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Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Col. Tigh - 09-08-2017


Chinese foreign students on North American university campuses are looking for an exciting man to give them the college romantic and sexual experiences they've been led to believe exists.

[Image: attachment.jpg37512]   

I am a professional who lives and works near a large suburban university in the United States of America. Over the past year, I’ve regularly gamed on the grounds of this university, following in no small part the methods and tactics set out by RooshV members Sketness, Giovonny, and others in their contributions in the Game forum. As a result, I met and seduced two Chinese grad students—one, a virgin who was easy to game but difficult to physically penetrate. While my success rate is not great given the time I spend gaming, the rewards were enjoyable, and for those without the handicaps I possess, their success rate would undoubtedly be higher than mine.

I will add that my lays resulting from University campus game were not limited to Chinese girls (other successes include two typical white girls and a Japanese undergrad on a one-semester exchange), but I am writing this datasheet because based on my experiences this demographic is a resource that remains largely untapped and has a reputation for being difficult to break into—mistakenly, in my opinion.


[Image: attachment.jpg37514]   

North American university culture is a sorry shadow of what it was even a decade or two ago, as anyone who attended in the 1990’s or early 2000’s knows. Cultural Marxism, “rape culture” hysteria and Title IX kangaroo courts, etc., have taken root as is well documented both on this forum and in the mainstream media. However, foreign students largely remain immune to this influence, and among themselves, they express incredulity at the absurdity of American campus politics.

Moreover, the Chinese foreign students in particular do not drink of the SJW flavor-aid. Female students from China bring with them a culture of traditional views regarding male/female interaction, albeit flavored with the mercenary character endemic to modern China. Most Chinese students are living and studying here entirely on their daddy’s yuan, perhaps supplemented by some under-the-table work at a Chinese restaurant or similar establishment for pocket money, and expect to return to China with a “prestigious” North American sheepskin to cement their position in Chinese society (a laughable canard that deserves a separate discussion thread). For those who are not studying a STEM subject—which is a significant proportion, these days—their actual studying comes second to “having meaningful experiences.” It bears noting that neither of the Chinese students I slept with were STEM majors: one was studying sociology; the other, art.

Back in China, these princesses risk being classified as a “sexless third gender!” Believe it, they want to experience life and the excitement a fun, engaging man can offer them—that's likely a primary reason for them to be here in the first place.

Bottom line is, women are women the world over—and many of the Chinese women who come to an American or Canadian university are quite curious about having sex with American men. Many harbor phantasies of the “romantic Western man” sold to them by the Hollywood propaganda machine (who says it’s all bad?). The phenomenon of women being much freer with their sexuality while traveling abroad holds just as true for Chinese girls in America as it does for Western women YOLOing across Europe.

Both Chinese students I bedded confessed that wanting an American boyfriend was one of the reasons they decided to study here.


North American universities abound with students from China, as even a cursory visit will verify. At least 50%, and probably higher a proportion than that, are female.

The girls to approach are the stereotypical “lone wolves:” find a girl apart from her gaggle of co-students, because these are the women most likely to be seeking a foreign sexual experience. This is as true on campus as it is in a bar; likely more so, and you will not usually encounter the bitch shields and execrable behavior exhibited by women who were born here, even from a woman who is just not interested (in that case, she will most likely just act shy and not respond to your verbal engagement).


Day game is key. Nearly all Chinese students simply do not attend any after-hours activities, and you won’t find them at pubs, bars, or clubs. They are at least nominally students, and they live on or near campus, rarely venturing out at night time.

[Image: attachment.jpg37515]   

My venue is either the campus square, where large numbers of students walk by during daytime hours, or the campus food court, which also contains large populations milling around. The most successful approach is simply to say “hello,” and ask small-talk-type questions before asking for her number (see Roosh’s classic “elderly chat” technique). No fancy openers are required; in fact, Asian-born women usually interpret any cocky-funny gambits or negging to be just cruel or mocking. I found it important NOT to try to escalate quickly—rather, don’t discuss sex or bring up sexual topics until the third date or later; you will know if she’s interested because she will respond to your texts or calls and will be glad to meet up with you whenever you contact her.

Of course, there does come the time to escalate physically, but as in days gone by in this country, a carefully calibrated escalation is key. On the first encounter, you might touch her lower arm or shoulder playfully. Once you have secured her phone number, send a simple “It was fun meeting you” text, and gauge her reply. It is safe to chat a bit over text, and texting is preferable to calling her at first because her spoken English is likely not excellent (she may very well be using Google translate to help understand what you are texting). Keep the English simple, and avoid txt sp33k.


Set up a first date at a location that is comfortable and feels “safe” to her—my first date with one was a carnival being held on campus, but you could also choose a pub on or near campus, etc. This is the time to start escalating gradually: make a simple joke, then place your hand on her thigh when you both laugh, etc. I recommend waiting until the third encounter to attempt a kiss, assuming she has not shied away from your previous kino.

Third date or so, it is time to ask to see her dorm room. The “bathroom trick,” “let’s watch a movie together,” or any other tried-and-true method to get back to her place is a good approach. If she’s stuck it out with you for three dates and enjoys your company and touch by this point, she’s ready to go with you—as long as she has a good pretext to mollify the hamster inside her. She may not feel comfortable with an invitation back to your place until after you've had sex.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - RedBeanWarrior - 09-08-2017

Quote:Col Tigh Wrote:

[Image: attachment.jpg37512]

Nice photo, perfectly captures what I meant about Asians looking like clones - thread-58648...pid1641246

As this thread is talking about daygame I can say the points here are spot on.

BUT - I disagree that these girls do not go out to clubs and bars to party.

Think about your target - most of the points are already written above.

They study overseas and they are paying full price (on their daddy's yuan, in your words), so they are rich as fuck.

Women + Money = Degeneracy.

After just a few months marinading in our Western cocktail sauce culture, they will be out drinking and partying like any other typical slut. Bitches want to look classy and take Instagram/Line/WeChat pics to tease their fellow countrycucks.

All you have to do is turn up and have good logistics.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - bgbusiness - 09-09-2017

True for the most part.
Really great post. I hope people add on to this thread.
However, I also had some of the most sluttiest girls who were Chinese.
It's almost like they just embrace the Americanized culture and start partying pretty hard and "let loose"

I also had one night stand with a Chinese chick who was doing an MBA at a decent school and she was just clubbing and drinking, but her English was...let's just say..."Not the best".
(Her dad was RICH AF, so she had the money to go to places and eat whatever food she wanted and she was pretty, so her entitlement was pretty high..)

I would say that there are two types of Chinese chicks in general. I am saying general and there are of course exceptions to this model.
The ones who are rich or rich AF+high-status+pretty+ possibly slutty or the ones who are conservative+nerdy+middle class/upper-middle class+cute, but not necessarily "hot"

In addition, I would say that China is a VERY materialistic country and some girls are hardcore gold-diggers to the level that I have never been able to observe from typical white/Americanized chick.

Some girls will just fuck you because you drive an exotic car and they will think that you are "cool" just because you or your parents are rich AF. It's kinda dumb.

However, surprisingly a lot of them are VIRGINS and if you take your time and go on 1~5 dates with them, they will pop that pussy out. I took the v-card of this one girl after going on 4 dates and I just straight up told her that I move fast and I am not going to talk to her if we can't have sex. She was pretty nervous about having sex, but at the end I got it by giving her a deadline. (Of course she needs to be attracted to you first, but I was her first guy to kiss, all I needed was time and not fuck up.)

After you fuck them, they tend to be attached pretty fast and most of them have a very good upbringing too.
If they are from China and studying in US university, you can safely assume that they are from upper-middle class, upper class or the elite in China where the parents are just straight up BALLING OUT OF CONTROL.
I had couple Chinese chicks just calling their dad and asking for a car. The next week one of them got Mercedes SUV that cost 60k and the other one got corvette 2017. It was nuts.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Lunostrelki - 09-09-2017

I know a number of well-read and feminine Chinese girls that the OP seems to describe. One of them is in a good work relationship with me and she's very clingy. Usually their families have some money (but not super rich), and place huge emphasis on education and order. As a result these girls don't really have street smarts or get infected by western degeneracy as easily (but often it still happens if they become more sociable or have much interest in the humanities). It is true they are looking for foreigners to date/marry. Academics means a lot to them so they are attracted to guys with high degrees. If they're smart about who they open up to, they can usually get a pretty good deal. I met a couple where the guy was a balding Austrian professor and his wife was this slim pale-skinned 175cm beauty.

Chinese girls that have money usually aren't really the academic sort since their parents probably got rich through business or political corruption. These ladies do tons of stupid stuff and have bad personalities (the Chinese call it princess disease). I never talked to this kind but I imagine that a lot of them would sleep around very easily with any man they find interesting and then go back to China to marry someone that will help maintain the family's affluence.

Quote: (09-09-2017 01:07 AM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

I would say that there are two types of Chinese chicks in general. I am saying general and there are of course exceptions to this model.
The ones who are rich or rich AF+high-status+pretty+ possibly slutty or the ones who are conservative+nerdy+middle class/upper-middle class+cute, but not necessarily "hot"

That model is more or less accurate when it comes to describing the girls who come to study abroad. It's also a good metric for seeing if the girl is worth being with or not.


After you fuck them, they tend to be attached pretty fast and most of them have a very good upbringing too.
In China the idea that sex is the domain of marriage is still pretty ingrained in society, especially among older people including most of these girls' parents.
Chinese attitudes towards this stuff are probably where America was in the 1960s. Lots of Chinese people with an interest in the humanities getting good English and bringing SJW concepts and cultural Marxism back to the land of political Marxism. If the Chinese leadership is smart they will use their broad powers to put a lid on it before China goes the way of the West but this is a conversation for the everything else section.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - puckerman - 09-09-2017

I haven't heard this from Chinese girls. I have heard it from Chinese people whom I've met in political circles. The Chinese government employs spies to report on what Chinese students are doing in America. If Chinese students are cautious when dealing with Americans, it's entirely understandable. It's possible that some of these girls are simply here to spy.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - WalterBlack - 09-10-2017

British-Indian in the US with a lot of experience of Chinese women here - I don't think you necessarily need 3 dates to bang a Chinese FOB girl - one or usually two usually does it for me. If you get a makeout on the first date you can get them to come to your place on the second date, depending on how you frame it. I tell them I've got British snacks at my place or that they can watch a Chinese movie at my place.

I've been told by a few Chinese FOB women that they're pleasantly surprised when I make out with them - they claim the average Chinese FOB male is too passive to even try.

A lot of them aren't necessarily after an American either, many just want a non-Chinese guy. However, most Chinese FOB students in the US run in exclusively Chinese FOB circles and they don't even mix with Taiwanese or American Born Chinese, let alone anyone else. There is such a large amount of them there's still a lot that are willing open to non-Chinese guys.

In my experience the biggest panty dropper for Chinese FOBs is the ability to speak a few Chinese phrases and knowledge of Chinese culture and/or food. They love it when a non Chinese guy speaks a few words of Mandarin to them.

Also don't mix up Chinese and Taiwanese FOBs, they hate that - the average Taiwanese takes better care of herself than a Chinese FOB. Most Taiwanese FOBs try to look nice, but a lot of mainland Chinese FOBs don't even wear makeup.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Icarus - 09-10-2017

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Cumlluminates - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 03:07 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

What's really funny is all the guys that actually put up with that in real life.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Putin Closes - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 03:07 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

Lol thats such a singapore accent (which sounds like the thai accent, terrible) and not an accurate reflection at all of your typical Chinese girl. That holding purse thing is so true though, everytime I see that and a local girl checking me out while I stare back cracks me up.

While some FOB women slut it up, the majority date Chinese only, and yes they do date ABC's, but this own personal bias at play.

Literally if your a decent looking non-nerdy Chinese guy the competition is kind of a joke. I had Asian women throwing tons of interest at me in college, but I preferred sticking the white girls.

For some reason the I noticed the girls who were more foreigner friendly also didn't care about tanning, or even went tanning. So that's an easy way to quickly pick your target.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Fortis - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-08-2017 11:23 PM)RedBeanWarrior Wrote:  

Quote:Col Tigh Wrote:

[Image: attachment.jpg37512]

Nice photo, perfectly captures what I meant about Asians looking like clones - thread-58648...pid1641246

As this thread is talking about daygame I can say the points here are spot on.

BUT - I disagree that these girls do not go out to clubs and bars to party.

Think about your target - most of the points are already written above.

They study overseas and they are paying full price (on their daddy's yuan, in your words), so they are rich as fuck.

Women + Money = Degeneracy.

The point about rarely finding FOBS at the bar makes sense to me, honestly. I went to a school with sizable chinese population and they were more inclined to party at their own houses and apartments with Chinese people. Now that I live in China I get why they can be that way.

Many of the particular game rules we apply to women are built around Western women. China is almost another planet in many regards.

Many, MANY Chinese families are incredibly strict and are able to successfully control their kids 8000 miles away. In the Chinese mind, defying one's parents is on the same level as the incest taboo in the West.

They come from a culture that is organized top down. Government commands the family, family head (man) commands woman and so on and so forth.

There are many Chinese chicks who literally live abroad for years and do not go out and do things that you would expect them to do, or they don't do it with outsiders. The fact that many of them also stick to their own kind and live in heavily Chinese areas (vancouver) further reinforces their social programming despite being abroad.

When you talk to a Chinese girl about her hobbies and interests and she says, "I like sleeping, playing on my phone and eating" she is often 100% dead serious and is not being sarcastic.

This is not to say that they're all this way, but many Chinese girls will balk at the idea of going to a bar with you, even if they want to fuck you. You can still snag your notch on a coffee date or dinner date quite easily. I get most of my Chinese notches in China on sober dates.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Suits - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 03:07 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

Honestly, that's one of the dumbest videos I've ever seen.

Your best shot is to ignore it's content altogether if you want to pursue Chinese women.

If you're actually dating a Chinese woman anything like the one described in the video, you've already messed up. Yes, there are Chinese women like that, but you are doing yourself a disservice if you give them the time of day.

There are a ton of Chinese women who are perfectly good conversationalists, will enjoy sharing a laugh with you when you ridicule them for taking photos of everything they eat and will not dump you when you point out how silly it would be for you to carry her purse for her.

The best thing about Chinese girls is their sense of humour. If she doesn't have one (and some self-focused selfie-stick queens don't) you're chasing the wrong girls and she will probably never fuck you anyway on account of the fact that image is all that she cares about and dating or sleeping with anyone other than a rich & connect Chinese man would be beneath her anyway.

Also, while I appreciate the effect that went into creating this thread, I question the reliability of a sample size of 2.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - YoungBlade - 09-10-2017

This is my experience with Chinese students at US universities

[Image: 2480_ugly_betty_01_500.jpg]

why bother?

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - Transsimian - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 09:01 AM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

This is my experience with Chinese students at US universities

why bother?

I don't think looks are the problem, as those wealthy enough to study abroad can afford to look good.

The problem is many of them get too ultranationalistic, especially if other Chinese are watching.

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - YoungBlade - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 07:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2017 03:07 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

Honestly, that's one of the dumbest videos I've ever seen.

Your best shot is to ignore it's content altogether if you want to pursue Chinese women.

If you're actually dating a Chinese woman anything like the one described in the video, you've already messed up. Yes, there are Chinese women like that, but you are doing yourself a disservice if you give them the time of day.

There are a ton of Chinese women who are perfectly good conversationalists, will enjoy sharing a laugh with you when you ridicule them for taking photos of everything they eat and will not dump you when you point out how silly it would be for you to carry her purse for her.

The best thing about Chinese girls is their sense of humour. If she doesn't have one (and some self-focused selfie-stick queens don't) you're chasing the wrong girls and she will probably never fuck you anyway on account of the fact that image is all that she cares about and dating or sleeping with anyone other than a rich & connect Chinese man would be beneath her anyway.

Also, while I appreciate the effect that went into creating this thread, I question the reliability of a sample size of 2.

You're just mad he doxxed you [Image: lol.gif]

Chinese students at US universities datasheet - WalterBlack - 09-10-2017

Quote: (09-10-2017 07:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2017 03:07 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

"You know you are dating a CHINESE woman when..."

Honestly, that's one of the dumbest videos I've ever seen.

Your best shot is to ignore it's content altogether if you want to pursue Chinese women.

If you're actually dating a Chinese woman anything like the one described in the video, you've already messed up. Yes, there are Chinese women like that, but you are doing yourself a disservice if you give them the time of day.

There are a ton of Chinese women who are perfectly good conversationalists, will enjoy sharing a laugh with you when you ridicule them for taking photos of everything they eat and will not dump you when you point out how silly it would be for you to carry her purse for her.

The best thing about Chinese girls is their sense of humour. If she doesn't have one (and some self-focused selfie-stick queens don't) you're chasing the wrong girls and she will probably never fuck you anyway on account of the fact that image is all that she cares about and dating or sleeping with anyone other than a rich & connect Chinese man would be beneath her anyway.

Also, while I appreciate the effect that went into creating this thread, I question the reliability of a sample size of 2.

I agree with the above and in my experience Chinese FOB women usually acquiesce to man who has some balls on him. I tell them that in my parents' culture, men are in charge, that men don't cook and that it's considered women's work (I am aware that in some parts of China e.g Shanghai the men cook. Indian men don't cook). I wouldn't change my frame just to make her happy, fuck carrying a handbag for her...

Just about every Chinese woman FOB I've dated has cooked for me or bought me food. Apart from sometimes paying when we go out, I never buy them shit. Usually they end up buying me stuff. If they never offer to pay, I next them.

If you can make a woman cum regularly in the bedroom then you can twist her around your finger no matter what race she is.