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"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Printable Version

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"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Naughty By Nature - 02-07-2017

Brose, what do you think of this list?

1) Chicago
2) Atlanta
3) Miami
4) DC
5) NYC
6) Killadelphia
7) Boston
8) Houston
9) Minneapolis
10) Dallas
11) Oakland
12) Pittsburgh
13) Tampa
14) Columbus
15) LA

Glad to see 6 of the 7 cities I'm considering moving to in the top 10 (#1 Chicago, #2 Atlanta, #5 NYC, #8 Houston, #9 Minneapolis, and #10 Dallas). The only one that didn't make the grade was Charlotte.

Also, what's the intel on Philadelphia? I never hear it mentioned here. My brother goes to college there, so I've been a few times with my family, but I've never gamed there. The city is a mondo dump, for the most part, though.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - RexImperator - 02-07-2017

Makes sense.

Recent reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that the HIV/AIDS rates in Atlanta, particularly in the downtown area, are as bad as some third-world African countries, according to Atlanta Daily World.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - JohnKreese - 02-07-2017

No Vegas?

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Naughty By Nature - 02-07-2017

Quote: (02-07-2017 05:59 PM)JohnKreese Wrote:  

No Vegas?

Yeah, that seems ridiculous to me.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Shimmy - 02-07-2017

That list sounds like BS. I've traveled to several of those cities in the past year. Hands down nothing even comes close to NYC and Chicago.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - TripleG - 02-07-2017

This BS sites review of DC shows how little the writers now:
"4. Washington, DC
If you’ve ever spent an hour watching C-SPAN, then you understand why DC has nearly four bars for every thousand people: making laws will drive you to drink. Then again, the booze also helps people get through those insufferable conversations about which branch of government they work for. That said, DC is very dude-friendly -- the city rocks 11.3% more women than men."

Just because a city has many bars does not mean it is a good place to get laid, especially when many of those bars just happen to have a work crowd and empty out very quickly on weekday's as soon as happy hour is over. As for DC having more women that is a US Census Bureau fact which is completely useless in the dating world. I would guess over 50% of DC women don't even go to bars as they tend to be from a poorer minority demographic, then there are the large numbers of hipster women and the lesbians who hang out just among their social-circles, then the amount of ugly women one sees is staggering, that number takes into account all women and not just the 21-35 year old age range which most of us go for so plenty of older cougars and senior citizens lumpred into that "11.3% figure", and finally see my earlier point about most bars emptying out as soon as happy hour is over. DC really is only good for one thing, and that is for work...even Baltimore beats it hands down for partying.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Heart Break Kid - 02-07-2017

Vegas and New Orleans are basically hook up cities, so it's strange that they're not on here, I man Pittsburgh - really?

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Merenguero - 02-08-2017

Quote: (02-07-2017 09:02 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

This BS sites review of DC shows how little the writers now:
"4. Washington, DC
If you’ve ever spent an hour watching C-SPAN, then you understand why DC has nearly four bars for every thousand people: making laws will drive you to drink. Then again, the booze also helps people get through those insufferable conversations about which branch of government they work for. That said, DC is very dude-friendly -- the city rocks 11.3% more women than men."

Just because a city has many bars does not mean it is a good place to get laid, especially when many of those bars just happen to have a work crowd and empty out very quickly on weekday's as soon as happy hour is over. As for DC having more women that is a US Census Bureau fact which is completely useless in the dating world. I would guess over 50% of DC women don't even go to bars as they tend to be from a poorer minority demographic, then there are the large numbers of hipster women and the lesbians who hang out just among their social-circles, then the amount of ugly women one sees is staggering, that number takes into account all women and not just the 21-35 year old age range which most of us go for so plenty of older cougars and senior citizens lumpred into that "11.3% figure", and finally see my earlier point about most bars emptying out as soon as happy hour is over. DC really is only good for one thing, and that is for work...even Baltimore beats it hands down for partying.

I can't disagree with D.C. being very high on that list. The list is about easiness, not about quality, not about women's fashion, and not about the concentration of models. Competition here is non-existent, guys dress like complete idiots and/or are gay or something. Exercise culture is by far the worst of anywhere I live. As far as easiness, it's great. As far as quality, it's a complete hellhole and will only get worse.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - BrewDog - 02-09-2017

Isn't Canada a US city? Those chicks are complete sluts.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - godzilla - 02-09-2017

1. NYC
2. Chicago
3. Miami
4. Vegas
5. New Orleans

Other then that, the best places to get laid in US, aren't really cities. They're small beach towns and small college towns, where lots of people congregate.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - DigitalNomad - 02-09-2017

Quote: (02-09-2017 01:45 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Isn't Canada a US city? Those chicks are complete sluts.

Don't tell that to Toronto guys.

Any easiest lay in the US list that doesn't include New Orleans, Nashville, or Vegas is creating a list for clickbait and not accuracy. Hell, is there anyone on this forum that could tell me honestly that Dallas is easier to get laid than Austin? Please...

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Naughty By Nature - 03-28-2017

Does anyone have any intel on Boston?

I went there a bunch as a kid with my family but I never pimped it or anything like that. I always found it to be kind of boring but I was a fan of the foot traffic. All I know is their sports teams (and fans) are amazing and the rent is insanely high. Is it worth considering moving to for someone big into pick-up (especially daygame)?

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Pete - 03-28-2017

Quote: (03-28-2017 04:33 AM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

Does anyone have any intel on Boston?

I went there a bunch as a kid with my family but I never pimped it or anything like that. I always found it to be kind of boring but I was a fan of the foot traffic. All I know is their sports teams (and fans) are amazing and the rent is insanely high. Is it worth considering moving to for someone big into pick-up (especially daygame)?

I visit Boston quite often, maybe 6 times a year. I find it boring, everyone is kinda busy on their own stuff[career]. People are kinda "cold". I wouldn't go there to get "laid".

NY and Miami are much much better in that regard.

One thing I see in Boston is a very high quantity of asian women.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Deepdiver - 03-28-2017

Boston is uni central with over 300,000 uni and college students in the metro Boston area... Most of the wealthiest families in the world eventually send a son or daughter to study in Boston.

Known as Euro Kids for their love of Euro and specifically Italian fashion, designer clothes and cars these international students from Blue bloods to Gulf Oil princes to Latin, Middle East and Asian zillionaires families tend to be an insulated crowd.

So if your game target demo is college age women of means and recent young professional grads or Championship sports fans and groupies it can be fun... If you prefer HB9s and Unicorn 10s Boston talent migrates to NYC and Hollywood etc., after graduation to seek their fortunes... Like most other ambitious ladies.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - kosko - 03-29-2017

Quote: (02-07-2017 05:38 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

Brose, what do you think of this list?

1) Chicago
2) Atlanta
3) Miami
4) DC
5) NYC
6) Killadelphia
7) Boston
8) Houston
9) Minneapolis
10) Dallas
11) Oakland
12) Pittsburgh
13) Tampa
14) Columbus
15) LA

Glad to see 6 of the 7 cities I'm considering moving to in the top 10 (#1 Chicago, #2 Atlanta, #5 NYC, #8 Houston, #9 Minneapolis, and #10 Dallas). The only one that didn't make the grade was Charlotte.

Also, what's the intel on Philadelphia? I never hear it mentioned here. My brother goes to college there, so I've been a few times with my family, but I've never gamed there. The city is a mondo dump, for the most part, though.



And to figure that out, we took a list of the 30 busiest US Tinder markets (as provided by the company) and narrowed it down using three important criteria known to increase odds and fuel the flames of "romance": number of bars per 100 people (according to a study by Infogroup Targeting Solutions); percentage of single residents; and lopsided ratios of women to men.

1. Heavy Tinder usage means thirsty dudes... which means dudes who are not getting laid much; heavy Tinder usage in a city does not equate ease of sex.

2. Bars per capita? What does that mean? Boston has lots of bars but nightlife sucks there and hooking up is questionable. Also, the list is full of 'on the low' fag havens like Chicago, Miami, DC, and Atlanta that have lots of gay bars that inflate numbers (and when you cross-plain it with HIV rates per metro it all lines up, when people push "casual sex" numbers they are talking lots of MSM shit. Lots of faggy shit on the low).

3. "percentage of single residents" do they control for young girls aged 18-30? Census data does not give you that magic number perse and marketing groups will shake you down to give you that type of data. If a city has lots of single mothers with bombed out wombs and multiple baby daddies how does that equate to good ratios?

Always be suspicious of these types of list. It is made for click bait.

As many have pointed out on here, we here on RVF can make a better assessment of cities which are good for sex in the USA. Any list that does not start with NYC or Vegas is bullshit. NYC due to its density, close surroundings, and the ratio of young women to men is the best-constructed city for hooking up. Period.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - scrambled - 03-29-2017

Strange that fake news keeps doubling down on itself.

NYC in toto or specific borough? I wasn't impressed with Midtown Manhattan; and tinder was a chamber of horrors.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - brianmark - 03-29-2017

Quote: (02-09-2017 10:35 AM)godzilla Wrote:  

1. NYC
2. Chicago
3. Miami
4. Vegas
5. New Orleans

Other then that, the best places to get laid in US, aren't really cities. They're small beach towns and small college towns, where lots of people congregate.

This is a much better list. The places things happen have many tourists coming trough wanting to have fun. Yes, beach towns and college towns too. Nothing happens when the party density is low. It has to get wild, or little happens. I frequent Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Days, Oktoberfest. It has to hit that critical level of wildness for things to happen.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Naughty By Nature - 03-30-2017

Quote: (03-29-2017 03:16 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2017 05:38 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

Brose, what do you think of this list?

1) Chicago
2) Atlanta
3) Miami
4) DC
5) NYC
6) Killadelphia
7) Boston
8) Houston
9) Minneapolis
10) Dallas
11) Oakland
12) Pittsburgh
13) Tampa
14) Columbus
15) LA

Glad to see 6 of the 7 cities I'm considering moving to in the top 10 (#1 Chicago, #2 Atlanta, #5 NYC, #8 Houston, #9 Minneapolis, and #10 Dallas). The only one that didn't make the grade was Charlotte.

Also, what's the intel on Philadelphia? I never hear it mentioned here. My brother goes to college there, so I've been a few times with my family, but I've never gamed there. The city is a mondo dump, for the most part, though.



And to figure that out, we took a list of the 30 busiest US Tinder markets (as provided by the company) and narrowed it down using three important criteria known to increase odds and fuel the flames of "romance": number of bars per 100 people (according to a study by Infogroup Targeting Solutions); percentage of single residents; and lopsided ratios of women to men.

1. Heavy Tinder usage means thirsty dudes... which means dudes who are not getting laid much; heavy Tinder usage in a city does not equate ease of sex.

2. Bars per capita? What does that mean? Boston has lots of bars but nightlife sucks there and hooking up is questionable. Also, the list is full of 'on the low' fag havens like Chicago, Miami, DC, and Atlanta that have lots of gay bars that inflate numbers (and when you cross-plain it with HIV rates per metro it all lines up, when people push "casual sex" numbers they are talking lots of MSM shit. Lots of faggy shit on the low).

3. "percentage of single residents" do they control for young girls aged 18-30? Census data does not give you that magic number perse and marketing groups will shake you down to give you that type of data. If a city has lots of single mothers with bombed out wombs and multiple baby daddies how does that equate to good ratios?

Always be suspicious of these types of list. It is made for click bait.

As many have pointed out on here, we here on RVF can make a better assessment of cities which are good for sex in the USA. Any list that does not start with NYC or Vegas is bullshit. NYC due to its density, close surroundings, and the ratio of young women to men is the best-constructed city for hooking up. Period.

Bro, you've gotta add Chicago to TIER 1. NYC has as much, if not more, of a fruitcake presence as Chicago.


That is the undisputed Holy Trinity of American game cities.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Jetset - 03-30-2017

I'd be curious where people put Scottsdale/Tempe on such a list, and where it ranks in relation to Austin.

"The 15 Easiest US Cities To Get Laid" - Biologist - 04-01-2017

Why isn't Zanesville on that list?