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7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - TheCroatian - 11-09-2017

I'm not sure if this is the right forum. I think this post is better classified Anti-Travel.

I was just recently living in Eastern Europe. I'm a dual Euro citizen so it was easy for me to find a job there. It didn't work out the way I hoped but I plan on returning as soon as possible (time to crank out a few niche sites! Anyway, I just returned to Canada. A shame, I know. But in only two years so much has changed. It's horrifying.

I don't recommend any masculine men live or travel here. I'd probably say the same about Vancouver. It's only tolerable for me because of my culture and Church community. While there's a lot to say about the natural beauty of the region, the people make it wretched. The world is big. Despite what you may have heard, there are better beaches, better camping trails. I would go so far as to say I would rather live in Toronto.

As I descended into Victoria from Vancouver by plane I wondered if a 200% increase in salary above differences in the cost of living (compared to EE) would be worth it. I turn to my right and attempt smalltalk with the jumbly purple haired SJW sitting next to me, typing away on her cellphone. I make a joke about the plane going down, tell her "turn it off." Blank stare. She retorts, asking why I'm bothering her on a 20 minute flight.

1. Satanic Capital of the World. Few know how real thus is: I'm pretty sure this explains all the rest, and why Catholics like me have such a hard time living here. Something really went wrong after my dad's generation came of age. The land and climate reminded my grandfather of Croatia. Go figure. I went on an evening hike up Mt. Douglas last week (it was renamed to something Native; it's no longer PC to call it by its Anglo name, apparently). I came across a group of men and women in robes holding a torch. Fortunately there were no children around.

2. The transsexual population is blowing up. I couldn't find any census data. I don't think the government records that. I'm sure the Ministry of Health considers that bigoted. Either way, I'm seeing them everywhere now. They're popping up on Tinder with a lot more frequency, classified as women. I had a convo with one and even got to the point of setting up a date. She sent me a video of her masturbating his penis on Facebook Messenger. I asked him why the fuck he didn't tell me he had a dick. He went batshit crazy and asked why I would assume his gender. I'm ashamed to say I really could not tell that he was not a biological woman until it got to that point.

3. The "normal girls" are really stuck up. The only girls worth seeing are American or Korean students taking classes at UVic. The better looking non-SJW/LGBTQ local chicks are either really stuck up or literal Dubai Portapotties.

4. Nightlife, like most places in North America, is designed for women. Darcy's, Upstairs, Sticky Wicket, The Local. Don't even dare cold approach or be prepared to get kicked out by white knight bouncers and bartenders. The best part of any night I can remember lately is grabbing a couple Whoppers from the BK Lounge.

5. The HIV rate is soaring. As a straight male this doesn't worry me so much but you just never know whose been assfucked by a gay dude. I've heard that some girls go home with known gays after a long night of getting hit on by Deplorables like me. The city is a cesspool in general so this just heightens my anxiety about having a regular sex life. I plan on being celibate until I leave again. A friend of mine was getting a regular test a few months ago and said he overheard some nurses say "it was going around like the flu." They chuckled casually, like it was no big deal.

6. Homelessness. This one just personally irritates me. It's not like you can't avoid them, but compared to the legitimate starving poor in Eastern Europe who lay prostrate on the ground, silent with baseball cap extended, these ones are usually high on meth or heroine (which they get from legal tax-financed injection sites), demand money from you and screech when you don't give in. The weather here is some of the best in Canada so naturally the homeless flock.

7. All this being said, there is simply no way I would ever consider raising a family here. New government policies in Ontario allow the feds to take custody of your children if you disagree with your own child's gender orientation ( This hasn't hit Victoria yet but given the provincial government has recently passed legislation protecting transpeople from "hate speech", it's just around the corner ( This is also the one government-infested town where I can see this actually being prosecuted. Public and private schools alike have now have official "anti-violence" policies, which cover LGBTQ/trans discrimination and hate speech (

In summation, Victoria is a Satanic, culturally blank wasteland riddled with STIs and fentanyl overdoses. Thankfully, I'm financially secure in the long run, so I'll be moving permanently as soon as I can.

A lot of this may sound jaded, but that would just be a misreading of tone. I'm simply being sincere. It may sound like I'm bitching or seeking validation, but that's only because the city has changed while I have not. I have refused to make LGBTQ or female friends while the vast majority of my former friend group has "grown up" by "integrating." It wasn't always bad here, from what I can remember. But the difference is now salient. After having been gone for just two years, the changes really stand out. Maybe it's always been the same? Perspective shift?

Anyway, just a warning to avoid wasting your time coming here. Anyone else in Victoria feel the same way? Anyone else who's traveled abroad return to their old city to find it totally jarring, unbelievable?

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - tomtud - 11-09-2017

Socialized medicine has its benefits. But reading your point on the HIV infection rate going up is scary from a financial point of view. Canada having socialized medicine is going to collapse financially because of the irresponsible people who run government and the ones who live a carefree life. The video paints the picture clearly. The responsible have to take care of the irresponsible it seems like.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - casa-nostra - 11-09-2017

I thought that HIV is low those days , specially in Canada.

Any ways wear condoms and you will be 100% safe.

I am having sex with a victoria girls those days in Montreal , maybe victoria girls are stuck up but compared to Montreal girls , you can say it is a heaven.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - TorontoRocks - 11-09-2017

Quote: (11-09-2017 04:25 PM)TheCroatian Wrote:  

I'm not sure if this is the right forum. I think this post is better classified Anti-Travel.

I was just recently living in Eastern Europe. I'm a dual Euro citizen so it was easy for me to find a job there. It didn't work out the way I hoped but I plan on returning as soon as possible (time to crank out a few niche sites! Anyway, I just returned to Canada. A shame, I know. But in only two years so much has changed. It's horrifying.

I don't recommend any masculine men live or travel here. I'd probably say the same about Vancouver. It's only tolerable for me because of my culture and Church community. While there's a lot to say about the natural beauty of the region, the people make it wretched. The world is big. Despite what you may have heard, there are better beaches, better camping trails. I would go so far as to say I would rather live in Toronto.

As I descended into Victoria from Vancouver by plane I wondered if a 200% increase in salary above differences in the cost of living (compared to EE) would be worth it. I turn to my right and attempt smalltalk with the jumbly purple haired SJW sitting next to me, typing away on her cellphone. I make a joke about the plane going down, tell her "turn it off." Blank stare. She retorts, asking why I'm bothering her on a 20 minute flight.

1. Satanic Capital of the World. Few know how real thus is: I'm pretty sure this explains all the rest, and why Catholics like me have such a hard time living here. Something really went wrong after my dad's generation came of age. The land and climate reminded my grandfather of Croatia. Go figure. I went on an evening hike up Mt. Douglas last week (it was renamed to something Native; it's no longer PC to call it by its Anglo name, apparently). I came across a group of men and women in robes holding a torch. Fortunately there were no children around.

2. The transsexual population is blowing up. I couldn't find any census data. I don't think the government records that. I'm sure the Ministry of Health considers that bigoted. Either way, I'm seeing them everywhere now. They're popping up on Tinder with a lot more frequency, classified as women. I had a convo with one and even got to the point of setting up a date. She sent me a video of her masturbating his penis on Facebook Messenger. I asked him why the fuck he didn't tell me he had a dick. He went batshit crazy and asked why I would assume his gender. I'm ashamed to say I really could not tell that he was not a biological woman until it got to that point.

3. The "normal girls" are really stuck up. The only girls worth seeing are American or Korean students taking classes at UVic. The better looking non-SJW/LGBTQ local chicks are either really stuck up or literal Dubai Portapotties.

4. Nightlife, like most places in North America, is designed for women. Darcy's, Upstairs, Sticky Wicket, The Local. Don't even dare cold approach or be prepared to get kicked out by white knight bouncers and bartenders. The best part of any night I can remember lately is grabbing a couple Whoppers from the BK Lounge.

5. The HIV rate is soaring. As a straight male this doesn't worry me so much but you just never know whose been assfucked by a gay dude. I've heard that some girls go home with known gays after a long night of getting hit on by Deplorables like me. The city is a cesspool in general so this just heightens my anxiety about having a regular sex life. I plan on being celibate until I leave again. A friend of mine was getting a regular test a few months ago and said he overheard some nurses say "it was going around like the flu." They chuckled casually, like it was no big deal.

6. Homelessness. This one just personally irritates me. It's not like you can't avoid them, but compared to the legitimate starving poor in Eastern Europe who lay prostrate on the ground, silent with baseball cap extended, these ones are usually high on meth or heroine (which they get from legal tax-financed injection sites), demand money from you and screech when you don't give in. The weather here is some of the best in Canada so naturally the homeless flock.

7. All this being said, there is simply no way I would ever consider raising a family here. New government policies in Ontario allow the feds to take custody of your children if you disagree with your own child's gender orientation ( This hasn't hit Victoria yet but given the provincial government has recently passed legislation protecting transpeople from "hate speech", it's just around the corner ( This is also the one government-infested town where I can see this actually being prosecuted. Public and private schools alike have now have official "anti-violence" policies, which cover LGBTQ/trans discrimination and hate speech (

In summation, Victoria is a Satanic, culturally blank wasteland riddled with STIs and fentanyl overdoses. Thankfully, I'm financially secure in the long run, so I'll be moving permanently as soon as I can.

A lot of this may sound jaded, but that would just be a misreading of tone. I'm simply being sincere. It may sound like I'm bitching or seeking validation, but that's only because the city has changed while I have not. I have refused to make LGBTQ or female friends while the vast majority of my former friend group has "grown up" by "integrating." It wasn't always bad here, from what I can remember. But the difference is now salient. After having been gone for just two years, the changes really stand out. Maybe it's always been the same? Perspective shift?

Anyway, just a warning to avoid wasting your time coming here. Anyone else in Victoria feel the same way? Anyone else who's traveled abroad return to their old city to find it totally jarring, unbelievable?

I always recommend Toronto people go to Buffalo and Detroit to meet women (I'm serious, much better across the border). I know that Seattle is a SJW cesspool but is this something Victoria guys in your position do? (just curious).

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Cambodian Creamsicle - 11-09-2017

Canada is without a doubt in the top 5 worst countries in the world for women. The only ones that can compare are other Anglo nations (Australia, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, USA).

The ironic thing is that these women that have it better than all other women on the planet are the ones that complain the most.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Brother Abdul Majeed - 11-09-2017

Just avoid all of Canada. No need to break it down region by region.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Incubus - 11-10-2017

I looked at Victoria BC to buy a condo. I liked what I read about the weather the scenery until I read the island has nothing but old people on it. I wanted to use that !@#%$# island as a base for my SEA trips. I am not surprised to find out that Victoria is infested with bored crackheads with probable gender disorientation issues and AIDS what a waste of humanity. (typical Canada)
Thanks for the post The Croatian...all my doubts are now gone....East Coast here I come!

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - PanzerTape - 11-10-2017

Quote: (11-10-2017 12:47 AM)Incubus Wrote:  

I looked at Victoria BC to buy a condo. I liked what I read about the weather the scenery until I read the island has nothing but old people on it. I wanted to use that !@#%$# island as a base for my SEA trips. I am not surprised to find out that Victoria is infested with bored crackheads with probable gender disorientation issues and AIDS what a waste of humanity. (typical Canada)
Thanks for the post The Croatian...all my doubts are now gone....East Coast here I come!

Ya i'll say like the others, avoid the whole Country, no need breaking it down by region, it's not much better East.

Here in Estonia, I still have traumatic flashbacks when a car appears and I'm crossing the street. Montreal drivers are psychopathic maniacs and everybody is rude like Paris, bah.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - kazz - 11-10-2017

I hear you bro, I love so many things about my country, but there are things I just have to turn off to, on the flip side it allows me to be super driven to make money and travel and meet women in other countries. I dont date the women in my own country anymore, its crazy. The women here, and in Canada too, even when i was there some 15 years ago have become so entitled, I dont blame them they have just adapted to their environment like a spoilt rich kid with no boundaries would adapt to theirs.

Im just thankful I know other places exist, and I can talk among other men like me on this forum.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - casa-nostra - 11-10-2017

Quote: (11-10-2017 12:47 AM)Incubus Wrote:  

I looked at Victoria BC to buy a condo. I liked what I read about the weather the scenery until I read the island has nothing but old people on it. I wanted to use that !@#%$# island as a base for my SEA trips. I am not surprised to find out that Victoria is infested with bored crackheads with probable gender disorientation issues and AIDS what a waste of humanity. (typical Canada)
Thanks for the post The Croatian...all my doubts are now gone....East Coast here I come!

Not sure if Canada East Cost is better , I even pretty sure West Cost is way better even though it sucks.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Newguy101 - 11-10-2017

Well newfoundland is suppose to be pretty easy. Bc an ontario are the sjw hubs while praries east coast n quebec are more conservatives.
They say all the fruits an nuts are in bc aka gays n hippys. Makes sense cuz hippy movement started im cascadia area.

But uvic has dtf girls since its 60-40 ratio an less guys party cuz they take hard classes.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - scrambled - 11-10-2017

Plot twist: thread actually sponsored by Calgary Board of Tourism

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Rocha - 11-10-2017

Quote: (11-09-2017 07:23 PM)Cambodian Creamsicle Wrote:  

Canada is without a doubt in the top 5 worst countries in the world for women. The only ones that can compare are other Anglo nations (Australia, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, USA).

The ironic thing is that these women that have it better than all other women on the planet are the ones that complain the most.

I have banged already 5 Irish women in Lisbon, including two in a threesome. I would say is the country with my highest bang per population ratio.

I find them most of the time DTF...Guess maybe they are different on vacation.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - azulsombra - 11-11-2017

I don't think he is saying Anglo nations are worst because they are hard to bang. The point is that they are worthless as women for anything beyond an easy bang.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - TooFineAPoint - 11-11-2017

OP -- try Salt Spring Island.

There is still a lot of faggotry there, but it is really nice. Slow way of life. Lots of fresh food grown.

Tofino is also nice. Maybe not this time of year.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Glass - 11-11-2017

I agree - for the most part. I don't see why transgender & LGBTQ is an issue though. I agree that 'take custody of your children if you disagree with your own child's gender orientation' is definitely some crazy shit.

As for women in Canada -generally- being entitled, totally agree. Having grown up here, I'm eager to leave this country due to the depressing winters, the exceeding PC culture, and entitled women.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - malc - 11-11-2017

Just because a town's religion is getting extra serial now, like most of the liberal anglosphere, doesn't mean you have to pay attention to them. If I lived in dallas, I would ignore the crazy jesus preachers too and continue to live my life and get laid. Gays are gays, and they will be there either way.

I think your just having reverse culture shock coming back from eastern europe. Victoria and the rest of the west hasn't really changed, you have. That area has always been a bit of a hippie place.

Family law has been shit in north america for men, it's just shit in a new unique way. The fundamental problems are still there.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Laner - 11-12-2017

I used to go to Victoria on weekends to visit an ex. She lived with 7 girls in a huge house in Oak Bay.

She would call and say "bring some guys!" So we would head over and party.

The ratios were almost 2:1. The story was that dads all over BC would send their girls to UVIC because there is no crime there. The school is mostly liberal arts which also attracts a lot of women.

In my mind it will always be a poosy paradise. Sad to hear its gone down. I haven't been for three years now, but last time I was there it was still game on.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - TheCroatian - 11-12-2017

Lol. Tinder in this city is a joke. Matched a hot blonde trolling for a threesome with her bisexual male friend, then matched with a MTF transwoman. I haven't been here for ages. Is social circle game basically it?

Not that it matters, but it's nice to have that extra low effort funnel for dates. At the very least I could get a date with a normal chick once a week in Europe off dating apps alone, on top of just going out solo. I think I'd rather be a celibate hermit than socialize in public. Emigrating again ASAP!

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - TheCroatian - 11-12-2017

Quote: (11-12-2017 01:49 AM)Laner Wrote:  

I used to go to Victoria on weekends to visit an ex. She lived with 7 girls in a huge house in Oak Bay.

She would call and say "bring some guys!" So we would head over and party.

The ratios were almost 2:1. The story was that dads all over BC would send their girls to UVIC because there is no crime there. The school is mostly liberal arts which also attracts a lot of women.

In my mind it will always be a poosy paradise. Sad to hear its gone down. I haven't been for three years now, but last time I was there it was still game on.

I met a girl here last time I visited who lives in a house with 4 other chicks but the one I was banging was the least attractive. Did you happen to monkey branch when you partied at that house lol? I'd love to fuck the hot one. Not really sure how to go about that.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Laner - 11-12-2017

Quote: (11-12-2017 09:41 PM)TheCroatian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2017 01:49 AM)Laner Wrote:  

I used to go to Victoria on weekends to visit an ex. She lived with 7 girls in a huge house in Oak Bay.

She would call and say "bring some guys!" So we would head over and party.

The ratios were almost 2:1. The story was that dads all over BC would send their girls to UVIC because there is no crime there. The school is mostly liberal arts which also attracts a lot of women.

In my mind it will always be a poosy paradise. Sad to hear its gone down. I haven't been for three years now, but last time I was there it was still game on.

I met a girl here last time I visited who lives in a house with 4 other chicks but the one I was banging was the least attractive. Did you happen to monkey branch when you partied at that house lol? I'd love to fuck the hot one. Not really sure how to go about that.

Victoria is absolutely about social circle game. Even though there are a lot of girls out early, if you are trying to pull after midnight its gonna be rough.

Monkey branching: If the girl is fresh off your dick then I am not sure the strategy. In my case my ex was by that time 5 years prior so it was different. Get her to talk you up and let her be the 'first Queen shit' so no matter what happens she gets to feel like she was the pioneer. This is especially useful if there is a good back story that is sad.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - the Thing - 11-15-2017

Quote: (11-09-2017 04:25 PM)TheCroatian Wrote:  

She sent me a video of her masturbating his penis

I puked. Not at your grammar, but at what you just said. Though your grammar isn't right either; the correct pronoun would be "its"

Could similar things be said about Vancouver as well? Currently considering a job there.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - DaveR - 11-15-2017

Quote: (11-09-2017 04:25 PM)TheCroatian Wrote:  

Anyone else who's traveled abroad return to their old city to find it totally jarring, unbelievable?

Hell yes; I completely relate to what you've written. I left in 2006, well before Face Book had become ubiquitous. Eventually returned for a couple of months late 2011 to see off my dying grandfather. At that point the faggotry was already overwhelming. I know some of it was probably down to me having grown closer to the cultures I had been immersed in (Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia), but there's no doubt social media and smartphones had also made a huge impact on western culture in general, especially Anglosphere culture.

It will only get worse... These days I get incredibly frustrated reading English-language media. Facts are often wrapped in layers of PC bullshit or flat-out omitted, and a lot of articles leave me wondering why anyone bothered to write something like that in the first place.
Former friends used to visit, bringing with them their weird language and PC mentalities. Conversations were so trivial that I felt like I was talking to a 12-year-old. I've been told that I've become a "bigot".

I can't imagine myself even visiting again.

* all of this was related to the UK, but what you wrote of Canada sounds very similar.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - HardcoreSexpatMotherfucker - 11-16-2017

All you say is true, but Vancouver is also full of FOB Chinese bitches, so why would you bother with nightclubs and horsy Western women... I'd go directly for the Asian ones.

7 Horrifying Reasons to Avoid Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - Adonis - 11-16-2017

Quote: (11-09-2017 05:31 PM)TorontoRocks Wrote:  

I always recommend Toronto people go to Buffalo and Detroit to meet women (I'm serious, much better across the border). I know that Seattle is a SJW cesspool but is this something Victoria guys in your position do? (just curious).

Seattle proper is all about the social circle and is just as bad degeneracy wise, there is even a term for it: The Seattle Freeze. But if you can break into a social circle there are actually quite a few closeted conservatives in the burbs and even the city itself. The silver lining is that it's a city with many transplants, always people coming and going, so if you can meet girls when they are fresh to the area it can be ok but that takes a lot of leg work. An over abundance of weak soy boys with no game make you look like a rock star if you're masculine and have game. I'd honestly rather game girls while on a hiking trail than in the city.