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International or not? - Printable Version

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International or not? - mofo - 08-18-2011

International or not?

International or not? - MikeCF - 08-18-2011

None of my friends who got rich in their 20's, and are now in their 30's, regret it.

(Just don't get married, fat, or have kids.)

International or not? - Samseau - 08-18-2011

I would go where you can make more $$$, because London isn't horrible for banging girls. Also, you can still visit France to pick up a few "out of town" girls.

International or not? - Tim9000 - 08-20-2011

Could you explain option 'B' a little more? Even if this person in France were a great friend, how could he have have the time and energy to do the knowledge dump that you're assuming is part of the deal? Between the two of you there would have to be enough money to pay the rent. If one of you will be working full-time that doesn't leave as much time and energy as you would think. What you're describing sounds like the lifestyle of indepenently wealthy intellectuals who can sit around, play chess, read, and chase women. That lifestyle would be awesome but even if you managed to find it, it probably wouldn't last very long (a few months to a year) before one of you started dating someone seriously or otherwise wanted to go in another direction.


International or not? - Hooligan Harry - 08-20-2011

Jesus posts like this annoy the fuck out of me. Look I dont mean to be nasty here, and this is a rant as much as anything else so dont take it too personally, but you need to stop daydreaming.

How can you learn anything about business by having a mentor that you travel with and party with? What are you saying here? Are you like his butler or something? Unless the guy is a self made multi millionaire and you are WORKING for him, I fail to understand how you are going to learn anything about "business" from this guy.

There was some other retard on here the other day who asked the forum where he should start if he wants to learn about business "and doing global shit". How do people come up with things like this? You dont just "learn business". Its not fucking piano or ballet. When someone approaches this in such a simplistic way I have to wonder if they are mentally handicapped or something. If it was that clear cut we would all be wealthy like Bill Gates.

You say you are going to get a sales job in London? What sort of sales? Have you got the job lined up? You dont walk off the street as a 22 year old kid and get stuck into an office wheeling and dealing. Its a trade and a science and its something that has to be developed like any other skill. You start off as a grunt. Yes, you learn a lot about business in this profession, but until you open your own business or have worked your way up to an executive level position, you are not doing anything that can be called "business". You are a monkey who gets contracts signed.

I have been doing this for 16 years now and I see more young bucks broken by this trade than any other. Simply because they come into this game with idealistic views on what it will all lead to.

Basic advice

- Go to London and get a job
- Use that as a base to travel from, Europe is on your doorstep and the pound is strong. You can do weekends and 3 day trips for fun.
- Skill up and pay your dues. You dont just pitch up and kill it for 5-10 years.
- If you can sell, many jobs come with the expectation of travel. Double whammy here if this is what you want, as many family men and guys with girlfriends dont like to travel for work. I saw the world on the company dime.
- Keep your eyes open for opportunities to do your own thing or get in on the action where you can.

International or not? - mofo - 08-20-2011


International or not? - mofo - 08-20-2011

Thank you for taking your time to respond to my thread.

International or not? - MiXX - 08-20-2011

Quote: (08-18-2011 07:58 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

None of my friends who got rich in their 20's, and are now in their 30's, regret it.

Count me as one of those who got rich in my 20's, and I am now 37 years old, and have NO regrets about accumulating a nice $$$ roll.


International or not? - Hooligan Harry - 08-20-2011

As I say, dont take it personally, even though the tone of my post is a bit confrontational. The problem is that people are not realistic about this sort of stuff and they think you just need to to pitch up or have a good idea or two. They understand a grand scheme or a good idea but they dont have any practical experience or know how to get from A to B. Its not that easy.

When I say "mentally handicapped", Im talking about someone who comes onto a forum like this and asks how long a piece of string is. Its like saying "Hi Guys. I want to build a car from scratch and sell it worldwide. Please help. Thanks." Not your thread alone, the one I pointed to earlier.

Yeah Im a salesman. I started door to door and I come from a lower middle class family too. Im not educated, I am street smart. Background means nothing in this game, but I see it spit out more people than anything else. Yeah I do well these days and its allowed me to see the world.

But you cannot tie your own fate to one individual either. Close friends make for bad business partners no matter how intelligent or capable they may seem. At the same time, you cant learn from one or two individuals only. You need to land jobs where a few old boys take you under their wing and teach you. You need to see what works and what does not. You need to see what mistakes companies make, what mistakes clients and suppliers make. You need to see what they do right. You need to surround yourself with guys who have done it already, not people who think they can do it. They are all going to have a good work ethic, be good communicators, etc. This does not take 5 years, and if you start something in 5 years it will take a long time to build it up. Start it later in life and its quicker to build it.

When you interview, a few tips

- Tell them you sell because you like money and you want to write your own check. None of this "i like people" bullshit.
- Tell them you want to work for yourself one day and you feel this profession is the best education for that goal.
- Make sure you have no problem cold calling or going door to door, and you tell them that.

I dont hear that sort of shit from a young salesman he wont get a job with me. If he gives me some bullshit about liking people or liking the challenge or some other faggot crap, Ill cut the thing short. We sell to make money, not to make friends. If the person interviewing does not like to hear that sort of talk, they did you a favour. It means the people you are learning from are not salespeople, they are corporate drones answering phones, sitting in meetings and doing presentations all day. You need to seek that work out if you want to learn. You sit answering phones you wont progress. You need to see the first 2-3 years as an education and nothing else. Most cant do that and its why they get spat out.

If its London, look up the magazine publishers or media houses. Its the largest in Europe. Contact the sales managers in their advertising departments and tell them you want a job. They churn sales people and they are slaughter houses, but they will train you and are almost always looking. You will sell off headsets and make 100 cold calls a day. You make it two years there, you have a foundation and can get something thats not the hell those sales floors are.

Good luck dude. Let your friend go to France, go get yourself a proper job if you want to learn. its 50 pound to go to France from the UK and its a 1 hour trip. Meet up with him on the weekends to go chase skirt instead.

International or not? - alb3 - 08-20-2011

Quote: (08-20-2011 10:00 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

As I say, dont take it personally, even though the tone of my post is a bit confrontational. The problem is that people are not realistic about this sort of stuff and they think you just need to to pitch up or have a good idea or two. They understand a grand scheme or a good idea but they dont have any practical experience or know how to get from A to B. Its not that easy.

When I say "mentally handicapped", Im talking about someone who comes onto a forum like this and asks how long a piece of string is. Its like saying "Hi Guys. I want to build a car from scratch and sell it worldwide. Please help. Thanks." Not your thread alone, the one I pointed to earlier.

Yeah Im a salesman. I started door to door and I come from a lower middle class family too. Im not educated, I am street smart. Background means nothing in this game, but I see it spit out more people than anything else. Yeah I do well these days and its allowed me to see the world.

But you cannot tie your own fate to one individual either. Close friends make for bad business partners no matter how intelligent or capable they may seem. At the same time, you cant learn from one or two individuals only. You need to land jobs where a few old boys take you under their wing and teach you. You need to see what works and what does not. You need to see what mistakes companies make, what mistakes clients and suppliers make. You need to see what they do right. You need to surround yourself with guys who have done it already, not people who think they can do it. They are all going to have a good work ethic, be good communicators, etc. This does not take 5 years, and if you start something in 5 years it will take a long time to build it up. Start it later in life and its quicker to build it.

When you interview, a few tips

- Tell them you sell because you like money and you want to write your own check. None of this "i like people" bullshit.
- Tell them you want to work for yourself one day and you feel this profession is the best education for that goal.
- Make sure you have no problem cold calling or going door to door, and you tell them that.

I dont hear that sort of shit from a young salesman he wont get a job with me. If he gives me some bullshit about liking people or liking the challenge or some other faggot crap, Ill cut the thing short. We sell to make money, not to make friends. If the person interviewing does not like to hear that sort of talk, they did you a favour. It means the people you are learning from are not salespeople, they are corporate drones answering phones, sitting in meetings and doing presentations all day. You need to seek that work out if you want to learn. You sit answering phones you wont progress. You need to see the first 2-3 years as an education and nothing else. Most cant do that and its why they get spat out.

If its London, look up the magazine publishers or media houses. Its the largest in Europe. Contact the sales managers in their advertising departments and tell them you want a job. They churn sales people and they are slaughter houses, but they will train you and are almost always looking. You will sell off headsets and make 100 cold calls a day. You make it two years there, you have a foundation and can get something thats not the hell those sales floors are.

Good luck dude. Let your friend go to France, go get yourself a proper job if you want to learn. its 50 pound to go to France from the UK and its a 1 hour trip. Meet up with him on the weekends to go chase skirt instead.

Great advice!

International or not? - Sonsowey - 08-20-2011

You could stop by France first, for however long you're comfortable with (6 months, a year), and then go to London with French skills and connections in France, which will be easy to tap being so close.

What's more valuable long-term, speaking French, or starting work 6 months earlier? Those language skills will always set you above the competition.

Think about 2020. Will you be much better off for having started work in Sept 2011 instead of March 2012?

International or not? - mofo - 08-21-2011

I really appreciate it, thanks.

International or not? - Dash Global - 08-21-2011

There is no guarantee than you will succeed or get rich in London.

You know how many people are in sales?

I may be wrong but I dont think you have a REAL well planned out blueprint for success. It is sorta like 90% of college business majors. They all say Im gonna start my own business and become rich after i graduate. I just just shake my head, and wish em luck lol. When in reality only maybe 5% will ever succeed and own a successful business.

To sum it up. Try to develop a realistic thorough plan for success. Not saying you dont have one, but from the sound of it, it appears WAY to vague and homersih.

The last thing you wanna do is fail on both fronts. Life / Travel & Business.

Good luck, none the less

International or not? - G Trooper - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-20-2011 10:00 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Yeah Im a salesman.

Hooligan Harry, thank you for that, that shit hit right home.

I am in my 20's and have been in sales for a year and a half (in an industry where the juice is without a doubt worth the squeeze.)

I have seen these young bucks get swapped out like changing underwear. When I read your first post, I got pissed and then I realized that shit is the spoken truth.

I see the troopers who have stayed through it 5, 8, 10 years down the road and are smooth sailing, making mad cheddar.

Thank you again man, I just saw the brightest fucking light at the end of the tunnel.

International or not? - Screwston - 08-27-2011

Quote: (08-20-2011 07:39 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Jesus posts like this annoy the fuck out of me. Look I dont mean to be nasty here, and this is a rant as much as anything else so dont take it too personally, but you need to stop daydreaming.

How can you learn anything about business by having a mentor that you travel with and party with? What are you saying here? Are you like his butler or something? Unless the guy is a self made multi millionaire and you are WORKING for him, I fail to understand how you are going to learn anything about "business" from this guy.

There was some other retard on here the other day who asked the forum where he should start if he wants to learn about business "and doing global shit". How do people come up with things like this? You dont just "learn business". Its not fucking piano or ballet. When someone approaches this in such a simplistic way I have to wonder if they are mentally handicapped or something. If it was that clear cut we would all be wealthy like Bill Gates.

You say you are going to get a sales job in London? What sort of sales? Have you got the job lined up? You dont walk off the street as a 22 year old kid and get stuck into an office wheeling and dealing. Its a trade and a science and its something that has to be developed like any other skill. You start off as a grunt. Yes, you learn a lot about business in this profession, but until you open your own business or have worked your way up to an executive level position, you are not doing anything that can be called "business". You are a monkey who gets contracts signed.

I have been doing this for 16 years now and I see more young bucks broken by this trade than any other. Simply because they come into this game with idealistic views on what it will all lead to.

Basic advice

- Go to London and get a job
- Use that as a base to travel from, Europe is on your doorstep and the pound is strong. You can do weekends and 3 day trips for fun.
- Skill up and pay your dues. You dont just pitch up and kill it for 5-10 years.
- If you can sell, many jobs come with the expectation of travel. Double whammy here if this is what you want, as many family men and guys with girlfriends dont like to travel for work. I saw the world on the company dime.
- Keep your eyes open for opportunities to do your own thing or get in on the action where you can.
Are you talking about me Harry for asking about business magazines? I did say "global shit" in my post so that's why I'm asking. Go smoke a blunt and shut up if you are. If not, disgregard that.