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Bone Broth Protein Powder - JohnGalt007 - 09-01-2017

I have begun taking Bone Broth Protein POwder as a supplement for a few months now and want to share it here with the forum. I think it is a great supplement. I started taking bone broth to help gut issues associated with an autoimmune disease that I have. Bone broth is like a medicine for me. i feel great after eating it for a few days. The problem with bone broth is the time , effort it takes to repare and it doesnt store long . Bone broth powder is basicly a protein powder packed with collagen and other nutrients. Really good for join issues, Auto-immune diseases and packed with protein.

IM curious if anyone else has been trying this supplement and what your experience has been. Ive been buying my bone broth powder from Amazon in a few pound packages and I make a tea / broth 2x per day with Tumeric, Black pepper, honey and the broth powder.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - RawGod - 09-01-2017

I'm just getting into my first jar of the stuff and it seems promising so far. Feel a boost similar to taking real home-prepared bone broth. I take it with resistant starch (Bob's Red mill potato starch) and turmeric. Tastes terrible.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - JohnGalt007 - 09-01-2017

Quote: (09-01-2017 06:18 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I'm just getting into my first jar of the stuff and it seems promising so far. Feel a boost similar to taking real home-prepared bone broth. I take it with resistant starch (Bob's Red mill potato starch) and turmeric. Tastes terrible.

I add some honey for flavor and if you add black pepper it is supposed to activate the tumeric absorption substantially.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - komatiite - 09-01-2017


Friend of the Forum Isaac Jordan can be seen frequently praising this product on the forum. I thought it was witch magic but I am pretty impressed and now dump two scoops into my black coffee every day. It's a powdered form of bone broth basically and I have less joint pains and my skin wrinkles (especially forehead lines) have really been shrinking in appearance. Hair is also thick and luxurious. Check out the Great Lakes brand for a powdered form.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - Cr33pin - 09-01-2017

Isaac Jordan of the RVF
An Dr Rhonda Patrick bot recommend this brand.... therefore this is the brand to get
[Image: 91suBpFzw1L._SX425_.jpg]

Bone Broth Protein Powder - redbeard - 09-01-2017

You gotta take CAVEMAN from INFOWARS LIFE!!!

[Image: Alex-Jones.jpg]


[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

All jokes aside the "bone broth" in CAVEMAN from INFOWARS LIFE is just hydrolyzed chicken collagen. There's nothing special about this blend and it'd be much cheaper to buy it from Great Lakes like Cr33pin mentions.

I bought the gelatin in bulk because FUCK AMAZON!

This is where we have the "gelatin vs collagen" discussion. From what I understand collagen is digested gelatin? Something like that? All I know is I use gelatin in my sludge and it works great. Highly recommend.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - komatiite - 09-01-2017

OP what brand are you using?

Bone Broth Protein Powder - JohnGalt007 - 09-01-2017

Quote: (09-01-2017 02:42 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

OP what brand are you using?

This is what I have purchased from Amazon.

I make hot water and add the broth powder then stir in Honey and grate Tumeric and crushed black peppercorns. It works better than the medicine the doctors tried to kill me with.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - Gorgiass - 09-01-2017

"Bone broth powder" is marketing speak. I take bulk supplements brand collagen, about 20g/day. $30/kg, so less than $15/lb. It dissolves in cold water and doesn't taste terrible, although not great. Believe that only the hydrolyzed versions dissolve in cold water, although the body uses them all the same.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - Clint Barton - 09-01-2017

I'll have to try this. I make my own bone broth and it's great but this might be really convenient for travelling to places that don't have a big soup food culture going on.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - Northern Wastes - 05-01-2018

Anyone use this stuff to up protein intake?

I steer clear of diary and I'm allergic to legumes so all the plant based protein powders and whey out there aren't for me.

I've been using hemp but it's about 10g per table spoon which isn't very much.

This stuff seems decent but is very pricey.

Bone Broth Protein Powder - kosko - 05-02-2018

The collagen and trace minerals are the benefits of bone broth more than the protein. The collagen helps your skin, your joints, your gut, and the trace minerals help with your inner workings and overall health. I use both powder and broth concentrate.

I use this stuff:
[Image: 20170812_141554_large.jpg]

It isn't all that cheap and one jar lasts me about a month. I use it mostly as a breakfast supplement and I will mix one tablespoon with ginger, lemon juice, turmeric, cayenne pepper, pink sea salt, Italian seasoning herbs (for flavour), coconut oil, and chia seeds. It is a nutrient bomb that fills my belly with warm filling liquids and it powers me at work until the afternoon.

I also use a broth power that I use on weekends or in-between shipments. I like it because it is quick, easy, and it is dense and nourishing food. I forget the brand I am using, it is a chicken bone broth power though.

I also add in this daily:

I use the above in everything from protein shakes to green juice. I am trying to be proactive with my joints as I get older they don't break down as quick. It might be a large $ dump each money on this stuff but this supplements the dense food it is replacing. I also think long term it hopefully adds on priceless benefits in maintaining the quality of life.