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Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - real98 - 01-22-2019

I live in a city with over 1 million people.

This city is known for having good looking women.

There is 3 major colleges in the city.

If I named the city, all of you would instantly know its a great city for women.

I've been on tinder for just under a week now.

I've probably spent on average 4 hours a day swiping in this week.

I've only swiped right on around 200 girls.

I sometimes swipe for literally 20+ min before seeing a single girl I would be willing to fuck.

Mostly i see nasty bitches with tatoos, nose rings and unnatural hair color.

I first started by targetting girls 18-21 and I found just over 120 girls that I'd be willing to fuck before I ran out of girls and got the "there are no new people near you" message.

I'm now targeting chicks 22 to 27 and its even worst, I've been swiping and swiping and I still have not even found 100 girls i would be willing to fuck; I get grossed out having to look at all these nasty chicks for 20 min before finding one 7+.

My point is that hot girls dont seem to be on tinder these days so all these stories of guys having life on easy mode thanks to tinder is guys fucking mediocre to nasty chicks.

I've been reading field reports and its always just these girls with tatoos or milfs (never understood the appeal of fucking some old bitch) and mediocre college girls.

I wonder if any guy out there is even fucking one 7+ girl a month on tinder.

Please point me in the right direction if anyone out there is actually fucking 7s and above on tinder consistently, I'd love to know how he is doing it because in my area probably only 1-3% of girls on tinder are legit 7s or above.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - AntoniusofEfa - 01-22-2019

Maybe the app is not showing you actually attractive women because your "elo score" is low?

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - real98 - 01-22-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:57 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

Maybe the app is not showing you actually attractive women because your "elo score" is low?

why would my elo score be low?

I'm an extremely selective right swiper.

low elo score is people who swipe right a lot.

also, my understanding is even if you have low elo score, if you keep swiping you eventually see everyone available for your chosen settings as long as you just keep swiping.

I've seen all the girls 18-21 in my area and was shocked at how horrible the talent was on tinder for this age group given that there are 3 major colleges in my city.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - TutorGuina - 01-22-2019

Ever noticed hot girls profiles all link to their IG?
Women use Instagram and Tinder for the same purposes, but Tinder is mostly for the girls who couldn't cut it in the former platform

The great majority of sheiks, sugar daddies and alpha celebrities are not on dating apps, they order their bitches through instagram instead
Case in point, world class footballer Neymar brings dozens of Instagram thots for his New Year party
[Image: neymar-rodeado-1.jpg]

Tinder is the lower league where mediocre girls who can't leverage their low value ass hang out for the chance of getting a common chad without fame pedigree, or for whales to try to fuck a normal healthy man

Hot girls go to IG to date up and hang out in real life to get a LTR of their level, tinder is mostly a passive stream of IG followers to them. Uggos are the one who need the dating apps, but they won't fuck guys the same level as them either

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - TutorGuina - 01-22-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:03 AM)real98 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:57 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

Maybe the app is not showing you actually attractive women because your "elo score" is low?

why would my elo score be low?

I'm an extremely selective right swiper.

low elo score is people who swipe right a lot.

also, my understanding is even if you have low elo score, if you keep swiping you eventually see everyone available for your chosen settings as long as you just keep swiping.

I've seen all the girls 18-21 in my area and was shocked at how horrible the talent was on tinder for this age group given that there are 3 major colleges in my city.

I think swipe spam is only one element that contributes to your elo.
If your profile is low value and no girls are liking it, the algorithm will catch on and start showing you the """appropriate""" and """equivalent""" profiles instead

my advice is:
- Get better looking
- Get better pictures
- Change your location

If you did what you could for all of those but didn't improve your situation much, the apps are just not for you, tough luck[Image: confused.gif]

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - jalke63 - 01-22-2019

I read you were a minority and not white? It's unfortunate, but being a minority will greatly hurt your chances.

I experimented with an extremely good looking minority pictures and honestly most of his matches were sub-par. He got more matches than me, but his matches were like barely higher quality than my own. Though to be honest I have not seen results from every minority race and how they vary.

Things are very different if you're an extremely good looking white dude.

Also I read you were skinny-ish? I think that would hurt a bit too on an online dating app.

Better approach in person. Your height should definitely help with that. Use dating apps as a backup and don't expect anything extravagant from it.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Borges - 01-22-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:03 AM)real98 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:57 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

Maybe the app is not showing you actually attractive women because your "elo score" is low?
low elo score is people who swipe right a lot.

That's inaccurate. Your Elo score is calculated by multiple factors. Swiping selectively is good, but the most important factor is who swipes right on you, and how many right swipes your profile gets. That's how Tinder figures out how attractive you are. If you swipe selectively but everyone left swipes on you, it doesn't matter, your profile will be at the bottom of the stack for attractive girls.

It's true that top tier girls don't spend a lot of time on Tinder. They don't have to. They meet people through social circles, at school, at the gym, at work, etc. They get invited to a lot of places, they go out a lot. Why would they waste time on Tinder? It shouldn't be a surprise that you're not finding top quality on the app.

On the other hand, there are plenty of 6s and a decent number of 7s who go on Tinder. Because they're bored, or lonely, or any other reason. You've mentioned you've found over 200 girls you find bangable. How's that bad? If your city has a little over a million population, that number makes sense.

There are guys with good Tinder profiles who are banging those 200 hot girls you're complaining about. I agree that online game is crap, but it is what it is, I don't get the point of this thread.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - The Catalyst - 01-22-2019

In my experience yes. Most of the players(well, Kiwis) who fuck a lot of girls on Tinder are relatively attractive(80th+ percentile usually) and often bang disgusting girls I wouldn't touch(40-50th percentile- in NZ this is gross).

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - whiteknightrises - 01-22-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:33 AM)real98 Wrote:  

I live in a city with over 1 million people.

This city is known for having good looking women.

There is 3 major colleges in the city.

If I named the city, all of you would instantly know its a great city for women.


It sounds like you could go outside.

And if you are seeing all ugly chicks on Tinder, it means that you need to up your looks/pics (non-ugly girls are giving you a pass = lower ELO)

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Agrippa - 01-22-2019

Does the answer to your question really matter? Yes some guys are fucking mediocre and nasty girls and some guys are fucking hot girls.

You have no reason to spend 4 hours a day on Tinder.

Focus on what you can do to better yourself or your situation. Hit the gym, go to a different country, try daygame/nightgame, etc.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Parlay44 - 01-22-2019

Hot girls don’t need to advertise on Tinder. An average guys’s best chance of getting a cute girlfriend is through social circle game.

Although in my experience the men in the circle tend be very territorial with the women. You basically have to be pre-selected by one of the women for anything to happen.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Tinder Scientist - 01-22-2019

I find that a lot of people are quick to blame the system instead of looking at themselves when they fail.
Sometimes you don't have a good profile and that's it.

I have a friend who looks vastly different than me, he has used Tinder in the US and in Europe and I have never seen him have more than 2-3 matches. While it works just fine for me.In real life he is not that hopeless, but his profile simply doesn't convey attractiveness.

Location is a huge deal too. Just try swiping in cities like Prague, Budapest, Krakow,etc and you will find plenty of hot girls.
If you have an attractive profile you should have no problem banging hot girls. How often and how many? Well it depends on your attractiveness relative to other people in your area and the relative attractiveness of girls in your location.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - RougeNoir - 01-23-2019

If you're swiping in a top 50 populated MSA in America, just know that you're up against the local NFL team (53 - 70 guys), NBA team (15 guys) , MLB team (25 guys), NHL team (20 guys). You're not on the top of the pecking order. It is safe to assume these 130 some odd guys are getting 80%+ of the matches. Fame > Looks > Game in Tinderland.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - RatInTheWoods - 01-23-2019

When I hear about guys getting sluts to come over their place, and get choked, spat on and anal before they met, I think holy fuck the SMV difference must be 7 points.

I like to punch above my SMV weight, which means gaming the fuck out of them and being not getting anal first date, usually.

Maybe I don't go for sluts as well....

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 01-23-2019

Sure the place matters but there’s also a lot of male hamster here.

Tinder where I am is working well and I daily see plenty of girls who are objectively more attractive than the IG girls seen in the photo above.

But I think it’s only natural. If you’re not one of the lucky few that hot girls are riding cock carousel on Tinder, you probably want to rationalize that every guy who does get laid is only getting low quality on there.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Blue Bayou - 01-24-2019

Let's be honest, guys on Tinder aren't just fucking mediocre girls...they are fucking anything with a pulse.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - TutorGuina - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:20 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Tinder where I am is working well and I daily see plenty of girls who are objectively more attractive than the IG girls seen in the photo above.
Are you fucking these girls regularly? or do you know guys that have proven to be fucking these girls regularly?
Unless you answer yes to one of those I'm inclined to believe these hot girls barely use the app, it's just a form of validation and getting IG followers

Even their freaking profiles half of the time say: "don't spend much time here, talk to me at @StaceyInstagramThot"

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - eradicator - 01-24-2019

If you want to get results on Tinder, you had better make an account on and work on your gains. Lift 6 days a week.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - WomenLuvDeez - 01-30-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 09:28 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If you want to get results on Tinder, you had better make an account on and work on your gains. Lift 6 days a week.

This ^ or be extremely photogenic (which losing weight will typically make you more so)... Don't forget abs are made in the kitchen more so than the gym. /BB misc crew

Honestly though, most girls that are 6/10+ get a match ANY time they swipe right so they are extremely picky so that means you need to use the search engine to learn to make a good profile/bio for the app.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - real98 - 02-02-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:28 AM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2019 09:03 AM)real98 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2019 08:57 AM)AntoniusofEfa Wrote:  

Maybe the app is not showing you actually attractive women because your "elo score" is low?

why would my elo score be low?

I'm an extremely selective right swiper.

low elo score is people who swipe right a lot.

also, my understanding is even if you have low elo score, if you keep swiping you eventually see everyone available for your chosen settings as long as you just keep swiping.

I've seen all the girls 18-21 in my area and was shocked at how horrible the talent was on tinder for this age group given that there are 3 major colleges in my city.

I think swipe spam is only one element that contributes to your elo.
If your profile is low value and no girls are liking it, the algorithm will catch on and start showing you the """appropriate""" and """equivalent""" profiles instead

my advice is:
- Get better looking
- Get better pictures
- Change your location

If you did what you could for all of those but didn't improve your situation much, the apps are just not for you, tough luck[Image: confused.gif]

I'm VERY confident that I'm good looking judging by how girls react to me in real life.

I have all professional pictures.

I'm shocked by how badly I'm doing on tinder.

I'd be willing to show my tinder profile to a respected member to prove this.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - spydersuit - 02-02-2019

The distribution of all women aged 18-40, is a 5 on average, in the USA, and is left skewed. Meaning 8s, and 9s are fairly few and far between. 10s are rare. Tinder is a reflection of the area’s talent wherever you are. As someone else mentioned, in other countires there are hotter women on the app. Just delete that app and all your social media. Tinder and social media apps are a waste of time in terms of securing hot women. I recommend focusing on your social circle game. You will have much higher returns. American women are going downhill in terms of fashion, self care, and physical fitness. Many women in the US mirror the UK and Germany in terms of the previously stated qualities. I have seen thehighest quantity of hot girls in the US in Chicago, Miami, NYC, LA, or select college campuses. Typically the hotties are shopping in a Whole Foods or day drinking at trendy restaurants.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - DJ-Matt - 02-02-2019

I have met 0, and I mean ZERO girls from Tinder in real life. It's a total waste of time, you're better off going to a bar.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - BronzedAussie - 02-03-2019

Most likely, quality women don't use or need dating apps.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - Irish - 02-03-2019

Every guy I've ever met who professed was "killing it" on tinder turned out was banging utter slop.

Zero exceptions.

Are Guys On Tinder Just Fucking Mediocre And Nasty Girls? - BroodingSea - 02-03-2019

As many have said before me, online is now rigged. Poor quality women on welfare, single mothers, druggies and weekend drunks are elevated to 8s by men with desperate (biologically driven) need to spread our influence. The number of poor quality women who are 3s and 4s thinking they deserve a 8+ is insane. The real female 7+ are now so spoilt and socially unaware they don't live in the real world. You just have to wade through the mud. But that's all you're doing.