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The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Printable Version

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The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Gmac - 05-28-2018

There you go, your own safe space. Have at it boys.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - rotekz - 05-28-2018

Naa. When something is relevant to almost all areas of cultural and political debate you cannot restrict it to one thread and say in all others it is not to be mentioned.

Also branding it 'conspiracy' is an establishment move.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Fortis - 05-28-2018

Didn't Roosh shut down the previous JQ thread?

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 05-28-2018

Wow, our very own "free speech zone". Just like they have at all those liberal colleges.

Thanks, Gmac.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - YoungBlade - 05-28-2018

Kona bout to have this thread on lockdown

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - RexImperator - 05-28-2018

Or at the 2004 DNC:
[Image: free-speech-zone.jpg]

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 08:59 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Naa. When something is relevant to almost all areas of cultural and political debate you cannot restrict it to one thread and say in all others it is not to be mentioned.

Also branding it 'conspiracy' is an establishment move.

If it's relevant to another thread topic, then discuss it as it relates to that thread topic. There have been too many threads getting hijacked with pages full of long posts by people ranting about this "theory" that a small number of (((Jews))) are "secretly collaborating" to "control global society and all the world's governments" (just don't call it a conspiracy theory).

If you do it here, it's not a hijack. If you do it in other threads, it should be limited to the thread topic. It's easy enough to tell if the post you want to make is directly relevant to the thread topic, or a complete tangent triggered by something somebody said in a post that was also off topic.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Enoch - 05-28-2018

On memorial day we should take a moment to remember all of our soldiers who have died for Isra- I mean the United States of America.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - rotekz - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:14 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

If it's relevant to another thread topic, then discuss it as it relates to that thread topic.
For the most part that is what has been happening.

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:14 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

There have been too many threads getting hijacked with pages full of long posts by people ranting about this "theory" that a small number of (((Jews))) are "secretly collaborating" to "control global society and all the world's governments" (just don't call it a conspiracy theory).
That is a massive straw man intended to shut down uncomfortable arguments.

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:14 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

If you do it here, it's not a hijack.

If it is done here it is stripped of the required context i.e. the debate that is taking place in another thread.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 05-28-2018

I dont think jews are the all powerful, all evil people they are made out to be. I believe they are just as bad as everyone else. If you take away the womens vote and bring back patriarchy, society will become sane again.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - rotekz - 05-28-2018

The whole point of this thread is to prevent arguments being made in other threads from being confronted with certain unanswerable truths.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Checkmat - 05-28-2018

Can I join?

[Image: weirdalfoil_2322.jpg]

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Enoch - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:43 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Can I join?

[Image: weirdalfoil_2322.jpg]

Nice strawman.

Jews have high in-group preferences and disproportionately occupy the highest levels of finance & media (control people's money and thoughts).

That doesn't make them bad people, just that they put their fellow Jews first and if that action is not optimal for non-Jews, too bad.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:37 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

The whole point of this thread is to prevent arguments being made in other threads from being confronted with certain unanswerable truths.

Yes, now you understand. The arguments being forced upon us to force us to be confronted with unanswerable truths about the JQ have been overdone, and this thread is a better place for them. Nobody likes that kind of thing. Imagine if SJWs were forcing us to confront their unanswerable truths. Nobody likes other people forcing confrontations about unanswerable truths.

In order to make sure the discussions in this thread take the context of the other topics into account, mention the other topics in your post here to setup the point you want to make. Add a quote or a link to the post in question, identify the various Jews involved, and point out how the Jewish agenda or Israeli agenda is advanced by the current issue.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - RIslander - 05-28-2018

This thread will go in the direction RVF hopes for.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - rotekz - 05-28-2018

It's intellectual cowardice, pure and simple. People unable to answer uncomfortable truths need them shut away, stripped of context, and removed from the debate they are taking part in. This perfectly encapsulates the civic nationalist mindset.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:48 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2018 10:37 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

The whole point of this thread is to prevent arguments being made in other threads from being confronted with certain unanswerable truths.

Yes, now you understand. The arguments being forced upon us to force us to be confronted with unanswerable truths about the JQ have been overdone, and this thread is a better place for them. Nobody likes that kind of thing. Imagine if SJWs were forcing us to confront their unanswerable truths. Nobody likes other people forcing confrontations about unanswerable truths.

In order to make sure the discussions in this thread take the context of the other topics into account, mention the other topics in your post here to setup the point you want to make. Add a quote or a link to the post in question, identify the various Jews involved, and point out how the Jewish agenda or Israeli agenda is advanced by the current issue.

[Image: lol.gif]

Yes. This will surely appease the blue pill crowd.

Let me explain how it goes.

No supporting information = "you're just an ignorant bigot".

Lots of supporting information = "you're a fucking obsessive lunatic".

We did this on Islam a year ago and Zel got knifed on both sides. Yet today that stupid ideology has been revealed and it's par for the course here to see how it negatively affects Western civilisation.

The guys at the head of the red pill pack will always have haters dragging from their ankles screaming at them to turn back.

And after the JQ has been normalised (with no 6 gorillion massacre either) we'll find some other hidden truth that 1% of the forum wants to confront while the rest want to hide under the bed.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 05-28-2018

The jewish question will never end. Whites and semites have beefing since they crossed paths, the Philistines and the Canaanites.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - nomadbrah - 05-28-2018


The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - captain_shane - 05-28-2018

I think now the question becomes, what can actually be done about the jewish problem?

It seems to me that if this goes on much longer without any kind of rational solutions, then genocide will eventually happen. I don't want this to happen, and I'm sure everyone on this board would agree. So what can be done?

Possible solutions-

- Ban dual citizenship

- Ban dual citizens from political office

- Ban socialist and communist parties

- Offer jews 100k to give up US citizenship and move to israel

- Ban AIPAC, ADL, etc

- Eliminate foreign aid to Israel


I really don't know what the solution is to the JQ. But sitting around and just talking about how jews fuck everything up is pointless. Solutions need to be proposed sooner rather than later, because it won't be pretty if it's later.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - rotekz - 05-28-2018

For now it is hard to say but it is better to see the lay of the land after The Storm has passed, if it ever arrives. Once the biggest political scandal of all time has blown over there may not be much that needs to be done.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - nola - 05-28-2018

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - LoveBug - 05-28-2018

My intellect and work ethic doesn’t lend itself to understanding the entire picture and complexity, but I want them to pay exponentially for any harm they’ve done to white nations, US and abroad, and they need to be dealt with for their influence and/or overrepresentation in wealth.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Kona - 05-28-2018

I got some JQ's that I need answered, but here's a song to get things going:


The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-28-2018

Quote: (05-28-2018 09:04 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Didn't Roosh shut down the previous JQ thread?

You're right, Roosh came in just like this:

[Image: shut-it-down-jew-with-walkie-talkie.jpg]

Coincidence? I think not! [Image: lol.gif]