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Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Printable Version

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Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Dusty - 07-12-2018

Meet Eugene Gu, medical doctor.

[Image: screen_shot_2018-03-31_at_11.50.48_am.png?itok=_aS1Uijz]

This guy is a Trump troll on twatter and I first came upon about a year ago and found him utterly loathsome. He’s also into #MeToo and black lives matter. This guy has so much animus against white people that it’s pathological. Anti-American. I believe he was born and raised in San Francisco. He was blocked by Trump and sued him, and won.

He’s been a major figure on Twitter as part of the Resistance, and his position as a medical doctor gave him credibility. That’s all gone down the shitter, and people are finding out - even his supporters - he’s a kook. He broke him.

Here he is kneeling for BLM.

[Image: DhX-kr_VQAA5OIG.jpg]

More recently his life has begun unravel. He was fired from his residency and I believe is unemployed.


Recently, someone found that he was arrested a few years ago for beating his wife. Don Jr tweeted out about it.

[Image: DgoZozyVQAA22uY?format=jpg&name=medium]

Yesterday it came out he had a sock puppet twitter account that was suppose to be a female admirer, but was him.


Then, I saw today he wrote some weird twitter messages about some chick he met from twitter who catfishes him and essentially raped him. Still trying to figure out what that’s all about.

Here’s part of the thread where he tells his story about the woman who couldn’t resist him and essentially raped him.


Doctor, I diagnose you have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and a bad case of the Trump Curse.

This is a decline I can enjoy.

Edit: appears to be contemplating suicide.


I want Dr Gu to live, so I hope he gives up his TDS and embraces MAGA.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Castelnau - 07-12-2018

Hope Krassenstein brothers are next

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Canopus - 07-12-2018

Quote: (07-12-2018 05:40 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Then, I saw today he wrote some weird twitter messages about some chick he met from twitter who catfishes him and essentially raped him. Still trying to figure out what that’s all about.

Here’s part of the thread where he tells his story about the woman who couldn’t resist him and essentially raped him.


There are many, many things to unpack here.

Dr. Eugene Gu was catfished by a fat chick. He went home with the fat chick who catfished him. He presumably made out with and fondled the fat chick to try to get in the game, all the while squeezing his eyes shut and trying his damndest to picture a hot thin chick until his eyelids threatened to rip down the middle. He then let the fat chick who catfished him get on top and just prayed his penis would race to the finish line on autopilot while her massive cottage cheese thighs crushed upon his unexercised, soy-softened pelvis like the Clashing Rocks of Greek mythology. And then he crawls to Twitter and relates the account of his "rape" (by the fat chick who catfished him, mustn't forget that important detail, in fact here let me bold it for you, his rape by the fat chick who catfished him) and subsequent hospital stay in a Hail Mary so transparent that Victoria's Secret could market it as see-through lingerie.

Truly, the Trump Curse has no mercy. [url=]Add Dr. Gu to the Wall.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - kaotic - 07-12-2018

This incel has more than TDS, he's def got something mental issues.

@dusty sorry man but this guy ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Bacchus - 07-12-2018

This guy is the heart of blue-check mark twitter resistance army, has over 200k+ followers on Twitter, has an M.D., and the best he can do is bang a fatty while holding his nose?

[Image: 2dx4ak.jpg]

Also, let's not forget this burn:

[Image: Eugene-Gu.png]

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Vienna - 07-12-2018

Quote: (07-12-2018 05:40 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Edit: appears to be contemplating suicide.


I want Dr Gu to live, so I hope he gives up his TDS and embraces MAGA.

"Public figure"... Man, Anthony Bourdain might have been an unhinged liberal, but he was also a world class chef and TV host. He had talent.

Eugene is just another crybaby trying to score points by aiming his bitterness at Trump. He doesn't deserve to call himself a public figure, there's not even a show of talent in how he attacks Trump.

[Image: people-are-claiming-this-asian-american-...dblbig.jpg]

Someone Photoshop savvy can make a really spicy meme with that pic... [Image: tard.gif]

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - TravelerKai - 07-13-2018

This is what Winston Wu would be like if he was intelligent enough to go to medical school.

[Image: jordan.gif]

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Thersites - 07-13-2018

A reminder that intelligence does not equate to intellect. His program director must be pissed off at him for being such an idiot and drama queen.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Dusty - 07-13-2018

Quote: (07-13-2018 08:05 AM)Thersites Wrote:  

A reminder that intelligence does not equate to intellect. His program director must be pissed off at him for being such an idiot and drama queen.

They fired him and no other residency program will hire him.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Thersites - 07-13-2018

Quote: (07-13-2018 08:08 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2018 08:05 AM)Thersites Wrote:  

A reminder that intelligence does not equate to intellect. His program director must be pissed off at him for being such an idiot and drama queen.

They fired him and no other residency program will hire him.

Good. I recalled they kicked him out, but couldn't be bother to look it up for confirmation.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-13-2018

Imagine being treated by this retard? He looks like a placebo effect could give him a run for his money.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - redonion - 07-13-2018

Quote: (07-12-2018 05:40 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I want Dr Gu to live, so I hope he gives up his TDS and embraces MAGA.

These peoples' minds cannot be fixed. The blow to the TDS ego would be so damaging and so painful that the mind will never let that conversion happen. Looks like he might have found a way out though.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Foolsgo1d - 07-13-2018

Quote: (07-12-2018 05:40 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I want Dr Gu to live, so I hope he gives up his TDS and embraces MAGA.

You want a deranged woman beater with a huge ego to come over to the MAGA side and slip in and act normal after what he has done?

Not sure if I agree. The MAGA train needs to run over these types to make an example out of them like history always does.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Horus - 07-17-2018

Quote: (07-13-2018 10:04 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Imagine being treated by this retard? He looks like a placebo effect could give him a run for his money.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

And here I was thinking the art of the insult was dead. Brilliant.

Actually I feel sorry for this guy. Nobody whose parents named their son Eugene will ever have a chance in life. It's as bad as naming your daughter Gertrude.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-17-2018

Every fucking time you find out that the male feminists are doing the stalking, real harassing.

Dude likely realized that being an MD did not get him the easy pussy he felt deserved.

Yeah buddy - becoming a shitlord with Game AND AN MD - that would have been it, but you rather went down the progressive far-left path.

Loathsome Trump hater and resister, Dr Eugene Gu’s life is unraveling - MidJack - 07-17-2018

Medical Diagram

[Image: attachment.jpg39514]