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The odds are in your favour - Trotter - 08-26-2008

Okay, so I've been seeing these herpes comercials claiming that 1 in 5 Americans have herpes. I first heard about this years ago when I was talking with this chick about how I thought it was bullshit that so many people have herpes. Well I could see her feelings got hurt and she got defencive. She later revealed she had herpes and was angry at my narrow point of view. Anyhow, long story short it was a deal breaker and now I understand why she insisted on anal sex.

According to the US Census Bureau there are currently 304,978,426 documented residents in this country. Well I decided to do some simple math.

1 / 5 = .2

304,978,425 * .2 = 60,995,685

That's 60,995,685 people in this country with herpes. Now I was wondering how many of those could be women. Again according to the bureau there are 151,963,545 documented women in this country and that about 15.3% of that number are between the ages of 18 and 30. I read in another source that 1 in 4 women in this country have herpes (some form of it). That's a whopping 25%, so if 25% of the 18-30 women have herpes the number comes out to be:

151,193,545 * .15 (rounding down) = 22,679,031.75 * .25 =

5,669,758 potential dates with herpes. The numbers are a tad skewed but work with me on this. In short there's a lot of bitches out there with the herps. 25% of every woman you meet may have herpes.

Now that got me wondering about something else. How many women in this country is employed with the sex industry? That includes your prostitutes, porn stars (even women that only made one film that can be purchased on the open market, and even the girls in the Girls Gone Wild videos), escorts, phone sex operators, massage therapists, college co-eds, and etc.

What got me thinking about this are all of those porn spams I get for porno sites and stuff. Granted that most of it nowadays is probably overseas crap, but even before then when you could only get American porn. I realized that no two faces are ever the same (generally). So exactly how many whores are out there selling their ass for money, or just handing it out like candy because they're whores. There has to be this phenominally huge cross section of girls, in this country, that fuck regularly for money, or has some time in their history when they did even if it was only once.

I wasn't able to find exact numbers as I'm sure it would be extremely difficult to quantify. But after doing a bit of research I've come up with my own theoretical number.

1 in every 7 women between 18 and 30 are either currently, or will be, or have fucked gratuitously, or are active particpants in the sex industry, or just simply whores. That's 14%!

3.1 million potential whores between 18 and 30. Now, now, I know what you're thinking. These whores only fuck for money. Though that may be true in one aspect, it's a universal truth in all aspects. And if you understood that then you know exactly what I mean.

So out of 150 million women you should be able to get easy sex from 3.1 million of them. But be carefull 775,000 of them could give you the herps. So as a ray of optimism to all you guys, if you go out and hit on 100 women 14 of them will fuck you just because they're whores. So don't give up hope!


The odds are in your favour - speakeasy - 08-26-2008

This is one reason why I'm not so sure about the trend of most women shaving their vaginas these days. I've only seen hairless vaginas. Seriously, if a girl pulled down her panties and had hair, I'd be like "whoa, never seen that before!" I just EXPECT to see hairless vaginas now when a woman gets naked. They say herpes can be spread even if you're wearing a condom. Because just your skin pubic area coming into contact with her skin can spread the virus. Now back when women had a bush, I think it provided a bit of padding, so that her skin around the poon wasn't touching you directly. But they shave that shit off now so I think your chances of getting the herp have gone up. Since when did pubic hair on women become taboo?

The odds are in your favour - duncanidaho - 08-26-2008

Do the whores take competitor coupons?
[Image: biggrin.gif]

The odds are in your favour - Roosh - 08-26-2008

I'm not to sure about the 1 in 5 figure myself. Keep in mind that they claim infection when someone tests positive on blood tests, who may never have shown symptoms of the disease in their life, and may also transmit it at a low rate. Therefore what is more important is women who have ACTIVE disease with sores that are easily transmissible. That is definitely not 1 in 5. I don't know the numbers but if 20% of girls who have herpes have symptomatic disease, then we're left with 1 in 25 girls we need to be very concerned about.

The odds are in your favour - Trotter - 08-26-2008

Quote: (08-26-2008 04:43 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

This is one reason why I'm not so sure about the trend of most women shaving their vaginas these days. I've only seen hairless vaginas. Seriously, if a girl pulled down her panties and had hair, I'd be like "whoa, never seen that before!" I just EXPECT to see hairless vaginas now when a woman gets naked. They say herpes can be spread even if you're wearing a condom. Because just your skin pubic area coming into contact with her skin can spread the virus. Now back when women had a bush, I think it provided a bit of padding, so that her skin around the poon wasn't touching you directly. But they shave that shit off now so I think your chances of getting the herp have gone up. Since when did pubic hair on women become taboo?

Ever since we had that thread about hot 12 year old girls in the other thread I guess. [Image: undecided.gif]

Personally, I prefer my women bald. I don't like brushing my teeth in the morning and finding a tuft of pubes in between my teeth. Also I don't feel like I can go all out because it'll be like running your tongue along a sheet of ice, then hitting ground half way through. Plus it just looks neater. A landing strip is acceptable.

To Roosh:

I'm going to do a little more research on this. What you said makes a lot of sense. Also I'm sure my numbers are skewed since they're not entirely scientific.