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Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-03-2017

I'm 30, from Tel-Aviv.

I took the red pill about 2-3 years ago.
I've been working out since high school and was always big and strong but also overweight. Ever since taking the red pill I've shed about 70 pounds and now I'm lean and mean and I've been getting a whole different responses from women, but on that I will elaborate in a different post.

I'm tall and have an above average looks and physique, which sways towards a Spaniard look. Though I don't find it difficult for me to get laid in my own city, I would nevertheless say it's not a walk in the park.

I discovered the wonders of Tinder around 7 months ago and since then it helped me notch countless lays.
After travelling, gaming and Tinder-swiping in Russia and what once was the USSR, England, Germany, the states and so on, I would like to lay before you my observations regarding game in the state of Israel and in general.

1) Israel's culture is very aggressive. Israel is a relatively new country, 69 years old. A few generations ago most of the Jewish people were living abroad, until the holocaust happened. A lot of Jews came to Israel from Arab countries which have an aggressive culture and brought it in to Israel until it became the norm.
It is not uncommon to get cut in line when you're waiting to order in startbucks.
It is not uncommon to get cut in the road or get horned or yelled from a car just because you slowed down.
And you guessed it... it is not uncommon to be completely ignored or humiliated by a mere 6 or 7 in a bar "just because".
IMO the stats of lays are the same. Meaning that if your game is tight, then out of X approaches you'll score Y lays as in anywhere else. However in Israel it will consume more of your mental and physical energy and by the time you'll get to a reasonable number of approaches you'll be already worn out that night.

2) Poor quality prospects.
This is somewhat subjective but most of the Israeli men will agree with me on this:
The average Israeli woman is not attractive.
Now, we have some of the hottest girls in the world here without a doubt (e.g. Bar Refaeli) but in general we players in Israel have 2 scales: Israel's scale and the rest of the world. What would be considered a 6-7 in Moscow.. or even Miami or NY - would be considered a 9 in Tel Aviv.
There just aren't that many beautiful girls around here.
In Tel-Aviv when I see a good looking girl from a bit of a distance I could tell right then and there that she is a foreigner just by her traits or her style.
When I come closer and I hear her speaking in a foreign language, it gives me the proof I was right.

3) Small country, low quantity of targets and tight knit relationships.
People go out in mixed groups, don't mingle when they're out and have a strong preference to go out with people from their close social circles.
This makes approaching a girl pretty hard.

4) Insane male competition.
Countless times I've heard from female travelers that Tel-Aviv is the city where they saw the highest amount of guys who work out. Almost all guys here work out and have a great physique, not to mention a sense of style. In that sense, we are similar to Spain and Italy. I haven't been to LA and I'm sure guys over there invest in themselves at least like the Tel Aviv guys... but don't tell me you don't see a fair amount of honeys too?
In here the women don't share the same ideal and don't invest in themselves like us guys, which creates a sad ratio of hot guys to not so hot women.
Furthermore a lot of guys work as engineers or real estate agents and make good pay. So looking good and having a good income doesn't help shit to a girls opinion about you here unless you're on the extreme end of the scale.

5) Loads of Arses. An Ars is the local Israeli version of a Guido.
It's a guy mostly of oriental decent with an aggressive vibe.
These guys scare a lot of girls off and set the bar up really high as to what is considered a confident man.

6) A strong pickup scene in Tel Aviv.
if the Arses are not enough... Tel Aviv is flooded by chodes learning game and practicing on girls in the high streets and popular clubs, scaring them off.
This make a day game approach in the city come across as a harassment most of the time. This has less weight of course the more attractive you are and the less attractive the girls is.

7) Bad infrastructure, public transport and sense of distance.
A 4 mile journey for a date, a distance that would be considered more than reasonable in a city like London and can take about 30min tops on the subway, is considered a huge deal when you live in Tel Aviv.
Dating a girl who does not live in Tel-Aviv is a pain in the ass.
There are constant traffic jams and no parking spots in Tel Aviv. The alternative of public transport makes no sense as it is not functioning well. a short distance of 6 miles can take up to 2 hours with traffic, bus exchanges and some walking.
This practically rules out any girl who is not in a walking distance from you.

8) Army service creates a snowball which increases the age of decent prospects.
Israelis go to the army for a long period of time between the age of 18-21.
After that, most of them work in some shitty jobs to save money and then travel for a long period of time. They start their studies in the university at ~23.
Finish when they're 27. move to Tel Aviv when they are 28.
So in Tel Aviv you'll have mostly prospects around that age and above.
If you wanna meet any girl below that age you would have to go to the universities, army or meet her in her travels in South America.

9) The Tinder test.
Finally. I consider what Tinder shows me to be a great indicator of the local market.
Of course it doesn't reflect the reality as it is 100%, but it tells a great deal about what the local market has or doesn't have to offer.
Never in my 7 months of using Tinder, in any other country have I seen such a great amount of fat, ugly, 30+ year old women who clearly state in their bio that they are looking only for a serious relationship.
Besides, Tinder shows you "There's no one new around you" pretty damn fast here.

Everything I mentioned here regards to local Israeli men.
When you are a foreigner, especially if you look far different from the local men (e.g. tall, blonde and blue eyes) and you're here for a short while, then you have a higher chance of sealing good deals.


Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - John Michael Kane - 08-03-2017

The only thing your datasheet didn't include is dealing with a Jewish mother in law. I have just enough Jewish friends to have heard the stories.

All kidding aside, it sounds about right. Like Israeli girls, most Jewish American girls are very aggressive and tend to be feminist. I'm not Jewish, but I pity any man that dates your average Jewish girl. Too much drama and high expectations. Talk about extreme hypergamy!

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - ProGambler - 08-03-2017

Aggressive culture doesn't surprise me given immigration mainly came from Russian bloc. Couple that with siege mentality and mandatory military service.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Seth_Rose - 08-03-2017

OP do you plan on marrying a Jewish girl? If so, would you look for her in Israel or elsewhere?

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

John Michael, I actually didn't know that Jewish American girls are aggressive too... I thought it's an Israeli thing.
In Israel as a Jewish person you're expected to find a Jewish partner, but given everything I've mentioned it seems like pretty low ROI.

ProGambler, There was a massive immigration from the Russian bloc that's true. But trust me, I've been to Russia a few times and their aggressiveness is nothing like in Israel. Even here I go to Russian night clubs and it's a whole other thing.. the rejections I get from Russian-Israeli women seem far less harsh than from native ones.

Seth, no idea. At this point in life I don't see it as the best option for me.
After tasting high quality pussy abroad, and with quitting my job and going to South America soon, I'm gonna give it my best efforts to develope an online business and live elsewhere and probably find a non jewish partner.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - John Michael Kane - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 12:26 AM)bruce_almighty Wrote:  

John Michael, I actually didn't know that Jewish American girls are aggressive too... I thought it's an Israeli thing.
In Israel as a Jewish person you're expected to find a Jewish partner, but given everything I've mentioned it seems like pretty low ROI.

Jews in the United States are very leftist as a whole, far more than in Israel. Simply put, Israel is in a rougher neighborhood, so I think there's more abrisiveness there just from living in a small country that has seen a lot of conflict. You'll see more aggressiveness in Israel because Israeli Jews are more street smart in general, whereas most Jews in the United States are quite soft, except for the hardcore feminism of Jewish American chicks. Honestly, I have yet to meet a Jewish girl in her 20's that isn't a hardcore leftist.

Jewish girls in the United States are massively spoiled. Usually they are complete daddy's girls, making sure to spend his money on top of trying to spend yours. They even have a term for it: JAP. Jewish American Princess. I've dated a few JAP's and found them wanting. Extreme entitlement and massive leftist politics don't agree with me.


ProGambler, There was a massive immigration from the Russian bloc that's true. But trust me, I've been to Russia a few times and their aggressiveness is nothing like in Israel. Even here I go to Russian night clubs and it's a whole other thing.. the rejections I get from Russian-Israeli women seem far less harsh than from native ones.

That's hardcore. I've worked with and known a lot of Russians. They are a hardass people. It makes it sound unenviable for guys in Isreal. Do you find that arab/Christian/Muslim girls in Israel more approachable?


Seth, no idea. At this point in life I don't see it as the best option for me.
After tasting high quality pussy abroad, and with quitting my job and going to South America soon, I'm gonna give it my best efforts to develope an online business and live elsewhere and probably find a non jewish partner.

Interesting that you say that. I've known more than a few Jewish guys who ended up marrying non-Jewish girls. Every one of them, to a man, quoted that their parents and society pushed them to marry Jewish, but the Jewish girls were a pain in the ass. I wouldn't blame a Jewish dude for looking elsewhere. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 12:46 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

That's hardcore. I've worked with and known a lot of Russians. They are a hardass people. It makes it sound unenviable for guys in Isreal. Do you find that arab/Christian/Muslim girls in Israel more approachable?

Russians are no doubt hardass people. But we Israelis are no less hardass than them, and with the combination of immigration from Arab countries, you get some of the meanest fucks around here. Plus, being hardass as they are, they are still European with some manners. Here in the middle east, it's a whole different story.
As for the women, I rarely have any interactions with Muslim girls. As for christian girls, most of who I meet in Israel are travelers and it's well known that a girl who travels is more into cock than a local girl. It can be why these girls are far nicer than any Israeli and far easier to bed.
Girls in general are more open to foreigners coming to their country than they are to local men for there's no fear of judgement. That's why I get good lays abroad. So this is more of a gut feeling because it looks a bit like a Schrodinger's cat case where I try to gauge a non Israeli girl's responsiveness to game yet I don't get a genuine response because I'm an Israeli myself.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Snowflake - 08-04-2017

I don't want to derail the thread, but why would you consider Israel as "western"?

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - benji - 08-04-2017

I would have never really thought about Israel to pick up chicks but it's amazing how many hot women on Instagram are from Israel, huge racks and amazing bods. I'm still keen to check it out but thanks for dashing my hopes a bit [Image: icon_neutral.gif]

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 12:46 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Interesting that you say that. I've known more than a few Jewish guys who ended up marrying non-Jewish girls. Every one of them, to a man, quoted that their parents and society pushed them to marry Jewish, but the Jewish girls were a pain in the ass. I wouldn't blame a Jewish dude for looking elsewhere. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Yup - same here - some of those Israelis married even my cousin and some of her friends here. I did not even ask why they did it.

One of my first girls was a Jewish Israeli girl with a double citizenship. She was hot as hell, but that was in saner times.

The gender ratios are also not in your favor there:

Sounds like a tough market place. The worst part is frankly the reverse "busted-guy-test".

The reverse is when you see a busted-broad with a good-looking man. Sad... the only thing that could save the place is an inflow of 300.000 18-25 year old hotties - women would shape up fast.

Recently I saw an old American movie from the 1960s. There they quoted a stat that there were 4-5 million more women in the ages of 18-30 than men - I think some 24 mio. women to 19 mio. men. No wonder women were being so nice, so slim, tried to marry as fast as possible - also no wonder that so many women hunted married men - because her best option was to poach a man from his first wife.

Either way - the gender ratios are bad. I don't know whether it is the worst place out there, but one of the top contenders. While Switzerland is also very bad, but I would say that the lack of pretty options and the over-gamed women make this an extremely hard place. At least in Switzerland you can go and do Daygame and get results. Sure - you have 36yo women there who claim that they have still time to find a good-looking well-earning man, but at least the women are receptive to basic Game.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - LastKing - 08-04-2017

If you removed every instance of the word "Israel" and replaced it with "Washington DC" , you'd still be right. Hey, not everyone can live in NYC or Miami Beach.

At least your weather is nice. I live in a humid swamp full of ghetto people and government drones.

Count your blessings. Adapt or die.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - scrambled - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 12:26 AM)bruce_almighty Wrote:  

Israel's culture is very aggressive

Norman Finkelstein Tells A Joke

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 05:41 PM)bruce_almighty Wrote:  

1) Israel's culture is very aggressive. Israel is a relatively new country, 69 years old. A few generations ago most of the Jewish people were living abroad, until the holocaust happened. A lot of Jews came to Israel from Arab countries which have an aggressive culture and brought it in to Israel until it became the norm.
It is not uncommon to get cut in line when you're waiting to order in startbucks.
It is not uncommon to get cut in the road or get horned or yelled from a car just because you slowed down.

And you guessed it... it is not uncommon to be completely ignored or humiliated by a mere 6 or 7 in a bar "just because".
IMO the stats of lays are the same. Meaning that if your game is tight, then out of X approaches you'll score Y lays as in anywhere else. However in Israel it will consume more of your mental and physical energy and by the time you'll get to a reasonable number of approaches you'll be already worn out that night.

The funny part is that I got the opinion from some who have lots of contact with Israeli tourist groups that they are unfriendly and rough. They thought that it had something to do with them being goys, but they did not know that they behave like that in Israel among their own as well. This is not to be taken personally.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Rossi - 08-04-2017

Tel Aviv? Western place, hmm [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 05:09 AM)benji Wrote:  

I would have never really thought about Israel to pick up chicks but it's amazing how many hot women on Instagram are from Israel, huge racks and amazing bods. I'm still keen to check it out but thanks for dashing my hopes a bit [Image: icon_neutral.gif]

This actually doesn't surprise me.
We have hot women no doubt about it. But their percentage of the population is slim.
When you go to Gordon beach in Tel Aviv you'll see a shitload of hot women with huge racks and booties and that's because the cream of the crop of Israel's women go there.

Because it is not common to be a beautiful woman here, a girl who is gets so much validation that she feels obligated to nurture an Instagram profile. She gets validation from Israeli profiles which inflate her value leading to a global snowball effect.

I've seen beautiful women from Russia who don't get nearly as much followers as Israeli women who are less attractive.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 05:40 AM)LastKing Wrote:  

If you removed every instance of the word "Israel" and replaced it with "Washington DC" , you'd still be right. Hey, not everyone can live in NYC or Miami Beach.

At least your weather is nice. I live in a humid swamp full of ghetto people and government drones.

Count your blessings. Adapt or die.

Heard a lot about the DC situation. Thing is, for you guys in the states it's easier to move to a different state in the US than for a guy like me to another country and learn a new language. But still everything is possible.


The gender ratios are also not in your favor there:

Sounds like a tough market place. The worst part is frankly the reverse "busted-guy-test".
What can I say brother.. the situation here is very grim. I'm gonna think hard about what I wanna do about it when I'm in South America.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Svoboda - 08-04-2017

Interesting post, I've hooked up with an Israeli chick that was traveling after her militairy service, and if I had to use one word to describe them (Israeli's) it's: agressive.

I have no idea if this is really a thing, but my theory is that most Israelis (or their parents or grandparents) are from places where they were low on the social ladder or even sort of non citizens (on a legal level), and when they arrived in Israel they had the mindset they finally have their own place where they can do as they please and don't have to bow down for anyone. It's sort of a pre emptive "don't take shit from anyone", they feel they must strike first otherwise they think they'll be walked over.

This lizard and her friends were mediterranean - levantine looking, which I tend to like a lot, but not a big fan of the attitude of her travel buddies.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - scrambled - 08-04-2017

Where are the main spots that Israeli's visit in Latin America? Do they travel during the Israeli winter or summer?

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - TorontoRocks - 08-04-2017

The kid from "Jerry Maguire" enjoyed his time there-

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - godzilla - 08-04-2017

What are popular place that Israeli girls like to go to?

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 03:28 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

What are popular place that Israeli girls like to go to?


Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - bruce_almighty - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 12:56 PM)scrambled Wrote:  

Where are the main spots that Israeli's visit in Latin America? Do they travel during the Israeli winter or summer?

I'm not sure there are any hotspots.
Everywhere and anytime in South America is flooded with Israelis mainly around the age of 21-22.

I know there are 2 popular "waves" of travelling.. An "down" wave which starts from the north of the continent or even central America, around October, and an up wave which starts from Argentina-Chille and goes all the way up.

A popular thing is to end a wave in Brazil by February to get to the carnaval.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - John Michael Kane - 08-04-2017

Israeli girls (and guys) also come to NYC a lot because that's where most major Jewish organizations that do outreach to Israeli Jews are based. There are summer programs that invite Israelis to the city, and sister programs back in Israel that encourage American Jews to visit Israel.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-04-2017 11:59 AM)bruce_almighty Wrote:  


The gender ratios are also not in your favor there:

Sounds like a tough market place. The worst part is frankly the reverse "busted-guy-test".
What can I say brother.. the situation here is very grim. I'm gonna think hard about what I wanna do about it when I'm in South America.

You can do it like the so-called Western Euro-jaunter. You live in a Western city with lesser options, but then you travel frequently via cheap long-in-advance booked flights and fuck the hottest girls in EE,FSU, South America, Asia - in those areas.

Then later if you want to settle down or meet a girl, then you get yourself an EE, FSU girl. Some even look Jewish like a friend of mine - but in a hot way - she married an Israeli and works there already. Sure - his parents preferred a Jewish girl, but she has an IQ above 120, so they will live.

That way you get the best of both worlds.

Why Israel (and Tel Aviv in particular) is the shittiest western place to game in - Llama Deam - 08-04-2017

Maybe I am just weird, but I actually like Jewish women. The ones I meet in London are always intelligent, fun and easy to bang. I also had a positive experience with them in New York as well.

Israel was a little different. The women in Jerusalem were painfully average and somewhat conservative. Not exactly a friendly city to game in. Tel Aviv was a bit better in that regard and I thought there were plenty of good looking girls but I generally found the women cold. With Israeli women it seems as though you have to get them while they are abroad.