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Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Trumpian - 12-21-2018

So one of the gotcha points the left uses to justify multi-culturalism is that America (or Canada or Australia,etc.) was not originally a white country. There were indigenous peoples whom we displaced. Also in the case of America, we had the simultaneous arrival of large amounts of slaves.

I find that while one can argue that the cultural & ethnic fabric of the USA was overwhelmingly European from the founding, and maintained that status until well into the 20th's not the most effective strategy. It puts us on the back-foot.

Far better to own up to the fact that we were settlers, stole the land from the barbarous natives, and then actually made a nation out of it.

Then, point to Israel as a precedent. If jews from all corners of the world, removed from Israel for two millenia can come together and form an ethno-state (while displacing the palestinians that have been there continuously far longer), then why can't we do it as well?

They have border walls, and tight immigration laws. Any sort of insurrection from the native Palestinians gets violently put down. All in all, it works pretty well.

And if the lefty you're arguing with claims those policies are controversial, tell him that only anti-semites say such things.[Image: biggrin.gif]

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Mr. Accuride - 12-21-2018

Doesn't work; most progressives and leftists support the Palestinians and detest the existence of Israel.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - 911 - 12-21-2018

Riight, works only on Ben Shapiro "fellow white people" anti-Trump hardcore zionist types.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Seth_Rose - 12-21-2018

Quote: (12-21-2018 03:06 PM)Mr. Accuride Wrote:  

Doesn't work; most progressives and leftists support the Palestinians and detest the existence of Israel.

Precisely. The far-left and the far-right both hate Israel, while the center establishment heaps praise on it.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - godfather dust - 12-21-2018

"Trolling by promoting the NWO antichrist agenda"

No, I'm good.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Dr Mantis Toboggan - 12-21-2018

Leftist Jews like Soros etc are almost all atheists who happen to be ethnically Jewish, or at most (especially in the US) they might go to a Reform temple once a year. Israeli Jews tend to be much more religious than their US counterparts, and also much further to the right.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - DJ-Matt - 12-21-2018

Look up 4chan and HAPPY HANUKKAH

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - TIOT12 - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-21-2018 10:34 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

So one of the gotcha points the left uses to justify multi-culturalism is that America (or Canada or Australia,etc.) was not originally a white country. There were indigenous peoples whom we displaced. Also in the case of America, we had the simultaneous arrival of large amounts of slaves.

I find that while one can argue that the cultural & ethnic fabric of the USA was overwhelmingly European from the founding, and maintained that status until well into the 20th's not the most effective strategy. It puts us on the back-foot.

Far better to own up to the fact that we were settlers, stole the land from the barbarous natives, and then actually made a nation out of it.

The stronger argument is that the Old World was estimated to be 7,000 years behind the New World in terms of technology, ideas and so on. For the good of the world, you simply can't have half the world so far behind. Things had to change for the good of the human race to allow it to advance further. You then point to all the things that America has provided the world in further improvements.

They will probably come back at you with some racist claim. But you quiz them on what they thought of the Moors' Conquest of Portugal, Spain and parts of France. The common story now told is that was good for Europe because of the education of various things that it brought to Europe. If they support that claim, they can't criticize European expansion into the New World.

Really what your goal is to show that Western Civilization was superior to other cultures and that is why the world needed it to spread to its four corners. Here, is a book that makes a good case for the superiority of Western Civilization:

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - 911 - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-21-2018 11:14 PM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

Leftist Jews like Soros etc are almost all atheists who happen to be ethnically Jewish, or at most (especially in the US) they might go to a Reform temple once a year. Israeli Jews tend to be much more religious than their US counterparts, and also much further to the right.

Religious Jews = talmudists.

Do you know what the Talmud is all about?

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Hypno - 12-22-2018


Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Easy_C - 12-22-2018

This works well. It just doesn't work on actual ideological leftists, and I'd actually go so far as to say that most of these (Greenwald/Kamala Harris types) have a relatively informed grasp of the issues there.

This argument DOES work on Boomers and Neocon/Globalist types. It is usually results in them cursing at you and storming off.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Aszhaeleos - 12-22-2018

Its quite frustrating that the masses don't see this glaring hypocrisy. We're mostly demoralized NPC's at this point I imagine.

Ive seen arguments to this that whites are not a people, just a social construct and that Jews are a 'real' people that go back thousands of years to the lands of Israel. Followed by the go to Something, something they are the real victims you Nazi.

This bullshit kind of talk doesn't really hold any weight under any scrutiny but it works.
It works because they have armies of dedicated die hard tenacious ethnocentric people that will fight tooth and nail online or anywhere. Even on this forum. Even your atheist Jew will be militant Jewish when pressed or feeling his privilege or victimhood is threatened. The truth doesn't matter if you can shout over everyone with your lies and ridicule dissidents with the charge of 'anti-semitism' (the modern Gulag)

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Wutang - 12-22-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 08:40 AM)Aszhaeleos Wrote:  

It works because they have armies of dedicated die hard tenacious ethnocentric people that will fight tooth and nail online or anywhere. Even on this forum. Even your atheist Jew will be militant Jewish when pressed or feeling his privilege or victimhood is threatened. The truth doesn't matter if you can shout over everyone with your lies and ridicule dissidents with the charge of 'anti-semitism' (the modern Gulag)

I've seen this in my own personal life and it's one of the things that got me really curious about Jews and the role they have played in Western history. I had a roommate back in college who is not only a secular Jew, but was extremely virulently against any sort of faith, basically a fedora atheist before the term ever existed. He despised George Bush, Republicans, and once came back to our room on the cusp of tears after encountering some anti-abortion protesters on campus. However, he also insisted that being a Jew was a religious identity and identified as a Jew despite not being religious at all. He also once straight up said "Palestinians aren't a real people", despite being the type of person that would be offended any sort of "racist" comment.

I also knew another Jew from college who was also an atheist though not as anti-religion as my roommate, though he did also despise the evangelical right and would mock Christianity. He too identified as a Jew and was even part of the Hillel organization on campus and kept kosher during Jewish holidays despite being an atheist. I actually got into a debate with him over this before where I pointed out the strangeness of him insisting that Jewishness is a religious identity (I've always maintained it's an ethnic one) while simultaneously claiming to be a Jew and yet not believing in the faith at all despite keeping some traditions. I gave him more examples of how Jewishness functions more as an ethnic identity rather than a religious one with the one exception being that you can convert into being a Jew. The only thing he could answer with was "It's complicated".

This guy was also a fervent Israel supporter despite being a liberal in every other issue. He also hated George Bush back in the day and these days is a big believer in the "muh Russia" theory concerning Trump. He was actually a big Wikileaks supporter up until the 2016 campaign year. Oh, and he even had his own run in with the anti-abortion protesters that would come on our campus, much like my roommate did. He actually called the cops on them once, saying they weren't parked correctly on the street. The reasoning he gave for this was that he was behaving in a similar fashion to the way the Feds did when they nabbed Al Capone for tax evasion - the obvious reason he was arrested was for his mob activities and the tax evasion was just the easier way to get him. He also talked about how these protesters represented everything wrong with the United States.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Uprising - 12-22-2018

To everyone who says this doesn't work, backing up right wing arguments with examples of Israeli policies, you're wrong, it works 100% in American congress and for Americans that's all that matters.

Find me one politician who does not go to the AIPAC conferences each and every year. Find me one politician who is even remotely against Israel.

In public, how often do dems and republicans agree with each other?

And yet you will not find a single American politician who does not align with AIPAC and attend their yearly conference.

Some of you have no idea how much every single politician is in the pockets of AIPAC. What Trumpian mentioned in his OP is exactly what the only real journalist on TV anymore, Tucker Carlson, is doing.

"If Israel gets a wall, why can't we?"

Watch the politicians squirm uncomfortably when this question gets asked.

In 2015 the Israeli Prime Minister came to the United States congress and was applauded by both dems and republicans for speaking, despite the President of the United States (Obama) not inviting him. The Republicans "invited him" to speak but notice how both dems and republicans react enthusiastically and positively to every single thing he says. As much as Obama was piece of work, Netanyahu making this speech with American Congress drooling at his feet was a slap in the face to whatever is left of American Democracy.

That is insane. Look at this video. This is an Israeli Prime Minister in 2015 speaking in front of a congress uninvited by the fucking President of the United States. John Beohner even introduces Netanyahu as "His Excellency."

Look at this video. Just look at this shit. If this shit doesn't wake you up as to how much influence the AIPAC lobby has on American Congress, there is no hope for you.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Trumpian - 12-23-2018

I realize progressives are often anti-Israel, but they have to at least pay lip service to the existence of the Jewish state. It was a U.N resolution and Democratic president (Truman) who made it happen after all.

They can still be effectively trolled with this. It's very dangerous for them to argue against Israel. Most of the money progressives/Democrats get is from zionist donors.

It's also a huge curve ball for a supposedly far-right guy to uphold Israel as an example. They're never prepared for it in my experience. They either clam up, or start going off on borderline anti-Semitic rants which is entertaining to say the least.[Image: biggrin.gif]

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - 911 - 12-23-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 10:40 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 08:40 AM)Aszhaeleos Wrote:  

It works because they have armies of dedicated die hard tenacious ethnocentric people that will fight tooth and nail online or anywhere. Even on this forum. Even your atheist Jew will be militant Jewish when pressed or feeling his privilege or victimhood is threatened. The truth doesn't matter if you can shout over everyone with your lies and ridicule dissidents with the charge of 'anti-semitism' (the modern Gulag)

I've seen this in my own personal life and it's one of the things that got me really curious about Jews and the role they have played in Western history...


The most through, most solid analysis of this subject I've ever seen is by Dr. E. Michael Jones, in his 1,200-page book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Its Impact on World History". IMHO Jones is the most important American intellectual alive.

This 3-hr video gives you a good rundown of that work, I'd recommend downloading it as it won't be around too long:

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Trumpian - 12-23-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 12:22 AM)TIOT12 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2018 10:34 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

So one of the gotcha points the left uses to justify multi-culturalism is that America (or Canada or Australia,etc.) was not originally a white country. There were indigenous peoples whom we displaced. Also in the case of America, we had the simultaneous arrival of large amounts of slaves.

I find that while one can argue that the cultural & ethnic fabric of the USA was overwhelmingly European from the founding, and maintained that status until well into the 20th's not the most effective strategy. It puts us on the back-foot.

Far better to own up to the fact that we were settlers, stole the land from the barbarous natives, and then actually made a nation out of it.

The stronger argument is that the Old World was estimated to be 7,000 years behind the New World in terms of technology, ideas and so on. For the good of the world, you simply can't have half the world so far behind. Things had to change for the good of the human race to allow it to advance further. You then point to all the things that America has provided the world in further improvements.

They will probably come back at you with some racist claim. But you quiz them on what they thought of the Moors' Conquest of Portugal, Spain and parts of France. The common story now told is that was good for Europe because of the education of various things that it brought to Europe. If they support that claim, they can't criticize European expansion into the New World.

Really what your goal is to show that Western Civilization was superior to other cultures and that is why the world needed it to spread to its four corners. Here, is a book that makes a good case for the superiority of Western Civilization:

Meh I don't accept that the Moorish invasion of Spain was a good thing. And to do so even for trolling purposes is dangerous, because then why wouldn't the current enrichment Europe is experiencing also be a good thing?

Israel praise costs us nothing. It's the Arabs that have to deal with the Jewish state.

Once we have power, we can cut the foreign aid and disband organizations like AIPAC. Until then, Israel is a huge vulnerability for us to exploit.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Aszhaeleos - 12-23-2018

Miko Peled the son of a former high ranking Israeli general exposes Zionist myths and atrocities. A must see for the 'stand with Israel' cucks.

Much respect to the guy.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Emancipator - 12-24-2018

Israel, the unironic "ethnostate"

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Aszhaeleos - 12-25-2018

Quoting from another thread as its very applicable here.


Quote: (08-29-2018 11:21 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

One issue to crack the (((high))) and low alliance that makes up the Democratic Party is BDS, Boycott Divestment Sanctions. That movement aims to curb the Israeli abuses against the Palestinians by repeating the campaign against South African Apartheid. Naturally, the Jews are aghast at this.

The candidates who come from outside the establishment (e.g. Crooked) are increasingly far left candidates of nonwhite extraction. They advocate socialist policies. And they interpret everything as nonwhites being oppressed by whites.

In turn, they have more sympathy for Palestine than for Israel because they see the Palestinians as the helpless unarmed victims like Trayvon Martin, while the Israelis are the gun-toting racists like George Zimmerman.

Here's darling of the alt-left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez making this view explicit. This tweet where she called out Israel's "massacre" of Palestinians caused a lot of controversy, and she defended it as follows.


AOC: Well, I believe absolutely in Israel’s right to exist. I am a proponent of a two-state solution. And for me, it’s not — this is not a referendum, I think, on the state of Israel. For me, the lens through which I saw this incident, as an activist, as an organizer, if sixty people were killed in Ferguson, Missouri, if sixty people were killed in the South Bronx — unarmed — if sixty people were killed in Puerto Rico — I just looked at that incident more through . . . through just, as an incident, and to me, it would just be completely unacceptable if that happened on our shores. But I am —

Another example is this Muslim candidate for Congress in Minnesota. Here's a tweet of hers that calls out the "Apartheid Israeli regime"


And if you think that these are just isolated candidates who have moved far in front of their electorate, the [url=]polls
show that the democrats have little sympathy with Israel.

[Image: 012318_1.png]

Next question, "okay, I get it. The new Dems don't like Israel, but neither do I. How does this destroy the Democrats?" Most Jews express mainstream liberal views as well as sympathy for the state of Israel. The Democratic party is shifting far to the left with their new vibrant candidates that they're abandoning support for Israel. The goal should be to confront as many of these candidates with the Palestinian issue. Even better to pin them down on BDS.

When they say they're in favor of BDS, you turn leftist attack dogs like the ADL against them. The Democrats continue to bicker amongst themselves, and the Jews maybe recognize that the changing demographics of the country might be a golem that they can't control.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Easy_C - 12-25-2018

Please. That's just useful to rile up the Berniebro types.

As this whole Syria thing demonstrates they'll flip positions 180* on major issues within literally hours. Keep in mind that one of their man talking points is about how Trump is "anti-semitic" and that the alt-right needs to be censored to stop "anti-semitism".

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Easy_C - 12-25-2018

Quote: (12-23-2018 01:24 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 10:40 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 08:40 AM)Aszhaeleos Wrote:  

It works because they have armies of dedicated die hard tenacious ethnocentric people that will fight tooth and nail online or anywhere. Even on this forum. Even your atheist Jew will be militant Jewish when pressed or feeling his privilege or victimhood is threatened. The truth doesn't matter if you can shout over everyone with your lies and ridicule dissidents with the charge of 'anti-semitism' (the modern Gulag)

I've seen this in my own personal life and it's one of the things that got me really curious about Jews and the role they have played in Western history...


The most through, most solid analysis of this subject I've ever seen is by Dr. E. Michael Jones, in his 1,200-page book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And Its Impact on World History". IMHO Jones is the most important American intellectual alive.

This 3-hr video gives you a good rundown of that work, I'd recommend downloading it as it won't be around too long:

Why the fuck do the people who edit this videos feel the need to constantly add in jarring interruptions and injections?

It's annoying AF. Do you have a link to the uninterrupted Michael Jones talk?

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Trumpian - 12-25-2018

Quote: (12-25-2018 09:39 PM)Aszhaeleos Wrote:  

Quoting from another thread as its very applicable here.


Quote: (08-29-2018 11:21 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

One issue to crack the (((high))) and low alliance that makes up the Democratic Party is BDS, Boycott Divestment Sanctions. That movement aims to curb the Israeli abuses against the Palestinians by repeating the campaign against South African Apartheid. Naturally, the Jews are aghast at this.

The candidates who come from outside the establishment (e.g. Crooked) are increasingly far left candidates of nonwhite extraction. They advocate socialist policies. And they interpret everything as nonwhites being oppressed by whites.

In turn, they have more sympathy for Palestine than for Israel because they see the Palestinians as the helpless unarmed victims like Trayvon Martin, while the Israelis are the gun-toting racists like George Zimmerman.

Here's darling of the alt-left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez making this view explicit. This tweet where she called out Israel's "massacre" of Palestinians caused a lot of controversy, and she defended it as follows.


AOC: Well, I believe absolutely in Israel’s right to exist. I am a proponent of a two-state solution. And for me, it’s not — this is not a referendum, I think, on the state of Israel. For me, the lens through which I saw this incident, as an activist, as an organizer, if sixty people were killed in Ferguson, Missouri, if sixty people were killed in the South Bronx — unarmed — if sixty people were killed in Puerto Rico — I just looked at that incident more through . . . through just, as an incident, and to me, it would just be completely unacceptable if that happened on our shores. But I am —

Another example is this Muslim candidate for Congress in Minnesota. Here's a tweet of hers that calls out the "Apartheid Israeli regime"


And if you think that these are just isolated candidates who have moved far in front of their electorate, the [url=]polls
show that the democrats have little sympathy with Israel.

[Image: 012318_1.png]

Next question, "okay, I get it. The new Dems don't like Israel, but neither do I. How does this destroy the Democrats?" Most Jews express mainstream liberal views as well as sympathy for the state of Israel. The Democratic party is shifting far to the left with their new vibrant candidates that they're abandoning support for Israel. The goal should be to confront as many of these candidates with the Palestinian issue. Even better to pin them down on BDS.

When they say they're in favor of BDS, you turn leftist attack dogs like the ADL against them. The Democrats continue to bicker amongst themselves, and the Jews maybe recognize that the changing demographics of the country might be a golem that they can't control.

The irony is Jews in their hatred of the white man have displaced us with people who'd be very happy to exterminate them. Big picture thinking has never been their forte..

Still, the elites of the Democratic party will keep their anti-Semites in line because they know where the shekels come from. That twitter incident clearly showcased that. She had to backtrack and kiss the boot of the jewish state.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - mehdreamer - 12-25-2018

Quote: (12-21-2018 05:44 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Quote: (12-21-2018 03:06 PM)Mr. Accuride Wrote:  

Doesn't work; most progressives and leftists support the Palestinians and detest the existence of Israel.

Precisely. The far-left and the far-right both hate Israel, while the center establishment heaps praise on it.

It is changing. At least in Europe. Most of far-right movements are now pro-Israel.
Last week, Italian minister slams EU for ‘unbalanced’ stance on Israel.

I think they realize it is just a matter of time these parties will win..

They just want to be on the side of the futurs winners.

Trolling the Left with Israel praise - Emancipator - 12-26-2018

BDS movement is growing extremely strong on NA indoctrination camps (colleges)

Here in Canada most of the student unions (commie breeding grounds) are explicit in their BDS anti-Israel stance.

Even the most "jewy" of universities, McGill had a recent ruckus between Jews on student council and BDS "activists"

If (((they))) keep pushing cultural marxism its going to bite them in the ass, twitter, college campuses, left wing groups, they all love to look for their next "anti-SA apartheid" cause celebre to fuel their desire to feel relevant by fighting for a "cause" and Israel provides that for them.