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Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Trumpian - 01-09-2019


Dunning-Kruger “offers an explanation for a kind of hubris,” said Steven Sloman, a cognitive psychologist at Brown University. “The fact is, that’s Trump in a nutshell. He’s a man with zero political skill who has no idea he has zero political skill. And it’s given him extreme confidence.”

Do these academics realize how stupid they sound? Trump won a CROWDED primary with candidates from a political dynasty (Jeb), and without the backing of the Republican establishment - all the while spending less than any of his predecessors on the campaign.

Yep no political skills.[Image: tard.gif]

Ironic how he's using Trump as an example of Dunning-Kruger effect while proclaiming he knows more about political skills as a professor than a politician.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - therajraj - 01-09-2019

He knows how to win an election but has no idea about the legislative process

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - nomadbrah - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 05:01 AM)therajraj Wrote:  

He knows how to win an election but has no idea about the legislative process

Few have.

You shouldn't have to be a professor or have 20 years experience to participate in democracy.

Trump's problem isn't that he doesn't understand the legislative process, it's that he consistently picks bad advisers. He doesn't seem to understand that politics isn't business. Everyone in business is on the same page, to make money. His employees gain from making the company money. In politics, this is not the case, where everyone has their own shady agenda.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - HornyRamone - 01-09-2019

To these people, anyone with balls and speaks frankly without relying on teleprompters and pushing the Narrative is a poor politician. Give me a break. Trump has achieved more in the way of the economy, foreign relations and pushed for more world peace than the last four presidents combined.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Paracelsus - 01-09-2019

Author of article is an "atmospheric scientist." As she was saying about Dunning-Kruger and that incompetent professionals think they know much more than they do...

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - fantome - 01-09-2019

Someone gets to be elected to the highest political office on earth. This equal to no political skill.

How much did he get paid for this article? What favor does he owe? what position was promised to him? or what dirt do they have on him.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Borges - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 05:17 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Author of article is an "atmospheric scientist." As she was saying about Dunning-Kruger and that incompetent professionals think they know much more than they do...

And the professor they've interviewed is a cognitive psychologist. What does he know about politics? It's almost too perfect.

I'm starting to think pointing out the Dunning-Kruger effect in others is evidence of Dunning-Kruger in action for whoever's doing it.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Pride male - 01-09-2019

I don't believe American presidents are elected. They are selected. The electoral process is just song and dance, an opiate to the masses.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Syberpunk - 01-09-2019

Ah reddit's favourite phrase. The Dunning Kruger.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Waqqle - 01-09-2019

These are two professors of Psychology and Political Science from Brown University and Michigan State University respectively.

For those who are not American and don't know, Michigan is a failed state, one of America's first truly failed states, and has been for decades. Detroit, Flint, and Eminem are all located there and the state is known in the US to be one that economic refugees/migrants flee from en masse, usually to the cheaper and warmer Southeastern states such as Florida and Georgia, where I'm from. Whenever I would go to Florida with my family as a kid, I saw many many Michigan license plates on the roads on the way down.

Brown is located in New England (Rhode Island specifically) so we can presume that the professor there is not making any statements that would make him controversial where he lives or that one would not expect to hear parroted from any uneducated dingus on the sidewalk.

I majored in Political Science myself back in college. I did it because it was easy and I could glide through it with no effort. Sociology, Psychology, and any other fields which fall under "Liberal Arts" are the same. That is why Liberal Arts fields are overwhelmingly dominated by women. Anyone who tells you that they majored in such a field for any reason without mentioning that it was easy is either not being entirely honest or is not very intelligent if they genuinely found it challenging. You don't need to drop 80 grand on some nonsense degree to learn these things. Just read a book.

Also, the author of the article is a meteorologist. This is a more respectable field to be sure but how is weather forecasting related to the American political system and what makes her more qualified or reliable than any average hurricane evacuee in any FEMA trailer park in Louisiana or any mechanic in any auto body shop in Montana? It seems that she thinks we live in Panem and considers herself to be one of the Capitol's stylish imperial elite whose burden it is to lord it over all the rest of us peasants.

[Image: latest?cb=20140606163811]


"The best thing about democracy is that everyone gets one vote. The worst thing about democracy is that everyone gets one vote."

That's an original Waqqle quote for you gentlemen from your resident "political scientist." And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - DJ-Matt - 01-09-2019

Those who can, do (Trump), those who can't, teach (fucktard professor).

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - 66Scorpio - 01-09-2019

It's funny how much people claim to know about Dunning-Kruger.

But did someone say it is an "atmospheric scientist"? As in " climate change"?

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - debeguiled - 01-09-2019

It is always hilarious when leftists bring up the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

What an insane level of reality denial.

Don't they realize that the last concept they want people thinking about is competence?

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Graft - 01-09-2019

I will say that Trump is noticeably abysmal at getting the masses to like him.

Simply put, it's hard to consider a second term when he's been way underwater throughout his entire presidency, even while leading the best economy in recent memory and other landmark accomplishments.

He makes too many gaffes on social media, attacks the wrong people, basically gives himself a permanent disapproval rating of over 50%.

If any other politician got elected and accomplished as much as he did they'd be able to capitalize on the popularity.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - AneroidOcean - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 03:40 PM)Graft Wrote:  

I will say that Trump is noticeably abysmal at getting the masses to like him.

Simply put, it's hard to consider a second term when he's been way underwater throughout his entire presidency, even while leading the best economy in recent memory and other landmark accomplishments.

He makes too many gaffes on social media, attacks the wrong people, basically gives himself a permanent disapproval rating of over 50%.

If any other politician got elected and accomplished as much as he did they'd be able to capitalize on the popularity.

Get out of here with that nonsense.

Compare to Obama

Trump has slightly worse numbers but when you consider the near media dogpile incessantly painting him as the worst thing since hitler he's doing very strong ratings-wise. Obama was the media's complete darling.

It's incredibly dishonest to say that Trump is noticeably abysmal at getting people to like him. He is getting painted in a negative light constantly and still has managed to improve his numbers.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - BaatumMania - 01-09-2019

Usually when I think of a great politician, although this might fall under being a great statesmen, I think of someone like Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck to me had a clear vision, prevented the left from causing a civil war (as they had done in other countries) and made a lot of backroom deals that benefited Germany.

Politics today is such a breeze - big tent parties with ass kissing / fervent loyalties, staffers who do all the real work for you, pension for life if you manage to screw up, so on and so on. It's hard to tell who is a great politician these days because they're mainly figureheads compared to centuries ago.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Graft - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 04:20 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 03:40 PM)Graft Wrote:  

I will say that Trump is noticeably abysmal at getting the masses to like him.

Simply put, it's hard to consider a second term when he's been way underwater throughout his entire presidency, even while leading the best economy in recent memory and other landmark accomplishments.

He makes too many gaffes on social media, attacks the wrong people, basically gives himself a permanent disapproval rating of over 50%.

If any other politician got elected and accomplished as much as he did they'd be able to capitalize on the popularity.

Get out of here with that nonsense.

Compare to Obama

Trump has slightly worse numbers but when you consider the near media dogpile incessantly painting him as the worst thing since hitler he's doing very strong ratings-wise. Obama was the media's complete darling.

It's incredibly dishonest to say that Trump is noticeably abysmal at getting people to like him. He is getting painted in a negative light constantly and still has managed to improve his numbers.

Trump is doing strong ratings wise? He's probably going to go down as the most unpopular president of all time.

Yes, the MSM has painted him, but right wing news painted Obama. It's like night and day between Hussein and Trump, Trump has no potential to get into 50s approval rating. If Obama had accomplished what Trump had he'd be in 60's. It's unlikely Trump will hit 50% ever again.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - CynicalContrarian - 01-09-2019

Those who claim Trump is a "buffoon" despite his success, wealth & status, are more likely to be merely envious of said success, wealth & status.

Either Trump is the supposed buffoon, guilty of electioneering crimes.
Or he is not.

Mean-time, it's already 2019 & Trump does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon...

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - AneroidOcean - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 05:16 PM)Graft Wrote:  

Trump is doing strong ratings wise? He's probably going to go down as the most unpopular president of all time.

Yes, the MSM has painted him, but right wing news painted Obama. It's like night and day between Hussein and Trump, Trump has no potential to get into 50s approval rating. If Obama had accomplished what Trump had he'd be in 60's. It's unlikely Trump will hit 50% ever again.

If you don't understand/admit that the media in this country is hugely biased to the left, I'm not really sure what to tell you, especially considering you state in the same few sentences that if Obama had accomplished what Trump had that he'd be in the 60s approval ratings-wise.

I also don't understand why you're referring to Barack by his middle name. It's strange to call a President by his middle name that doesn't go by it or in the context of their full name where it's in common use (such as FDR, JFK, etc... were commonly called).

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Easy_C - 01-09-2019

People running around mindlessly shouting "Dunning-Krueger" are hilariously oblivious. The irony is that now that it's become the latest NPC buzzword (similar to "nothingburger" or "whataboutism") almost all of the people using it are not nearly as educated or intelligent as they imagine themselves to be.

Funny thing. The ability to copy an academic sound does NOT make you extremely intelligent. Even freaking budgies can do that.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Graft - 01-09-2019

Quote: (01-09-2019 05:50 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 05:16 PM)Graft Wrote:  

Trump is doing strong ratings wise? He's probably going to go down as the most unpopular president of all time.

Yes, the MSM has painted him, but right wing news painted Obama. It's like night and day between Hussein and Trump, Trump has no potential to get into 50s approval rating. If Obama had accomplished what Trump had he'd be in 60's. It's unlikely Trump will hit 50% ever again.

If you don't understand/admit that the media in this country is hugely biased to the left, I'm not really sure what to tell you, especially considering you state in the same few sentences that if Obama had accomplished what Trump had that he'd be in the 60s approval ratings-wise.

I also don't understand why you're referring to Barack by his middle name. It's strange to call a President by his middle name that doesn't go by it or in the context of their full name where it's in common use (such as FDR, JFK, etc... were commonly called).

I understand that the media is left leaning. All I'm trying to say is that Trump is failing to get majority popularity in the country based on his approval ratings. It should go without saying that if one major thing goes wrong (terrorist attack, recession, impeachment) during his presidency, he's going to be permanently in the 30s if not 20s for approval rating.

I can see why.

Calling critics, professional athletes, celebrities "stupid" and "losers" might make great memes for his base but it's not a good look to win the heart of the country.

He also does dumb stuff like tweeting about Democrats and the California fires, during the fires.

Like it or not, no president has ever acted like this, especially while they are in office.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - moneyshot - 01-09-2019

No President had a media target on his back from the second he made his intent to run for office known publicly.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - CynicalContrarian - 01-09-2019

I see your 'media approval rating' & raise you a - 'silent majority'.

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - 911 - 01-09-2019

Bombard's Body Language breaks down yesterday's speeches, gives Trump props about his political skills. Pretty entertaining and accurate take...

Professor says Trump has zero politcal skill - Leonard D Neubache - 01-09-2019

Approval ratings are irrelevant in America, now.

It would be like including the opinions Israelis in an approval rating of Assad.

It seems ham-fisted to say that current-day Democrats and their supporters are simply insane or utterly stupid or hateful of America or flat out sociopathic because generally a person ought to avoid painting with such a broad brush, but it's pretty much inescapable at this point. The popular vote went to the most corrupt, criminal candidate in American history. Stooge Comey fronted an inquiry and said "she broke the law (but we don't recommend prosecution)" but everyone on Team D from the pussy-hat wearing lunatics to the blue-collar schmucks still voted for her.

Why would anyone in the world give a fuck what their opinion in the latest poll was?

They're degenerate human shit.

Current opinion polls should be viewed in that light. 50% of America is insane or stupid or sociopathic or hates America, and Trump's opinion polls are at 50%. What a strange coincidence.

Work on your retreat location, your food stores and your killingmanship. Trump is not on course to MAGA.