.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - forgottenowl - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 01:49 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Had the same problem when i was your age.

It turned out to be a culmination of a shitty diet, GIRD, smoking, and stress from a college graduate life.To this day, I can't take shots without vomiting. I always chase. The best chaser is pickle juice.

Slow down your drinking. Also consider taking a short stint of proton pump inhibitors . And stop eating greasy/fatty foods.

And switch to teas if you're a coffee drinker.

Diets pretty good but I suppose could be better, don't drink coffee, don't smoke. Not sure what GIRD is but I'll definitely look into proton pump inhibitors and pickle juice.

@Scotian, highly disagree, I never abused it and it never interfered with my lifting, schoolwork, or any other aspirations, hardly a blessing.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - choichoi - 01-24-2019

Bruh, just stop drinking. You don't need that shit. Living in China with all the fake ass alcohol that can be found here has really made me dial back my drinking. For one month, I was partying sober, but still pulling and banging. I am back to drinking now, but I no longer use alcohol to get over social anxiety. I put the positive social interactions with people above all else. Booze is merely there to accentuate an already great social environment.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - loremipsum - 01-24-2019

Can definitely relate. Although shots and mixed drinks are fine, beer gives me nausea now.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - brianmark - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 02:44 AM)forgottenowl Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2019 01:49 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Had the same problem when i was your age.

It turned out to be a culmination of a shitty diet, GIRD, smoking, and stress from a college graduate life.To this day, I can't take shots without vomiting. I always chase. The best chaser is pickle juice.

Slow down your drinking. Also consider taking a short stint of proton pump inhibitors . And stop eating greasy/fatty foods.

And switch to teas if you're a coffee drinker.

Diets pretty good but I suppose could be better, don't drink coffee, don't smoke. Not sure what GIRD is but I'll definitely look into proton pump inhibitors and pickle juice.

@Scotian, highly disagree, I never abused it and it never interfered with my lifting, schoolwork, or any other aspirations, hardly a blessing.

GIRD is acid reflux. When the acid in your stomach comes into the esophagus or throat. I have it and alcohol gives me sore throats if I drink too much. I go to the same bar many nights where I've partied and drank with a lot of girls. They now ask me why I'm drinking water. I tell them "alcohol gives me sore throats." They say, "Oh!" They don't give a shit. We still party like nothing has changed. Occasionally I'll drink. I can drink a Guinness instead of a Corona and not get the problem as quickly. I think it has something to do with the carbonation. Occasionally, I'll say "I drank too much last night."

Quote: (01-24-2019 02:56 AM)choichoi Wrote:  

Bruh, just stop drinking. You don't need that shit. Living in China with all the fake ass alcohol that can be found here has really made me dial back my drinking. For one month, I was partying sober, but still pulling and banging. I am back to drinking now, but I no longer use alcohol to get over social anxiety. I put the positive social interactions with people above all else. Booze is merely there to accentuate an already great social environment.

Truthfully, you shouldn't need to drink to have good time. You can party without drinking alcohol.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - RatInTheWoods - 01-24-2019

Try different drinks (spirits, beer, wine, cider etc) you may find one that's ok

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Windom Earle - 01-24-2019

How about weed, do you green out easily?

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - The Beast1 - 01-24-2019

If I recall correctly, it was original formulation 4Loko that did me in.

Made all liquors taste horribly. Beer was my saving grace in modest amounts.

Really a blessing on disguise.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Brother Abdul Majeed - 01-24-2019

Have you seen a doctor man?

A sudden change like that overnight means that something's different. The fact that you didn't go back to normal and have since deteriorated means that whatever changed in your body hasn't gone away.

Just go for a complete checkup and explain this to a doctor.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - KnjazMihailo - 04-12-2019

Ignore the bad popular meme that drinking cider is unmanly and effeminate. I recommend it as it tastes pretty good. Wine and spirits or some variations of spirits mixed with soft drinks are tasty and work just fine. None of its really an issue unless you're in a country or a social circle of hardcore alcoholics.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Mig Picante - 04-12-2019


Anyway. This part reveals a lot about where you are in a personal journey.

"It's not like all my friends left or anything but It's hard to create tight bonds or memories without experiencing crazy nights with each other. It's really killed my game since so much of getting laid in college is linked to partying. It's just not a good look if I ever chat up a girl in class and she says we "we should go out friday" and I say I can't drink. So much of gaming college and lower 20s girls is giving off an outgoing and adventurous vibe and it's all but killed when you don't drink."

Well done, you're making the transition into being a full person with your own identity.

So far your social scene has been defined by group identity and conforming to what other people think of you.

As you mature, you'll become more comfortable with the idea that "YOU" don't drink and don't want to, and you will accept that people/women like/dislike this aspect of your personality and behaviour and be okay with that.

The women you are engaging with at this point in your life seek the safety of a group situation.
IMO You're graduating to suggesting a single date where you're in control of the decision making and leading a situation from beginning to end.

At the moment you're trying to solve an issue drinking, BUT i think you should be trying to solve maturity in interactions, comfort with your sense of self worth and identity and also learning to lead.

Non alcohol dates or dates/trips that span several days are like a new level.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - TopPanda - 04-17-2019

I had the same thing although it was with an overnight intolerance to coffee rather than alcohol. Well it's a warning sign all right.

I've been cutting back on alcohol a lot though, and I think it makes a big difference. It's definitely the way forward. If nothing else then it saves a fortune.

My current regime is to drink only on alternate days. The body seems to like this as it seems to take more than 24 hours to detox from even small amount of alcohol.

I drink soda waters on the off days.

The problem is that when you're drinking you have no idea how much it's changing your thinking and world view. We're better off without it tbh.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Robert High Hawk - 04-17-2019

There's not a doubt in my mind I'd be 10's of thousands of dollars richer, if not 100s of k richer if I just never drank. Had a lot of good times with it, quite a few bad times, and a lot of wasted time. Too late to do it again or dwell on the past, but suffice to say you can turn this into a great opportunity.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Chetthebaker - 04-17-2019

"my stomach hurts, I get drowsy, I get minor headaches, and If I take more than 4 drinks, I'll often yak"

Your body is telling you something. Might be a budding autoimmune issue or an intolerance to something within certain kinds of alcohol. In any event it does suck to not be able to drink, but there are ways around this. Like other posters have mentioned, you can play it off when you're out in all kinds of ways. Just be confident.

"I know it won't be as big a deal after 35"

It may very well be the same deal if you're a single guy over 35. Most people still drink after 35, and if you date younger chicks they still can get self-conscious and insecure if they're drinking and you're not. Just be out and socialize and drink something non-alcoholic. And go to a doctor if the symptoms don't subside.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - thackerybinx - 04-18-2019

I have the same problem but with American beers mostly. After 3-4 I would get bloated and feel full. My way around it came by accident when I traveled to Germany and some Germans informed me about the purity laws there when it comes to beer and lo and behold I pounded like 13 beers that night and woke up like a champ the next day no problem. There must be some chemicals in American beers that my body is not kosher with.

So I started experimenting with imported beers and now I have a list of those that I can drink with no problems.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - btz - 04-18-2019

go get your liver enzymes checked and hop on TUDCA capsules, general advice is 500mg+ a day but thats for roid users, 250-300mg is enough.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - Elmore - 04-23-2019

I barely drink at all now. And when i do it's just vodka and soda (on keto), and normally one or two of them is well enough. At 42 i'd rather just focus on fitness and staying sharp, and alcohol is detrimental to both. That said i've been living in a country i know few people, and few people i genuinely get on that well beyond the superficial. If i was away with old pals, i'd probably want to get on it. But booze or getting drunk is the sort of thing i find more fun with good friends if we're catching up, not a regular. And the days of me wanting to get hammered on a night out are long gone, frankly. It's just not worth it, finance, health and enjoyment wise.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - VNvet - 04-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 01:12 AM)forgottenowl Wrote:  

However, over the past 18 months it's deteriorated to a point where I can barely drink at all. I barely get the euphoric, nofucksgiven sensation of alcohol at all anymore. Instead my stomach hurts, I get drowsy, I get minor headaches, and If I take more than 4 drinks, I'll often yak, often right away and sometimes at the end of the night. I gag drinking an IPA or glass of wine and can only down mixed drinks and light beers. I've tried googling for a potential cure and it seems like a lot of people have suffered permanent alcohol intolerance but there's no known solution.

I rarely try to go out now and it's ruined my social life and game. It's not like all my friends left or anything but It's hard to create tight bonds or memories without experiencing crazy nights with each other. It's really killed my game since so much of getting laid in college is linked to partying. It's just not a good look if I ever chat up a girl in class and she says we "we should go out friday" and I say I can't drink. So much of gaming college and lower 20s girls is giving off an outgoing and adventurous vibe and it's all but killed when you don't drink. I've been trying to meet girls and guys my age that don't go out but they're difficult to find and they're usually boring people honestly.

I know it won't be as big a deal after 35, I'll still live and that I'm not doing myself any good by feeling sorry for myself but jesus christ it fucking blows. I can categorically state that my left arm being amputated would be a lesser blow to my game than not being able to drink.


You'd prefer to lose your left arm than lose the ability to drink?

[Image: tard.gif]

(Wounded warrior game works GREAT, so it'd help. Agree with that.)

There are plenty of men that have never drank alcohol in their life. Donald Trump being the most notable modern example.

Anyway, don't tell people that you can't drink. Just go out on Friday night and when someone offers you beer say "No."

Women will try to break your frame. It becomes a game to them.

"You're going to have try harder than that, bitch" is the frame you want and she'll fall into it. Always spin you not drinking as a positive too, but never talk down about the people drinking.

It's similar to how women will try and convince a priest to have sex with them.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - GoldHawkStar - 04-28-2019

You could have a deficient enzyme. This happens to some people, sometimes even in their 20's or 30's after they've been drinking for years.

Do you get very red in the face when you've been drinking? If so, this could be what you have. A friend of mine has this, he's gotten used to it and can comfortably drink through it.

I'll also ask if you think it's anxiety. I know that when I'm nervous or worked up about something, it's much easier to feel sick after drinking.

Either way, I agree with some of the others in this thread - You should see a doctor about this.

Sudden Alcohol Intolerance Has Ruined My Social Life and Game - tonysoprano - 04-29-2019

Do you feel almost spaced out and slightly anxious/irritable after a few drinks or more? I had a similar thing and the only solution was to stop drinking and focus on my health for a year or two. Now I can have a few drinks no problem.