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Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - the Thing - 04-17-2018

In line with my "pop by RVF once a week, post an angle and stir up conversation" theme.. ...just before you push for the date after the first few tests (as you wouldn't text her back and forth for a week since you're not a fucking chump) she goes cold.

Please do answer the following questions:

  1. Is this a shit test?
  2. What is the correct course of action?
  3. Assuming the date has already been set. Wat do?
  4. (Bonus question, not that you would care) Why do you think it happened?
Assume she had been answering all your other texts with no more than 2 minutes delay.


Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Sidney Crosby - 04-17-2018

She's not interested anymore or she found someone else. I'd keep the number and try a restart a couple weeks or months down the line.

There's also a tinder thread dedicated to this type of stuff.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - the Thing - 04-17-2018

Quote: (04-17-2018 12:50 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

She's not interested anymore or she found someone else. I'd keep the number and try a restart a couple weeks or months down the line.

There's also a tinder thread dedicated to this type of stuff.

I guess.. I had already set up the date though. I'll see if she flakes or not.

Also a bit skeptical about posting too much detail on the tinder thread since it's open to public.

Edit: Wouldn't it be easier if there were more subforums, such as theoretical, day/night game, online game etc. instead of one 366-page gigantic tinder thread where everything just becomes impossible to find after a week?

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - tobehero - 04-17-2018

She has so many options on tinder.

Someone comes along with better offer. She will take it.

Don't take it personally, move on.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - coverdoc - 04-17-2018

Agree with the sentiments of everyone above.

And you should have just added this to the tinder thread.


Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Mig Picante - 04-17-2018

Quote: (04-17-2018 12:56 AM)the Thing Wrote:  

Edit: Wouldn't it be easier if there were more subforums, such as theoretical, day/night game, online game etc. instead of one 366-page gigantic tinder thread where everything just becomes impossible to find after a week?

Easier if there were more categories?
Mate you can't even post this in the appropriate (newbie) section or tinder thread.

You didn't build enough comfort/interest, you haven't met up and Tinder sucks.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Mig Picante - 04-17-2018

Post what you have been texting prior to her going cold if you want anyone to provide feedback.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - KeepMovingForward - 04-17-2018

Quote: (04-17-2018 12:56 AM)the Thing Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2018 12:50 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

She's not interested anymore or she found someone else. I'd keep the number and try a restart a couple weeks or months down the line.

There's also a tinder thread dedicated to this type of stuff.

I guess.. I had already set up the date though. I'll see if she flakes or not.

Also a bit skeptical about posting too much detail on the tinder thread since it's open to public.

Edit: Wouldn't it be easier if there were more subforums, such as theoretical, day/night game, online game etc. instead of one 366-page gigantic tinder thread where everything just becomes impossible to find after a week?

If she's stopped responding to your messages, she 100% will flake, don't waste your time expecting that meetup to happen.
Getting a number off Tinder doesn't mean shit until you've actually gotten her to meet you, that's the hard part.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - True Balla - 04-17-2018

Yeah you pretty much have to be a chump and keep comforting her until you meet and close.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - S3K2 - 04-17-2018

Sounds like an attention whore. Not every chick you match up with is in the mood for D. They want attention just as much as they want the D in 2018.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Vill@in - 04-17-2018

The answer is you should be gaming other chicks so if/when she flakes on you, you don't really give two fucks because you have 10 other prospects in the pipeline.

Until you're balls deep in that pussy, nothing is guaranteed.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - kaotic - 04-17-2018

this could've all been answered in the tinder thread we already have and the what should I text next thread we already have.....

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Mess O. - 04-17-2018

Like when we see whole threads dedicated to analyzing one particular approach, while the actual Approach Thread has been lacking in material lately.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Razor Beast - 04-17-2018

She found what she thought was a better option and forgot about you. This happens all the time online unless you're at the top of the chain. Don't take it personal.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - Rang off the Pipe - 04-17-2018

Numbers don't mean anything. A good portion of the numbers I've gotten from online game have resulted in nothing. This has ranged from non-responses to total flakes. I think at this point it's well documented that most guys aren't going to get a large return from these dating apps compared to a few years ago.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - the Thing - 04-17-2018

Yea no she just replied a bit later, plus I had already set the date. I was just looking to get a conversation going -as to what YOU would have done instead of what I should do.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - The_e_man - 04-21-2018

Quote: (04-17-2018 12:44 AM)the Thing Wrote:  

...just before you push for the date after the first few tests (as you wouldn't text her back and forth for a week since you're not a fucking chump) she goes cold.

Once again, I come across this. Many esteemed members of this forum say this all the time as well.
I honestly enjoy texting girls back and forth for a week or so, and that's generally how it always goes before I meet up with and bang girls off Tinder. This is, of course, only the case if the girl is very attractive and I actually like her based off her looks.

Not to try and chest-bump on the forum, but I consistently bang 2-4 new girls off tinder every month. Notch count is likely to be north of 200 by now, with the first 100 coming mainly off SNL from cold-approach night game. The past 100 or so seem to be primarily coming from Tinder. There's definitely a "shift" happening in my game (for better or for worse, as I now have pretty bad approach anxiety and I drink way too much when I go clubbing with my friends).
Anyways, I just want to say all this because I want you guys to know you are definitely leaving some change on the table by being too stubborn with your "FUCK ME RIGHT NOW OR DONT BOTHER TALKING TO ME YOU TREACHEROUS WHORE" attitude. Spend a week texting them, saying good morning and good night, etc, etc. It's a nice way to get to know each other and it makes the girl comfortable with you. Sure, fast pulls can definitely happen with that app (no shit). But there's some seriously high quality girls on there (since Tinder isn't heavily stigmatized as something like POF), and a lot of these girls won't just instantly come fuck you. Put in that little bit of time getting to know them (which honestly should be enjoyable and shouldn't feel like a chore, unless you are a hardcore introvert).

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - getdownonit - 04-25-2018

I've found that girls are most DTF when the meetup is spontaneous and/or asap after starting to chat. Just too many options out there, very likely she'll go cold and flake the longer you plan things.

Tinder game: girl goes cold after number close - felix_vagabondo - 02-19-2019

I have gotten so many numbers, online and IRL, that led nowhere, even if she does text back initially. Aside from recognizing when I have been too needy, perhaps betraying my desperate thirst for female companionship, I usually don't get into trying to understand why a given girl has ghosted out of my text inbox, just accept that girls are extremely flakey creatures, and soldier on. Like real life, Tinder is a numbers game. You have to cut your losses with a girl at the first sign of a rejection or red flag, and move on to the next one. Also, you must have multiple girls going at once, both as a hedge against this sort of flake, and so that she doesn't get the idea that you value her too highly.

She will definitely flake out on your date if she isn't answering texts.