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Rough Travel By BlackUniform - BlackUniform - 01-19-2017

Rough Travel By BlackUniform


[Image: Sn_mek_obrazovky_2017_01_19_v_21_03_06.png]

When I was planning what to do after school I was inspired a lot by reading NaughtyNomad stories, it was fascinating so I planned couple of trips right after I am free. The second one was backpacking trip and I selected about 12 countries to travel by land and sea. It was not selected exactly to meet girls but more for adventure, getting to know places and to test myself. Eventually I got to execute that plan when I was 20.

During that time, so many random situations happened that it improved my psyche a lot and made me way more hardened. I would recommend to any guy, especially the younger to go out there, even if you don’t have much money and just rough it, experience stuff and feel real life.

I did not plan it exactly, never booked a transport or hostel, did everything on the ground, just found my way around every place, it was not the most comfortable way but now I know that I can rely on myself way more.

I picked my budget and the right equipment (both of which I needed less on the road). It was fairly easy to keep some muscle mass over those two months of intense travel, as I probably walked 10-30 km every day and ate just meat and veggies.

I will put it in the order that I did the journey but the further I went the more interesting shit started to happen to me.

Ukraine - Health issues

[Image: 2016_07_06_13_41_56_kopie.jpg]

I took a train from CZ through whole Slovakia to Košice, after that took another train to Čierna nad Tisou, where I for the first time experienced the Hungarian influence on the borders of Slovakia, fucking everyone there spoke Hungarian. Eventually I got to Ukraine, my first stop was Uzhorod, it was a very nice town and my feeling when first time in Ukraine were really great, I was excited.
Spent day in Uzhorod and took overnight train to Lviv, been in Lviv for two-three days, reminded me of Prague with architecture and I really liked Ukrainian people, 13yo girls taking selfies with Stefan Bandera statue, shouting “Slava Ukrajine” on the streets randomly, also cigs for 20UAH, perfect place for me.
There was the first shit that hit me, for some reason I got sick there and had to lay in bed for the whole day, luckily for some reason I was OK the next day and could get to Kiev.
Slept in my friends place on Kreschatik, did some small gaming in the club, got know the city a bit.
The second shit hit me when I was stupid enough to try to drink tap water, I did about 0,5l and after a few hours I had watery blisters all over my fingers on hands and feet and it got pretty painful to walk. I did not know what it is and I thought that I caught some skin shit from the trains or hostels, I stopped drinking it and after 24 hours it was ok, but I thought that I will have to go back home and cure that thing.

Anyways, went to Kharkiv, Odessa and so on. The connection between Kharkiv and Odessa is pretty shit as most of the trains are sold out and I had to use 18 hour connecting between Kharkiv and Cherson, the shittiest train ever in fucking summer temperatures, discomfort number one.


[Image: 2016_07_15_16_47_23_kopie.jpg]

Funny little country, felt like it’s better off than Moldova. Stopped me on the border crossing and gave me some shit for having a knife, but with my broken Russian I managed to get in and out. Bought nice Transnistrial flag and Novorussian flag in local “souvenir shop”.


I really like the place, countryside, wine, women etc. I felt good in a hostel there as it was still “off the beaten track” and places like this are not filled with SWJ backpackers that much. Met really interesting people, some veterans, guy who was hitchhiking in Iran a month ago etc.

Romania - Hitchhiking with Legionare

That was nothing special, from being in such non-frequented countries suddenly walking in Brasov and seeing so many old retired tourist sucked pretty much. But I really like the cities, Brasov, Bucharest and Constanta.

When I was hitchhiking from Brasov to Bucharest I got picked up by a guy who was 10 years in French Foreign Legion, he started to tell me stories how he shot in the head surrendering africans in Rwanda and so on, I guess those are not the best stories to hear as a hitchhiker but I thought it was fun. Bucharest was also shitload of fun, besides me fucking up a lay with a french chick, I got to party pretty good and to finally see by myself the pussification of Scandinavial male.

Wanted to go to Varna but the only thing I could find was connection to Constanta, so off I go. Got to see sunrise above the see with some Romanian chick and swim with her naked, drank all night, hanged out with glue-smoking homeless fisherman, but did not sleep for two days and one night. I experienced something similar in Thailand where I did not sleep for three days and two nights, but it’s good to experience something like this, at least you know that you can take it and function normally, this is probably not going to happen if you are not in the military or a junkie.

[Image: 2016_07_23_05_48_49_kopie.jpg]

Bulgaria - Old Sailor

Wanted to join one of the volunteer refugee hunting border patrols, contacted them though e-mail but they rejected me as they wanted just guys with military experience from abroad. Shit, could have been fun to catch some immigrants. Not much to tell about it, spent just two days in Varna. When I was going around the Roman baths some homeless looking old man nodded at me so I set next to him, he did not spoke Russian or english fully so we spoke kind of “czech-russian-english” but it was doable. He told me stories how he was a commercial sailor his whole life here, how he got to Bangladesh and banged 14yo for $1, visited west Africa etc. it was really good random encounter and those are a lot of times the best, just go with the flow.

Turkey - After coup, Kurdistan and Smuggler of refugees

This was probably the most interesting as when I got to Istanbul the “coup” happened 7 days before that. Free public transport, no tourists, finally I did not feel like in Europe and mainly because I felt like most people wanted to scam me. Really interesting atmosphere to be somewhere during such times. After 4 days in Istanbul I decided to go to Turkish “Kurdistan”, I thought it through a lot because one Kurdish guy in hostel in Bucharest told me that if I will go there, I will die, but I thought that it will not be that extreme. So I bought my ticket to Diyarbakir. Fucking nobody understand a word in english, but it was still cool. Guy sitting next to me in the bus tried to talk though google translator and after a few questions he went “where is your family?”, I asked him the same after and he said “Dead, Turks killed them.”. Also what I found interesting is that almost every muslim guy that I spoke with asked me pretty quickly if I got a wife..

[Image: 2016_07_29_18_19_32_kopie.jpg]

Diyarbakir was interesting, people were looking at me all the time, many buildings fucked up, police everywhere with their armoured trucks. I felt a constant low-level stress while there, I was looking at people around me, if they are not reaching into their pockets or carrying big bags, I was sitting at corner tables when in kebab place to see everyone. While crossing the police roadblock I saw the police stop a kid on a bike with a bag, they searched though the bag and I was like wtf, but it was not so long since PKK had their fun there. After that going through the narrow alleys of the historical centre I seen like 6yo kid run from the door with injection full of blood and some guy stepped out of his door and started to stare at me for a pretty long time, then I heard people talking loud and looking at me so I got the hell out of there as soon as I could. This was pretty much the only situation that I felt unsafe in.

[Image: 2016_07_29_18_17_27_kopie.jpg]

Felt pretty good in there for some reason, felt like I am living.

Took a bus to Izmir, never knew that the highway is so close to Syrian border - about 20-25 km distance from the border for couple of hours of driving. It was interesting to look at the map and see that Kobani is 25km south.

In Izmir I been in hostel in some refugee part of town, was buying whole fried chickens from Syrians for $2, everyday ate like 3 of them just like that. The part looked pretty slumish and where there are refugees, there are NGO workers, did not like those motherfuckers. But I got to hang out with a guy that was in charge of refugee camps in Serbia and Greece, pretty interesting, he introduced me to a smuggler, I felt a bit safer there after the people saw me with that guy. The guy who was in charge of the camps explained to me the exact process of smuggling and all the stuff around camps and refugees.

[Image: Sn_mek_obrazovky_2017_01_19_v_21_13_40.png]

After that they had a pro-president rally in Izmir so I went, again, did not feel very safe there but it was as well pretty interesting, the people were really passionate, some random guys asked me where I am from, they looked satisfied with the answer and my beard.

Greece - Parking lot hooker

Got out of there by sea. Did not understand what the fucking Greeks are doing, millions of people crossed their border and they searched me, a blond, blue eyed guy with EU passport like I am a fucking ISIS or something. When I was entering the ferry to Athens from Chios the soldier there asked me after seeing my passport “What is the capital of CZ?” probably tested if I don’t have a fake passport. I answered like three times and he kept silent for another 30s so I got angry and went “DO I look like a fucking immigrant?” he said that everything is ok and let me in.

Whole Greece was shit, the country is a dump I did not like any of it, the best thing was buying a hooker in Thessaloniki for 20 EUR and fucking her on the parking while her pimp was watching.


Not much extraordinary to say about that, been there during some heavy rain and that night about 12 people died in Skopje.


Was pretty curious about Albanians, and surprised, beautiful women, better even in Kosova

Kosovo - Hanging out with Serbian drug dealers

Loved the hostel and people in there, pretty good party.

[Image: 2016_08_13_20_31_52_kopie.jpg]

Got to Mitrovice before leaving, especially walked to the north part. Walking around was approached by a group of Serbian guys sitting in a beer garden, joined them. Eventually they said that they are dealing drugs and stuff, besides one most of them did not want to talk with me that much as according to the guy that I spoke with they thought that I am a “western spy”. Really like those guys, pretty redpill, aggressive, I guess that something like this happens when you grow up in shit.

Before I left we smoked together a blunt with Albanian weed, did not have much but it totally destroyed me.

Serbia - Illegal Border Crossing and Attempt to Rape Me

[Image: 2016_08_15_14_12_48_HDR_kopie.jpg]

Crossing the border “illegally” as I did it from Kosovo and did not have serbian border stamp, the worst thing that I was totally stoned and border crossing was about 1 hour away, I fell a sleep for a bit and the border guy woke me up. He wanted passport, I showed him ID instead but he still took me outside and wanted me to unlock my bag, I did it pretty slowly as I was stoned and as we both speak slavic languages I understood him a bit, he looked at the bus driver and asked “Who is this person?!” hah. Eventually he let me go.

Woke up in Belgrade around 5am. Walked in the park that is swarming with refugees, I thought that the hostels will be mainly with closed reception so I just walked around for a bit. Then I started to talk with some Serbian guy, smaller than me, about 55, he was really welcoming as most people from EE are when they hear that I am from another slavic country. We talked for a bit and he did to me the thing that Serbian men do when greeting each other, he gave me those three kisses on the cheeks. He mentioned if I don’t want to put my bag into his car so I don’t have to carry it, I refused so we walked for a bit and talked, at that point I wanted to get rid off him a bit, but I still had plenty of time.
Without telling me up front he walked me to his car and asked again if I don’t want to put my bag there, I refused so he went -
- “Ok, we can ride around Belegrade and I can show you the place.”
- “No man, I am too tired, I want to go to hostel and sleep.”
- “So we can just sit for a 10 min in the car.”
- “No, I will not get into that car with you.”
- “But I am a good man.”

I did not respond, suddenly he started to smile like *nothing happened* and hugged me again with those three kisses but at this time I felt a saliva at my cheeks and like fingers in my crotch area, I pushed him away and shouted “WHAT THE FUCK?!”, he was rubbing his dick through his pants and started to walk away. I could not comprehend how this happened to me, was in bit of a shock, so I went and rented some hostel, after they gave me room I spent some time listening to shit on youtube and get over it.
Especially I don’t know how he planned to force me to something as I could have sucker punched that little old cunt right away, if he had a knife or a gun in that car, who knows. Probably should have beat the shit out of that old fuck.

Otherwise loved the city


[Image: 2016_08_18_14_55_54_HDR_kopie.jpg]

Nothing special, felt like in Prague with that fucking tourist vibe and drunken brits, but it was good, I felt like home, maybe because we shared the same empire for so long, breathtaking architecture.

Props to Hungaria border police, they got out the only guy in the compartment just because he was brown.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - Kamaki4 - 01-19-2017

Great report, interesting that you found Albanian girls attractive; they are definitely underrated. Even though I'm Greek I don't take it personally that you didn't like the place. I suspect the attitude of the average Greek was the biggest problem. Greece as a country is fantastic, but the economic depression has taken a toll on a wide range of areas from infrastructure and public transit to selection and service.

Even the attitude of the average Greek has changed. We have always been a miserable lot, but 6 years of crushing depression have driven many locals mad.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - BlackUniform - 01-19-2017

Well I liked the country when I looked at the landscape but what I found funny is how much overpriced and overrated it is, also I guess that it's partly because of those 21 refugee camps that are around Athens, everything was covered by graffiti and smelled like piss. Trains were horrible etc. Also it's because I had some expectations when I got there, because everyone in CZ is like "Ooo Greece it's the best place ever.". But I saw a lot of shit there.

I found especially Kosova girls great, taller and slimmer than mainland Albanians. The breast - waist - hip ratio was the right for impregnation.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - RatInTheWoods - 01-19-2017

Amazing adventures BlackUniform, real travel, real sights.

A powerful learning adventure for a young man, Rattie solutes you!

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - John Michael Kane - 01-19-2017

Albanian women are beautiful, no doubt. Just watch out for their very protective brothers and fathers! Albanians are tight, so social circle game is the safest way to get a woman. Being a drive-by man, not so much.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - Rogaz - 01-19-2017

I am Albanian but I have been to Kosovo many times and Kosovo has the better women definitely.

Did you have any nightmares after the attempted rape?
Your trip could have been cut short right there and then :0

Thankfully you were not anally raped and continued your trip to bang 45 girls in 60 days.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - BlackUniform - 01-20-2017

Quote: (01-19-2017 08:11 PM)Rogaz Wrote:  

I am Albanian but I have been to Kosovo many times and Kosovo has the better women definitely.

Did you have any nightmares after the attempted rape?
Your trip could have been cut short right there and then :0

Thankfully you were not anally raped and continued your trip to bang 45 girls in 60 days.

No nightmares, got pretty quickly over it I think, the first day I had some sort of bad mood but after that it was ok.

PS : Did the Thailand trip before this one.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - Roger - 01-20-2017

How long did you stay in each country on average?

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - BlackUniform - 01-20-2017

Depends on how many places I wanted to see in each. 2-5 days a place.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - Travel Museums - 01-20-2017

Man I thought the rape thing was gonna read like the movie taken with you fending of Albanian gangsters trying to pimp you on the black market.

The old man sounds adorable. You should have wifed him up for the free ride and jerk off session [Image: wink.gif]. Bet he'd have bought you a nice breakfast though. That shit is why I stopped Couchsurfing.

Rough Travel By BlackUniform - Mirjan - 03-06-2017

Why was '' BlackUniform'' banned? Did he make any offence or trolling?

Lol I laughed a bit at the '' rape attempt'' in the serbian border.

Quote: (01-19-2017 04:14 PM)Kamaki4 Wrote:  

Great report, interesting that you found Albanian girls attractive; they are definitely underrated. Even though I'm Greek I don't take it personally that you didn't like the place. I suspect the attitude of the average Greek was the biggest problem. Greece as a country is fantastic, but the economic depression has taken a toll on a wide range of areas from infrastructure and public transit to selection and service.

Even the attitude of the average Greek has changed. We have always been a miserable lot, but 6 years of crushing depression have driven many locals mad.

Albanian women are definitely better looking that greek girls for example but they are not underrated in that way.

They have been a bit out of focus in this forum or other forums for many reasons such as Albanians being not a very big nation, so the number of girls going round will be limited.

However the biggest issue would be the the rep of Albanian guys as cockblocking, jealous, alpha jerks etc etc and albanian environments not being good for approaching girls, social circles have a huge impact also.

However things are changing and everything is getting more liberal.

The rep above would actually suit Albanian Nationalists though.

As for greece it has become a bit of a shithole, but still it is not as bad as people might think.

Among guys it was created an idea that girls in greece would give their pussies to you for 2 euros...

That might happen in brothels, but it is not e phenomena among normal girls.