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Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Printable Version

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Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - N°6 - 05-30-2018

“Two thirds of the public think life in Britain was better in a bygone age, and the increasing influence of nostalgia in politics is "imperilling liberal democracy," a new study by Sky Data and the think tank Demos suggests.”

Hilarious hamstring from the academtrix: nostalgia is “exclusionary”. ?

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Rush87 - 05-30-2018

The academics are "shocked" that bygone England was better? Surely not. The current day Pakistani version of England has all sorts of middle eastern curries!

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Constitution45 - 05-30-2018

telling us how to think again.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - LEMONed IScream - 05-30-2018

No. Liberal democracy is imperiling liberal democracy.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - BlueMark - 05-30-2018

Every time I hear "liberal democracy", I reach for my Browning.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-30-2018

All the improvements happening since the old times would have happened without all the negatives - science, technology, some economic progress.

And the negatives only happened due to unfitting mass migration - mass rape, rape gangs, Islamic terror, un-British cities - London the biggest one to fall, undue competition in the job market even by more fitting EE immigrants, destruction of social cohesion, destruction and massive stress of the social safety net, of the social housing market and medical care.

And the worst is yet to come. Ethnic food by the way is a bullshit excuse - the Japanese have learned to cook ethnic recipes at the best levels all without importing millions of non-Japanese.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - kamoz - 05-30-2018

Haha the old 'ethnic food' excuse. Some people really are stupid beyond the point of no return. I for one love me an English breakfast. Fuck that curry shit.

[Image: 20120808-216637-british-bites-guide-to-a-fry-up.jpg]

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Super_Fire - 05-30-2018

Last time I was in England I didn't touch a single curry. They serve them at traditional English pubs now, right alongside the fish and chips, mushy peas and the rest. Ridiculous.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - deerhunter - 05-30-2018

Curry is O.K. but not worth children being raped for and the constant pong. Fuck that. Eggs, chips, lots of white pudding, some black pudding, rashers, heinz beans, sausages and fried tomato is one of my all time favorite meals and I can eat it breakfast and tea everyday, gladly. One of the only things I truly miss other than family (it is an Irish meal as well).

Also who the fuck would chose a curry over roast beef and Yorkshire pudding (lived in Sheffield as a kid where it was a big meal) or a leg of lamb? It is just laziness as the curry is all cooked up for you. Many women in the U.K. probably can't cook a proper Sunday dinner anymore. A proper roast and pudding takes skills beyond stopping by the curry shop on every corner to pick up dinner.

And then there is cod and chips or plaice and chips which I love. Even if people like a curry better how is it worth the social price?

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - BlueMark - 05-30-2018

Quote: (05-30-2018 04:13 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And the worst is yet to come. Ethnic food by the way is a bullshit excuse - the Japanese have learned to cook ethnic recipes at the best levels all without importing millions of non-Japanese.

One man's incompetence is another man's business opportunity.

People making that excuse should just go to the country of their favorite ethnic cuisine, learn how to make it, and open a restaurant to do it properly.

Then again, I am not sure modern American society values doing a good job as much as the Japanese do. (I can't speak for the rest of the West.)

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Easy_C - 05-30-2018

Nothing more than another attempt to fish for effective associative propaganda.

The purpose of this article is to see whether attributing anti-globalist movements to "nostalgia" gets enough of a reaction for it to stick or not.

Warning that nostalgia in politics is 'imperilling liberal democracy' - Samseau - 05-31-2018

Criminalizing and erasing the past, two staples of the 1984's party to maintain control.